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Pet Peeves


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Oh! Here's one:

People who forward messages and don't delete all the past forward headers...ARGH!!!! You have to scroll through pages and pages of headers, not to mention, yer exposing everyone's email addresses along the way.

End of rant....

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Oh! Here's one:

People who forward messages and don't delete all the past forward headers...ARGH!!!! You have to scroll through pages and pages of headers, not to mention, yer exposing everyone's email addresses along the way.

End of rant....

I agree, I just had a talk with my niece about this very same subject yesterday. I literally had to open one of her e-mails 6 times to get to the main subject. And once got a response to an e-mail that she forwarded, from some hunyak I don't even know.

Very annoying....

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Cognitive Dissonance. :D

Nice little bitch fest going on I note, no change there at all. Keep up the good work, nice to see you all using those superhuman intellects in the interests of justice.

Otto and I will be setting up the world's most exclusive Led Zeppelin forum called "Right Clique", no one can join, all the threads are locked just in case someone gets in and it's moderated by killer robots stalking the dark corridors of the interweb should anyone try to hack it.

I think that'll work.


Er, should we allow ourselves? :unsure:

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Yeah, that's right. Did the word "menstruation" scare you?

Didn't scare me. Just grossed me out a little. Women have that and guys lose their hair and grow hair on their back. Would you want that??? :blink::D

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Here's my pet peeve. I know someone who fits the symptoms of Schizoid Personality Disorder to a 'T', but doesn't seem to know it. You have to have 4 or more of these traits...

-Emotional coldness, detachment or reduced affection.

-Limited capacity to express either positive or negative emotions towards others.

-Consistent preference for solitary activities.

-Very few (if any) close friends or relationships, and a lack of desire for such.

-Indifference to either praise or criticism.

-Taking pleasure in few, if any, activities.

-Indifference to social norms and conventions.

-Preoccupation with fantasy and introspection.

-Lack of desire for sexual experiences with another person.

I wish this person well, and hope he/she figures it out soon...

I only have 2 of those. So you can't be talking about me. :D

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My latest pet peeve....

In the subway there is usually an escalater and stairs side by side. If the escalator is going up then you are supposed to go down on the stairs. I am sick of people who decide to still go up the stairs and cause a huge backlog of miserable people on the subway every morning. This sh*t is not rocket science.

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My latest pet peeve....

In the subway there is usually an escalater and stairs side by side. If the escalator is going up then you are supposed to go down on the stairs. I am sick of people who decide to still go up the stairs and cause a huge backlog of miserable people on the subway every morning. This sh*t is not rocket science.

Bwaaaah! I just figured out where you got you're screen name!

S upervising

P edestrians

A round

T oronto

S ubways


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My latest pet peeve....

In the subway there is usually an escalater and stairs side by side. If the escalator is going up then you are supposed to go down on the stairs. I am sick of people who decide to still go up the stairs and cause a huge backlog of miserable people on the subway every morning. This sh*t is not rocket science.

Awwww.....Pats fer Spats....


Hey Spats...look on the bright side - ya just might 'bump' into the love of yer life on those stairs!

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Today i actually had to shovel and sweep the street because of all the mud not really my job but the city but the city threatened a citation of and to which i informed my boss technically this is city property so they'ed be fining themselves anyway my new pet peeve is rain and mudddddddddddd!! B)

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Bwaaaah! I just figured out where you got you're screen name!

S upervising

P edestrians

A round

T oronto

S ubways


I always thought it was this:

spat [ spat ] (plural spats)



young oyster: an immature bivalve mollusk, e.g. an oyster


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With rain and wind...those damn maple tree helicopter seeds...arrrgggg...plugs up the downspouts. :mad:

:console: But they are fun to drop and watch them spin to the ground :)

I understand though.. I'm not sure what kind of seeds these are.. but at this time of year there are these string-like seeds that accumulate around the windshield wipers on my car.. and they're constantly falling in my hair, and clinging to my clothes.. And when it rains it's just a mess.

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