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Pet Peeves


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It has been interesting getting to know some of you through your pet peeves.

Here are some of mine, in no order:

1. Disrespectful and/or unbehaved children. It is unfortunate that many people do not discipline their kids, especially here in California where there are far too many liberal people. Smacking the kid when needed is not going to scar them for life. I went to Catholic school my entire life. The nuns whacked us with their long ass rulers, we got spanked by the principal with her big ass paddle, and in the high school the Jesuit brothers were very willing to slam your ass up against the lockers to modify your behavior. Simply talking to the child and/or time-outs do not work. Sometimes the kids need a firm hand to know who the boss is.

2. People that post in text talk. There is a member here (JIMMYPAGEZOSO56 or something close to that) who will remain anonymous; but got flamed big time on another forum for this habit. Hey, we're all cool because we love Zeppelin; but some of us little bit older people are not hip to all that jibberish. I mean OMG WTF does SLFJKDMVKMDKNMOISAS;,FGNSP0SA mean?!?!?!?!?

3. Doing laundry. Especially when my 4 kids can't:

A. Put their dirty clothes in the clothes hampers each has in their own room.

B. Or, if they do, they leave them inside out.

Hey, I am not your maid!

4. People that litter. The other day I was driving and this guy parked along the road was just throwing a buch of crap out his window. So, I just had to stop and throw the crap back on his lap.

5. People that think guns are bad.

6. Smokers. I do not condemn you for the habit, just that I don't want to inhale your smoke and see your butts littering up the ground. Luckily, I live in CA, where you can't smoke anywhere.

7. People over the age of 5 that chew with their mouth open.

8. People who talk so loudly on their cell phone and/or blue tooth headset that the whole world can hear everything they have to say.

9. People who drive too slow.

I am sure there are more.

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Some more pet peeves:

People who look over your shoulder while you're on the computer pretending they aren't... then get mad at you for looking through a thread...

I'm at my college computer because both my comps at home are not working (my laptop's harddrive crashed... no idea what's wrong with my desktop). Well, I was just browsing through the Man thread, and was looking at the following pic:


IN THE THREAD ITSELF (caps for serious emphasis, not yelling)... and someone grabbed a library security guard who was walking around and brought him over, telling him I was "looking at porn."

Of course, the cop looked at the pic, looked at the header at the top of my browser that says "The Man Thread - Led Zeppelin Official Forum - Mozilla Firefox", and walked away laughing... the snitch, in response, stomped off in a huff.

But seriously. DON'T look over someone else's shoulder. Just because I'm on a public computer doesn't mean I'm not allowed a little privacy. It would have been one think if she had just walked by, but she had been standing behind me "nonchalantly" for over 5 minutes before that pic even came up. Hell, I was looking at pics of Led fucking Zeppelin that whole time and never changed forums when I went over to the Man thread.

Uptight, much?

Microsoft. Linux nerds that think Linux owns everything-meet your creator- UNIX. Linux losers who bash Microsoft and then really give no reason to do it, they just do it because its the "trendy" thing to do (Microsoft still sucks, but I hate these people that are like "WINDOWS SUCKS! WHY? CUZ... UH... YA NOT SECURE.." Wow.. that really proves a lot.

Do you know what I think would be the greatest computer ever? A Windows/Mac hybrid with the strengths of both, the weaknesses of neither, an option to run Windows, Mac, or Linux on the computer (so it comes with all three), the best of all open-source software that runs on each system, Guitar Pro 5 full version with all RSEs, CD/DVD Burner w/ Lightscribe technology, 2 disc drives for burning one disc directly to the other, 1 TB of space on low-end version and 2 TB of space on high-end version, two harddrives on high-end version, one for running the computer and one for storage (music, pics, movies, etc), twice as many USB ports as is standard, two spaces for memory cards, the best torrent client native to each operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux), a space for floppy discs (because there are people who still use floppy disc, strangely enough... I used one only yesterday, in fact), Exact Audio Copy, etc, etc, etc...

If only Bill and Steve would stop being egotistical, bigheaded, stubborn pricks, put aside their differences, and work together... they could create the greatest computer in the world...

Of course, it's an impossible dream... but at least I can dream... :D

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1. People who shoot down entire genres of music before even listening to any band from it. If you tried some and didn't like it fine, but listen to it before you shoot it down.

2. Teenagers who think that they can say or do whatever they want. I am a teenager and therefore I know a lot of people like that. You may think you're the best at everything, but show some respect to those who actually do know more than you.

3. Those people who complain about the price of gas, but drive Hummers.

4. Text message writing. When I send a text message I spell almost everything out. If I run out of characters I'll go back and shorten you to u or in to n if i really need letters i'll do bcuz or b4, etc. I really hate to do that though because it's hard to read.

