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Pet Peeves


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Sorry to double post, but, I feel your pain. The dogs are exploding, hair everywhere, whole extra dogs worth... and yeah, for sure I cannot have passengers in the car. I don't smell it anymore, and don't notice the doggie-nose-print art on the windows until they're pretty thick. But apparently the ambience is annoying to others. :D

I physically collect the hair with my hands where it gathers...collect it by shoe on the rug and tape roller on the couch. The car, forget about it. My dog doesnt really smell though...my sis in law says her families dogs really smell and that my dog is nothing compared to them. so thats one good thing...but it all doesnt matter anyway ofcourse. :D

good to see you -sunchild.

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I physically collect the hair with my hands where it gathers...collect it by shoe on the rug and tape roller on the couch. The car, forget about it. My dog doesnt really smell though...my sis in law says her families dogs really smell and that my dog is nothing compared to them. so thats one good thing...but it all doesnt matter anyway ofcourse. :D

good to see you -sunchild.

Some dogs are smellier than others, for sure.

I love to bury my nose in their little popcorn smelling feet... :bagoverhead:

Thanks middlezep, you too. Here's to our pooches! :beer:

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Some dogs are smellier than others, for sure.

I love to bury my nose in their little popcorn smelling feet... :bagoverhead:

Thanks middlezep, you too. Here's to our pooches! :beer:

Thats funny...i heard that you shouldnt bite their cheeks because they take that as they are better than you...? i was told that after love biting the cheeks of my pooch.

I have a total mixed mutt, he is like atleast five dogs, three colors. but the white hair gets all over, the other hair does too but you dont see it ya know. this is gonna freak out anti dog people... hey its not a big deal, its totally worth having a dog. it all makes it worth while when you see your dog running on a beach or a field...its sooo cool.

Yeah, heres to our dogs. :D

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Summer's coming up anyway. That's cool that he's supporting you! How much longer do you have?

Yes, I'd go for wood if I could afford it too. Windows are so expensive, it's amazing really. We have two that need replacing, they're double-paned and the seals broke, so now they're all cloudy and you can't see out of them. I hate 'em. But something else always takes their place on the budget, somehow. (Sick animal, broken car, tequila... ;) )

Both of the bedroom windows upstairs and the small kitchen window have broken seals. They get cloudy and now they have water stains on the inside of them. It drives me crazy because I can't see out of them! Not to mention that they don't keep the weather out.

The bedroom windows downstairs and the two family room windows have broken seals too. What drives me crazy about those four windows is that it's so cold in the basement! It's always nice down there in the summer when it's over 90 degrees, but before it gets that warm, I freeze my ass off!

We have three long and narrow windows in the front of the house--in the living room that are decent. They don't open though, so I figured that when I replace them, I'll go ahead and do double hung windows there because then we can get some air circulating when it's nice outside.

One thing I have thoguth about looking into is getting larger windows for the bedrooms upstairs. It would be a big project, but I think it would be nice to have a bigger view and if you're already replacing the windows, it wouldn't be a whole lot of extra money, but it's probably more money and stress than we'd want to deal with. I wish the basement windows were bigger, but that WOULD be a pain in the ass to do--we'd have to cut into the foundation, dig out bigger window wells, etc. Even though it would be nice to do one in the bathroom and in the laundry room in the basement. (But after all of that, we may as well build a new house, LOL). I asked my stepdad how hard it would be to put a window into our upstairs bathroom and he doesn't think it would be too bad at all.

Did I mention that if I get new windows, my stepdad said he'd put them in as long as Dave and I agreed to help? That would save a lot of money right there.

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Thats funny...i heard that you shouldnt bite their cheeks because they take that as they are better than you...? i was told that after love biting the cheeks of my pooch.

I have a total mixed mutt, he is like atleast five dogs, three colors. but the white hair gets all over, the other hair does too but you dont see it ya know. this is gonna freak out anti dog people... hey its not a big deal, its totally worth having a dog. it all makes it worth while when you see your dog running on a beach or a field...its sooo cool.

