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The Rover

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I refuse to go out for those 4-hour sales. :rolleyes: The mall here opened at 1am this morning for shopping. Fucking pathetic. The news said that there were over 30,000 people at the mall alone, and that doors had been ripped off the frames, people trampled, and merchandise destroyed. Yuck. I'd rather not partake in that. We are going to the store, in a while, but since the 4-hour sales are long over, we'll have to deal with a crowd, and that's it.

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I was watching reports on the amount of Canadian shoppers who flocked across the border for Black Friday shopping..One local reporter, who lives in a town that is trying to rejeuvenate its downtown, was giving the wait times at the border into Michigan..I wonder how much longer he will have his job??

Shoppers may believe they are getting deals but remember one has to add in the high cost of gas to get to the stores in the US. Are they really saving that much?


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Nothing....but I did take a cruise through the parking lot of my local Best Buy on my way home last night, I just had to chuckle at the 100 people already lined up for the 5:00 am opening. Bear in mind this was 7:30 pm.

I'm not sure any savings is worth camping out like that....not even a cool concert ticket to be had. ^_^

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My cousin is just finishing a 24 hour shift at his two jobs today: Best Buy and some mall store. I can just imagine the insanity storm he's just weathered.

Does the money you save really make it worth the trouble?

Anyways, I already said that my only Black Friday savings was a 50% off White Album. I looked around FYE but noticed that the stuff I want to buy isn't on sale, or isn't even stocked. And, yet, every single time they ask me "did you find everything ok?" at a check out stand I automatically say "yeah". Why do I keep saying that? What will they do when I tell them I couldn't find half of the albums on my want list? They can't do anything. It'll just make the rest of the check out awkward.

So, next time I go through the line, I'll still say "yeah".

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I bought some Super Slinkeys this morning... saw the lines at stores while driving home... and laughed at the idiots actually buying stuff. If you look in the paper this week you can just find a coupon that'll get you the same stuff for the same price next friday.

And apparently the local guitar shop doesn't celebrate black friday. my super slinks were still $6 <_< .

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There isn't a damned thing in the universe that I would wake up at 4 in the morning for...except maybe a Led Zeppelin concert, but thankfully they're REASONABLE people, too. So yeah, I got nothing today. Even if I was as commerce-crazed as some people and wanted to get up, there wouldn't have been any place to park. It's hard enough to find a spot on your average weekend...I can't imagine what this morning was like.

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I saw on the news yesterday that some of the people who waited in line at the mall to get in at 1am on Friday morning had been waiting there since 6am on Thursday morning. What a waste of everyone's time. What the hell? Even if you make $6 an hour, (which I don't thank God), you've just spent $144 of your "money" (what you would have made working during this time, theoretically) waiting in line to save money.

Dumbasses. :rolleyes:

I did buy some things at a store that offers a Black Friday sale yesterday. It wasn't anything that was on sale, and it was stuff that we needed--a new pot for a plant that seriously needs re-potting, some potting soil, some food, and a few plates to complete my "new dishes" set. None of which was on sale except for the pots (40% off).

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