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Ordering Pizza. (There are always akward silences.)

People that ask you if you are sad. And when you tell them no, you are fine, they proceed to ask "are you sure?" "you look sad..." "is it something i did?" ITS MY FACES' NATURAL REPOSE. QUIT ASKING ME IF I AM SAD.

When I am sad. DONT TRY TO CHEER ME UP. If I am sad, just leave me alone. I wish not to be comforted, or joked with, or even talked to. Just leave me alone and I will get over it.

People who ask me how tall I am. have you ever thought that maybe its a touchy subject? I am a 6 foot tall, 17 year old girl. Destined to have boyfriends that look up at her. So dont ask. I dont ask your pant size... Isn't this along the same lines?

Kids who blast music from their cars while driving. Yes, we have all done it. The reason we do it is to look/feel cool, yes? SO WHY. DO YOU BLAST. STUPID MUSIC? Clay Aiken?? Carrie Underwood??? I hate to burst your bubbles but you don't really look like a baddass while blasting Kelly Clarkson down a suburban street. <_<

When my mother asks me "what I am going to order" as we walk in the doors of a resteraunt. *Sigh...* I dont know mom, I have to LOOK AT THE MENU.

People who ask you to name 3 songs. You know what I mean. When something comes up and you say, "Oh, I like that band!" and someone says, "Yeah? Name 3 songs." Most of the time I can, but its still a very rude thing to say! Usually if you get the 3 right, they tell you to name more! And albums! and trivia! The whole converstation is a device they use to prove that I am not as big of a fan as them. So next time I say, "Oh I like them!" Why dont you say, "YOU POSER! BURN IN HELL!!"

When you have a whole list of things, but when you try to remember them, you can't.

:):) I have more, but as you can see I can not access them.

Edited Because of spelling :)

Edited by 8LadyPlant8
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If you have your iPod in public, USE FUCKING HEADPHONES! This kid behind me has his iPod in some iPod speaker and is blasting some shit mainstream rap. they sell headphones with iPods for a reason...

Another pet peeve of mine... people who try to look ghetto with outfits that most likely cost them hundreds of dollars. One kid over here is wearing this outfit and is walking around and talking like he's all ghetto and shit... but I've seen the outfit before. It's almost $200 at fucking Kohl's. Style tip... if your entire outfit (includes shoes, hats, etc) cost more then, say, $10... YOU AREN'T GHETTO!

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I hate when people do that too. If you are at home then you can use speakers, but we all don't want to hear your music. Some people have taste.

I know people like that. I hate when they wear there pants low, it makes me want to pull them down. I mean they're already that low. We can already see your underwear and your butt so why wear pants at all?

Edited by lzfan715
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I HATE people who wear their pants so low, the crotch is at their knees. It looks so slovenly. Like you can't bother to dress yourself properly.

The same goes for women who dress not according to size. If you're a larger woman, don't wear a size 10. Or even a size 6. You can't fit in either, quit deluding yourself. I hate seeing plus-sized women walking around in clothes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too small for them, with all their shit hanging out and they're completely oblivious to it. I'm plus-sized myself, so I know how to dress myself so that I look stylish, but not sloppy. I wish others did.

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I hate when people do that. I don't need to see their fat, I have my own. (Not that I think I'm obese or anything because I'm not, I'm just not trim by any means.) It looks so much better when you wear clothes that fit.

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Wearing the pants low is one thing. I hate it, but it's a style and you learn to deal with it. What gets me is that these people think they're ghetto, but the only way they're ghetto is if they stole that outfit, and the only way they stole that outfit is if they have the power to become ghosts. It's stupid.

If you're gonna act ghetto, dress ghetto. No one from the actual ghetto dresses in $200 "rap outfits." Your a walking hypocrite if you do that.

And it gets on my nerves because I'm friends with people who live in ghettos, and while they wear their clothes much the same, their most expensive outfit is around the lines of $10... maybe $20 if they got a good paycheck.

Here's a little something from Jeff Foxworthy I agree with wholeheartedly. He and I share much the same pet peeves with clothing style, it would seem:

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Did you know that in 12 states they are trying to outlaw baggy pants?

The principal at my daughter's school made an announcement at a school assembly, about baggy pants with underwear showing. My daughter said the kids reacted by going, "Oh! Oh! Oooooooh!" :lol:

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Did you know that in 12 states they are trying to outlaw baggy pants?

1.I think those "pants," which were invented to look like prison clothes on people should be outlawed.

I see people actually applying for jobs with this shit on. Myself I sure as hell wont hire someone who is too lazy to pulll up their trousers. They never get anywhere fast....

"Trapse, trapse, no I cannot do anything with two hands, one has to be for pulling up me trousers and the other to smoke crack or weed, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, weeeeeeeeeee. Will you call me about this job?" "Your application will be with us for 6 months, then we will ship it back to you to roll with just in case you run outta skins ok?"