Yeah, heres to our dogs. :D

It's true, you have to decide if you like your furniture or your dog. It's a no brainer for us, too. (In my case, also, my mother-in-law visiting, or my dogs... another no brainer. :D )

I've not heard that about the cheeks before. I've heard not to let them put a paw over your hand or arm for the same reason, it's a sign of who's dominant. At this stage of their being spoiled, I don't think it would matter much, though. It's to the point of, "hey dog, that's my side of the bed, if you don't mind..." :D But we do make them sit and stay a few minutes before we feed them, that's where we show we're alpha, at least a couple of times a day.

We have two genuine mutts and a German Shepherd. Two from the pound, and one who was found by some friends as a puppy wandering a beach in Mexico. Two are black (one 1/2 lab 1/2 Border Collie, and the Shepherd) and the Mexican mutt is gold, a yellow lab and pitt bull mix, she's a wonderful dog.

Couldn't agree more, being with dogs running in a field or especially at the beach is one of the joys of life. (Unless they stumble across the carcass of a big ol' dead seal... :o )

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Both of the bedroom windows upstairs and the small kitchen window have broken seals. They get cloudy and now they have water stains on the inside of them. It drives me crazy because I can't see out of them! Not to mention that they don't keep the weather out.

The bedroom windows downstairs and the two family room windows have broken seals too. What drives me crazy about those four windows is that it's so cold in the basement! It's always nice down there in the summer when it's over 90 degrees, but before it gets that warm, I freeze my ass off!

We have three long and narrow windows in the front of the house--in the living room that are decent. They don't open though, so I figured that when I replace them, I'll go ahead and do double hung windows there because then we can get some air circulating when it's nice outside.

One thing I have thoguth about looking into is getting larger windows for the bedrooms upstairs. It would be a big project, but I think it would be nice to have a bigger view and if you're already replacing the windows, it wouldn't be a whole lot of extra money, but it's probably more money and stress than we'd want to deal with. I wish the basement windows were bigger, but that WOULD be a pain in the ass to do--we'd have to cut into the foundation, dig out bigger window wells, etc. Even though it would be nice to do one in the bathroom and in the laundry room in the basement. (But after all of that, we may as well build a new house, LOL). I asked my stepdad how hard it would be to put a window into our upstairs bathroom and he doesn't think it would be too bad at all.

Did I mention that if I get new windows, my stepdad said he'd put them in as long as Dave and I agreed to help? That would save a lot of money right there.

Oh goodness, you have a bunch to do. You should take advantage of the offer for help installing, for sure.

Let's see which of us gets around to it first. ;)

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It's true, you have to decide if you like your furniture or your dog. It's a no brainer for us, too. (In my case, also, my mother-in-law visiting, or my dogs... another no brainer. :D )

I've not heard that about the cheeks before. I've heard not to let them put a paw over your hand or arm for the same reason, it's a sign of who's dominant. At this stage of their being spoiled, I don't think it would matter much, though. It's to the point of, "hey dog, that's my side of the bed, if you don't mind..." :D But we do make them sit and stay a few minutes before we feed them, that's where we show we're alpha, at least a couple of times a day.

We have two genuine mutts and a German Shepherd. Two from the pound, and one who was found by some friends as a puppy wandering a beach in Mexico. Two are black (one 1/2 lab 1/2 Border Collie, and the Shepherd) and the Mexican mutt is gold, a yellow lab and pitt bull mix, she's a wonderful dog.

Couldn't agree more, being with dogs running in a field or especially at the beach is one of the joys of life. (Unless they stumble across the carcass of a big ol' dead seal... :o )

You have a little dog pack there. Actually at the dog run, there quite a few folks who always have two dogs, they keep each other company and are a family to themselves, keep each other company when people are at work.

Yeah we do spoil them and get used to living around each other. My dog is good, totally adjusted to me, except i cant walk over to my brothers house anymore, because my dog bites the plastic blinds to bits. Its four pairs of binds ruined now and i have them up still, somewhat funcitoning.

So i drive a block to get there, because they dont want the dog over sometimes.

Actually the walks on the beach or in the woods is the best bonding thing you can do with your dog, they appreciate that more than food. I brought all my dogs through life (2dogs) out on the boat and thats it, they love you so much, they just love the adventure of it. You get off the boat and walk around the beach or salt marshes and their in heaven.

