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You've got a point. I'm going to stop buying Charmin, it leaves too much lint everywhere. My bathroom's always linty and dusty because of the stuff. The only reason I buy it is because my boyfriend likes it. It's expensive and I don't really like it.

And he doesn't use it as much as I do, so I'm buying what I want. (until he complains about it, that is... LOL)

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That's funny. I saw a commercial for Charmin, it had their little bear showing "leftover" bits of paper, and saying something like....does yours leave tracks behind? Try the new and improved....whatever.

Double roll Angel Soft here. No tracks, no lint...:lol:

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It irritates me, too. My boyfriend, if he gets the new roll out, will put it on the counter, in my way and not bother to take the cardboard off the old one and sometimes even prop it on the little holder thingy. Ugh! It's like, come on! You already line the kitchen counter with your dirty dishes and garbage!!!!

After I've talked to other women about this, I've decided that it's a man thing. Sorry guys--especially those of you who don't do this, (God bless your souls, and if you're ever single PM me your number, LOL), but gah!

Before I was married I would just buy the 18 roll pack and leave on the floor by the toilet. Whenever I needed another roll.... PRESTO! there is another right there within reach.

But I once had a friend who's dad made up this toilet roll dispenser thing that was built into the bathroom wall. He just loaded rolls into the top and they slid down and came out of an opening at the bottom.

My pet peeve is when you use a public restroom and they have one of those things on the roller that only let's you pull of two squares at a time. Like what the hell is that all about? For my money I want/need to be able to use the whole roll.

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My pet peeve is when you use a public restroom and they have one of those things on the roller that only let's you pull of two squares at a time. Like what the hell is that all about? For my money I want/need to be able to use the whole roll.

For your money?

Are those public toilets still a dime?

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I've been noticing something weird lately.

I notice, a lot of people where I am at now, in fact I can say most, will pull up to a parking space, and BACK into it.

Now, someone please explain to me why someone would back up into a parking space.

I have analyzed this, and I think it might have to do with wanting to show their vehicle off, and having the front end visible would allow that.

Or, they want to show that they are skilled drivers so they cruise on up to the space, and then back up into it, with one finger spinning the wheel, feeling like they're the shit......

I don't know, someone help me.

I hate that too. I always wonder about it. I asked my boyfriend why he does it and he said, "you have to back the car up at one point. I guess it just gets the backing up part over." He also said that it makes it easier to pull out later.

I had a friend whose mom called it "a penis extension" when guys parked like that.

I sometimes back into a parking space so I can watch for idiot people who will walk right behind a car that's backing up. My car has enough blind spots and the parking lots have enough idiots that it's often safer to do it that way.

That said, I don't do it very often, but I sometimes will pull on through if the space is open.

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That's funny. I saw a commercial for Charmin, it had their little bear showing "leftover" bits of paper, and saying something like....does yours leave tracks behind? Try the new and improved....whatever.

Double roll Angel Soft here. No tracks, no lint... :lol:

I used to use that before I lived with Dave. It's cheaper, too.

Before I was married I would just buy the 18 roll pack and leave on the floor by the toilet. Whenever I needed another roll.... PRESTO! there is another right there within reach.

I'd do that, but I've spent too much time making my bathroom look nice to have a half-ripped up plastic package of TP in sight. Actually, in the downstairs bathroom, I have a basket full of new rolls of TP. Upstairs there isn't room for that because there is a scale where the basket in the bathroom downstairs sits. Our bathrooms are small and they're identically laid-out.

But I once had a friend who's dad made up this toilet roll dispenser thing that was built into the bathroom wall. He just loaded rolls into the top and they slid down and came out of an opening at the bottom.

I think I need two of those... LOL

My pet peeve is when you use a public restroom and they have one of those things on the roller that only let's you pull of two squares at a time. Like what the hell is that all about? For my money I want/need to be able to use the whole roll.

I hate that! Especially if it's that crap that looks like tissue paper you wrap presents with. It doesn't absorb anything!

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I sometimes back into a parking space so I can watch for idiot people who will walk right behind a car that's backing up. My car has enough blind spots and the parking lots have enough idiots that it's often safer to do it that way.

That said, I don't do it very often, but I sometimes will pull on through if the space is open.

I may have just changed my mind on the whole backing into a spot thing. When you back into the spot you are essentially holding up people who may want to drive through. But when you pull out, you eliminate 1. People walking behind you 2. Having your vision blocked by large SUV's on both sides of you and 3. Drivers too inconsiderate to let you finish pulling out.

Fuck everybody. I'm going to start backing into spots.

