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Pet Peeves


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Around 10-11 yrs ago I found myself on hard times. In my early thirties (then) I had to get a job at a sandwhich shop. Yeah, it's called 'having to eat'. I digress.

One day during an incredibly busy lunch, I noticed a cutomer who had finished her lunch and was changing her (approx 6 months-1 year) child's diaper. ON THE TABLE. Yeah, the table that you eat on! Other customer's were still waiting to be seated and fed. I had to remind her that that is where people eat...she replied, "Oh, it's ok. it's not going to hurt anyone!" AND THEN KEPT CHANGING THE DIAPER! Customers were looking at me with eyes that seemed to say, "well, what are you going to do?" I had no choice. I told the woman, " I have asked you to stop changing the diaper on a table where customer's eat. You did not stop. You have forced my hand. Please leave now or I will be forced to call the police." She scooped up her baby and said, "I'll never eat her again." She then went outside (on a streetside patio) and finished changing her babies diaper on an outside table!

As I started to go outside to tell her the cops had been called (they really hadn't), she grabbed baby and stormed off.

Question: Does anyone find this type of behavior offensive, or was it just me over-reacting?

It is unsanitary and offensive behavior. If an inspector had suddenly arrived from the local health department, the owner of the business could have been cited for unsanitary conditions.

Faced with this challenge from a customer, it's best to ask her to please allow you to escort her to the ladies restroom, as your boss does not allow customers to use the tables in the eating areas for changing baby's diapers, and you are very sorry for any inconvenience.

Then, once you have kindly escorted her to the ladies room with her baby, ask her if there is anything you can do to help her. Check the kitchen for clean wipes, baby wipes or similar products in case they happen to be on hand. Otherwise, you're sorry you can't be of more assistance, and keep smiling.

Edited by eternal light
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It is unsanitary and offensive behavior.

Faced with this challenge from a customer, it's best to ask her to please allow you to escort her to the ladies restroom, as your boss does not allow customers to use the tables in the eating areas for changing baby's diapers, and you are very sorry for any inconvenience.

Then, once you have kindly escorted her to the ladies room with her baby, ask her if there is anything you can do to help her. Check the kitchen for clean wipes, baby wipes or similar products in case they happen to be on hand; and keep smiling.

Easier said than done! :lol: Oh, man I couldn't do it. I'd be like, "Get yer ass OUTTA here!" And then I'd get fired.

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Easier said than done! :lol: Oh, man I couldn't do it. I'd be like, "Get yer ass OUTTA here!" And then I'd get fired.

Yeah, I was pretty stunned at her audacity, then I was pissed at her seeming refusal to respect the rights of others NOT to have fecal mattter on their eating surface!

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Yeah, I was pretty stunned at her audacity

:ph34r:They're out there.

Easier said than done! :lol: Oh, man I couldn't do it. I'd be like, "Get yer ass OUTTA here!" And then I'd get fired.

No one ever said it was easy. You can see why many businesses have provided changing tables in the ladies rest rooms.

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the worst part was probably her smug attitude --the vibe she gave off was like, "I dont care, I'm done eating..."

She thought she had the situation under control. I'd just say, that's alright, ma'am, the ladies rest room is just over this way, watch your step please, and gently but firmly guide her there. Get one of the nurses waitresses to help you if necessary.

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A new pet peeve of mine is this. Has this every happened to anyone here?... This has happened to me a couple times..

I am pretty bad about calling people back right away or messaging back right away. Particularly with women. Well two women i know messaged and called me. I didn''t respond for approximately 2 days. When i finally responded They didn't respond to me for two days!!!!! The same amount of time. It was obvious they were doing that on purpose. Just because i don't respond back right away shouldn't make them want to get revenge. It's just plain silly.

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A new pet peeve of mine is this. Has this every happened to anyone here?... This has happened to me a couple times..

I am pretty bad about calling people back right away or messaging back right away. Particularly with women. Well two women i know messaged and called me. I didn''t respond for approximately 2 days. When i finally responded They didn't respond to me for two days!!!!! The same amount of time. It was obvious they were doing that on purpose. Just because i don't respond back right away shouldn't make them want to get revenge. It's just plain silly.

Oh...my...god. Your dipshittery knows no boundaries.

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A new pet peeve of mine is this. Has this every happened to anyone here?... This has happened to me a couple times..

I am pretty bad about calling people back right away or messaging back right away. Particularly with women. Well two women i know messaged and called me. I didn''t respond for approximately 2 days. When i finally responded They didn't respond to me for two days!!!!! The same amount of time. It was obvious they were doing that on purpose. Just because i don't respond back right away shouldn't make them want to get revenge. It's just plain silly.

Me too; they're lucky if they get a response from me by the next morning. I try, but life happens, and I often end up doing other things. So, I apologize in advance, everyone, for the late response.

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"I'm a thoughtless inconsiderate idiot when it comes to dealing with other humans, but how dare they do it to ME?!"

There is a difference between just being yourself and not meaning any harm and going out of your way to get back at someone. They should just be themselves and call when normally would.

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There is a difference between just being yourself and not meaning any harm and going out of your way to get back at someone. They should just be themselves and call when normally would.

So being thoughtless and inconsiderate is OK if it's just "being yourself"? That's a good justification. Being an a-hole because that's how you naturally are is better than being one to prove a point, eh? OK Spats, if you say so. Treat others as you want to be treated: If you don't care enough to call people back in less than 2 days, you can't expect any better in return.

I shall now leave this thread behind. The removal of the Spats Thread seems to have checked the spread of your disease a bit, your infection seems to be mostly limited to this thread. So I'll just stay away, because I don't want to get roped into an endless, pointless argument again.


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So being thoughtless and inconsiderate is OK if it's just "being yourself"? That's a good justification. Being an a-hole because that's how you naturally are is better than being one to prove a point, eh? OK Spats, if you say so. Treat others as you want to be treated: If you don't care enough to call people back in less than 2 days, you can't expect any better in return.

I shall now leave this thread behind. The removal of the Spats Thread seems to have checked the spread of your disease a bit, your infection seems to be mostly limited to this thread. So I'll just stay away, because I don't want to get roped into an endless, pointless argument again.


Everyone has a mission in life. For some.... :blink:

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So being thoughtless and inconsiderate is OK if it's just "being yourself"? That's a good justification. Being an a-hole because that's how you naturally are is better than being one to prove a point, eh? OK Spats, if you say so. Treat others as you want to be treated: If you don't care enough to call people back in less than 2 days, you can't expect any better in return.

I shall now leave this thread behind. The removal of the Spats Thread seems to have checked the spread of your disease a bit, your infection seems to be mostly limited to this thread. So I'll just stay away, because I don't want to get roped into an endless, pointless argument again.


Dude, i was giving a pet peeve of mine and you decided to take it apart. I have no interest in getting into it with you either.

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Matt, I have to admit... on one end, I agree with spats. He was just giving the Pet Peeve. It was you and others who had to pick it apart. Admittedly, however... spats, you should not have responded.

This thread is about pet peeves. Can we please keep this thread from turning into another spats thread? Please?

Pet peeve for the day:

Pollen (I have hay fever)

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2 pet peeves:

1. Getting spam from my own email address.

Seriously... I did not send myself an offer for a free xBox360.

2. Being a thread-killer.

There are so many threads that have ended after my post... and it sucks. Sometimes I HATE having the last word. When I'm on a forum is one of those times...

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