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No Soul Man

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I love all history, but I love a bit more:

Quilombo dos Palmares - Freedom to the africans in Brasil

French Revolution, when the people started to get the power

Pernambucan Revolt - 1817, the first experience of democracy in South America, and a lot of it's heroes are street name here, in my city...

South American Bolívar's War - led to the independence of several South American states from the colonial rule of Spain and the formation of Great Colombia.

Confederation of the Equator - The third experience of freedon in my State

Paris Commune - the first workers government

Russian Revolution - The first country's workers government

Spanish Civil War - we didn't win, but...

Cuban Revolution - CUBA LIBRE...

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Thanks you guys! Some really great ideas. I need to do some heavy thinking still. I want to get a A so I need to pick my topic carefully. I would never thought of doing it on landing on the moon, that was a great idea. And thank you The Rover, Del, Joelmon and bigstickbonzo for so many great suggestions.

If that is what you choose to do. Start with Kennedy's pledge to 'Put a man on the moon and bring him back safely".. It is an amazing story, full of drama, sacrifice, and courage. Given all the horrible events that were going on, it was a story of hope and it showed how good we humans can be... when we put our minds to it... It is a true American Story :)

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Fair enough.

Okay, how about the Spanish Explorers as a topic? My favorite was Cortez. I loved the way he and a small group of soldiers were able to bring that whole blood thirsty Aztec Empire to it's knees.

Yep, Cortez was a Spanish Superhero!


Cortez was "muy hombre" for sure, whether you like him or not , the man had iron balls. We have to remember that he did have Indian alies that aided him and fought along side the Spaniards to over throw the Aztec empire. I can't recall their name, but they were tired of being under the Aztec yoke. Funny to this day they are regarded as traitors by all Mexicans and the Aztecs are venerated . I always argue the point that the Aztecs were not passive, peace loving people and the wicked Spaniards came along and wiped them out, nothing could be farther from the truth. Their time had come, as it does for all empires, Spain was no exception. Some of my favorite historical events in regards to Spain center around the resistance to Roman occupation. It took the Romans 2 centuries to subdue the native Spaniards. Spain bled Rome white , the "brave" Roman soldiers would defect instead of fighting in Iberia. While the south of Spain became a Roman strong hold, the center, west and the far north were still in the hands of the Celts, Celtiberians and mountain tribes. There are many famous stories abounding with heroes like Viriato, Corrocota and Rhetogenes. The Celtiberian wars in which the brave little fortified town of Numantia held the Romans off until the Romans starved them out. The Cantabrian wars in which the Romans were dealt defeat after defeat. Spain may speak a "Latinized" tounge these days, but they didn't leave much of a racial imprint on Spain. The Romans even adopted many Spanish weapons and tactics. The famed sword of Rome has a Spanish origin, hence the name "Gladius Hispaniensis" the "Spanish sword". I prefer the "falcata" which was a reversed ,curved saber, alot like the kurki from Nepal. The Romans were terrified of this blade, it forced them to modify their sheilds and helmets because the blow from this short sword was so powerful. Spain has been a country that has been invaded many times with the same results, the guerrillas make the life of the invaders hell...the word itself is Spanish in origin..it means "Little war".
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The Battle of the Somme in World War one.

The My Lai massacre int he Vietnam War.

Probably my favourite historical event was the disappearance of the people of the Roanoke colony in the 1700s.

The battle of the Somme... Wasn't that intrduction of chemical warfare in WWI

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That freaks me out....creepy.

It is creepy. They still don't know what happened, the whole colony practically vanished overnight.

And Ally, I don't know but the battle is one of the most famous events in WWI. I remember in 6th class, we went through it in detail, even had a sorof timeline of what happened that morning before the soldiers went over. Still affects me even now.

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If that is what you choose to do. Start with Kennedy's pledge to 'Put a man on the moon and bring him back safely".. It is an amazing story, full of drama, sacrifice, and courage. Given all the horrible events that were going on, it was a story of hope and it showed how good we humans can be... when we put our minds to it... It is a true American Story :)

Or if you believe the Earth is flat (and i assure you, some people still do), you believe it's all fake :rolleyes:

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The Battle Of Gettysburg.

I have been to Gettysburg seven times now. Still haven`t taken in all of the park.

Living through The Cuban Missile Crisis as a first grader.

Duck and cover.

The school sent a letter home asking what the school should do with the kids when the bomb fell.

My grandmother cried.

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The Battle Of Gettysburg.

I have been to Gettysburg seven times now. Still haven`t taken in all of the park.

Living through The Cuban Missile Crisis as a first grader.

Duck and cover.

The school sent a letter home asking what the school should do with the kids when the bomb fell.

My grandmother cried.

Seven times, that's insane! My parents took me to Gettysburg for a family trip a few summers ago. There is tons to see. Do you live nearby the area? I'm from Fairfax Virginia.

I am currently leaning towards doing my paper on Landing on the Moon! Still thinking though.

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Seven times, that's insane! My parents took me to Gettysburg for a family trip a few summers ago. There is tons to see. Do you live nearby the area? I'm from Fairfax Virginia.

I am currently leaning towards doing my paper on Landing on the Moon! Still thinking though.

No I live in Texas. I wish to retire to Gettysburg on day.

Frequent Flyer has its advantages.

I remember the moon landing as well. The summer of `69 was sweltering hot. Especially down South.

The family sat in front of the television for hours waiting for those grainy B&W glimpses of Neil and Buzz.

No air conditioning.

The world held its collective breath in awe that summer.

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No I live in Texas. I wish to retire to Gettysburg on day.

Frequent Flyer has its advantages.

I remember the moon landing as well. The summer of `69 was sweltering hot. Especially down South.

The family sat in front of the television for hours waiting for those grainy B&W glimpses of Neil and Buzz.

No air conditioning.

The world held its collective breath in awe that summer.

Sounds like a funny place to retire if you don't live there. I mean, so many dead and buried there already!

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definitely so hard to choose from, I love history

but, I agree with leddy on the Russian Revolution, I love learning about that event.

Then I do also agree with Woodstock as well as Monterey :D, '67, the summer of love :) :)

World War II is one of my most favorite subjects to learn about.

But my favorite would probably be The French Revolution :D I love learning about Robespierre and the bloody Reign of Terror. :) Plus, you have the introduction of the guillotine, and it was a result of the ideals of Enlightenment philosophes like John Locke. Not to mention the storming of the Bastille and the execution of Marie Antoinette

French Revolution is one of the best to learn about, I certainly enjoyed it. And one of my paintings is from the era.


One of the revolutionaries[ I forgot his name] but during the Reign of Terror, he resorted underground because of his skin condition. He was killed there as well. Maybe his name is Marat :P Edit: Yes, it was Marat

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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Paul Revere's Ride

Washington kicking the Hessian's asses at Trenton.

Salk's polio cure

1964 Alaskan quake

The Marine Corps victory at Iwo Jima

Spaniard Antonio Torres making the first modern classical guitars

Macarthur returning to the Philippines and changing Japan to the modern age

The invention of photography and movies


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Hi all,

Hi, i am a new member. I am 16 and a big fan of the mighty LED ZEPPELIN! I need your help. For my World History class i need to write a detailed report on any historical event i choose. I can't narrow one down since there are too many! Can i get some suggestions, PLEASE? Thanks guys, and ROCK N ROLL!!!


KB (hope you get an A+!) :)

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