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You have a little dog pack there. Actually at the dog run, there quite a few folks who always have two dogs, they keep each other company and are a family to themselves, keep each other company when people are at work.

Yeah we do spoil them and get used to living around each other. My dog is good, totally adjusted to me, except i cant walk over to my brothers house anymore, because my dog bites the plastic blinds to bits. Its four pairs of binds ruined now and i have them up still, somewhat funcitoning.

So i drive a block to get there, because they dont want the dog over sometimes.

Actually the walks on the beach or in the woods is the best bonding thing you can do with your dog, they appreciate that more than food. I brought all my dogs through life (2dogs) out on the boat and thats it, they love you so much, they just love the adventure of it. You get off the boat and walk around the beach or salt marshes and their in heaven.

That's so great. What kind of boat do you have?

For sure, they just want to be with you. I've learned alot from watching them interact and how giving they are.

Wow, four sets of blinds, that sucks. How old is your dog? Still in the chewing stage, or just PO'd at you for leaving?

We've always had two, exactly because we tend to be gone for long periods during the day, so they can have company. It's no more trouble taking care of two. We got the third because she ran away from our friends' house right before they moved out of the state! We found her, and they decided not to come get her. By then she'd made good friends with ours, so that was that, new addition. It's a little tougher getting around with three, but, I love them all.

Funny, having this exchange on the Pet Peeves thread... :D

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Why do school books have to rip you off so badly? There's this thing called University Readers that is a fantastically big burn. The teacher tells the company what materials they want to use in the class, and the company clears all the copyrights and prints them and binds them so the teacher doesn't have to do anything. Then the students order the readers on the Internet, and they ship them to us.

The one I needed for this quarter consists of three novellas. Guess how much that costs? $40. Plus shipping. Hell no. I found all three stories on the Internet for free (they're some obscure things from the 1800s, so they're not copyrighted anymore). Uh, let me get this straight. It cost you, what, a dollar to print that thing and bind it? And you didn't have to screw around with the copyrights or anything? And you want FORTY FRIGGING DOLLARS?!?!?! I wasn't born yesterday, assholes! If I want to waste my money, I'll go to a casino and at least have a good time doing it! :rant:

Don't even get me started on the actual school bookstore. I can go to a real used bookstore and get a decent copy of a book for 3 or 4 dollars. Now you tell me why I would go to the school bookstore and get a torn-up, barfed-on copy for $8 (which makes it a whopping $2 discount off the new price)? I swear.

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That's so great. What kind of boat do you have?

For sure, they just want to be with you. I've learned alot from watching them interact and how giving they are.

Wow, four sets of blinds, that sucks. How old is your dog? Still in the chewing stage, or just PO'd at you for leaving?

We've always had two, exactly because we tend to be gone for long periods during the day, so they can have company. It's no more trouble taking care of two. We got the third because she ran away from our friends' house right before they moved out of the state! We found her, and they decided not to come get her. By then she'd made good friends with ours, so that was that, new addition. It's a little tougher getting around with three, but, I love them all.

Funny, having this exchange on the Pet Peeves thread... :D

Yeah pet peeves...why not? :D

I have a 17ft boston whaler, 72 hull, low maintenance, rain washes it ya know. Actually its the best all around boat, so i could be happy with this boat forever. The dogs take to the bow, they love it, its a complete adventure for them.

the blind biting is the only thing with my dog...but he's very visual, jumps at the tv with dog or any animals on tv. its just a strong personality and having a strong with such a great owner such as i. :D a few plastic blinds missing isnt a big deal, although it looks bad from the outside at night. I threw the real bad ones away, one he pulled off last week. Like i said i cant walk over to my brother and sis in laws house down the street, i have to drive over there now.

I'm so curious... did your friends dog and your dogs always get togehter or something? Because maybe that was a dog pack that that dog was gravitated to. Although they are dogs, they are wired to be pack orientated ya know.

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Why do school books have to rip you off so badly? There's this thing called University Readers that is a fantastically big burn. The teacher tells the company what materials they want to use in the class, and the company clears all the copyrights and prints them and binds them so the teacher doesn't have to do anything. Then the students order the readers on the Internet, and they ship them to us.

