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I have a messy husband too. I think he uses all his organizational skills at the office, where he HAS to be organized, lol. You probably wouldn't want to look in our garage, or our bonus room where his desk and most of the kids' toys are :unsure: (I don't even go in the bonus room anymore; I just keep the door closed, lol!).

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As someone who's repeatedly been called out for being a member of said "clique", there is no such thing. It's a myth invented by Magic Man when he went on the outs with Knebby and those who sided with her in the argument voiced their opinions as to who was in the wrong. Because he was wrong on that particular point, he invented this whole clique thing. And it's bullshit.

I call bullshit whenever I see someone being personally attacked on the forum. I don't get a Bat Signal every time Knebby gets contradicted, and I don't seek out the conflicts that you cliquemongers drag her into. But when I see bullshit, I call bullshit. Like now. I don't belong to a clique. Yeah, if a friend of mine is taking abuse, I'll stand beside them, but this illusion of Knebby having turned us into puppets blindly serving our queen is so completely wrong. And fucking tired. Hell, I made a remark about a post Misty Mountain made in a thread, and you leapt to her defense. Are you in her clique? Is Misty Mountain your queen? Sounds ridiculous doesn't it? This is so stupid on so many levels that I pity the poor new people to the board that they should come here to talk about Zeppelin and get this crap. This infighting. Fucking soap opera.


Amen brother :rolleyes:

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Never has happened. Never. Time to move on. Really.

Furthermore, if anyone were to make a blatantly unwarranted attack at you Sunchild, I'd protest it equally. Not that you want or require my backup, but I would, regardless. I guess it's just the fact that Knebby seems to get so much flac from people that it merely appears we're all behind here, like a gang, when in fact we're behind everyone who gets sideswiped unnecessarily.

Uh, you could start with ledded1's posts #1575 and #1593, those are BRUTAL!

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Uh, you could start with ledded1's posts #1575 and #1593, those are BRUTAL!

Well, to be honest, I don't know about #1575 or #1593. I really haven't seen them. Are they in this thread? Could you post links so I can see what you're talking about? I only ask because you quoted me in your post and I want to know what is being said that's being pointed out to me. Truth is, I have only been on this forum intermittantly, so if I missed something....

The funny thing is, Misty Mountain has said nothing but kind things to my posts. It's Sunchild calling me out for being in a clique and "defending my queen" like some drone that has my back up. I saw a post that was inflammatory, and I spoke out. Nothing more. Misty Mountain hasn't made any protest. So why is Sunchild putting all this spin on my saying something was uncalled for? Afterall, I believe it was Misty Mountain I was addressing, and all of a sudden I get Sunchild calling me out for being in a clique. Why?

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That's right Ev, they are in this thread within the last few pages. Like everyone else here, I don't read ALL the topics (it's impossible with all the new messages that get posted every day even if we wanted to) so I don't know what provoked ledded1. In this thread he & SunChild were joking around day before yesterday ("this is fuckwit central"..."you can say that again"...."this is fuckwit central") and then out of left field he hit her with those posts I mentioned above. It just made me very sad. :( I'm used to seeing lighthearted, fun and informative stuff from him so these unwarranted, personal attacks on SunChild made me cringe. Have always had the utmost respect for SunChild as well, her depth of knowledge on such a vast range of subjects always impresses me.

(apologies to ledded1 & SunChild for talking about you in 3rd person like this, it feels kinda weird :unsure: )


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You're a really interesting person Med!

Some people make me want to see an "All about me" thread on here. You're one of them.

Ahahaha!! Funny how that works Knebby, I feel the same way about you!! Boy, this board's a little tough and on the unforgiving side. I come in as a N00b (and take that with a bit of a giggle because if you look at my member # I've been here WAAAY longer than the 'particular' person who has chosen to treat me as an imbecile newbie, LOL!!)

Let's chat off line, I enjoy your posts.

As to you Tangerine...wank off...I extended a hand of peace and you chose to act like you have big balls. Guess what...big balls don't scare me, they entice me...so back off 'lady'. You've made several presumptions that you insist on defending that have been wrong. Glad you're not like...anyone of any import...I'd have to seriously wonder about the validity of this board. Yer just a wanker that has her own issues that's takin' em out on me....just cease fire please.

Tangerine, if you learn anything from this. learn some diplomacy and how to not 'jump to conclusions' based on your obviously limited exerpiences in life.

No, I'm not a a troll...I've been on this board almost since inception but have chosen to remain in the background...maybe you should hide out there for a while.....

Regards, Medhb

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My pet peeve of the moment is celebrities making money off their new born children, by selling the pictures to the highest bidder. I just read that Brad and Angie are asking for 15 million dollars. Makes me sick.

I believe they give the money to charity. They did with their other daughter.