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I sometimes back into a parking space so I can watch for idiot people who will walk right behind a car that's backing up. My car has enough blind spots and the parking lots have enough idiots that it's often safer to do it that way.

That said, I don't do it very often, but I sometimes will pull on through if the space is open.

Me too Lakey. My car is nothing I would especially want to show off, and I'm not trying to extend a non-existent penis, I just back into spaces when I can, because it may not be so easy to back out of them. My Dad ALWAYS backs into spaces and his driveway - because he is a very cautious driver. I cannot understand how that would get on people's nerves. Really, really odd. :huh:

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We have a toilet paper caddy that attaches to the cabinet door nearest to the toilet. So we always have at least 3 rolls of TP in our bathroom at all times. You just reach over and grab one if the roll is empty. And the garbage can is in front of the toilet, so you don't need to get up to throw the old roll away!

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We have a toilet paper caddy that attaches to the cabinet door nearest to the toilet. So we always have at least 3 rolls of TP in our bathroom at all times. You just reach over and grab one if the roll is empty. And the garbage can is in front of the toilet, so you don't need to get up to throw the old roll away!

Do the toilet paper fairies come and fill up your caddy like they apparently do in my house? :D:DB)

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I've been noticing something weird lately.

I notice, a lot of people where I am at now, in fact I can say most, will pull up to a parking space, and BACK into it.

Now, someone please explain to me why someone would back up into a parking space.

I have analyzed this, and I think it might have to do with wanting to show their vehicle off, and having the front end visible would allow that.

Or, they want to show that they are skilled drivers so they cruise on up to the space, and then back up into it, with one finger spinning the wheel, feeling like they're the shit......

I don't know, someone help me.

I do it whenever I can. Or I pull through.

The reason is because, when you're pulling out, it's easier to pull out straight then to have to back out. It has nothing to do with showing off or anything. It's just making it easier to get out of the parking space later. Personally, I prefer backing in to backing out...


Edited by Nathan
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We have a toilet paper caddy that attaches to the cabinet door nearest to the toilet. So we always have at least 3 rolls of TP in our bathroom at all times. You just reach over and grab one if the roll is empty. And the garbage can is in front of the toilet, so you don't need to get up to throw the old roll away!

I think if there's a chance a woman will ever use the bathroom, there should always be a garbage can right by the toilet. :D

Do the toilet paper fairies come and fill up your caddy like they apparently do in my house? :D:DB)

They do here.

Same with laundry, dishes, mowing the lawn... :lol:

Edited by manderlyh
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I've been noticing something weird lately.

I notice, a lot of people where I am at now, in fact I can say most, will pull up to a parking space, and BACK into it.

Now, someone please explain to me why someone would back up into a parking space.

I have analyzed this, and I think it might have to do with wanting to show their vehicle off, and having the front end visible would allow that.

Or, they want to show that they are skilled drivers so they cruise on up to the space, and then back up into it, with one finger spinning the wheel, feeling like they're the shit......

I don't know, someone help me.

And also, what's up with young people and playing their bass so loud in their music. I mean, I regularly see it, where I can't hear the music, but just this loud bass, and I am like "WTF?"

I think young people are retarded. And I am not even old.

I back into my spot at work. I back into my garage at home. My reasons...

Work: It avoids opening the driver side door next to someone else's car. No dings. It's a thoughtful gesture I always felt. To the left of me is a tree.

My garage: because I can.

BTW I do have a commercial drivers licence, but I do not drive for a living.

I am one of those. :D

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I think it's more like "taking their marbles and going away" before they just plain "lose all of their marbles."

It's an internet forum, and sometimes, especially when one gets irritated with the things that gon on in a forum, the best thing to do is to stop going into it.


Can't argue with that. I hope such folks find a way to lessen their sense of irritation.

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I hate that too. I always wonder about it. I asked my boyfriend why he does it and he said, "you have to back the car up at one point. I guess it just gets the backing up part over." He also said that it makes it easier to pull out later.

I had a friend whose mom called it "a penis extension" when guys parked like that.

It irritates me, too. My boyfriend, if he gets the new roll out, will put it on the counter, in my way and not bother to take the cardboard off the old one and sometimes even prop it on the little holder thingy. Ugh! It's like, come on! You already line the kitchen counter with your dirty dishes and garbage!!!!

After I've talked to other women about this, I've decided that it's a man thing. Sorry guys--especially those of you who don't do this, (God bless your souls, and if you're ever single PM me your number, LOL), but gah!

