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Pet Peeves


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I did reply to your PM, though not right away, because I was busy.

There is nothing for me to explain as far as I can see. People can read the thread and determine for themselves whether your responses are 'amicable'.

Otto, when you call somebody names the very least thing you can do is say "You're a Moron because of this or that". That way, if there was a misunderstanding things can be clarified. To butt in on a thread with nothing more than name-calling is pointless and all you can expect is being called names in return. Then somebody else butts in and you got another thread ruined by people who don't even know what it's all about....as seems to be the case with you.

Edited by FuzzyMerkin
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Edited to add: Since Otto doesn't find it necessary to explain what his post was about and since he hasn't replied to a pm I sent him asking the same question, I have now informed a mod and asked them to have a word with Otto. This may seem like an overreaction but I really don't see any justification for a person to post on a thread solely to add some unprovoked name-calling. Funny - I really tried to avoid having another "drama piece" here but sometimes people just don't seem to be satisfied if things turn out amicably.

A little quick to go running to the mods, doncha think Fuzz? :rolleyes:

I cant help but wonder.. how many other people have you ratted out lately?

Lemme re-phrase that in the form of a pet peeve:

people who go running to the mods.

Edited by Hermit
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A little quick to go running to the mods, doncha think Fuzz? :rolleyes:

I cant help but wonder.. how many other people have you ratted out lately?

If I'd "rat out" people constantly I'd hardly post about it on the board, would I? A little quick to throw around accusations, doncha think "Mr. I Spread Love and Compassion"? :rolleyes: I made a point of talking about it on the board because Otto had not replied to my PM and because I wanted to give him the chance to contact the mods himself if he felt like it. How devious is that? Always expecting the worst from people, aincha, Hermit?

As I said - I'm happy to discuss things on the board or in PMs if there's a problem. However if a person makes only one single post in a thread and that post contains nothing but name-calling and if that person then doesn't find it necessary to explain what they are on about, not on the board, not in PMs, although they've been repeatedly asked to do that in a friendly manner - well, as far as I'm concerned that's the exact description of a troll and I'm not interested in dealing with trolls - that's what the mods are for. Btw - I asked them to have a word with Otto, not to ban him or to pull the thread or whatever. Simply to try and point out to him that his behaviour wasn't quite right. Of course I could just have called him names in return and let this turn into a fight - over absolutely nothing - as seems to be the normal procedure on this board. Excuse me if I can't be bothered with that though, much as I know how much more entertaining this would have been for onlookers...like you.

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The last page or two of this thread just makes me laugh :lol:. I don't know how many that's equivalent to compared to the standard layout. Probably four pages.

Tell me - it's amazing what things some people on this board are trying to pick fights about. And that's not even mentioning the number of PMs I got lately from people who were trying to figure out "which side I'm on"... :huh:

Oh well...must be that time of the month... :D

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Hi again folks! :wave:

They say there's a first time for everything. I have verified that with respect to being called a troll now - that's a first.... But as for hearing from the mods about poor little FM's complaint, nope, haven't heard from them yet. And in fact never have. Ever. Perhaps it doesn't rank very high on their priorities list to scold a 'troll' such as myself. :rolleyes:

And it even goes both ways, because I have never ever contacted the mods about any issues on the board - that's including the old forums. I still might do so in the future, I guess, but I haven't yet. B)

Now, this is the Pet Peeves thread - please keep nagging, people. :)

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Tell me - it's amazing what things some people on this board are trying to pick fights about. And that's not even mentioning the number of PMs I got lately from people who were trying to figure out "which side I'm on"... :huh:

Oh well...must be that time of the month... :D

When its that time of the month, nobody better pick a fight with me.


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When my roommates make every attempt to burn the dorm down, which I think is what they're doing right now.

I'll be right back...... maybe.

Well, they didn't actually burn it down, but it REALLY smells like they did. Pyros... And now they're playing angry girl music. I don't want to know what's going on. :unsure:

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pet peeve?...well it's actually more disdain and contempt for truly pathetic people. I am talking about people who are banned on forums only to turn up again with a new username....I am confused by the logic behind this, truly I am, because if I am not mistaken such thinly veiled disguises run counter to the intention of hiding one's identity(which I am confused about also...what would be the point of returning if nobody knew who you were?...unless it's creepy stalker type stuff)

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pet peeve?...well it's actually more disdain and contempt for truly pathetic people. I am talking about people who are banned on forums only to turn up again with a new username....I am confused by the logic behind this, truly I am, because if I am not mistaken such thinly veiled disguises run counter to the intention of hiding one's identity(which I am confused about also...what would be the point of returning if nobody knew who you were?...unless it's creepy stalker type stuff)

Mildly annoying, isn't it? I think you hit the nail right on the head with your last comment...it's very creepy.

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If I'd "rat out" people constantly I'd hardly post about it on the board, would I? A little quick to throw around accusations, doncha think "Mr. I Spread Love and Compassion"? :rolleyes: I made a point of talking about it on the board because Otto had not replied to my PM and because I wanted to give him the chance to contact the mods himself if he felt like it. How devious is that? Always expecting the worst from people, aincha, Hermit?

I didn't accuse you of anything, Fuzzy; I merely indicated that I couldn't

help but wonder how many other people you may have also ratted out.

I think it's a reasonable thing to wonder given that you admitted you went running

to the mods over a single, petty comment made by (longtime board member) Otto.

C'mon now,.. ya gotta admit.. you were a little quick to go

reporting to the mods over that, doncha "Ms. Hall Monitor"? :rolleyes:





Namaste, friend.



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:angry: Pet Peeve

People who stroll around the goddamned store like they are in a theme park

make a fuckin list grab what you need and get the fuck out the way. Stand there and read the label, haven't you bought this shit before? No? look it up on the fuckin internet before you leave the house. Forgot something after you're half way through checking out? Tuff! get it next time or go through the line again. Why should I have to spend more of my time because your too stupid to make a fuckin list ( see above ).

Bring something to check out with out knowing the price? then void it because you think it cost to much? some one should kick your ass! find out how much it costs before you get in the fuckin line! :rant::rant::rant: Whew! that felt good, I guess you can tell I made groceries today. :wacko:

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:angry: Pet Peeve

People who stroll around the goddamned store like they are in a theme park

make a fuckin list grab what you need and get the fuck out the way. Stand there and read the label, haven't you bought this shit before? No? look it up on the fuckin internet before you leave the house. Forgot something after you're half way through checking out? Tuff! get it next time or go through the line again. Why should I have to spend more of my time because your too stupid to make a fuckin list ( see above ).

Bring something to check out with out knowing the price? then void it because you think it cost to much? some one should kick your ass! find out how much it costs before you get in the fuckin line! :rant::rant::rant: Whew! that felt good, I guess you can tell I made groceries today. :wacko:

You forgot about the lady with 200 bucks worth of groceries in her cart, 45 coupons for stuff she isn't buying in her hand and a jar of change in her purse

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One pet peeve...especially when frequenting message boards...those who are quick to lift a leg in pissing matches, making nasty messes of threads that start out innocently.

I absolutely agree.

In addition, it's a little annoying when you respond to a poster attacking you and they ignore your response to them.

There are some adults on this board who act like undisciplined children.

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