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Even still, they have so much money that they don't need to sell their baby pictures. Why not just donate money they already have if they're feeling generous?

They already do donate shit-tons of money to charity. This way, the paparazzi get what they want (first dibs on the pictures) and the charities they help get what they need (money to further their cause). If they were asking for the money to retrofit their bathrooms with solid gold toilets, you'd have a point.

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They already do donate shit-tons of money to charity. This way, the paparazzi get what they want (first dibs on the pictures) and the charities they help get what they need (money to further their cause). If they were asking for the money to retrofit their bathrooms with solid gold toilets, you'd have a point.

Yeah, some photographer is going to make a sh#t load of bucks anyway...with or without their consent and certainly with a heck of a lot more aggrevation! Why not sell the rights to something that will eventually happen anyway and put that 'extra' money toward some good. I say..."Good for them!"

Of course, this is pertaining to Brangelina...some other celebrities aren't as politically caring as they seem to be and are in it for what can pad their own pockets...

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Of course, this is pertaining to Brangelina...some other celebrities aren't as politically caring as they seem to be and are in it for what can pad their own pockets...

But haven't you heard? With all the kids they're now referred to as The Brangi Bunch! :rolleyes:

I think Brad and Angie are setting a wonderful example. I think they are genuine in wanting to spread awareness. So yeah, they're rich, but they're not profitting from their efforts, are they?

BTW, Medhb, I'm agreeing with you. Sometimes I get so worried how my remarks will be interpreted, I'm not even sure if I agree with the way they read! :lol:

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But haven't you heard? With all the kids they're now referred to as The Brangi Bunch! :rolleyes:

I think Brad and Angie are setting a wonderful example. I think they are genuine in wanting to spread awareness. So yeah, they're rich, but they're not profitting from their efforts, are they?

BTW, Medhb, I'm agreeing with you. Sometimes I get so worried how my remarks will be interpreted, I'm not even sure if I agree with the way they read! :lol:

Not at all Evster...I've been around this board long enough to totally respect your opinion and take your words in the humorous way you usually intend them to be taken.

Cheers Mate!!

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Ahahaha!! Funny how that works Knebby, I feel the same way about you!! Boy, this board's a little tough and on the unforgiving side. I come in as a N00b (and take that with a bit of a giggle because if you look at my member # I've been here WAAAY longer than the 'particular' person who has chosen to treat me as an imbecile newbie, LOL!!)

Let's chat off line, I enjoy your posts.

As to you Tangerine...wank off...I extended a hand of peace and you chose to act like you have big balls. Guess what...big balls don't scare me, they entice me...so back off 'lady'. You've made several presumptions that you insist on defending that have been wrong. Glad you're not like...anyone of any import...I'd have to seriously wonder about the validity of this board. Yer just a wanker that has her own issues that's takin' em out on me....just cease fire please.

Tangerine, if you learn anything from this. learn some diplomacy and how to not 'jump to conclusions' based on your obviously limited exerpiences in life.

No, I'm not a a troll...I've been on this board almost since inception but have chosen to remain in the background...maybe you should hide out there for a while.....

Regards, Medhb

Anyone of import? Except for a few people here that i know beyond the internet, i don't consider anyone particularly important to me. You take what i say way more harshly than is intended, sorry i can't help that. I had no hard feelings when i posted what i did, but you seem easily offended, so i will refrain from replying to your posts. Not a big deal. btw...the urban slang you used towards me shows your maturity level and diplomacy skills. As for the "newbie" stuff you mention, i couldn't care less how long someone has been here. I know of the oldest and newest members, so what?

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Anyone of import? Except for a few people here that i know beyond the internet, i don't consider anyone particularly important to me. You take what i say way more harshly than is intended, sorry i can't help that. I had no hard feelings when i posted what i did, but you seem easily offended, so i will refrain from replying to your posts. Not a big deal. btw...the urban slang you used towards me shows your maturity level and diplomacy skills. As for the "newbie" stuff you mention, i couldn't care less how long someone has been here. I know of the oldest and newest members, so what?

Urban Slang?! :hysterical: WTF is that?! In this day of global communications any and all words are pretty much universally understood....am I supposed to bite your bait and assume you're living in the Ozarks with a fire for heat and you're at the library 20 miles from home to utilize internet services?

As far as my choice of adjectives in using 'import' I mean...someone who actually has some influence on this board, as in someone who can throw me off, as in a moderator....yer none of those things so I don't have humor your obviously lacking sense of humor.

Yeah, let's just agree to disagree then and be done with it....I can already tell yer just not one of the people who I care to communicate with and I'm sure the feeling is mutual. So....adios...nice bumping into ya on the path....glad we're not on the same one B)

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Not at all Evster...I've been around this board long enough to totally respect your opinion and take your words in the humorous way you usually intend them to be taken.

Cheers Mate!!

