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No, we will not lower the seat. We are looking out for our backs, and we are looking out for your evolution, as my previous post outlined.

If you have that sort of blind trust, that you will just sit down like that without looking, then you deserve what you get.

I would never blindly sit down on a thing in which there might be someone else's mass of fecal matter, left there, fermenting. That is dangerous. Why would you take the chance?

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Well i still don't like seeing vomit, but you don't see it everyday, in most places you would work anyway. I don't think it's gross you think that. It is gross, but like the Dark Tower said, you get used to it. Okay, so lets just agree the medical profession is probably not your calling.

It's not. I've known that for a long time. Things that are infected don't bother me at all. I don't like insides either. I had to disect a piglet in 8th grade and when they cut it open I had to leave the room. :lol:

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Had a roomie who was in the U.S.M.C. Had no problems shooting people in Nam, however to put a needle in him? They had to sedate him with enough pills to knock him out. He would surely hit you.

I cannot stand to have a needle put in me myself.

I was that wasy too until I was in labor with #1; then I was begging for the epidural, lol. And that's a really, really BIG needle. :unsure:

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No, we will not lower the seat. We are looking out for our backs, and we are looking out for your evolution, as my previous post outlined.

If you have that sort of blind trust, that you will just sit down like that without looking, then you deserve what you get.

I would never blindly sit down on a thing in which there might be someone else's mass of fecal matter, left there, fermenting. That is dangerous. Why would you take the chance?

If I'm in a public restroom and I've gotta go, as long as the stall looks clean I go. I haven't caught anything!

I will say the Wal=Mart restrooms are especially gross. And the stall doors are very heavy and awkward. I was coming out of a stall in Wal-Mart once and my cell phone rang, which startled me. I banged myself in the head with the door, and got a goose egg on my forehead :(

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Well lets see Toliet seat issue.There are quite a few places in the world where Toliets have no seats.You stand and squat and hope you brought your own Toliet Paper.If you did not you have to use your hand.So I guess lowering the seat is not that big of a deal just be pleased you have a seat to lower.

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We've had a terrible time with our internet connection this weekend. It's been very slow; we've had to quit out and even reboot, and trying to watch videos has been like trying to watch them with dial up. Not sure what's up but I'm not pleased <_<

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I will say the Wal=Mart restrooms are especially gross. And the stall doors are very heavy and awkward. I was coming out of a stall in Wal-Mart once and my cell phone rang, which startled me. I banged myself in the head with the door, and got a goose egg on my forehead :(

They are really nasty. The ones here smell terrible. I won't use them. The trash cans are overflowing, no one flushes the toilet, etc.

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AMEN!!!!! :D

Drunk & spats should live together.

My men had the decency to put the seat down, and I love them for it.

Little things like that can lead to happy women who want to please their men .....more.... :shifty:




Women who are irritated don't wanna put out and do "special favors!"


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But the bathrooms at Wal-Mart are cared for just like the rest of the store---it's always a mess!

Not like someone goes through during the day to straighten the shelves! :wacko:

I have to agree. Wal Mart is a bad place to shop. It isn't really cheaper with some things either. In the small town that I live in though it's the only place to buy things like shampoo unless you go to the pharmacy and pay twice as much.

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AMEN!!!!! :D

Drunk & spats should live together.

My men had the decency to put the seat down, and I love them for it.

Little things like that can lead to happy women who want to please their men .....more....:shifty:



If a woman is so lazy that she can't put a seat down i wouldn't want to hook up with them. Most people look before they sit. It's just common sense.

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This is an arguement that's easy to get right. If you have a woman or a girl in the house lower the freaking seat. I about fell in one one night. I had forgotten I had workers in putting a floor in my BR. I laughed my ass off, that rim is cold as snot lol.

This is why dogs love to drink out of toilets. It's the coldest water in the house.

Why do guys not have this problem but women do. Why are men able to look before they sit but women aren't?

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Why do guys not have this problem but women do. Why are men able to look before they sit but women aren't?

Because we exist to perplex you, Spats. It's al part of an evil plan. Bwah ha ha ha ha!!

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If I'm in a public restroom and I've gotta go, as long as the stall looks clean I go. I haven't caught anything!

I will say the Wal=Mart restrooms are especially gross. And the stall doors are very heavy and awkward. I was coming out of a stall in Wal-Mart once and my cell phone rang, which startled me. I banged myself in the head with the door, and got a goose egg on my forehead :(

They are really nasty. The ones here smell terrible. I won't use them. The trash cans are overflowing, no one flushes the toilet, etc.

But the bathrooms at Wal-Mart are cared for just like the rest of the store---it's always a mess!

Not like someone goes through during the day to straighten the shelves! :wacko:

I have to agree. Wal Mart is a bad place to shop. It isn't really cheaper with some things either. In the small town that I live in though it's the only place to buy things like shampoo unless you go to the pharmacy and pay twice as much.

