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people who say the like the doors and only ever heard roadhouse blues, people who claim to like zep but have only ever heard stairway to heaven, people who claim to like the rolling stones and only ever heard satisfaction. people who are too blind to look through another's eyes, people who act like they're better than me, people who tell me that my dreams are stupid, people who say that "it's a tough world, and you ought to go to college, don't just put all your eggs in one basket cause the music industry is tough(yeah like i don't knwo that)..." i can tell when these people are just trying to mold me into mainstream society and they can shove their "advice" up.

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Not defending your boyfriend, husband, spousal equivalent; but grocery shopping is not a skill intrinsic in a lot of men. Speaking from experience, I often will require a detailed list to get it right - item, brand-if required, quantity, size, and where the hell it is. Without it, she may get red apples, when she really wanted Granny Smith.

Same with my husband. I know now to remain near the phone when he's at the grocery store; because I'm going to get a call from every aisle; no matter how specific I've been on the list. :lol:

It's best not to send him after any sort of health and beauty items either, unless it's something he uses, or it was a baby product back when our kids were babies.

And then he loves to come home and present the groceries! He gets all excited if he finds something on sale and wants to explain everything he bought, lol :) It's part of the putting away the groceries ritual in our house.

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I hate it when someone doesn't use a tissue and places their boogers or loogies under a table or couch, or wipes them on the door or seat of a car. Come on guys you know who you are! So gross, PUKE!!!

I work evenings. I come home and want to take a shower. I notice there is a giant, bloody bugger on my towel. :wtf: ??? Mind you, this is in the bathroom. You know, where the tissue paper normally is! How hard is it to pick up the toilet paper roll...oh, nevermind...kids...

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I still can't get over the whole "backing your vehicle into a parking space".

There is a line of cars, waiting to park, and hold up everyone because your dumbass wants to back your truck into a parking space, and of course it takes you three tries to actually get it right.


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What about parallel parking? If the spots tight, you HAVE to back in to get the right angle. That means pulling in front of your place, quickly as hell, and backing up even quicker as the other cars are approaching your tailend. Then they have to slam their brakes on, honk and then go around you flipping the bird.

I'd rather just walk.

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When I worked for Greyhound ,the driving skills test they gave us included parallel parking the bus. They gave us the lenghth of the bus plus 10' to complete the maneuvor. I used to have to back buses into the shop over an open pit.

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I hate it when I get to school with the specific task of printing up 90+ pages of stuff on the school's computer, double sided so I don't waste paper, and get my study guides for the THREE standardized tests I'm taking on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week, and realize I left my student ID at home.

I need that student ID to use the school's printers. It has my "printing" money loaded onto it like a debit card.

I didn't print my stuff today. :thumbdown:

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I hate parking places that are so damn skinny that you can't possibly park straight. When I was at community college they re-painted the parking spaces and made them smaller so there were more of them. Did that mean that more people could park in the parking lot? Nooooo, not really, because now everybody was parking over the lines so much that every third parking space was too tight to get into. Our tax dollars at work.

Although that's not as bad as the parking at my university now...it just kind of sucks in every way possible, so I won't go into that, but the main problem is that there's just not enough of it. I mean, every school has that problem, but this is just on an utterly ridiculous level.

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What about parallel parking? If the spots tight, you HAVE to back in to get the right angle. That means pulling in front of your place, quickly as hell, and backing up even quicker as the other cars are approaching your tailend. Then they have to slam their brakes on, honk and then go around you flipping the bird.

I'd rather just walk.

I hate parallel parking, and I generally won't do it. I can do it ok in a car, but not in the Explorer. (They have really bad visibility/blind spots, as do Ford minivans, which I used to drive). But in my area, parallel parking is never the only option, thankfully!

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I hate parallel parking, and I generally won't do it. I can do it ok in a car, but not in the Explorer. (They have really bad visibility/blind spots, as do Ford minivans, which I used to drive). But in my area, parallel parking is never the only option, thankfully!

You need to get rid of the Explorer. Behemoth vehicles are the bane of driving and in your case, parking.