Thank god someone does! :lol:

It's funny. I do get in the odd scrap, but I try to be sincere, and keep a grin about it all.

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Urban Slang?! :hysterical: WTF is that?! In this day of global communications any and all words are pretty much universally understood....am I supposed to bite your bait and assume you're living in the Ozarks with a fire for heat and you're at the library 20 miles from home to utilize internet services?

As far as my choice of adjectives in using 'import' I mean...someone who actually has some influence on this board, as in someone who can throw me off, as in a moderator....yer none of those things so I don't have humor your obviously lacking sense of humor.

Yeah, let's just agree to disagree then and be done with it....I can already tell yer just not one of the people who I care to communicate with and I'm sure the feeling is mutual. So....adios...nice bumping into ya on the path....glad we're not on the same one B)

I would have just read and moved on, but it's too interesting not to ask. With 7,592 registered members (as of this moment) it's funny how you already befriended people of "import". Why do you worry about getting thrown off the board? Should people who want to check out a message board of a band that happens to be their favorite fear they may get kicked off if they speak? Well you don't have to worry, you already found your way to the right peeps.

I agree to disagree so please don't entice me to talk to you again. If for no other reason, your choice "adjectives" were my clue that you're not as high and mighty as you act.

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Who are these people of "import"? I'm just asking, because in my experience, 1000's of people join a forum, but only a handful actually really put any real effort into it and stick around on any regular basis. I'm just curious. Not trying to get into the fray so to speak. :beer:

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The reason I ask is this: As someone who is passionate about Zeppelin, and has been a member of the forums for a long time, I've often been accused of being an "elitist". Which is not what it's about for me at all! People come on and they see how many posts you have or whatever, and you get judged by that. Like you think you're something special, which I certainly don't. I guess the real question is, how does someone who spends a lot of time here, and tries their very best to answer questions to the best of their abilities escape the stigma of being board-hoarders? How do we do what we love to do without being placed in a negative light? As if we're trying to claim some sort of importance simply because we're here and have been here?

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I would have just read and moved on, but it's too interesting not to ask. With 7,592 registered members (as of this moment) it's funny how you already befriended people of "import". Why do you worry about getting thrown off the board? Should people who want to check out a message board of a band that happens to be their favorite fear they may get kicked off if they speak? Well you don't have to worry, you already found your way to the right peeps.

I agree to disagree so please don't entice me to talk to you again. If for no other reason, your choice "adjectives" were my clue that you're not as high and mighty as you act.

Oh, the irony!! First you ask me a series of questions and then you beg me not to enctice you to speak to me again, :hysterical:

OK, this is not intended as enticement, however if you response I guess that means - I'm enticing!! WOOHOOO!!! :thanku:

Um...I'm not worrying....and that's funny..you've defined 'right peeps' hum...wow! Lucky me, I just stumbled upon them so quickly...I do believe that like minded individuals find each other quickly, glad to hear by your own definition that I'm in with the 'in' crowd.

And um.....I'm no mathemetition but...yer member #8655 and I'm sure several have joined after you so to say 7,592 registered users at this moment just seems a little out of range....but hey, that does seem to be your M.O from the little I've read of your blase posts.

Also, 'already befriended' indicates a presumption (as seems to be your habit) that I've not been on this board very long....wrong again my Dear!!

Ya know...I'm not a bitch but guess what...? You bring out the bitch in me....must be purely instinctive on my part....or a faulty sensory condition :lol: however last time I checked...it was working rather well.

Also, I'd just like to add that I don't get what 'choice of adjectives' are used has anything to do with 'high and mighty' attitude. I am quite humble actually but won't sit still and take a blatant attack from ANYBODY! I don't care if it IS a mod...I'll just leave the board then, I have plenty of other places to hang my hat...I just happen to like a FEW of the people that post here!

Now, I'm honestly not a trouble maker....however you insulted me at the very first post I made on this thread and I am a person who will stand up for herself and others in the name of justice (maybe you can check out my birth date too in order to get a little more insight as to what drives me) I have responded....I hope that I haven't enticed you to come out of your self imposed distaste for me by responding to my comments.

Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.....

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Who are these people of "import"? I'm just asking, because in my experience, 1000's of people join a forum, but only a handful actually really put any real effort into it and stick around on any regular basis. I'm just curious. Not trying to get into the fray so to speak. :beer:

Hey Ev...I can't speak for anyone besides myself...to me - someone of import is either someone such as yourself, who's opinion I really respect and value....or someone who is an administrator and therefore has the power to throw my ass to the curb...other than that....dunno. But obviously I seem to be in good company from my friends list which Tangerine had thouroughly checked out...she's associating me with people of import...I'm just a humble soul such as yourself but hey...if someone wants to put us on a pedastal....how hard should we argue?! :hysterical:

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