The one I needed for this quarter consists of three novellas. Guess how much that costs? $40. Plus shipping. Hell no. I found all three stories on the Internet for free (they're some obscure things from the 1800s, so they're not copyrighted anymore). Uh, let me get this straight. It cost you, what, a dollar to print that thing and bind it? And you didn't have to screw around with the copyrights or anything? And you want FORTY FRIGGING DOLLARS?!?!?! I wasn't born yesterday, assholes! If I want to waste my money, I'll go to a casino and at least have a good time doing it! :rant:

Don't even get me started on the actual school bookstore. I can go to a real used bookstore and get a decent copy of a book for 3 or 4 dollars. Now you tell me why I would go to the school bookstore and get a torn-up, barfed-on copy for $8 (which makes it a whopping $2 discount off the new price)? I swear.

That was great...i liked the "real book store" part. yeah i knew about that in the early 90s.

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I know exactly how you feel, FOD. I tell all of my students to get their books on amazon--it's far less expensive. You should let your instructor know that these things are online--he or she will probably be pleased--I know I'm always am! It can be tough if things aren't online, though, or are out of print, or really pricey--I've had to use copy services a few times and I'm always shocked by what they charge. Sharks! <_<

And SIBLY, oh I do know just what you mean by the dog hair. I love my dogs (two English Setters) and they are very sweet-smelling, but the hair is so everywhere that we've had to hire a house cleaning team to come every week--we can't keep up!!!!

Why do school books have to rip you off so badly? There's this thing called University Readers that is a fantastically big burn. The teacher tells the company what materials they want to use in the class, and the company clears all the copyrights and prints them and binds them so the teacher doesn't have to do anything. Then the students order the readers on the Internet, and they ship them to us.

The one I needed for this quarter consists of three novellas. Guess how much that costs? $40. Plus shipping. Hell no. I found all three stories on the Internet for free (they're some obscure things from the 1800s, so they're not copyrighted anymore). Uh, let me get this straight. It cost you, what, a dollar to print that thing and bind it? And you didn't have to screw around with the copyrights or anything? And you want FORTY FRIGGING DOLLARS?!?!?! I wasn't born yesterday, assholes! If I want to waste my money, I'll go to a casino and at least have a good time doing it! :rant:

Don't even get me started on the actual school bookstore. I can go to a real used bookstore and get a decent copy of a book for 3 or 4 dollars. Now you tell me why I would go to the school bookstore and get a torn-up, barfed-on copy for $8 (which makes it a whopping $2 discount off the new price)? I swear.

Edited by AllisonAdler
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I was reading like, 10 pages back, someone said they had a 'friend' that claimed to be a huge LZ fan yet couldn't even name a song they've done, much less her own favorite song by them...

One of my pet peeves was some of the things (well, a lot) of things my best friend used to do while he was alive. We were friends for 29 yrs, since we were 13/14 yrs old. He was a big, big fan of LZ, yet anytime I would aquire a new "boot" and would bring it to his house to share it with him, he would always say, "I dont really like live recordings..." WTF? That used to perplex the crap out of me...and annoy me as well. I've always thought live recordings, official or not, show the essence of any given band, esp. led zeppelin.

I can understand not wanting to listen to a not-so-good audience recording, in a crowd of non-lz fans, but HTWWW? He was like, oh, that's nice...huh? wtf? :unsure:

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I hate it when students continually lose things.

Then they ask ME to keep their papers so they don't lose them.

Like I don't have enough shit to keep track of.

I told one today that they needed to keep their own things in their binders and keep track of them. I don't freakin' hole-punch the handouts for my own amusement. :rolleyes:

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My algebra teachers has us use binders to keep track of our papers and it's wonderful. I love them, it keeps me organized.

My newest pet peeve is the stupidity of teenagers today. They really are just plain dumb sometimes. For instance, the ones in my French class don't know where Liverpool is. So I thought to be nice and not completely give the answer away I said it's where the Bealtes are from. They didn't know who the Bealtes were. So I explained that it's the band with John Lennon. Low and behold they didn't know who John Lennon was. Then the girl behinds me goes did they sing "You ain't nothing but a hound dog."? At this point I didn't care I just told them it was in England. Then they asked me if Madrid was in America. (For those who don't know it's in Spain.)

