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Pet Peeves


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People who chew with their mouth open. It shuts for a reason, and you digest food on the inside so no one can see it. Let's keep it that.

And people who lip smack when they eat too or make yummy sounds. :o

Edited by spats
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Anyone ever wonder why there is flood control? Speeds up the board for one thing.

I also hate people who assume what other people are thinking. The mind is one of the few free things we have left. Mine is my own.

Working together is all fine, but what comes around rolls around. You cannot escape things you say or do.

Easy to deduce.


oops sorry posted this in the wrong spot forgive me

Edited by alwizard03
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People who think they are someone important because they post pictures of themselves in avatars or wherever. These are about as valid as persons posting pics of John Wayne or Gilda Radner. The only way to know if it's truly them is to meet face to face.

You gotta love how some are sooooo gullable. Almost to the level or mental retards.


I wondering what you mean by that.Say how you feel.Most of us are Adults here.But since I have my picture with Robert as my Avatar I am afraid you may be talking about me maybe I am just Paranoid.

But in case you were the picture is me .I would not post a fat guy picture if it was not me.I have lost 30 pounds since that picture was taken.But I believe most people who post here or honest if I did not think that I would not waste my time messing with the site. I don't know why I look at this thread every time I look at it it pisses me off. Maybe We should start a thread for people with issues on pretty much everything oh wait I guess that is what this is.In case you don't know it a picture of Me with Robert Plant does not make me important just extremley lucky.Also since this is the Led Zeppelin website it also makes it relavent.I feel much better venting is good.It has something to do with my mental retard status.If someone is a Genius that expressed the opion above I would rather be a Retard.

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Maybe you should pronounce your screen name?

Why in the world would someone choose that?


Not meaning to butt in but it's pronounced: Elect-ro-file.

And it means that she likes things that are electric.

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I wondering what you mean by that.Say how you feel.Most of us are Adults here.But since I have my picture with Robert as my Avatar I am afraid you may be talking about me maybe I am just Paranoid.

But in case you were the picture is me .I would not post a fat guy picture if it was not me.I have lost 30 pounds since that picture was taken.But I believe most people who post here or honest if I did not think that I would not waste my time messing with the site. I don't know why I look at this thread every time I look at it it pisses me off. Maybe We should start a thread for people with issues on pretty much everything oh wait I guess that is what this is.In case you don't know it a picture of Me with Robert Plant does not make me important just extremley lucky.Also since this is the Led Zeppelin website it also makes it relavent.I feel much better venting is good.It has something to do with my mental retard status.If someone is a Genius that expressed the opion above I would rather be a Retard.


Has nothing to do with you. If you have issues about being fat, go on a diet. I didnt force food down your gob as did anyone else here.


I would be proud as punch if I happened to meet Planty too. But I wouldnt run around acting like he was a personal friend or a once in a lifetime thing. I know someone who met Page 9 times and they were not chasing him or associates.


Most people refuse to post their own pics online because of hackers and stalkers.

That was my point lol.


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Not meaning to butt in but it's pronounced: Elect-ro-file.

And it means that she likes things that are electric.

It's spelling is what's causing people to be reminded of baby snatchers. If she would stop bringing it up or swap it to something that rhymes with something nice we all may be able to forget this past event/////???

Mine is from the lyrics to "Whole Lotta Love."


I have used "keepitcoolinbaby" for many years.


Edited by keepitcoolinbaby
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Maybe you should pronounce your screen name?

Why in the world would someone choose that?

Because it's a word. A word I like. And it's not perverse, obscene, gross or illegal. Look it up, Sparky. BTW, the person I was talking about wasn't me, dumbass. I wasn't the poster that dude accused of being a pedophile. I'm a 25 year old woman.

Who the hell are you, anyway?

Edited by Electrophile
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Has nothing to do with you. If you have issues about being fat, go on a diet. I didnt force food down your gob as did anyone else here.


I would be proud as punch if I happened to meet Planty too. But I wouldnt run around acting like he was a personal friend or a once in a lifetime thing. I know someone who met Page 9 times and they were not chasing him or associates.


Most people refuse to post their own pics online because of hackers and stalkers.

That was my point lol.


Well I see you feel that someone who has met a band member feels they are personal friends . I have made several post about meeting the Band and never once have i inferred that we were friends.

I am just a fan who is smart enough to know where Musicians hang out.Has come from about 38 years of concert attendance .As for as the Fat comment when and if you make it to 49 send me a picture so i can see how much food you have rammed down your gob.

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Because it's a word. A word I like. And it's not perverse, obscene, gross or illegal. Look it up, Sparky. BTW, the person I was talking about wasn't me, dumbass. I wasn't the poster that dude accused of being a pedophile. I'm a 25 year old woman.

Who the hell are you, anyway?

