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Bon Jovi Better than Led Zeppelin?! QWAh?!


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Please tell me why any of you are bothered by a stupid online poll that has no bearing on real life. Who gives a rat's ass if Bon Jovi is winning. Will that suddenly make Led Zeppelin shitty or something?
It's simply the idea of Bon Jovi winning.

To me it makes the world sound like it's lost it's musical mind.

To me, it's honestly as shocking as seeing a poll that puts the KKK as the number 1 political faction in the country. It just scares me :ph34r:

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It's simply the idea of Bon Jovi winning.

To me it makes the world sound like it's lost it's musical mind.

To me, it's honestly as shocking as seeing a poll that puts the KKK as the number 1 political faction in the country. It just scares me :ph34r:

That happened a long time ago.

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To me, it's honestly as shocking as seeing a poll that puts the KKK as the number 1 political faction in the country. It just scares me

You can't possibly be serious. You are honestly equating Bon Jovi leading a stupid online music poll with the KKK being voted top political faction in another equally as stupid poll? One is shocking because it shows racists, bigots and prejudiced fuckheads overpowering intelligent people. The other is shocking......how again?

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You can't possibly be serious. The other is shocking......how again?

uh, because bon jovi is the epitome of sucky, fake rock and roll...you know, kinda like karen carpenter beating Bonzo in the Best Drummer category in Playboy magazine back in the seventies

or putting the monkees in the same category with jimi hendrix...it's so obviously lopsided that you just know it's a sham from the git...

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Bon Jovi? What a terrible poll. Let's throw Limp Bizkit in there while we are at it. Make it a complete joke.

or how 'bouts Pee Wee Herman and some jugglers...or that poor soul from "Deliverance" who played "dueling banjo's"...he'd probably win the poll, as well. 'Ol boy'd probably blow jimmy right off the swing... :D ...just like bon jovi.

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You can't possibly be serious. You are honestly equating Bon Jovi leading a stupid online music poll with the KKK being voted top political faction in another equally as stupid poll? One is shocking because it shows racists, bigots and prejudiced fuckheads overpowering intelligent people. The other is shocking......how again?

Well I'm not being literally honest here, I'm just saying that I"m shocked as hell that a band as great as Zeppelin is being considered as equal to Bon Jovi in the eyes of the world

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Vote for zepp, jimmy and plant!

heres the zepp poll as it stands so far:

Queen: 25.17%

Bon Jovi: 25.01% <_<

The Beatles: 24.95%

Led Zeppelin : 24.87%

Vote once everyday!

:blink: ....... :hysterical::wtf:

Where is Pink Floyd?

that is BUL.SHIT. Zep is FOUR?... that is not a poll, that is just a place where a bunch of Fuc.kers think: "I know about music"... And im not just saying this because that... that page is Bul.shit, the others polls too...

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Vote for zepp, jimmy and plant!

heres the zepp poll as it stands so far:

Queen: 25.17%

Bon Jovi: 25.01% <_<

The Beatles: 24.95%

Led Zeppelin : 24.87%

Vote once everyday!

Well, Led Zeppelin was eliminated today. Not that it really matters. Just a silly internet poll

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I never put any faith in those silly crappy polls. If a poll was taken today about a modern band versus say Led Zeppelin, the modern bands would win, even if they had been on the block for a year rather than 30 years. Polls don't say how good a band is....music does. AND ZEPPELIN ARE THE BAND TO LOVE!! :thumbsup:

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