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Pet Peeves


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My latest driving pet peeve are people who decide to make a right turn from the outside lane. They don't care who or what may be cruising along the inside lane. This is an epidemic in Vancouver

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God I love you Allison! ROFL

Awww, Manders, the feeling's mutual. ^_^

And, yeah, ally, we have those in SoCal as well. :rolleyes: Not to mention all the folks who feel the need to veer waaaay over to the right before turning left in our neighborhood. Does the Prius not have a good turning radius or something? :huh:

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1. When drivers change lanes in the middle of an intersection. Happened to me this morning, so that would be #1 for me right now.

2. When people pass by me and say "smile!". Perhaps I don't feel like it at this particular moment mmmmkay?

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Men who like to abuse (mentally, physically, or both) women. Seriously... you don't look tough when you do that, and the only thing you're gonna get in return is a group of 6 or more guys kicking your ass all the way out of the club and down the street to a place where you can't get back from... making you look even dumber and weaker then you already do.

My philosiphy:

"Dude, touch her like that again and your leaving through the window."

(Not, BTW, from my story in the Fighting thread, but from soemthing that happened at a club last night)

Edited by Nathan
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Men who like to abuse (mentally, physically, or both) women. Seriously... you don't look tough when you do that, and the only thing you're gonna get in return is a group of 6 or more guys kicking your ass all the way out of the club and down the street to a place where you can't get back from... making you look even dumber and weaker then you already do.

My philosiphy:

"Dude, touch her like that again and your leaving through the window."

(Not, BTW, from my story in the Fighting thread, but from soemthing that happened at a club last night)

Nobody should get abused mentally or physically. Not just women. No one on earth should.

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Nobody should get abused mentally or physically. Not just women. No one on earth should.

I agree, but it was brought on by something that happened last night. I was being specific.

Another pet peeve:

Flood Control at 60 seconds... <_<

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1. When drivers change lanes in the middle of an intersection. Happened to me this morning, so that would be #1 for me right now.

2. When people pass by me and say "smile!". Perhaps I don't feel like it at this particular moment mmmmkay?

I think that's the coolest signature on the board. Not brown nosing, just nice and simple.

Nice work.

Huge complicated signatures which dont work. That's another pet peeve. Or people screwing with them on purpose to make them not work.

Anyways, nice day here :blink:

Keep it coolin,


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Anyone ever wonder why there is flood control? Speeds up the board for one thing.

I also hate people who assume what other people are thinking. The mind is one of the few free things we have left. Mine is my own.

Working together is all fine, but what comes around rolls around. You cannot escape things you say or do.

Easy to deduce.


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People who think they are someone important because they post pictures of themselves in avatars or wherever. These are about as valid as persons posting pics of John Wayne or Gilda Radner. The only way to know if it's truly them is to meet face to face.

You gotta love how some are sooooo gullable. Almost to the level or mental retards.


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People who think they are someone important because they post pictures of themselves in avatars or wherever. These are about as valid as persons posting pics of John Wayne or Gilda Radner. The only way to know if it's truly them is to meet face to face.

You gotta love how some are sooooo gullable. Almost to the level or mental retards.


What in the hell are you talking about?

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I wouldn't think they would. Why would someone just admit to being a pedophile? I hate how people think they can prey on little kids or even just illegal ones, who are older but still illegal like 17 or so. It isn't right.

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