Ok barky... :rolleyes: Take an diazepam and call me in the morning......birdbrain.


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Well I see you feel that someone who has met a band member feels they are personal friends . I have made several post about meeting the Band and never once have i inferred that we were friends.

I am just a fan who is smart enough to know where Musicians hang out.Has come from about 38 years of concert attendance .As for as the Fat comment when and if you make it to 49 send me a picture so i can see how much food you have rammed down your gob.

I weigh 900 kilos so there ya go. I am far from perfect and you brought up fat guy lol. Relax I am a huge fan :rolleyes:

I will be until the day I die and I wont post my picture anywhere online. I am hot and everyone knows it anyways, so why upload it. I dont have the time and dont need perverts or stalkers chasing me about thank you.

Dont hold your breath for a phone number or addy either.

You can jab at me all year and it wouldnt have an effect. I have skin like a Rhino and a horn to match.


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Alwizard, I like your avi and I've enjoyed your other pics taken with musicians. I have been fortunate to have met rockers and, like you, I would never consider any of them personal friends. I am just a fan who happened to be at the right place at the right time.

Thank's for the support look's like i dived into a pool of Pirrana for a little bit woo that was close.

But i think its over for now past bed time for the young one's.take care :D

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I wasn't the poster that dude accused of being a pedophile. I'm a 25 year old woman.

The poster was actually quoting Manderly's post about the Lolita thing. Since each thread were similar just reversed, it was appropriate to post a movie that was about an older woman and a younger man (Harold and Maude), and one about an older guy and a younger girl (Lolita). It was to show the hypocracy of one thread surviving and the other one not.

No one ever said anything about liking Lolita as the poster alluded to.

But it you'd like to know, I personally DO know people who like it..and they include girls and women. Under and over 25. Being a woman doesn't separate you from possibly enjoying it or being a pedophile either. It's not only a masculine term.

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I have a new pet peeve, even though she can take care of herself, I get tired of people (not really pointing fingers just putting all the times that I've seen it together) having arguments with Elizabeth. I think she just needs to put somewhere "I'm edgy, watch it". Or something along that line. :P

But seriously, I hate when older members of a community get into a little tif with a newer member. I've seen it a lot of a places. Why can't we be friends?

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Thank's for the support look's like i dived into a pool of Pirrana for a little bit woo that was close.

But i think its over for now past bed time for the young one's.take care :D


Your safe lol. I noticed long ago you look just like my cousin who's name in Mike. So there you go, have known him all my life. We jab at each other, really jab. We toss on the old boxing gloves for a few rounds and rules are we go until someone is bleeding.

So you looked like him and I figured you were cool.

Nice pic, wish it was me who had met him.



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The poster was actually quoting Manderly's post about the Lolita thing. Since each thread were similar just reversed, it was appropriate to post a movie that was about an older woman and a younger man (Harold and Maude), and one about an older guy and a younger girl (Lolita). It was to show the hypocracy of one thread surviving and the other one not.

No one ever said anything about liking Lolita as the poster alluded to.

But it you'd like to know, I personally DO know people who like it..and they include girls and women. Under and over 25. Being a woman doesn't separate you from possibly enjoying it or being a pedophile either. It's not only a masculine term.

I have no desire for underage boys. This is fucking ridiculous. All this because some asswad doesn't know what the word "electrophile" means.

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I have a new pet peeve, even though she can take care of herself, I get tired of people (not really pointing fingers just putting all the times that I've seen it together) having arguments with Elizabeth. I think she just needs to put somewhere "I'm edgy, watch it". Or something along that line. :P

But seriously, I hate when older members of a community get into a little tif with a newer member. I've seen it a lot of a places. Why can't we be friends?

Thank you :rolleyes:

I just need a little niche, not a big one. I am a bit snappy though.


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I weigh 900 kilos so there ya go. I am far from perfect and you brought up fat guy lol. Relax I am a huge fan :rolleyes:

I will be until the day I die and I wont post my picture anywhere online. I am hot and everyone knows it anyways, so why upload it. I dont have the time and dont need perverts or stalkers chasing me about thank you.

Dont hold your breath for a phone number or addy either.

You can jab at me all year and it wouldnt have an effect. I have skin like a Rhino and a horn to match.


Oh okay I will behave and try to be good.It can be difficult for Me but i will try.I really need to stay off of this thread as there is alway's something that set's Me off.Take care

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Thank you :rolleyes:

I just need a little niche, not a big one. I am a bit snappy though.


Sarcasm on the first? Hmm...in any case, I'm not completely on your side, but I can say that in my experience that I've seen a lot of new members come into a forum and act like they are top brass and want people to treat them as such. I'm not saying that's what you're doing, but I'm just pointing it out. I should also say that sometimes people get banned because of these little ridiculous things.

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