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Pet Peeves


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Yes, I have to admit there are alot of bikers that do that. That pisses me off too because if enough get killed there will be more restrictions for the rest of us who ride.

Ever drive in California? They have lane sharing there, so the motorcycles can pass in the same lane the cars are in.

I'm use to riding in a large pack, try riding in North Jersey when someone who thinks it's smart to cut into a pack of 50 bikers. Why, what are you thinking and considering the pack of bikers you are cutting into...always baffled my mind.

Anyway remember this folks if you are in a car you are more of a danger to a biker than they are to you (Jap bike croch-rocket riding kids excluded, a lot of them don't consider the outcome of stupid, inexperienced and inconsiderate riding can lead to).

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Another pet peeve is when when women complain about guys not putting the seat down. It takes two seconds for them to reach over and do it themselves. :o

I don't like touching the toilet seat and I sure as heck don't want it up, so it only makes sense for the guy to do it.

I can't figure out how to get the f-ing sidebar off my Word program!

We still haven't set up our Word, so I can't be too sure, but I would think the option to have it would be under "View"

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Don't women look before sitting down?

Talk about not looking where you're going.

That reminds me of something else. I hate it when people put things like a box of tissues on the toilet tank. When someone urinates it splatters nomatter how good their aim is.

Never put anything near a toilet that you don't want peed on.

I hate it also when they put those covers on the tank and seat, and then the seat won't stay up.

I have NEVER seen "spatters of urine" on my toilet anywhere but uner the toilet seat lid if he doesn't lift it. Ever. Let alone on my Kleenex box. If that were the case, there would be pee on our walls, too.

BTW--my boyfriend doens't put the seat back down most of the time--I end up with my bum wedged in the bowl if I'm half-awake. He's actually really good about not leaving dribbles everywehere.

I hate it when you go to a public bathroom and you sit on the toilet and the seat is wet. Like from flushing it and the water spatters everywhere? I cringed at that idea yesterday at schol.

I've noticed that in general, men's bathrooms that don't have urinals tend to smell like urine really badly.

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hehe these things can be unpredictable.

The Dutch have the answer! (Gosh I'm proud to be Dutch. :D )


Oh, and the reason women don't care for putting the seat DOWN is that if it's UP that generally means there's pee splattered on it. Yucky to touch, no matter how much we love you.

(Edited because damn I wish I could type.)

Edited by SunChild
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Don't women look before sitting down?

Talk about not looking where you're going.

That reminds me of something else. I hate it when people put things like a box of tissues on the toilet tank. When someone urinates it splatters nomatter how good their aim is.

Never put anything near a toilet that you don't want peed on.

I hate it also when they put those covers on the tank and seat, and then the seat won't stay up.

Exactly. Women have been complaining about the toilet seat thing for ages. But it's just laziness just to be not able to look at the toilet seat to see if it's up or down and then put it down if it's up. I always look before i sit. It isn't rocket science.

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But women also have to use their hands to wipe themselves after they're done using the bathroom every time. So who wants the germs of the toilet seat on those parts of their body? It's not like you can just wash them easily like you can wash your hands. Who ever heard of washing their hands before going to the bathroom? Not I.

Remember, a woman can get infections in those areas easily if they're on any kind of medication that could compromise their immune system. If you have dirty toilet-seat hands, they could get sick. It's kind of a far fetched probability, but when I have to touch a toilet seat, especially if I know that it's not a clean one, I shudder because I don't want those dirty germs all over my hands, let alone other places.

Edited by manderlyh
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Man, toilet peeves are really rampant. :lol:

Mandy is right.

And spats, well, that just makes you lazy if you can't be a gentleman and put it down.

If guys absolutely hate to put it back down, SIT then. We don't want to sit on your aim-less squirts!

When you buy a toilet, the lid is DOWN...No?

It is just a common courtesy. If you want to make it a big deal...like you just Will Not put it down ever...live with only other guys the rest of your life and you'll be fine. :D

And I can hardly call women lazy, when 90% of the time we are the ones cleaning the entire bathroom.

