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Pet Peeves


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I was wondering where this thread had gone!

I've been saving these:

People who sit on weight machines at the gym watching television (some of us go to the gym to use the weights, not for the free cable).

Boys who hog a machine for a million years at the gym and then leave it all nasty and sweaty. I have enough boys to clean up after at home, ta very much.

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Some people just cannot grasp the concept of if you click it ONCE OR TWICE YOUR GOING IN THE MOTHER.

Silly huh?



PS Funny how they can get through all that registration rhetoric and still not understand English. Like DZ says some people are never happy with anything. We need a prozac/phenobarb thread huh doc?

It's like the little kid at the play ground that can't get their way they take their ball and run home to mommy, except in this case they take our ball. :angry:

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One of my biggest peeves is celebrity infatuation. I just shake my head when I'm in the supermarket and walk past an aisle of magazines, that feature a "scoop" on earth shattering stories as "Britney Spears seen in McDonald's drive thru" or "Catherine Zeta Jones-the latest on her tummy upset. More on that story, exclusive to 'Bullshit Magazine-catering for all those losers out there in society with nothing better to do in their own pathetic lives".

You watch the evening news. And some bullshit story on some celebrity like Mel Gibson seen drunk is first on the news. Followed then by such things as peace in the Middle East, Osama Bin Laden gives himself up, aliens landing on the lawn of the Whitehouse, etc.

Why are people so stupid? Are more and more people these days inbred? I don't give a flying you know what if Hugh Grant is starting a high fibre diet or David Beckham confessing that he a toe fetish. I don't care about dumbass Lindsay Lohan or any other celebrity and their daily lives. What is wrong with society these days, that all this celebrity shit makes even the evening news?

Grade A morons.

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The middle-aged women who embarrass themselves by spending time in the Jimmy photo threads, staring at photos from 35 years ago, openly lusting and shamelessly posting their urges. Tbese are the same women who were quick to call (in threads that end up getting deleted by the mods) the girls who had sex with Jimmy "slu--."

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I agree with the post about the lusting women. Many ladies talk out of both sides of their mouths when it comes to their own desires/fantasies and then express disgust with the girls who DID get to have all the fun in the entourage of days gone by.

Post's that reveal the truth should be lauded, not flamed.

People who enjoy sex aren't necessarily sl...'s anyway. That charming characteristic provides lots of fun.

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Let's not see these two oogling in the band photo threads then.

What problem do you two have with the post? Should the poster have waited till they were established or is it the content?

The truth is irritating and moreso for those who it's aimed at. Are you middle aged and lusting?

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I'll oogle where ever I please. My problem is that the poster probably doesn't even know the people who post in those threads. If they had gotten to be there in the 70s with jimmy, maybe they wouldn't have acted the way their posts say. So then they wouldn't have been sluts.

And no I'm not middle aged and lusting. Not that my age is any of your buisness.

EDITED TO SAY: I'm done here. I hate fighting. The board is filled with enough hate I'm not adding to it and besides that I don't want to be banned. If you have a problem with that pm me.

Edited by lzfan715
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Let's not see these two oogling in the band photo threads then.

What problem do you two have with the post? Should the poster have waited till they were established or is it the content?

The truth is irritating and moreso for those who it's aimed at. Are you middle aged and lusting?

Since you asked ...

There are several things which irritate me in the above posts.

Firstly, why join a forum and then make your first post one which criticises (to put it mildly) a group of other established users? Whilst everyone is entitled to their opinion, such an action strikes me as downright rude.

Secondly, I am irritated by the generalisation. Are we to assume that EVERYONE who visits the aforementioned threads is a. middle aged, and b. has a low opinion of past groupies? I think not.

Thirdly, I am sick and tired of people who join this forum simply to pick fights. It's happened a lot recently, and this forum is much the worse for it.

edited to fix unwanted smilie

Edited by Lilith
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I go by content of a post, not caring if someone is new or not. Many first time posters lurk before posting and DO get to know personalities on forums.

The sensitivities irritated here and expressed are the same as those the original poster showed in their irritation of the oogling middle aged women and their hypocracy. So each of you have the right to speak your mind, even though the new person is demonished for it. That doesn't make sense.

Besides, I'm sure there are very old women who oogle too, along with younger ones. Surely the post wasn't only aimed toward a small sampling.

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The middle-aged women who embarrass themselves by spending time in the Jimmy photo threads, staring at photos from 35 years ago, openly lusting and shamelessly posting their urges. Tbese are the same women who were quick to call (in threads that end up getting deleted by the mods) the girls who had sex with Jimmy "slu--."

Be quiet. The only person embarrassing themselves here is you. If women of whatever age that post here want to "shamlessly post their urges", they will and you can't do shit about it. Ignore the thread if you don't like it. Now scram.

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We'll have none of that free speech around here boy!


That creeps me out a little because in the real world... that kid getting kicked is dead or at least hospitalized then wheel-chaired for a long time.

And it also creeps me out 'cause it happened to a friend of mine. Thankfully not from so high, but he cracked his neck, broke his arm, partially dislodged a disc in his spine... his parents sued to family of the kid that pushed him... for the entirety of the hospital bills. The family of the agressor, instead of taking it to court, punished their kid and paid the money as soon as they found out and then some (something like an extra ten or twenty grand to help with the time my friend was in the wheelchair and the time he was recovering/being rehabilitated).

So... pet-peeve:

Proselytizers. I don't give two shits about your good news or your truth. My soul don't need to be saved. I'm Jewish and proud and I'm going to heaven because I have a good heart, I haven't committed any awful sins, and I keep the Ten Commandments. My way isn't wrong just because I haven't accepted your truth. Shut the fuck up, proselytizer... and I'll be laughing as you burn in hell...


Nobody's Fault but Mine

Nobody's fault but Mine

Nobody's fault but Mine

If I don't change

My soul be lost

It's nobody's fault but Mine

They come-a knockin' at my door

They come-a knockin' at my door

(they say) if I don't change

My soul be lost

It's nobody's fault but Mine

They tellin' me that I'm wrong

They tellin' me that I'm wrong

(they say) if I don't change

My soul be lost

It's nobody's fault but Mine

Nobody's fault but Mine

Nobody's fault but Mine

If I don't change

My soul be lost

It's nobody's fault but Mine

(And I don't care!)

They shove their faith in my face

They shove their faith in my face

(they say) if I don't change

My soul be lost

It's nobody's fault but Mine

Nobody's fault but Mine

Nobody's fault but Mine

If I don't change

My soul be lost

It's nobody's fault but Mine

Nobody's fault but Mine

Nobody's fault but Mine

If I don't change

My soul be lost

It's nobody's fault but Mine

(And I ain't changin', y'all!)

Nobody's fault but Mine

Nobody's fault but Mine

I don't care

What your truth is

It's nobody's fault but Mine


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Nothing like posting a picture of a Nazi to raise the level of discourse around here.

^^I agree about door-to-door religious salesmen. I don't get it, and I probably never will. I was raised Catholic and occasionally still practice it, but one thing I was raised to do was keep my religion to myself. In other words, don't walk up to people asking if they've found Jesus and would they like to join you in the happy march to heaven, or whatever it is these people say at your front door. We've had Mormons, Baptists, Jehovah's Witnesses.....and they can't take no for an answer.

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