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Why PROMOTE Mothership....


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Why in the world, even in Japan, would Jimmy feel the need to "Promote" the Mothership CD release?

These songs have been played and over-played (Black Dog, WLL, STH, RnR, etc.) for more than 30 years. These songs need no hype or even conversation anymore.

Now, when Jimmy is ready with NEW Zep material - that will be reason enough to travel the world on a promotional tour. THAT will be exciting and exactly what will bring Robert around to a "Tour" mind-set with Zeppelin.

Anyone have good reasons for a Mothership promotion? Let's hear them...

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To open up the Zep catologue to a new younger audience ,who may never of heard any Zep tunes or not known they were Zep songs !!! To keep Zep in the public eye, I understand Page promoting it, it was his band and is still very proud of it all, Christ i think i would still be promoting it after all these years if it was me !!

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My reply to the same question you posed in another thread:

In answer to your question the Japanese always want a little more from international artists in the way of promoting their product. Typically an international act would have to supply an extra track not available anywhere else in the world and personal promotion including interviews, personal appearances/signings etc. This is to offset revenue lost by domestic Japanese artists in the way of album sales. The fact that Page is doing promotion there has no other particular relevence.

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Rumor has it some teenage kids in today's day either haven't heard of Led Zeppelin or haven't heard their music. I personally can't imagine that. But, I have 2 teenage kids and they've brought friends home that I've had to corrupt in a detailed ritual of candles inscense and Stairway to Heaven played backwards until their eyes glossed over and they cried out "ZOSO FOREVER!" Sorry. I just had to :hysterical:.

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That say's it all :D

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That say's it all :D

I can't honestly believe Jimmy and clan are making a killing in terms of dollars on the Mothership release.

It just doesn't offer much material that would excite new or old Zep fans (I did however buy it anyway - 9.99 on sale) and in today's "download-able" world why would the teens even spend their money on it.

It's all been heard before - and that's the problem, just ask Robert...

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I can't honestly believe Jimmy and clan are making a killing in terms of dollars on the Mothership release.

It just doesn't offer much material that would excite new or old Zep fans (I did however buy it anyway - 9.99 on sale) and in today's "download-able" world why would the teens even spend their money on it.

It's all been heard before - and that's the problem, just ask Robert...

It doesn't offer much to excite new fans?? :blink: Uh, okay jaded one.

It's all been heard before??? My next door neighbor's son turned 21 last week. I gave him the album as a b-day present. He had no idea what it was. Now he's a fan. So there you go.

Look, the main intent with Mothership was two-fold. First, the band didn't think the Early Days/Latter Days releases were a satisfactory representation of the band's work. Second, Mothership was presented for the express purpose of being available for download.

And I think it's shortsighted to think $$$$$$$$ was the only motivation. Call me a Pollyanna, but isn't it possible that the band also want to share their legacy with a new generation of music lovers while making all those $$$$$$$??? I call that a win win situation. :beer:

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Anyone have good reasons for a Mothership promotion? Let's hear them...

True to form, you've chosen to throw stones in a quiet pond. No sooner had I already answered this inquiry in another thread you elected to start this new one. The answer

doesn't change:

Contractual obligation.

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True to form, you've chosen to throw stones in a quiet pond. No sooner had I already answered this inquiry in another thread you elected to start this new one. The answer

doesn't change:

Contractual obligation.

Ya think? Lord, I hope not! Call the lawyers and negotiate a more realistic contract Jimmy!!

My call on this : Mothership is a non-entity. Useless in the Zep legacy. Promote that.

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And no other band or artist would dream of promoting a package then even if stuff has been released before?

Dear me, its a naive question nirvana.

This smacks of getting at RP for not touring.

One of the very reasons Robert met with Alison BEFORE Jimmy and JPJ was to do NEW material. Something interesting, new, relevant, and out of the box (for him anyway).

If Zeppelin had new material first - I guarentee you Robert would have been on board for a limited tour after the O2 Show.

Jimmy has new material but in typical style, delayed any progress toward it until it was too late.

It's all about leaving the past behind folks...Zeppelin needs to move forward - leave the Black Dogs and the Whole lotta loves far behind. Robert realizes that now and so does Jimmy - only it was a little too late.

Maybe in September '08 it will all come together. So long Mothership.

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there is a point. New fans. I have a friend who had no idea who Zep was then Mothership came out and now she loves them.

So, they (the friends) never picked up on Zep thru countless hours of radio replays, numerous Zeppelin compilation releases, and TSRTS Movie? It took Mothership to make them fans....huh, go figure.

Maybe I'm wrong about this release, maybe it Was relevant afterall.

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It's a release to replace Early Days Latter Days, the man in ruffles said.

Are you wearing a media pass or just hard of hearing... :)

Actually I WISH I was at that press conference. I would have argued (discussed) the validity of M-Ship for hours with Jimmy - ruffles or no.

Replacing Early-Latter? What about Box Sets 1,2,AND 3? What about re-issues?

Jimmy knows M-Ship was passe' the minute it hit the shelves.

The least that he could have done was spice it up with something special. And don't say the DVD that came with it...all that was was a re-package of the original DVD.

M-Ship was and will be known as the most over-indulgent, un-called for Zep release. And Robert probably said - Shit! Enough is enough!

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M-Ship was and will be known as the most over-indulgent, un-called for Zep release.

It was a necessary release to replace Early Days Later Days, the man in ruffles said.

Arguing this point at the press conference would not have gotten you anywhere but

the pavement. Remember, contractual obligation.

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It was a necessary release to replace Early Days Later Days, the man in ruffles said.

Arguing this point at the press conference would not have gotten you anywhere but

the pavement. Remember, contractual obligation.

"The Man in Ruffles"....classic! I love it! Steve, never let it be said that you don't have a sense of humour...however dry!

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Ya think? Lord, I hope not! Call the lawyers and negotiate a more realistic contract Jimmy!!

My call on this : Mothership is a non-entity. Useless in the Zep legacy. Promote that.

Due to the coincidence :rolleyes: of the reunion gig coming at the same time as the release of Mothership, the exposure Zep have been receiving has been huge. Old fans feel compelled to maybe add a CD compilation to their old LPs (can’t play those in the car). Plenty of people are being reintroduced to the band. Young fans are caught up in the attention Zep are getting and want to see what the fuss is about, where better to start than an all-in-one package representing the ‘best’ of the band? From here they will go on as I did with the remasters release (which my brother went on to nick, but that’s a side story) to explore the rest of Zeppelin’s catalogue.

I’m seeing kids in Mothership T-Shirts springing up all over. A new generation has been show the light.

That and they added loads of subliminal messages in there ‘cos they fancied fucking with everybody.

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Here's the Simple answer:


They want kids going where (To the best of their knowledge) No man has gone before!

Oh yeah,and they wanna tour but can't and by the time they can,they mightn't wanna anymore.So they made a best of to coincide with a reunion (tour?) and if (dare i hope?) they do tour,we will have new material,now that would break the levee!

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Well no one here has presented a decent, well-informed argument as to why M-Ship is a valid Zep release.

Even Jimmy said (in Japan) when asked why fans should buy it - "No, don't buy it!"

It may be contractual, it may be for a new generation of fans, whatever. What it truly is is a useless piece of plastic packaged for the un-initiated. Hence, promoting M-Ship is a way to soothe the legal suits while keeping the kiddies happy in Japan and other 3rd world countries. Plus, it gives Jimmy extra miles on his airline account.

Give us "real" fans NEW Zeppelin material or take up golf and Friday night Bingo.

Thank God Robert still has that creative Fire burning.

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