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Pet Peeves


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If it was based on bookings alone, then a restaurant's would never be busy. It's walk-ins that tend to kill them. Law of customer service: you cannot turn away a customer. Unfortunately, this means that a restaurant's can have more customers then it can normally handle. Try this restaurant's again at a time when it shouldn't be so busy and I bet you'll find the service much more commendable.

Well I agree and I don't agree Nathan. My family has had restaurants for years and have been through good and bad times with them so I know sometimes you have to get what you can. But there's no excuse for poor service in my opinion - as in, if the service is poor, don't make excuses for it. Acknowlege, apologise, offer a free liqueur or something. Most people can empathise when things are handled right.

Of course there's always the odd exception. B)

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I'm a girl and i have lived with a few men in my lifetime. While i know this kind of thing happens, it peeves me to hear women complain so vehemently about it. You choose to live with this man and you probably love him. Everyone has flaws and that's something you accept when you live with someone. My exhusband was a "slob" and i would say the reason was his mom did all the cleaning up for her 3 children. He never learned to clean or clean up after himself. I taught him over the years, but expected i would sometimes still have to clean up after him. However, he did plenty for me, so it balanced out.

It's just the same old ragging on your man story i have heard from friends over the years, and my feeling is, if you love this person, why air your "dirty laundry" to everyone. Respect him. Resolve these issues with him or just give up if you find it's a lost cause. Think about why you are involved with him in the first place and realize the relationship is worth the give and take that it requires.

Yes men, i'm sticking up for you, at the risk of a cat fight ensuing! I just feel like i am more than willing to learn to live with the flaws of someone i want to be with. I will try to change habits i don't care for, but i don't want to tell the world how annoying they are about the man i choose to live with and love. In fact, when you love someone enough, the flaws are barely noticable and of little importance.

Do you have a twin sister? :wub:



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People who post foul-mouthed screeds, then complain to the mods about others, and have the thread locked so no one can respond to their provocation and crudeness. (Well, that is one way to avoid being accused of stirring things up - arrange it so you literally get the last word and no one else's opinion is even allowed.)

People who send ignorant, insulting PMs, then block replies.

Cowardly, hypocritical behavior, in general.

But I guess for some things, there is no cure.

You forgot ordering bannings.....

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You forgot ordering bannings.....


There is only one person I know of who "orders" bannings...and I bet it's not who you think it is. It is, however, funny that you, who haven't been around for very long know all about people who "order" bannings.


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Well I agree and I don't agree Nathan. My family has had restaurants for years and have been through good and bad times with them so I know sometimes you have to get what you can. But there's no excuse for poor service in my opinion - as in, if the service is poor, don't make excuses for it. Acknowlege, apologise, offer a free liqueur or something. Most people can empathise when things are handled right.

Of course there's always the odd exception. B)

I used to work at a steakhouse. When you walk in and check the bookings for the day, you think... "oh good, not that many, I can handle this." Even if there are a lot, you know the right amount of people will be working. But then you get on the job and within 10 minutes you find yourself having to tell people that there's a 25-minute or more wait. (Side note: at these times, the host position is the most wanted position because it's the least amount of work.) This is not because of booking, because with all the bookings, you still have a good amount of tables open. It's all the walk-ins. And service always fell when we got that busy. But we never had complaints because, I guess, most people kind of forgave it.

I do agree with you that they should have apologized and offered something free or maybe taken a meal off your ticket so you had a free meal. However, in their defense, it might have been so busy they really didn't think about it. No, that's not the best excuse, but if it's busy enough, the only thing you're thinking about is getting everyone served, eaten, and out so you can seat and serve the next table as quickly as possible. Customer service unfortunately takes a back-seat to efficiency and speed at this juncture.

Of course, it all depends on how busy it was, so I guess my question to you would be... just how busy was it? If we're talking a wait of over 20 minutes, then I say it can be forgiven, just because I've had to go through it. But if we're talking 20 minutes or less, then you're right to be annoyed by it.

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Do you have a twin sister? :wub:



Not a twin, but she's younger...lol. I have learned what i find important in a relationship, that's all. It's all give and take, compromise, and hopefully good communication. If you have those things, it shouldn't be so difficult to gently train your partner to be more considerate with his trash. If that doesn't work, consider what you are getting out of the deal and just assist him if he needs it. Like your sig says, don't sweat the petty stuff (or something like that). We ALL have annoying habits i'm sure.

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Even worse, this guy I work with walks around talking all day with that damn blue tooth

gadget in his ear. You never know when someone is talking to you or not! :blink:

Plain and simple, people who wear blue tooths are douche bags. Especially the female gender, why would you want to advertise yourself as a geek.

So a couple of days ago in Starbucks this 12 year old girl is on line with her girlfriend. When it's time to give her order she starts a cell phone conversation with another friend. I suspect she was all full of herself for imitating mommy. Good thing I don't carry a gun around with me.

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I'm a girl and i have lived with a few men in my lifetime. While i know this kind of thing happens, it peeves me to hear women complain so vehemently about it. You choose to live with this man and you probably love him. Everyone has flaws and that's something you accept when you live with someone. My exhusband was a "slob" and i would say the reason was his mom did all the cleaning up for her 3 children. He never learned to clean or clean up after himself. I taught him over the years, but expected i would sometimes still have to clean up after him. However, he did plenty for me, so it balanced out.

It's just the same old ragging on your man story i have heard from friends over the years, and my feeling is, if you love this person, why air your "dirty laundry" to everyone. Respect him. Resolve these issues with him or just give up if you find it's a lost cause. Think about why you are involved with him in the first place and realize the relationship is worth the give and take that it requires.

