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Pet Peeves


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Your safe lol. I noticed long ago you look just like my cousin who's name in Mike. So there you go, have known him all my life. We jab at each other, really jab. We toss on the old boxing gloves for a few rounds and rules are we go until someone is bleeding.

So you looked like him and I figured you were cool.

Nice pic, wish it was me who had met him.



Cool with me peace .I am just an old Rocker.LOL

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I have a new pet peeve, even though she can take care of herself, I get tired of people (not really pointing fingers just putting all the times that I've seen it together) having arguments with Elizabeth. I think she just needs to put somewhere "I'm edgy, watch it". Or something along that line. :P

Well, I take issue with a lot of her posts and I don't with others. If she is edgy, but doesn't say so... am I (or whomever) supposed to just take it?

I get edgy too... and it is sometimes reflected in my posts. Sometimes I post a warning that I'm in a pissy mood, but I've also gone back and made amends if warranted. Usually, if I find myself getting irritated with everything that everybody posts, I recognize that the problem is probably me.

Sorry but I'm not gonna tiptoe around someone just because they make edgy posts sometimes, and that includes Elizabeth. I'm reasonably sure she doesn't want or expect that either. If that is a new pet peeve of yours, let me warn ya in advance... I won't tiptoe around Elizabeth, or anybody else, for YOUR benefit either, so prepare to be peeved on a regular basis. B)

But seriously, I hate when older members of a community get into a little tif with a newer member. I've seen it a lot of a places. Why can't we be friends?

Are little tiffs between older members okay? What about tiffs between newer members?


Electrophile... for the record, I like your username just fine. My only "gripe" had been that it was the username of someone else on the old board... someone I met up with at the Plant concert in '05. I'd think it was her at first, but your posting styles are very different, and your signature stayed the same as it was... so, now I'm used to it. BTW, I can give that...twit an Asshat Award if ya like. He certainly seems to have earned one.


Edited by Lake of Shadows
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Lakey, I'm fine with older members quarrelling with other older members and the same for newer members vs. newer members. I just don't like seeing a new member join and they think they can just say what they want and not expect to get any hassle on it.

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I have a new pet peeve, even though she can take care of herself, I get tired of people (not really pointing fingers just putting all the times that I've seen it together) having arguments with Elizabeth. I think she just needs to put somewhere "I'm edgy, watch it". Or something along that line. :P

But seriously, I hate when older members of a community get into a little tif with a newer member. I've seen it a lot of a places. Why can't we be friends?

Remember, there are two sides to every dispute......the newer members of a community can iniate a tiff as well, sometimes as strong or stronger than older members of a community. Members don't have to agree all the time or be buddy-buddy but at least show a level of respect towards one another.

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Remember, there are two sides to every dispute......the newer members of a community can iniate a tiff as well, sometimes as strong or stronger than older members of a community. Members don't have to agree all the time or be buddy-buddy but at least show a level of respect towards one another.

Gee. I wonder why there are so many arguments with Electrophile??? could it be because she is combative? I know so.

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Gee. I wonder why there are so many arguments with Electrophile??? could it be because she is combative? I know so.

Well, I also know that when you went by your old name, "icantquityoubabe", you were quite known for arguments, picking fights, hassling people...that is before you got yourself banned. But you seem to be right back at it.

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Well, I also know that when you went by your old name, "icantquityoubabe", you were quite known for arguments, picking fights, hassling people...that is before you got yourself banned. But you seem to be right back at it.


My pet peeve is the sheer amount of people who get banned and then come back under a new username and then claim not to know others. Especially when they act like complete asshats.

shadow/zepbaby/zapbaby/keepitcoolin (and who the hell "it" was before that, I don't know...I asked once and shadow told me that "it" "couldn't remember who they were before")


don't get me started on Joel's names... :rolleyes:

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What in the world are you people fighting about all the time. Does it really matter if someone has been here one day or 5 million?

Does it really matter if someone sits at the PC and does nothing but post?

Maybe they have no personal life and that's all they are allowed to do.

All of you should be ashamed with yourselves. There are younger people in here and they are watching how all of you behave.

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That or I'm just really fucking bored, LOL.

I'm watching season 2 of Weeds. The special features tell you how to grow pot hydroponically. They keep referring to the plants as the "tomatoes."

Edited by manderlyh
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What in the world are you people fighting about all the time. Does it really matter if someone has been here one day or 5 million?

Does it really matter if someone sits at the PC and does nothing but post?

Maybe they have no personal life and that's all they are allowed to do.

All of you should be ashamed with yourselves. There are younger people in here and they are watching how all of you behave.

I just sent you a nice gift package assortment of Fromunda Cheese.

I hope you enjoy it and welcome to the board.


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I just sent you a nice gift package assortment of Fromunda Cheese.

I hope you enjoy it and welcome to the board.



I think. I've never heard of it. But if I dont like it I will feed it to the children at the April Fools party.


New pet peeve...

People who think they know everything and are actually about as dumb as a post.

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^or at least admit it to the people they're tying to have PM conversations with.

I've had that happen, and it's supposed to be like, "Hey, how are you? I haven't talked to to in a while," and I'm supposed to know who the hell they are.

Like when I asked Shadow who "it" was, the reply was, "that was a long time ago, I forgot my username." :rolleyes:

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