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Pet Peeves


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Actually, after three days, my bros dog is freaking me out alittle...she's like a weird mix and a small dog, looks like a blonde haired coyote. Someone actually told us up at one point, that she might have some coyote in her. I fed my dog before, and she waited like another hour to eat and then it was like a ritual...she was rolling on the floor and then exploring the whole room. At night she is very agitated, first night she was barking all night and i was yelling at her to shut up.

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When people leave next to nothing in the milk/juice carton and when you go to pour yourself a glass you get a few drops in your glass 

You're obviously referring to my wife... :D She does that one better: She'll leave a single shard of toilet paper on the roll and when I ask her why she didn't simply put a new roll on, she'll reply, "But I didn't finish the roll off..." WTF? In other words, "You're lazy ass didn't want to exert the effort to open another roll!!!"

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Being ignored by people who you've payed a lot of attention to in the past :(

Jarlaxle, I'm with ya there, :console:

It happened to me today because I didn't see an old friend in a while. The only way to communicate properly was to write a letter to him. So I did and his girlfriend gave it to him. So, we passed by in the hallways and he sort of looked away from me, as if I was the plague :(

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Or even worse.....drinking out of the carton!!!!!! :o:o:o Had a few girlfriends do this. Not good. :o:o

So does my boyfriend. Drives me crazy. He says, "what's the problem? We've kissed before, I'm sure we can share drinks." My issue is that people who come to visit us shouldn't have to share his drinks with him!

You're obviously referring to my wife... :D She does that one better: She'll leave a single shard of toilet paper on the roll and when I ask her why she didn't simply put a new roll on, she'll reply, "But I didn't finish the roll off..." WTF? In other words, "You're lazy ass didn't want to exert the effort to open another roll!!!"

I thought they were referring to everyone I've ever lived with, LOL.

I swear, I'm the only one who knows where the extra TP is kept.

It's in the closet at the end of the hallway. In both the basement and the upstairs.

Being ignored by people who you've payed a lot of attention to in the past :(

I hate that too.

Especially when those people are important to you.

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I've been noticing something weird lately.

I notice, a lot of people where I am at now, in fact I can say most, will pull up to a parking space, and BACK into it.

Now, someone please explain to me why someone would back up into a parking space.

I have analyzed this, and I think it might have to do with wanting to show their vehicle off, and having the front end visible would allow that.

Or, they want to show that they are skilled drivers so they cruise on up to the space, and then back up into it, with one finger spinning the wheel, feeling like they're the shit......

I don't know, someone help me.

And also, what's up with young people and playing their bass so loud in their music. I mean, I regularly see it, where I can't hear the music, but just this loud bass, and I am like "WTF?"

I think young people are retarded. And I am not even old.

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Aren't we in a great mood tonight. Topics at the top...pet peeves and blood boiling...:lol:

Actually I'm with everyone about the TP!

Drives me insane! Mine is kept UNDER the friggen bathroom sink. A whole.....arms reach away. :o

And men are the worst, my old bf.......if he ever absolutely HAD to put a new roll on would put it on backwards and we'd fight about the "proper way" to place it on the roll. I think he did it on purpose to piss me off, because he knew it drove me nuts.

They always say"that's the way my mother did it."

Yeah well, your mother was wrong then! :duel:

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Wow. if you are bitching about which way the toilet paper roll is, then that relationship is OVER, even if you don't see it immediately.

Hotlant, you've got issues. :D

:hysterical: . It is over...was a long time ago.

Thank Gawd. He was a pet peeve...period.

Oh, we had some good times though...in the first year.

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I've been noticing something weird lately.

I notice, a lot of people where I am at now, in fact I can say most, will pull up to a parking space, and BACK into it.

Now, someone please explain to me why someone would back up into a parking space.

I have analyzed this, and I think it might have to do with wanting to show their vehicle off, and having the front end visible would allow that.

Or, they want to show that they are skilled drivers so they cruise on up to the space, and then back up into it, with one finger spinning the wheel, feeling like they're the shit......