Peeve 2.

Liars. I think parents everywhere should teach their children something called values, and if they dont follow some sort of value get them some help or teach them how to be honest some way some how. Because eventually our kids grow up and become criminal liars and or sociopathic idiots if they arent taught self control behavioral models, self esteem, and common sense. Liars generally turn out to be thieves, homeless, polititions or lawyers. And most people just look at them and laugh or confused. :lol::hysterical:

a. First lie parents should discipline. Easy there though not until a certain agemm use time outs and things other than hitting.

b. Later in life if you lie you should be tried for racketeering, fraudulent behavior and conspiracy. Lock them up for 5 years :D

c. Let out and caught again? Lock up for 25 years.

d. If by some odd chance they get out and are caught again with bull shit? Take them to town square. Call all citizens to watch and use the Guillotine. Chop off head at kneck, use the head for bowling ball and bowl it down broadway at the traffic.


Peeve 3.

Perverts. Perverts after girls who arent of legal age. If caught lock them up for life because theres no way to cure a pedophile. This has been proven.

Peeve 4.

Gun laws. If you are against guns dont buy one. Is that easy enough.

Oh yeah, good afternoon.



PS Interpol is great :D They know everything but in society nowadays it is a must.

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I'm so glad the baggy pants thing is FINALLY starting to go out of style. I mean, you can seriously say that that is soooo 20 years ago! I feel like going up to people and saying Juno-style stuff like, "Whoa there MC Hammer, you going parachuting or just to the Ice T concert?" And a little hint for the guys -- saggy pants are not, I repeat, not in any way a turn on. If you think you look badass, think again; you just ruined your chances. I'm not going to check out your ass if you've got 10 yards of material streaming out behind it.

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I'm so glad the baggy pants thing is FINALLY starting to go out of style. I mean, you can seriously say that that is soooo 20 years ago! I feel like going up to people and saying Juno-style stuff like, "Whoa there MC Hammer, you going parachuting or just to the Ice T concert?" And a little hint for the guys -- saggy pants are not, I repeat, not in any way a turn on. If you think you look badass, think again; you just ruined your chances. I'm not going to check out your ass if you've got 10 yards of material streaming out behind it.

I refuse to wear anything that makes me look unprofessional. That's always been me though. The dress doesn't make the man, buuuuut it sure wont hurt either. Plus my associates would think I'd gone nuts.



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Some more pet peeves:

People who look over your shoulder while you're on the computer pretending they aren't... then get mad at you for looking through a thread...

I'm at my college computer because both my comps at home are not working (my laptop's harddrive crashed... no idea what's wrong with my desktop). Well, I was just browsing through the Man thread, and was looking at the following pic:


IN THE THREAD ITSELF (caps for serious emphasis, not yelling)... and someone grabbed a library security guard who was walking around and brought him over, telling him I was "looking at porn."

Of course, the cop looked at the pic, looked at the header at the top of my browser that says "The Man Thread - Led Zeppelin Official Forum - Mozilla Firefox", and walked away laughing... the snitch, in response, stomped off in a huff.

But seriously. DON'T look over someone else's shoulder. Just because I'm on a public computer doesn't mean I'm not allowed a little privacy. It would have been one think if she had just walked by, but she had been standing behind me "nonchalantly" for over 5 minutes before that pic even came up. Hell, I was looking at pics of Led fucking Zeppelin that whole time and never changed forums when I went over to the Man thread.

:lol:Aren't you glad they keep an eye on you?

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I'm so glad the baggy pants thing is FINALLY starting to go out of style. I mean, you can seriously say that that is soooo 20 years ago! I feel like going up to people and saying Juno-style stuff like, "Whoa there MC Hammer, you going parachuting or just to the Ice T concert?" And a little hint for the guys -- saggy pants are not, I repeat, not in any way a turn on. If you think you look badass, think again; you just ruined your chances. I'm not going to check out your ass if you've got 10 yards of material streaming out behind it.

Exactly. You know guys, we ladies are more likely to check out your ass if you're wearing jeans that fit it right.....we don't want to actually SEE it hanging out of your pants.

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People at my university are going nuts over skinny jeans- I think they look silly and make your bum look big. Things here are going from one extreme to the next, esp when you see girls wearing spandex pants with leg warmers. ewww.

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Exactly. You know guys, we ladies are more likely to check out your ass if you're wearing jeans that fit it right.....we don't want to actually SEE it hanging out of your pants.

Yes--I've got to agree. Not too keen on Wrangler-tight pants, but normal jeans--buy them in with the same waist and inseam that the tape measure tells you to!

As for the skinny jeans, I see a guy in those and I'm like :o


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