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Yeah pet peeves...why not? :D

I have a 17ft boston whaler, 72 hull, low maintenance, rain washes it ya know. Actually its the best all around boat, so i could be happy with this boat forever. The dogs take to the bow, they love it, its a complete adventure for them.

the blind biting is the only thing with my dog...but he's very visual, jumps at the tv with dog or any animals on tv. its just a strong personality and having a strong with such a great owner such as i. :D a few plastic blinds missing isnt a big deal, although it looks bad from the outside at night. I threw the real bad ones away, one he pulled off last week. Like i said i cant walk over to my brother and sis in laws house down the street, i have to drive over there now.

I'm so curious... did your friends dog and your dogs always get togehter or something? Because maybe that was a dog pack that that dog was gravitated to. Although they are dogs, they are wired to be pack orientated ya know.

:lol: Kind of like my cars.

Boston Whalers are cool! I had a friend with one once, we had a good time on that boat. Very stable and has lots of room, plus plenty of power.

No, actually, the dogs had never met before we picked her up at the pound and brought her home. But it was love at first sight between her and our puppy at the time. So we were actually glad her previous owners didn't want her back. Well, and obviously there was something wrong there anyway (I hate to say), she kept escaping from them and wandering around. She's never run away from us.

Sounds like your dog has sight hound in him!

Pet Peeve for the day - finding out the night before they leave that you are going to be dog-sitting your in-laws Great Dane for the next week. It's dogdemonium at our place right now!

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Another pet peeve i have occurred last night. I am out with friends and one of our buddies brought his girlfriend along. And we ordered food but she said she wasn't that hungry . Anyways we are eating and at one point she starts picking off my buddies plate. He says. "Are you sure you are not hungry, order something". And she said "no, it's okay, i will just have some of yours". :o So she is picking off his plate for the rest of the evening with her fork. I wanted to say something but it's not my girlfriend. But that is one of my pet peeves. And it's not the first time this has happened. Don't be picking off other people's plates unless they have said they can't eat it all or if they have given you permission. I have a buddy whose girlfriend does this all the time. Whether she has her own dinner or not. She always has to have some of his. It's beyond annoying. I had a girlfriend do it once and had to tell her not to.

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Another pet peeve i have occurred last night. I am out with friends and one of our buddies brought his girlfriend along. And we ordered food but she said she wasn't that hungry . Anyways we are eating and at one point she starts picking off my buddies plate. He says. "Are you sure you are not hungry, order something". And she said "no, it's okay, i will just have some of yours". :o So she is picking off his plate for the rest of the evening with her fork. I wanted to say something but it's not my girlfriend. But that is one of my pet peeves. And it's not the first time this has happened. Don't be picking off other people's plates unless they have said they can't eat it all or if they have given you permission. I have a buddy whose girlfriend does this all the time. Whether she has her own dinner or not. She always has to have some of his. It's beyond annoying. I had a girlfriend do it once and had to tell her not to.

Strangely enough, I actually have to agree with you. :blink:


I mean, it's one thing if they ask first. I'll most likely say yes. But don't just start picking off my plate. Just ask first.

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My newest pet peeve is the stupidity of teenagers today. They really are just plain dumb sometimes. For instance, the ones in my French class don't know where Liverpool is. So I thought to be nice and not completely give the answer away I said it's where the Bealtes are from. They didn't know who the Bealtes were. So I explained that it's the band with John Lennon. Low and behold they didn't know who John Lennon was. Then the girl behinds me goes did they sing "You ain't nothing but a hound dog."? At this point I didn't care I just told them it was in England. Then they asked me if Madrid was in America. (For those who don't know it's in Spain.)

It sounds like a "special" school (except for you, of course)

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One of my pet peeves is when people take the trouble to clean up trash from wherever they were when they "created" it, walk by the trash can with it, but put it on the counter instead!

I've tried talking about it, begging about it, etc. It's like trash is just too precious to throw out or something. :rolleyes:

Sometimes I come home to three or four beer bottles or pop cans or whatever lined up neatly on the counter. Dude! You freakin' passed the recycle bins on your way to the counter! WTF?!?

Drives me crazy. :wacko:

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