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Pet Peeves


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But most men aren't like that.

That's another thing i don't like about tv or movies. How they portray men. Whether it be that show or the Seth rogen lovable immature goof ball movies that women seem to love and go laugh at. Where the guy is the idiot, women are always smarter than the guy and she is just putting up with him. And no one complains about it. But if a movie portrays a woman a certain way then there is an uproar and complaints.

You really don't like women.

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You really don't like women.

How's that? That's not it. Just pointing out how lousy men are portrayed in movies and tv. They are always portrayed as the goofs most of the time and their girlfriend or wife is the smart one. Sadly these tv shows are supported. The Jim Belushi show, the two men show, the king of queens, everyone loves Raymond. The men are all doofus's with women that put up with their antics and roll their eyes.

Then you have "Knocked up", "Forgetting Sarah Marshall", "The 40 year old virgin", etc.

It's the constant view that the woman is the mature smart one and the guy is a complete idiot. If the postions were reversed women would practically be picketing and it would be all over the entertainment shows. But the way it is is looked at as perfectly acceptable and hilarious. It's not good.

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Since we're talking about ow men are portrayed in the media, this is another pet peeve:

It's okay to portray men as shallow, stupid, and pointless, and the women as the smart, thoughtful ones who just put up with it, but God forbid one person turns that around, and the man is smart one where the woman is the "ditzy" one... if it's a woman that does that, she's a self-hating woman, and if it's a man that does that, he's sexist.

WTF? :blink:

Evidence of a double-standard, IMO.

Edited by Nathan
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Since we're talking about ow men are portrayed in the media, this is another pet peeve:

It's okay to portray men as shallow, stupid, and pointless, and the women as the smart, thoughtful ones who just put up with it, but God forbid one person turns that around, and the man is smart one where the woman is the "ditzy" one... if it's a woman that does that, she's a self-hating woman, and if it's a man that does that, he's sexist.

WTF? :blink:

Evidence of a double-standard, IMO.

Amen. it's all messed up. The men can't win either way.

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Edited to add: This response goes with the post above the last...^^^^

Except in the real world.

Women have had their day in TV's formative years....Lucy, Ellie-May clampett, Chrissy from Three's company, Kelly Bundy in later years- just a few examples. Now line up the male power figures in TV history, scale tips in favor of us by far.

Bitch about how women are getting over on you when you talk to a cop, apply for a high paying job, supervise employees, deal with a mechanic or other repair person, apply for a loan, pay for a haircut, play in a band, buy a car....get the idea?

If hollywood exacts a little revenge for a few laughs, so fucking be it. They have strength in other ways.

I'll never have to give birth, nor endure menstruation.....they can laugh at me on TV all they want.

Love you ladies! :D

Edited by Hickory Man
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Edited to add: This response goes with the post above the last...^^^^

Except in the real world.

Women have had their day in TV's formative years....Lucy, Ellie-May clampett, Chrissy from Three's company, Kelly Bundy in later years- just a few examples. Now line up the male power figures in TV history, scale tips in favor of us by far.

Bitch about how women are getting over on you when you talk to a cop, apply for a high paying job, supervise employees, deal with a mechanic or other repair person, apply for a loan, pay for a haircut, play in a band, buy a car....get the idea?

If hollywood exacts a little revenge for a few laughs, so fucking be it. They have strength in other ways.

I'll never have to give birth, nor endure menstruation.....they can laugh at me on TV all they want.

Love you ladies! :D

I'm starting to think he was a test tube baby :lol:

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On the television front, it should never be mistaken for an accurate depiction of real life, especially the "reality" shows. As for quality programs on television, it's kinda like music, you've always had to weed through the shit to find something decent. Before American Idol there was Star Search and similar shows. Crap TV is nothing new.

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Edited to add: This response goes with the post above the last...^^^^

Except in the real world.

Women have had their day in TV's formative years....Lucy, Ellie-May clampett, Chrissy from Three's company, Kelly Bundy in later years- just a few examples. Now line up the male power figures in TV history, scale tips in favor of us by far.

Bitch about how women are getting over on you when you talk to a cop, apply for a high paying job, supervise employees, deal with a mechanic or other repair person, apply for a loan, pay for a haircut, play in a band, buy a car....get the idea?

If hollywood exacts a little revenge for a few laughs, so fucking be it. They have strength in other ways.

I'll never have to give birth, nor endure menstruation.....they can laugh at me on TV all they want.