I don't know, someone help me.

My sister calls that "fancy driving games". Her husband will back into a spot, and she'll say "stop playing fancy driving games".

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:hysterical: . It is over...was a long time ago.

Thank Gawd. He was a pet peeve...period.

Oh, we had some good times though...in the first year.

But uh, I hope you realize that if you are the type of woman that is going to complain about something like that, you might never be happy........with a man.

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Hey.........there's nothing wrong with that............

But seriously, relationships are weird.

Men often times seek out women less intelligent than they are, and women also seek out men that are less intelligent than they are.

What happens is the person can then dominate the relationship.

However, and this is more often the case with females, women will play dumb and then when they get their grip on the relationship, they reveal their intelligence and then manipulate the inferior man.

But without going into all this, Hotplant, I must say, if you complain about little things like that, then it shows a few things. I won't list them all, but the most important thing I would note is that you obviously didn't or don't have true love for the man because if you did, you would overlook those little things that annoy you.......atleast for a long time, definitely past the time you were seeing him.

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Relatives who like to 'remind' you of all of your childhood failings, most of which are purely concocted by them and bear no relation to actual history, and then complain that you don't call them very often. Well, why would I ring when I know I'm going to have to sit through yet another lambasting?! Pffft.

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I notice, a lot of people where I am at now, in fact I can say most, will pull up to a parking space, and BACK into it.

Now, someone please explain to me why someone would back up into a parking space.

I have analyzed this, and I think it might have to do with wanting to show their vehicle off, and having the front end visible would allow that.

Or, they want to show that they are skilled drivers so they cruise on up to the space, and then back up into it, with one finger spinning the wheel, feeling like they're the shit......

I hate that too. I always wonder about it. I asked my boyfriend why he does it and he said, "you have to back the car up at one point. I guess it just gets the backing up part over." He also said that it makes it easier to pull out later.

I had a friend whose mom called it "a penis extension" when guys parked like that.

Wow. if you are bitching about which way the toilet paper roll is, then that relationship is OVER, even if you don't see it immediately.

Hotlant, you've got issues. :D

It irritates me, too. My boyfriend, if he gets the new roll out, will put it on the counter, in my way and not bother to take the cardboard off the old one and sometimes even prop it on the little holder thingy. Ugh! It's like, come on! You already line the kitchen counter with your dirty dishes and garbage!!!!

After I've talked to other women about this, I've decided that it's a man thing. Sorry guys--especially those of you who don't do this, (God bless your souls, and if you're ever single PM me your number, LOL), but gah!


Good one!!!^

Yeah Drunk, you're right, I may try a woman next time.... :lol:

But they are so....oozey.... :blink:

Edited by manderlyh
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people who knock and walk in the door at he same time

peopel who couph so loud that if they were in 16 sound proof rooms all layered on top of eachother you could still hear it

when you say something and they dont hear you and then you say nevermind and they insist you tell them what you said

when you say im hungry and they say im (insert name) nice to meet you

people who cant say a thing without being sarcastic

not seeing someones eyes when you talk to them

teachers who absolutly posotivally suck at telling directions

the lies of global warming

when some one says excuse me and the other person says what did you do, fart

so steriotypically americans its not even funny

i need to stop im getting pissed off :angry:

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It irritates me, too. My boyfriend, if he gets the new roll out, will put it on the counter, in my way and not bother to take the cardboard off the old one and sometimes even prop it on the little holder thingy. Ugh! It's like, come on! You already line the kitchen counter with your dirty dishes and garbage!!!!

After I've talked to other women about this, I've decided that it's a man thing. Sorry guys--especially those of you who don't do this, (God bless your souls, and if you're ever single PM me your number, LOL), but gah!

But they are so....oozey.... :blink:

I guess you're right. :lol: And then, we'd probably fight over who GETS to change the roll.

A woman that is.^

It IS a man thing. After all, they just "shake it" half the time, and don't need TP!

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