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Pet Peeves


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Then don't take naps, Ricky. I wish I had the time to take a nap. I wanted to earlier today, but I didn't get to, LOL.

I hate door-to-door solicitors. I seem to have been getting more and more. Ugh.

I have found that answering the door in a towel seems to be an effective way to get rid of them. :D

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I'm sorry if you are one of these people but, the door to door religion salesmen drive me nuts. It wouldn't bother me if after you said you weren't interested they left. But they don't. After you say no, then that should show you aren't interested. It doesn't mean that you think they're creepy it just means that you aren't interested.

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Then don't take naps, Ricky. I wish I had the time to take a nap. I wanted to earlier today, but I didn't get to, LOL.

I hate door-to-door solicitors. I seem to have been getting more and more. Ugh.

I had to in order to wake up a bit, because I was almost up for 2 days. I needed a quick nap, but nope....

EDIT: I'm gonna go ahead and leave.....I don't want to bother anybody.

Edited by DoubleNecker
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Told him to get his ass down to the trade school. They have to have one somewhere in the community. I had to start a new career at 25yo after the oil field fell out in the early 80's.Technical community college didn't cost anything except for a couple books and a basic set of tools to start. I can't stand when young Americans piss their life away when people come here from other less fortunate countries and prosper. Get some motavation. :huh:

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I wonder why it is that some people come on websites and do nothing but create about forty new topics in a few days. What the hell?

They're only trying to share their wealth of goodies with the rest of us poor saps. I think we're lucky to have them. :D


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Another pet peeve...

When people say (particularly women)....."You don't talk much do you?". One of the women at the bowling alley said this. And you feel like replying..."No that's not it, it's just that you talk too much. You are getting things confused." Some people feel that there has to be constant chatter and then they say "You don't talk much do you?" :o:o:o

Edited by spats
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We seem to have a dumbfuck running around town now with his spray can tags. 'Dizzy' is his moniker. Well, Dizzy you better hope I don't catch you in the act because I'll shove that spray can where the sun don't shine. This ain't Oakland or fuckin' New York you little twirp. :angry:

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We seem to have a dumbfuck running around town now with his spray can tags. 'Dizzy' is his moniker. Well, Dizzy you better hope I don't catch you in the act because I'll shove that spray can where the sun don't shine. This ain't Oakland or fuckin' New York you little twirp. :angry:

We have a lot of that here. There are now a group of kids/guys who "out-tag" each other, they've been in our neighborhood. One goes by "Cash" and he's been arrested a few times at least.

Businesses bear the brunt of having to cover it within 24 hours or face a fine. They give you the neutral colored paint. Now they try to tag places totally out of reach, making it hard to paint over.

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Another pet peeve...

When people say (particularly women)....."You don't talk much do you?". One of the women at the bowling alley said this. And you feel like replying..."No that's not it, it's just that you talk too much. You are getting things confused." Some people feel that there has to be constant chatter and then they say "You don't talk much do you?" :o:o:o

I used to get this crap all the time as well :blink:

I don't know why you seem to catch so much shit on this site, you seem pretty normal to me. :beer:B)

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I think I have lighter gnomes...I'm constantly buying lighters, but then I can never find one when I need one! Grrr!

Although, I'm sure if I ever move, I'll probably find about fifty in various places around the house.

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I think I have lighter gnomes...I'm constantly buying lighters, but then I can never find one when I need one! Grrr!

Although, I'm sure if I ever move, I'll probably find about fifty in various places around the house.

same here, grrrr

btw does anyone have the "white lighters are bad luck" thing in their area?

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Imagine this----you are in your car in the Walmart parking lot. Parked between two SUVs. You start backing out of your spot and some dick continues driving through the lane forcing you to stop mid-way out of your spot. Can't the fuckhead even stop and give you a break?

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If you had ever perused the Spats thread when it was still around, you'd see that he is very much NOT normal.

Live and let live. I always keep my distance from you so there is no need to badmouth me.

Him and i were just agreeing on something.

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Lawyers!! They must teach classes in law school on how to be a prick. I've been dealing with a couple of lawyers lately and just once I would like one to respond to a phone call.

Next time you call, leave this message: Hello so"n"so (someone important) told me you were the person to see about... then hang up. Curiosity will usually get them to call back. :D

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My pet peeve is persons who feel there needs to be a lawsuit of police called over every thing they view as odd. If you need directions for life ask your mother or live it. Don't waste police and taxpayer money on your nose being in a snit or a bad hair day.

Taxes, attorneys and new police cost enough as it is. Add more when they are actually needed.

And if you need more than one attorney, get another. Instead of wasting police time.

Simple math people.

Edited by Geralds Game
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