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Pet Peeves


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Walmart.. Hannah Montana and Disney stuff taking over accessory departments, and what seems to be everywhere.. shirts that have cliche "rocker" statements on them like "rocker girl", with a picture of Hannah Montana holding a pink guitar or something... Posers. The image of "Rock" has become such a disgrace in my opinion.. Guitar Hero..

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In repsonse to my disagreement with sunchild which was never going to last long, they never do with me and we have disagreed before and it didn't last long. We both move on quite quickly really.

My response to her initial response was'nt nasty I felt, and that was replied to at length and I felt compelled to respond to that. Someone described it as brutal, blunt yes but i don't do brutal. To use sunchilds own words " it was a response not an attack" Someone else felt it came right out of left field but if they had read sunchilds first post to me ( bear in mind I named no one in the post she first reponded to, she just recognised herself in it, not sure if others did cos it was in my list of pet peeves, the other 2 had nothing to do with her), so in actual fact the first strong post came from sunchild herself. <_< But I am the bad guy :console:

We both recognise that we have opposite views on a couple of things and no doubt will again at some point so don't feel sorry for her otherwise i will have to call you a 'clique' :D She is big enough to fight her corner. And i am not as vicious as some of the people around here and on other sites. This would pale into insignificance to some of the arguments and personal attacks that occur between people.

I stated my case, made my point and will move on. Sunchild has made hers too and will move on.

If people don't like what i said or me for what I said thats fine, you are entitled to your opinion. I dont bear grudges or ill will to those who see a different viewpoint from mine.

Sometimes its good to blow off the cobwebs.

Now then wheres my clique? :lol::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I do blunt sometimes, and the response is blunt in return sometimes. If I can't take it, I shouldn't dish it out.

I agree with ledded, the cob webs have been blown off, and it's time to move on.

Hillary '08!!

(Oh, wait a minute...)

PS, I've never been so glad to see spats before! :D

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I have never been accused of bringing out the bitch in anyone before, shocking to me. I guess i don't give myself enough credit. Really i don't believe i brought out something in you, you don't already possess. The initial post i responded to is a good example. The one i "misinterpreted" you on. Again i apologize for that. Sure brought on alot of sensitivity.

Seems strange you are so concerned about knowing the mods so you don't get thrown off the board. If you are so peaceful why would that be a worry?

Anyway i've never been called a "wanker" before or been accused of having "big balls" (maybe big tits, but i don't think so either). So much for your idea of peace.

I am sorry i caused you so much distress. Wasn't my intention. I have said my peace.

Ahahahah! I guess I AM enticing!

Never said I didn't possess the bitch gene...who doesn't?

Don't know where you got the idea I was concerned about knowing the mods, for all I know yer one of them.

How exciting for you!! You learned 2 new adjectives "wanker" and "big balls". Wanker is usually used in a humorous way, especially by Brits, and "big balls", in my opinion, is a compliment when given to a woman. I'm pleased to have been able to broaden your vocabulary.

No distress at all....fits of giggles? Yes! Thank you!

And very flattering that I'm so enticing that you would actually type your response twice....in my experience....when I accidentally hit the delete key...I take that as a sign I should keep my response to myself becuase it's the 'Higher Powers' way of telling me I'm probably going to look like an ass...

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Are you like a robot or something?

Change his program somebody!

Please? :rolleyes:

Like someone else appropriately mentioned: "We're all part of the furniture here". Some are chandeliers, and some are foot rugs. If we all had the same opinion, there wouldn't be much to discuss. Some views seem ridiculous, but no one's is only their own. I've heard these views in person, before. And the kid is comedy gold - I've resisted for a few months, but you might as well do something with the material...

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You'll probably not be having sex again either, unless you change your damn attitude....

Edit: I just wanna say this---If there is such a thing as reincarnation, I seriously hope that in your next life you come back as a girl. I hope you have horrible menstruation problems, and that you have lots of kids. I hope your girl self is not at all good looking. And I hope that the only guys that ever date you treat you badly, and you have to find out exactly what women's shelters are for.


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Don't fuel spats TCMH. It's pointless. I don't even believe he's a real person. If he is, he needs serious therapy. More likely, in my estimation, he's a baiter, playing a role and feeding off the attention. :rolleyes:

In fact, he's probably a chronic "master" baiter. :lol:

You don't know what you are talking about. Just because someone does not have the same view on things as you do does not mean they need therapy or are a "baiter". I am real person. My views are pretty normal. Go out in society and you will see that tons of things cater to women. I am not the only one who notices it. If you pay attention you will see it.

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Here you go Ev...here's the "official" sign.



(spats, it's just something I MUST do...I'm not trying to pick on your or anything, it's just my new motto I guess...plus, I get to show off my mad PhotoShop skills...LOL)

It's okay. It's sort of funny actually.

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Like someone else appropriately mentioned: "We're all part of the furniture here". Some are chandeliers, and some are foot rugs. If we all had the same opinion, there wouldn't be much to discuss. Some views seem ridiculous, but no one's is only their own. I've heard these views in person, before. And the kid is comedy gold - I've resisted for a few months, but you might as well do something with the material...

I don't know if i like the fact that i am considered comedy gold because this is my life. I don't consider my life funny. :rolleyes: But i agree that people need to be more accepting of other people's views on things.

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You don\'t know what you are talking about. Just because someone does not have the same view on things as you do does not mean they need therapy or are a \"baiter\". I am real person. My views are pretty normal. Go out in society and you will see that tons of things cater to women. I am not the only one who notices it. If you pay attention you will see it.

It\'s ok if your gay. Nobody will bug you on that, or should I say \"bugger?\"

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Don't fuel spats TCMH. It's pointless. I don't even believe he's a real person. If he is, he needs serious therapy. More likely, in my estimation, he's a baiter, playing a role and feeding off the attention. :rolleyes:

In fact, he's probably a chronic "master" baiter. :lol:

Man, I always wanted to name a racehorse 'Master Bait' Of course by the sire 'Bonefish'...

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Here's my pet peeve. I know someone who fits the symptoms of Schizoid Personality Disorder to a 'T', but doesn't seem to know it. You have to have 4 or more of these traits...

-Emotional coldness, detachment or reduced affection.

-Limited capacity to express either positive or negative emotions towards others.

-Consistent preference for solitary activities.

-Very few (if any) close friends or relationships, and a lack of desire for such.

-Indifference to either praise or criticism.

-Taking pleasure in few, if any, activities.

-Indifference to social norms and conventions.

-Preoccupation with fantasy and introspection.

-Lack of desire for sexual experiences with another person.

I wish this person well, and hope he/she figures it out soon...

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Yeah, that's right. Did the word "menstruation" scare you?

Ehehehehe....might as well add THAT to our list of pet peeves right Ladies?! :D

Actually, I don't mind it, it is a time of retreating for me....shedding old to make room for new...all part of the process of creation...

What's worse is when the hormones start going outta whack! Perimenapause or whatever the hell they call it! Sleeping with no heat and the windows open in the middle of winter is something most men don't enjoy :blink:

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Ehehehehe....might as well add THAT to our list of pet peeves right Ladies?! :D

Actually, I don't mind it, it is a time of retreating for me....shedding old to make room for new...all part of the process of creation...

What's worse is when the hormones start going outta whack! Perimenapause or whatever the hell they call it! Sleeping with no heat and the windows open in the middle of winter is something most men don't enjoy :blink:

You can say that again....Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :blink:

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