Love you ladies! :D

Well said. All this "boo hoo, men have it so tough" talk...ridiculous. Men run the world, fair or not, that's the way it is.

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Edited to add: This response goes with the post above the last...^^^^

Except in the real world.

Women have had their day in TV's formative years....Lucy, Ellie-May clampett, Chrissy from Three's company, Kelly Bundy in later years- just a few examples. Now line up the male power figures in TV history, scale tips in favor of us by far.

Bitch about how women are getting over on you when you talk to a cop, apply for a high paying job, supervise employees, deal with a mechanic or other repair person, apply for a loan, pay for a haircut, play in a band, buy a car....get the idea?

If hollywood exacts a little revenge for a few laughs, so fucking be it. They have strength in other ways.

I'll never have to give birth, nor endure menstruation.....they can laugh at me on TV all they want.

Love you ladies! :D

Women get free ladies nights at clubs all over the city. Women's diseases like Breast cancer get more publicity than diseases that men get. Mother's day kills Father's day in the publicity department. Society believes it's no big deal if a man get's physically harmed but it's considered the crime of the century if it happens to a woman. Society believes men should cater to women, bow down to them. ask them out, propose to them, pay for them. The list goes on.

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I can never understand what women see in men, anyway, that would be attractive. We're disgusting - it's a wonder they would even be seen with us. If I were a woman, I'd be lesbo for sure, or just play with myself all day...

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I can never understand what women see in men, anyway, that would be attractive. We're disgusting - it's a wonder they would even be seen with us. If I were a woman, I'd be lesbo for sure, or just play with myself all day...

Dude, don't knock your own gender like that. :o:o There are millions of women out there that aren't that appealing either.

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I can never understand what women see in men, anyway, that would be attractive. We're disgusting - it's a wonder they would even be seen with us. If I were a woman, I'd be lesbo for sure, or just play with myself all day...

I've said the same thing many times! :D

Of course, it would be weird for a straight male to feel differently.

Guys are fugly bastards.

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Wow. I'm off here for days, and when i come back , It doesn't really seem like I've missed anything. That never used to be the case, on the previous board....hmmm.

But, anyway-

I just have one question for you, my dear Spats: What the HELL did your Mom DO to you? Did she beat you, neglect you, tie you to a tree and leave you outside in the rain? What?

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What really pisses me off is: :rant:

Retards that say their special and say "Iam' Sthmarter Thuun U!"

Hot Carls!

Inter-Office Cleavland Steamers

People who give bums money rather than cigarettes

Bad hyperlinks to Goat Porn

Peanuts that cut you on the way out!

Awwwwww Riiiiiiiight! Giggity Gigg-u-tay! :watchingyou:

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Wow. I'm off here for days, and when i come back , It doesn't really seem like I've missed anything. That never used to be the case, on the previous board....hmmm.

But, anyway-

I just have one question for you, my dear Spats: What the HELL did your Mom DO to you? Did she beat you, neglect you, tie you to a tree and leave you outside in the rain? What?

No why? Me and my mother got along.

Why is it that when a guy does not kiss women's butt's people think there is something wrong with the guy. I am just being realistic. Society caters to women. I was just on the subway this morning and i saw three different guys get up and let some women have their seats. So the woman ends up getting to sit and the guys are left standing. Ya never see women giving their seats up for guys. :o:o

I would give my seat up for an old person or a handicapped person but that's too much.

I think this is officially a pet peeve of mine.

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No why? Me and my mother got along.

Why is it that when a guy does not kiss women's butt's people think there is something wrong with the guy. I am just being realistic. Society caters to women. I was just on the subway this morning and i saw three different guys get up and let some women have their seats. So the woman ends up getting to sit and the guys are left standing. Ya never see women giving their seats up for guys. :o:o

I would give my seat up for an old person or a handicapped person but that's too much.

I think this is officially a pet peeve of mine.

It's just that you seem to think pretty low of all women. Usually that indicates a bad parental relationship. So I had to ask. AND the fact that you hate mother's day....

Society doesn't REALLY cater to women. You just feel that way because you are bitter. Don't deny that you are. When we are angry, or feel negatively about something, it can skewer the way you see the world. Because you are looking for faults in women, you are more apt to notice every little thing that you think is "catering" to women while ignoring times when it is the other way.

And for the record, I will give up my seat to a guy, but only if it's someone I know personally. But then again sitting on the floor has never bothered me. Besides, if they're a good friend or boyfriend, you can always sit in their lap, too! :D

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