But they are so....oozey.... :blink:


You say that like it's a bad thing... B)

My SIL just sent me this today - geez, this topic must be in the air all over the country!

"From one wife who does six loads of laundry every Saturday to another, I thought you'd be interested in this... :-)

Husbands Are More Work for Wives

The latest study to prove what so many of us already know comes from the University of Michigan. It shows that on average having a husband creates an extra seven hours a week of housework for wives while having a wife increases the amount of housework for a husband by one hour. In general people are doing much less housework than they did in 1976 although men are doing more of these tasks than they did in 1976 – 13% more to be exact. The study revealed a number of other interesting patterns. The majority of the extra housework provided by wives consisted of laundry and cleaning as opposed to food preparation. The average male is going through more clothes than in the past and the average woman has started to go through fewer in the course of a week. The standards of cleanliness have changed dramatically as well. The number of times a home is thoroughly cleaned has declined from once a month to once a quarter and most respondents admit that at least two rooms in the house are “no-go” zones that would require a skip loader to clean.

Analysis: The tidbits in this study are truly useful. Men who golf provide the most additional work for their wives and do the least around the house. Men who spend their time in yard work or in their workshops provide the least additional work and generally provide the most help. The more striking data showed that blue collar workers helped around the house more than white collar workers and not surprisingly the more children a family had the more both parents shared the burden of housework equally. The two income family remains the least concerned with maintaining a “perfect” house and the most likely to hire outside help. This comes as no shock to most people but now you have proof that your spouse is much like all the others."

Which tells me - don't get involved with golfers!

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When I was a kid, Saturday mornings were house-cleaning time. We would all have to pick one room in the house to clean (our bedrooms not included those were a different chore all together) and we'd have to clean that room top to bottom--dusting, re-organizing, mopping floors or vaccuming, etc. I think it worked well. We were always done before ten am, so it wasn't like the day was wasted. Until my mom bought a house, we always went ot the laundry mat when I was a kid because the apartment we had didn't have a washer and dryer. We always packed up and did all the laundry one evening after we had dinner and we were all requried to help out with the folding and we were expected to put our own stuff away.

The majority of my housework is dishes, laundry and picking up after other people. I agree with that article.

My gianormous washer and dryer were definitely worth the extra money that it cost to buy them. I have a 4.5 cubic foot washer and a 7.0 cubic foot dryer that is a HE model. It takes the clothes int he dryer 1/2 the time to dry compared to my old washer and dryer set, and I am able to wash about twice as much per load if not more now. I only have a TON of laudry to do when I get lazy. I don't have kids, but we DO have a lot of laundry.

I wear about three sets of clothes a day: my work clothes (on days I work), my school clothes (on days I teach), my casual clothes (when I'm home) and my PJs or exercise clothes. Most days I wear three sets of the combination.

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People who happily go about asserting a thing they've heard second or even third hand, or even made entirely up, as if they actually knew something about it themselves (e.g., the b.s. epidemic in the Newbs Jimmy and the occult thread).

Edited by AllisonAdler
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^that bothers me too.

I have had motor cycles drive in the middle of two lanes in heavy traffic (i.e. 5'o'clock) and weave in and out of traffic unexpectedly. That just pisses me off becuase if I can see it, it may end up affecting me, even if I'm not the one that ends up in the wreck with the erratic motorcyclist.

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See, I think that should be illegal becuase it is dangerous!

If you are changing lanes and you look quickly over your shoulder, you could be running a motorcyclist over!

The idea of that scares the shit out of me. It makes my stomach hurt just thinking about it.

That and hitting a pedestrian. Ugh.

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People who happily go about asserting a thing they've heard second or even third hand, or even made entirely up, as if they actually knew something about it themselves (e.g., the b.s. epidemic in the Newbs Jimmy and the occult thread).

Amen, sister. Never mind picking up a book or three, have some people never heard of Google and Wikipedia? Hello?

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When I was a kid, Saturday mornings were house-cleaning time.

[snip again]

I wear about three sets of clothes a day: my work clothes (on days I work), my school clothes (on days I teach), my casual clothes (when I'm home) and my PJs or exercise clothes. Most days I wear three sets of the combination.

When I was a kid Saturday mornings were also house cleaning time. However, I was the only girl and while the three boys went out to do a half-assed job on the yard work together, I personally and single handedly cleaned their rooms and mine, dusted, vacuumed, did laundry, did ironing, etc. Nothing peevish there - I hated it. (And they wonder why I became a flaming feminist. :) )

That's a lot of clothes, good thing you do have a large washing machine! Why don't you combine school & work clothes, and casual & exercise clothes? Simplify!

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