Yes men, i'm sticking up for you, at the risk of a cat fight ensuing! I just feel like i am more than willing to learn to live with the flaws of someone i want to be with. I will try to change habits i don't care for, but i don't want to tell the world how annoying they are about the man i choose to live with and love. In fact, when you love someone enough, the flaws are barely noticable and of little importance.

With all due respect Tangerine, I don't feel like I'm ragging on my husband and obviously I have considered all of the 'advice' you're doling out, else I WOULDN'T be with him.

However the thead name is PET PEEVES so I listed mine. And from your lengthy post I gather YOUR peeve is hearing women complain vehemently.

OK, I have a new peeve...people that get peeved by women who post their peeves on a discussion thread titled peeves.


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Not a twin, but she's younger...lol. I have learned what i find important in a relationship, that's all. It's all give and take, compromise, and hopefully good communication. If you have those things, it shouldn't be so difficult to gently train your partner to be more considerate with his trash. If that doesn't work, consider what you are getting out of the deal and just assist him if he needs it. Like your sig says, don't sweat the petty stuff (or something like that). We ALL have annoying habits i'm sure.

You're posting on the wrong thread though....there is a relationships thread if you want to give advice. This is a peeves thread.....

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When kids listen, disregard your clearly knowledgeable advise, then whine and moan and bitch about their "bad luck" when, if they had taken said sage advice, they would already have their Wilco tickets in their hot little wise hands.

PFFT! :coffee:

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Got to let them live and learn.

The problem nowadays is parents trying to prevent every little possible thing that might go wrong for their kids, and we are raising a generation of spoiled, worthless individuals.

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We aren't all worthless. My parents let both my brother and I live and learn. There are some things that we are protected from, but it's for our own safety. It's things like walking the streets at night, etc. We are allowed to live and learn. My parents encourage us to go outside and play. I loev to go outside and just sit and make jewlery or read and listen to music. My brother and I play catch and run around. In fact, as soon as I'm done here we're going to go play football.

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Got to let them live and learn.

The problem nowadays is parents trying to prevent every little possible thing that might go wrong for their kids, and we are raising a generation of spoiled, worthless individuals.

Amen to that. Not gonna happen with my kid. He's only 8 months old now, but when he gets old enough, he's going to think his mother and I are the Gestapo. He's gonna behave, do chores, and all that stuff, dammit! ;)

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When kids listen, disregard your clearly knowledgeable advise, then whine and moan and bitch about their "bad luck" when, if they had taken said sage advice, they would already have their Wilco tickets in their hot little wise hands.

PFFT! :coffee:

:D I'm just coming out of the "Dads gotta be the dumbest person on the planet" stage. ;)

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I .A relatively new saying for me that crops up time and time again on forums


What the hell does that mean? :angry:

2. People who call people cowards but never say who they mean is cowardly in itself. :blink:

3. Restaurants where they expect you to give tips but fail to point out cleary that there is also a service charge included.

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I hate it period when restaurants include service charges. I think it's tacky. Since I'm NOT a tacky person (LOL) I always tip and it's not something that should be added onto my tab. In fact, that offends me a bit.

I also hate it when you go somewhere that's a very casual place that is middle-of the road in restaurants (between McDonald's and a sit down restaurant) and you have to order at a counter and pick up your food when your name or number is called, and they expect tips! I'm talking about places where you have to fill up your own drinks, get your own condiments, stand in line to order, stand in line to get your order when your number is called...what makes that better than Wendy's or McDonald's? I hate that one--the service is hardly tippable.

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Ohhhhh, I hate this also. People expect to get tipped for everything, and then give you a dirty look when you don't.

Like when I go to the grocery store, there are like 30 baggers sitting on a bench, bullshitting. Then, the two baggers bagging my stuff, are bullshitting, taking their time, and they do stuff like put a loaf of bread in with a melon. When I don't tip them, they look absolutely shocked. Then they try to push my cart to my vehicle. Apparently, a lot of people do this. But I am like "Is there anything about the way I look that makes you think I am going to tip you so you can push my cart to my car and help me put my stuff away?"

People in this country just expect a hand out, yet they don't want to do any real work.

And as far as restaurants go, hidden tips are a bad way to go. It's like that in Europe typically. There are no hidden tips, but the prices of the food make up for it and you aren't expected to tip, and if you do it is a few cents. But, the service is awful, mainly because nobody is motivated to perform their job well because they are going to get paid no matter what.

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^If you're talking about what I'm thinking of in European places, the service is SLOOOOWWW....because only Americans eat and run. LOL

For the bagger thing--I can't believe they still allow baggers to get tips. Our baggers at my store (a formerly very large chain bought out by Minnesota SuperValu--it's all gone downhill since SuperValu bought us out--but that's a whole different pet peeves post) doesn't allow baggers to accept tips. In fact, if they accept them and management finds out, they can be terminated on the spot! Granted, around here, it doesn't happen much, and it kind of sucks as a manager when a kid comes to you and tells you that someone has given them a $20 tip and you have to throw it into the safe...I've told the kids to pretend that it didn't happen unless another employee saw it. Then we don't have to donate money to the big corporate fat cats, and I don't have to feel like I'm taking candy from a baby when we throw it into the safe.

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Yes. Helicopter parents are everywhere.

I've seen them in the schools and I've seen them with their 16, 17 and 18 year old children in the workplace--calling in sick for them, demanding that they get a day off from work that they didn't take the intuitive to ask for off so they got scheduled; demanding to know why their child got written up at work when they were more than a half hour late more than once in a week, etc., etc., etc...

These are the types of kids who grow up lost because once they're away from their parents, they have no one to stick up for them any longer, and they've also avoided learning any form of responsibility while being around their parents... ugh!

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