Every Wal-Mart I've ever been to is clean, organized, and fun to shop at. I save a lot of money shopping at Wal-Mart, and for public store restrooms, the Wal-Marts I've been to have the cleanest. I go to two Super Wal-Marts here in Georgia, and there's a Super Wal-Mart in Virginia we go to whenever we visit our Aunt and Uncle near Bedford. So maybe it's the Super Wal-Marts, then? Or maybe I've been lucky?

Yeah, I know Wal-Mart's business practices are rather questionable (ain't that the understatement of the year), but I save plenty of money shopping at Wal-Mart. Whenever I shop there, I always have enough money to get one more thing then I initially planned on getting.

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I'm NOT lazy.

(Most of the time)

Like we said....we LOVE to please men who are respectful.

The more they are, the more we love...in so many luscious ways......... :rolleyes:

And men love to please women who don't complain about stuff like that. :P

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Well lets see Toliet seat issue.There are quite a few places in the world where Toliets have no seats.You stand and squat and hope you brought your own Toliet Paper.If you did not you have to use your hand.So I guess lowering the seat is not that big of a deal just be pleased you have a seat to lower.

Man isn't that the truth. I guess it's just a courtesy some people don't wanna bend on. I know for a fact if you ever stay in say a hostel or a B&B this is one of the rules. I guess I wouldn't wanna be a 4 or 5 year old girl and fall in


Or a boy. I swore I would never ever sit on one with the seat up? I was wrong...

Hot honey: Dude do you think you could please lower the seat. I go in the middle of the night half asleep?

Dude: I sure don't wanna hear you screaming waking me up and bringing a cold wet ass to bed///

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Every Wal-Mart I've ever been to is clean, organized, and fun to shop at. I save a lot of money shopping at Wal-Mart, and for public store restrooms, the Wal-Marts I've been to have the cleanest. I go to two Super Wal-Marts here in Georgia, and there's a Super Wal-Mart in Virginia we go to whenever we visit our Aunt and Uncle near Bedford. So maybe it's the Super Wal-Marts, then? Or maybe I've been lucky?

Yeah, I know Wal-Mart's business practices are rather questionable (ain't that the understatement of the year), but I save plenty of money shopping at Wal-Mart. Whenever I shop there, I always have enough money to get one more thing then I initially planned on getting.

We shop there a lot; we were there just last night in fact; I just don't like to use their restrooms. We're in VA too, but not near Bedford. I guess cleanliness varies from store to store.

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Every Wal-Mart I've ever been to is clean, organized, and fun to shop at. I save a lot of money shopping at Wal-Mart, and for public store restrooms, the Wal-Marts I've been to have the cleanest. I go to two Super Wal-Marts here in Georgia, and there's a Super Wal-Mart in Virginia we go to whenever we visit our Aunt and Uncle near Bedford. So maybe it's the Super Wal-Marts, then? Or maybe I've been lucky?

Yeah, I know Wal-Mart's business practices are rather questionable (ain't that the understatement of the year), but I save plenty of money shopping at Wal-Mart. Whenever I shop there, I always have enough money to get one more thing then I initially planned on getting.

1. Thank you for sharing your side respectfully. It's needed around here.

2. I think you've just been lucky because our Wal Mart is bad and the Super Wal Mart in a larger town that's close is bad too. I'm sure that some people take better care of the store than others. Just the ones I usually use the bathroom have human waste on the walls and etc.

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1. Thank you for sharing your side respectfully. It's needed around here.

2. I think you've just been lucky because our Wal Mart is bad and the Super Wal Mart in a larger town that's close is bad too. I'm sure that some people take better care of the store than others. Just the ones I usually use the bathroom have human waste on the walls and etc.

Why do people do this? I've always wondered what would compel someone to go into a public bathroom and smear their feces on things, pee on the walls, etc. I mean, seriously. That's pretty bent.

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I have to agree. Wal Mart is a bad place to shop. It isn't really cheaper with some things either. In the small town that I live in though it's the only place to buy things like shampoo unless you go to the pharmacy and pay twice as much.

Every Wal-Mart I've ever been to is clean, organized, and fun to shop at. I save a lot of money shopping at Wal-Mart, and for public store restrooms, the Wal-Marts I've been to have the cleanest. I go to two Super Wal-Marts here in Georgia, and there's a Super Wal-Mart in Virginia we go to whenever we visit our Aunt and Uncle near Bedford. So maybe it's the Super Wal-Marts, then? Or maybe I've been lucky?

Yeah, I know Wal-Mart's business practices are rather questionable (ain't that the understatement of the year), but I save plenty of money shopping at Wal-Mart. Whenever I shop there, I always have enough money to get one more thing then I initially planned on getting.

