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Stairway bashers

The Bomber

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Children whats all this hate buisness ?? ok some might not like a song or whatever, but hate thats deep man :blink: I mean if someone hates a song what are they like with people, all that venom !! I f*cking hate them type of people :rolleyes::unsure:

Compared to how much love there is for the song;I don't think it's "all this hate",I think it's an unpopular opinion that's being shared.

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The only reason I personally don't like Stairway is because all the idiots who walk around wearing Led Zeppelin shirts ONLY know that song. Then they talk about the "guitarist Robert Plant."

I blame the posers. They ruined the world. This is not an exaggeration.

*Disclaimer: I do like this song, though. Although learning all the picking on the guitar is a pain in the ass.*

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I agree completely BozoEqualsGoodStuff,posers have ruined the world,or rather,pos3r diz notx rooin da wurld u @$$face!And this was posted on the newbies by accident,also,i accept your opinion 59LesPaul,i think it's the best song they ever wrote,i wouldn't doubt that,but that doesn't mean you have to love it.

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Believe me;it isn't difficult at all.

Same here. I don't hate it, but I'm not in a rush to play it or listen to it again when I put the album on. Of all their "epic" songs, this one ranks below Kashmir, Tea For One and Achilles as far as I'm concerned. It's good, but it's not great. But like you also said, if you really really really love it, then that's what counts.

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Bonham was "right" saying that No Quarter was a fucking horrible song... Stairway is a fucking beautiful song.

Not often I would disagree with the esteemed Mr. Bonham, however I do find it ironic that a great majority of fans think Jimmy's best moment was the solo on No Quarter. No Quarter is awesome IMO, especially live. To each his own I guess, even Bonzo. :beer:

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Below Tea for One???.............................I dont think Tea For One has ever been mentioned.

Yes and so what? If I was asked to pick which song I like the best of that two, I would choose Tea For One every single time. And just because Rolling Stone (which is hardly credible) and other music magazines/critics/polls don't talk about the song a lot (or even at all) doesn't mean it's bad or that it's not worthy of being called one of their best. IN MY OPINION, it is.

I think Stairway is overrated, overplayed and overhyped. It's a good song, it doesn't suck by any means, but for some people to think it's the be all and end all of their catalogue and talent is beyond me. It's not even the best song on Zep IV, but there are people who will defend it to the death as if they never did any better before or after. To each their own and if that's how they really feel so be it, but I think that's overstating the one song and underestimating the rest.

Again, this is my opinion. So don't bother arguing with me, no one is going to change their minds anytime soon.

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It's funny, because I don't know anyone who thinks it's the "be all end all" rock track. There are fans who love it, and there are fans who don't. I frankly think it's the media who's built this mystique around the song and made it either a priceless gem or a stigma. The naysaying Zep fans I've seen dismiss it tend to talk of it being overplayed and overhyped. But it's not fans who caused this. It's the media. None of this affects the merits of the song. It is what it is. What makes people bash it is what people make it into.

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But you have to admit it is a GREAT song. Not a good song dont you?? How in the fuck can you say that Tea for One even compares? It is just plain nonsense. It had to have an incredible impact for even the media to make so much of it. It is what it is. And what it is is a fucking MASTERPIECE.

Oh I wasn't giving an opinion at all my friend, just an observation about perceptions. I agree it's a crowning achievement any other group could only dream of! A masterpiece indeed! One of the best tracks of all time!

Tea For One, on the other hand is a masterpiece among Zep fans. One of Jimmy's most soulful and touching solos. Second only to the live No Quarter from TSRTS. The general public probably wouldn't notice if they weren't listening for it. They just wouldn't understand the context of the song as it fits into the catalog.

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I don't give a flying fuck what people think of Tea For One or what percentage of what poll know it versus other songs they've done, to me it's better than Stairway. It moves me more than Stairway does, the lyrics affect me more than Stairway's lyrics do and the music is more hypnotic.....much like Since I've Been Loving You. It's a sad, deeply personal song about loneliness and sorrow (that's how I interpret it) and it has been a song that I listen to during certain moments of my life when all I need to do is be alone and cry for a while. So that's why I feel about the song the way I do.

