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I know a girl like that. When she was little she was diagnosed with Graves Disease, they treated it and she is now fine. Her mom says she is fine and her mom is a nurse. The doctors say she is fine. She tells everyone almost day that she is going to die. Everyone has something wrong with them so it isn't a big deal. No matter who you are or what's wrong with you she has to be more sick. It's like a competetion. We're both friends with a girl who's heart has a leaking valve. So when the sack around her heart fills up if she doesn't get her inhaler she could die. But still the other girl, who I repeat, it just fine says she is worse.

Rant over. Sorry, but it really bothers me she's like that.

Edited by lzfan715
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From my experience it's the goody two shoes that think they know everything and expect everyone to be a clone of them and their behavior. I see that as a behavioural issue itself.

People are people and you cannot change them. You may modify their behavior a little but beyond that an your really just brainwashing.

Dummy down techniques. People trying to dummy down everyone. That makes me about as sick as a dog.

It's a form of patronisation IMO.

Let's take the time and patience to teach people right :beer:

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I bet she was as fat as a cow too wasnt she. It's always the cows who are carrying food or drinks like they have a concern that it may be the last thing they ever eat.

We did a study in sociology. Fat people litter more because they have no regards for the appearance of things and 97.8% of the persons carrying around drinks and food while eating them are fat.

True study.

What an ass. You have no idea what you're talking about.

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Fortunately I wasnt performing this study. I do know where lesbians can get a tummy staple though. Let me rephrase that. I wasnt the prof that asked that we do this. And I got an A, so why should I worry. I did what he wanted, got graded and moved on. Now I could have ARGUED with him like most people tend to wanna do on this board and gotten an F..FFFFFFF BIG FAT 0 0 0


His inclinations were dead on, fat people hang around other fat people, have fat children, die young, have tons of health issues and cost us tax payers millions of dollars in insurance premium rises.

And they litter more.

I used to be fat, now I am healthy and I feel way way nicer.

Edited by The Forsaken
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I bet she was as fat as a cow too wasnt she. It's always the cows who are carrying food or drinks like they have a concern that it may be the last thing they ever eat.

We did a study in sociology. Fat people litter more because they have no regards for the appearance of things and 97.8% of the persons carrying around drinks and food while eating them are fat.

True study.

No, she was not fat.

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Racists, homophobes, passive/aggressives......underwear that go up your butt, bras that ride up in the back, teenagers that tell you important things at the last possible moment, people who sit outside in their cars honking their horns for ten minutes waiting for their friends to come out...people trying to save your soul...

That's about it for now :P

I agree about racists and homophobic people but I am very,very passive agressive. Don't knock it until you have tried it. :D

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I don't think I could handle that. I can barely handle the actually doing the cleaning after I've come home from a 12 hour day of school and work and then picking up the house. (Which is why my house has been messier than normal).

I'd probably go to jail for spousal abuse if my boyfriend said something about the fairies! :lol:

OK, so the part where I pull the empty ice cube trays out of the freezer and bitch about it, and he says "I just can't figure those things out" would probably be beyond the pale...


Thing is, the good with him far outweighs any teasing, I'm happy to say. We split house work 50/50 and he actually does 90% of the cooking (he used to be a chef, and we both faced up to him being the much better cook early on).

I'll tell you another one that drives me insane though - he can't get his dirty clothes in the hamper even when the damn thing is RIGHT BY HIS DRESSER WHERE HE TAKES HIS CLOTHES OFF! For God's sake - he literally has to try to avoid getting his dirty clothes in the hamper, and he accomplishes it most of the time. What is that all about? Some strange ritual of masculinity? Or plain laziness?

Manders, did you ever read "A Jury of Her Peers" by Susan Glaspell?

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Lazy teenagers who are on their cell phones and texting every minute and then on the computer every other minute. But dont want to cut the lawn, or do dishes or laundry. rrrrrrrr

If you meat a teenager who would rather do the laundry or dishes or mow the lawn over computer/cell phone/TV/Party then you, my friend, are in Heaven.

At 20 years old, I can guarantee you that in real life, a teenager with above ideals does not exist... anywhere...

In fact, I'd be worried about a teenager who thought like that...

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Lazy teenagers who are on their cell phones and texting every minute and then on the computer every other minute. But dont want to cut the lawn, or do dishes or laundry. rrrrrrrr

And then they expect someone else (you) to do their dishes and laundry for them while they pursue their favorite activities.

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The influx of new people who are more than likely current members signing up under new names or banned members coming back that have driven away quality members of this board.

You want to know why this place is dead sometimes.....that's why.


You said it.

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I just found out that a close, er, friend, has an un-opened, yes, un-opened, 6-21-1977. He says, "It might be worth something someday". WTF? It's worth something NOW, if he would just open it and burn me a copy!!! He says he loves LZ, but it may be worth something someday!!!! He also tells me he has another lz boot, un-open, "layin' around somewhere"...wtf!!??

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I just found out that a close, er, friend, has an un-opened, yes, un-opened, 6-21-1977. He says, "It might be worth something someday". WTF? It's worth something NOW, if he would just open it and burn me a copy!!! He says he loves LZ, but it may be worth something someday!!!! He also tells me he has another lz boot, un-open, "layin' around somewhere"...wtf!!??

That was a good one.

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The influx of new people who are more than likely current members signing up under new names or banned members coming back that have driven away quality members of this board.

You want to know why this place is dead sometimes.....that's why.


You said it.

I'm afraid my reply to this is, if people's response is to take their marbles and go away, maybe they aren't such "quality" members?

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I'm afraid my reply to this is, if people's response is to take their marbles and go away, maybe they aren't such "quality" members?

I think it's more like "taking their marbles and going away" before they just plain "lose all of their marbles."

It's an internet forum, and sometimes, especially when one gets irritated with the things that gon on in a forum, the best thing to do is to stop going into it.

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I'm babysitting my bros dog and i just had both dogs outside and the neighbor let their dog out and the yards are kind of connected, so the four dogs are sniffing each other through the fence and all was good for 5 minutes or so. My immediate neighbor, in the same yard as my dogs...chose to let their cat out the door?? Why? i dont know... but thankfully my dog didnt get close and wasnt scratched. Just deifies common sense imo.

ust happens to be a immediate pet peeve.

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People who believe anything someone in authority says. These people tend to not be able to figure things out for themselves.

Yeah, but many people act that way because they had authoritarian parents. It's an unfortunate result because it's embedded into their mentality. If they don't obey the rules, they'll get that harsh punishment.

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When people leave next to nothing in the milk/juice carton and when you go to pour yourself a glass you get a few drops in your glass  :angry:

People who litter when the garbage can is literally two steps away. :huh:

Or even worse.....drinking out of the carton!!!!!! :o:o:o Had a few girlfriends do this. Not good. :o:o

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