1. Thank you for sharing your side respectfully. It's needed around here.

2. I think you've just been lucky because our Wal Mart is bad and the Super Wal Mart in a larger town that's close is bad too. I'm sure that some people take better care of the store than others. Just the ones I usually use the bathroom have human waste on the walls and etc.

I have to agree. Nathan, you must be at a pretty good Wal-Mart. The ones in Boise, (there are two actually in Boise and about six others around Boise), are not great deals. There are somethings that are cheaper, but most are not. I'm talking TVs that are lesser quality are like $4 less than the nicer ones at other stores.

The Wal-Marts here are filthy--the store is unorganized, the employees are always rude to you if you ask them were things are on the sales floor, and the lines are always ridiculously long. We've actually put things back on the shelf instead of waiting in line before.

I don't buy clothes at Wal-Mart. Not since the time my skirt ripped in the butt at my grandfather's funeral. Talk about Wal-Mart quality and high-class presentation of yourself.

The groceries aren't any cheaper than other stores, in fact, sometimes they're more expensive. The health and beauty aids are cheaper, but that's the the only thing I can be sure of that is cheaper.

If I want cheaper health and beauty aids, I just go to Target. The people are nicer, the lines are shorter, the prices are usually good, and Target's closer to my house.

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We shop there a lot; we were there just last night in fact; I just don't like to use their restrooms. We're in VA too, but not near Bedford. I guess cleanliness varies from store to store.

If you're close enough, I'll see if I can't point you to the Wal-Mart we go to when in Virginia.

1. Thank you for sharing your side respectfully. It's needed around here.

No problem. And you're right. I wish more people would show respect to more people around here (I need to keep that in mind for myself, too... I won't deny it).

2. I think you've just been lucky because our Wal Mart is bad and the Super Wal Mart in a larger town that's close is bad too. I'm sure that some people take better care of the store than others. Just the ones I usually use the bathroom have human waste on the walls and etc.

I think maybe it's the people they hire.

Why do people do this? I've always wondered what would compel someone to go into a public bathroom and smear their feces on things, pee on the walls, etc. I mean, seriously. That's pretty bent.

No clue. Some people are just fucked up like that.

I have to agree. Nathan, you must be at a pretty good Wal-Mart. The ones in Boise, (there are two actually in Boise and about six others around Boise), are not great deals. There are somethings that are cheaper, but most are not. I'm talking TVs that are lesser quality are like $4 less than the nicer ones at other stores.

You see, I don't get that experience. Whenever I want a new CD or DVD, or I need some new clothes, or some bathroom supplies, or even food, Wal-Mart is usually the cheapest place to go. It may be only by a few cents, but those seemingly measley cents add up. And considering the gas prices and the fact that America is officially in a recession, those few cents add up.

The Wal-Marts here are filthy--the store is unorganized, the employees are always rude to you if you ask them were things are on the sales floor, and the lines are always ridiculously long. We've actually put things back on the shelf instead of waiting in line before.

I guess it depends on the Wal-Mart.

I don't buy clothes at Wal-Mart. Not since the time my skirt ripped in the butt at my grandfather's funeral. Talk about Wal-Mart quality and high-class presentation of yourself.

I have two t-shirts from Wal-Mart. Both are a differents variation of the same thing... a skeleton playing guitar... and parts of the graphic are glow-in-the-dark. The pair of jeans I'm wearing right now are also from Wal-Mart. The only dress jacket I currently have is from Wal-Mart.

I've had all that for over a year, the dress jacket for 6 months. They have never ripped, they look great, and the jacket is REALLY nice. In fact, I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate dressing up. I'm not comfortable unless I'm in jeans and a t-shirt. But the dress jacket I got from Wal-Mart is the only dress jacket I've ever been comfortable wearing.

The groceries aren't any cheaper than other stores, in fact, sometimes they're more expensive. The health and beauty aids are cheaper, but that's the the only thing I can be sure of that is cheaper.

Again, different experience. The food is usually cheaper. Yes, a lot of times by only a few cents, but in today's economic America, that few cents adds up.

If I want cheaper health and beauty aids, I just go to Target. The people are nicer, the lines are shorter, the prices are usually good, and Target's closer to my house.

Oh I love Target, too. A Target just opened up on Upper Roswell out here in Marietta, GA. We shop there a lot.

Part of me wonders if it's location. The Super Wal-Mart I go to most frequently is in East Cobb (on Johnson Ferry RD), which, as anyone who lives in Georgia knows, is considered a rich area (yes, I live here... in Indian Hills Country Club, actually... but we aren't rich... we just have an awesome landlord... and while it is a house, we live in the "poor section" :D). The other one I go to is in Dunwoody on Ashford Dunwoody RD. That one sits right on a gated community that you have to at least be doing well for yourself in order to live in. So maybe it has to do with location.

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