I don't buy into music polls and I sure as shit don't think they're an indicator of anything relevant. If that poll were to exist, it wouldn't change my opinion one iota. Like Evster said, it's a masterpiece among Zep fans.....I'm a Zep fan, it's a masterpiece to me.

If you don't like people criticizing STH.......oh well.

Edited by Electrophile
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I don't give a flying fuck what people think of Tea For One or what percentage of what poll know it versus other songs they've done, to me it's better than Stairway. It moves me more than Stairway does, the lyrics affect me more than Stairway's lyrics do and the music is more hypnotic.....much like Since I've Been Loving You. It's a sad, deeply personal song about loneliness and sorrow (that's how I interpret it) and it has been a song that I listen to during certain moments of my life when all I need to do is be alone and cry for a while. So that's why I feel about the song the way I do.

I don't buy music polls and I sure as shit don't think they're an indicator of anything relevant. If people don't know Tea For One, that's their loss, as I think it's a damn good song.

I'm not wrong, I'm not full of shit, I'm not stupid.....I'm merely voicing my opinion about a fucking song. If you can't handle someone disliking or criticizing the song, that's not my problem. If you want to call Tea For One the worst song ever written in the history of recorded music, go for it. Won't hurt me none.

Wow! Who said that??? Why are you so angry??

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Wow! Who said that??? Why are you so angry??

Because I get sick and tired of this crap. It's one thing in my mind to disagree and say "well, to each their own, I really like the song" and coming off like you're saying I'm stupid and full of shit. I can't tolerate that garbage. I don't tell people who do like the song they're wrong, or dumb or god knows what else, I at the very least expect that from other people. I've said numerous times that while I don't care for the song, if you do, then that's great.

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I am only trying to get it through your thick skull

I stopped reading right here. You don't need to get anything through my "thick skull", you condescending toolbox. You're no authority figure who needs to educate me....are you serious? As if you're right and I'm wrong, and you need to "correct" me. The nerve.

I voiced my opinion on a song, and you're coming off to me like I'm insisting that 2+2 is 7. My God.

Edited by Electrophile
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I still hate turtles. I don't give a fuck what you guys say. I don't care if you guys have a thousand more fucking post's then me. I don't care if you guys are part 0f the Old Board was cooler crowd. You are all fucking noobs in my world and i pwned. Whoa that felt good. what were we discussing?

Edit. This is sarcasm. I do not feel this way. As far as I'm concern everyone is treated fairly no matter who you are. Im trying to act like a internet twerp as a joke. so TYDT

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Dear God, make it stop.

You don't think Tea For One is same kind of song I do, but you don't see me sitting here telling you to "get it through your thick skull" now do you? No you don't. Why? Because you're allowed to have whatever opinion of the song you want, the same as I'm allowed to think Stairway is good, not great. That's the beautiful thing about opinions.

If you can't handle someone disagreeing with your opinion of the song, deal with it yourself, don't try and "educate" me or "correct" me about how wrong you think I am. I don't care how old you are, how much more time listening to music you've had over me or any other such thing. My dad is 58 years old and feels the same way about the song as I do. You want to tell him he doesn't have as much life experience as you and is therefore wrong?

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I still hate turtles. I don't give a fuck what you guys say. I don't care if you guys have a thousand more fucking post's then me. I don't care if you guys are part 0f the Old Board was cooler crowd. You are all fucking noobs in my world and i pwned. Who that felt good. what were we discussing?

I don't know what "pwned" means, guess I'm a noob to that, no matter how many posts I have. Personally, I think post counts don't mean shit. I've said that before (at least twice today actually). It's the content that matters. I certainly don't have a thousand posts (or do I?). Don't matter. Are you just being random with your turtle stuff, or are you trolling? And why are you attacking people just because they've been a part of the old board? Does being a part of a longstanding Zep community give us a black mark? Does it somehow make us subhuman? What's your point?

Edited by Evster2012
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Just woke up amd saw your post Evster. Thanks for telling that prick off. Well its 3 hrs earlier where you are. Back to sleep for me. Catch you later if you are still there!

Yeah, I try to be cordial, but then there's times y'know? I probably won't be on much longer. It's late (or early depending) and I'm doing more corrections than typing words! :rolleyes:

Mmmmm, pillow! :yay:

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