If I ever have to live with a guy again, I hope we will have seperate bathrooms.

And he can clean his own.

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100% of the time, I'm the one to clean the bathrooms.

We have our separate bathrooms, but I still clean both because I'm worried about our general health if I leave the second bathroom up to him, LOL.

I used to clean his toilet before we lived together too beause I was scared to sit on it otherwise.

A sign that I ignored? Maybe.

Do I regret overlooking that sign? Only when I'm scrubbing the toilets. :P

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Man, toilet peeves are really rampant. :lol:

Mandy is right.

And spats, well, that just makes you lazy if you can't be a gentleman and put it down.

If guys absolutely hate to put it back down, SIT then. We don't want to sit on your aim-less squirts!

When you buy a toilet, the lid is DOWN...No?

It is just a common courtesy. If you want to make it a big deal...like you just Will Not put it down ever...live with only other guys the rest of your life and you'll be fine. :D

And I can hardly call women lazy, when 90% of the time we are the ones cleaning the entire bathroom.

If I ever have to live with a guy again, I hope we will have seperate bathrooms.

And he can clean his own.

So now a gentlemen should put the seat down. I will add that to list of things a gentlemen must do. Don't get me started on that gentlemen subject again. :rolleyes:

Whoever needs the seat down should put it down. It will not break a woman's back to reach over and do it.

Edited by spats
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I have NEVER seen "spatters of urine" on my toilet anywhere but uner the toilet seat lid if he doesn't lift it. Ever. Let alone on my Kleenex box. If that were the case, there would be pee on our walls, too.

I never leave home without this. Ever stay at hotels? this is a good investment.

Trust me 70% of the time I'll ask for new sheets :o


This is a good investment as well. Kills germs in minutes.


This I will keep in the bathroom,kitchen,work shop and I carry around a small travel size bottle on my person.


I'm not a germaphobe, it's just something I've been used to doing ever since Katrina and the whole neighborhood had a toilet swapping party :(

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I don't care which way the toilet paper hangs, but I don't like to have to touch the seat unless absolutely necessary. :(

My kids clean their bathroom; and usually take care of the powder room too as one of their chores.

I do have a pet peeve with shoes being left all over the house. 5 people times 3-4 pair of shoes each equals major shoe mess by the front and kitchen/garage doors <_< Actually that would be 4 people because I always put my shoes away... :whistling:

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Is it just me, or does it bug you when there are super, ditsy girls around you that have no clue about anything but Hollister?

YES. I was on my way to work a few nights ago when I passed by Hollister, and this was word-for-word the conversation I heard:

"Like, do you think I should like, buy something?"

"I don't know. Like, do what you want. It's like, your money."

I hate people that talk this way. So that's a pet peeve. Stupid fucking teenage ignorant teenage shithead bitches.

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Uh, what the hell is a powder room?

Do you live in Great Britain my Dear?

The powder room is the half bathroom on the first floor (sink and toilet; no tub); the full bathrooms (with tubs) are upstairs :) I'm not in Great Britain, but maybe it's a southern thing? That's what everyone calls them around here.

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The powder room is the half bathroom on the first floor (sink and toilet; no tub); the full bathrooms (with tubs) are upstairs :) I\'m not in Great Britain, but maybe it\'s a southern thing? That\'s what everyone calls them around here.

Gosh let\'s hope he never runs into signs which have W.C. on them.

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I cant' imagine walking into a bath room to use the toilet and not noticing if the seat is up or down.

I would think that you would also be looking at the seat to be sure that it isn't wet.

If the toilet seat being up or down is a concern, I would think that you would remember to look each time.

I know.

But you don't always look (esp. if you're out of the habit of living with a man).

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Well I'll have to admit that I can relate to the ladies about the sploosh experience. :(

I was drunk one night and woke up and went to the john and I could barely stand up.

So I figured just sit before I bust my arse, well it was dark and I just sat seat up!

:o I had the added bonus of feeling my gonads dipped in ICE COLD! toilet water. :o:o

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