Observe carefully. :D


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My new pet peeve is people accusing you of things which are entirely untrue. Then when you call them on it they act stupid or run off. Message boards are what they are and people need to know how to seperate the Internet from the nose on their face. Really funny if you think about it.

Let's have fun!


Oh the driving thing, for gods sake there are people on the road who cannot sort putting their clothes on right side out and then calling it fashion because they are lazy.

The loose ones? Arrrrghhhhh nobody wants to see some dudes crack in public.

<edited for cohesion>

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It was hot Italian sausage!

He asked for spaghetti!

He just does silly things like that all the time when he goes to the store.

I just asked him a few minutes ago, "really---when was the last time oyu have a huge sausage in your spaghetti?"

His reply?

"I don't cook the stuff--I just eat it."

Yeah...and he wonders why I asked him the other day if he was really spats on .com. ROFL


Men are just weird. My husband, who actually went to two years of cooking school and has worked as a professional chef, always makes me come in and test the pasta to see if it's al dente. And I always say "don't you know how you prefer to eat it?" Or, "What did they teach you at cooking school?" Or, on PMS days, "WHAT DID THEY TEACH YOU AT THAT THREE STAR RESTUARANT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD?!?"

I think he's messin' with me, like, "I can get her to drop what she's doing and come in the kitchen." Or maybe it's that he thinks I need to contribute something other than making yummy noises and doing the dishes. If I refuse he will just let the pasta continue to boil until it's over cooked.

I just don't understand it. It's a huge pet peeve. :blink:

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Self service checkouts in supermarkets that voice 'put the item in the bagging area' shut up shut up its all ready in the the bagging area does my head in :angry:

OMG! I hear ya! And how about when they ask you to REMOVE items from the bagging area? And do what with them, pray tell? Balance them on my head?

Who designed those darned things? :huh:

Pet Peeve of the day:

The search function. I don't care if something is only 2 or 3 letters long. Let me ssearch for it! If I'm looking for something, like, Led Zeppelin and New Music as the title, don't NOT perform the search just because "Led" and "New" are under 4-letters long. WTF is that limit? Stupid!

I guess we're supposed to type "Lead Zeppelin" when doing searches. Seems a bit ... odd. :huh:


Pet peeve of the day: my boss wants me to get offline and work. Humph.

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^that's called being a grown-up Spats. Maybe eve realizing that the differences you had with them were stupid. :rolleyes:

My pet peeve: I send my boyfriend to the grocery store for stuff for dinner, and he's always gone for like an hour! We live less than five minutes away from about three different grocery stores!

Not to mention that he bought Johnsonville sausages when I asked him to get "hot Italian sausage" for spaghetti. :lol: ("You didn't specify ground sausage." )

I was like, "when was the last time you ate spaghetti with sausage links?!?"

Well i hold grudges. Two of the girls rejected me. I should just forgive and forget? :o Can't do that. And one of the guys i got into a fist fight with. I don't call them pretending nothing bad ever happened "being grown up".

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Yesterday I happened upon one of my most irritating pet peeve.

Guys who cough up shit and garbage logies and spit right next to a bench to sit on!!!!!!

OMFG!! That is so fricken gross and disrepectful. SICK!!!!!!! :angry:<_<:angry:<_<

Edited by Hotplant
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You need to get rid of the Explorer. Behemoth vehicles are the bane of driving and in your case, parking.

Observe carefully. :D


I know, I know; you are right. I'd love a Subaru Outback, but really need 7 seats for carpooling. I'm looking....

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Yesterday I happened upon one of my most irritating pet peeve.

Guys who cough up shit and garbage logies and spit right next to a bench to sit on!!!!!!

OMFG!! That is so fricken gross and disrepectful. SICK!!!!!!! :angry:<_<:angry:<_<

Or the one's that hold one nostral and just blow out the other side. :'(

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Or the one's that hold one nostral and just blow out the other side. :'(

I don't talk about that anymore. I got caught talking about that by the person who was doing it--and let's just say that it WAS NOT a pretty thing, considering it was someone I really admired and respected who was doing it. Talk about eating crow when it's still warm. :oops:

I apologized, but I have NEVER felt like such a jackass in my life.

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