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When I was in grade school, I sold candy bars, pizzas, pastries......you name it. If our sports teams wanted something new, and our budget didn't cover it.....well, we had to become entrepreneurial and get the money ourselves. Which no one had a problem with. Maybe it's because it was a private school....I don't know.

I know those pizzas were good! When we went to Outdoor Ed in 1994, those pizzas funded the whole trip.

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It's all about the almighty dollar. Take walmart for an example. I need a new printer seein as how I no longer have access to my old one. I found this one on their web site


says available in many stores, well I went to the local store and the price is $97

that's a $40 difference. Now if that isn't greed I don't know what is.

No they do not honor their web price in the store, if you scroll to the bottom of the page they state this in writting.

So I ordered it on line and get it shipped to the store for free. :rolleyes:

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I remember doing the door-to-door cookie thing as a girl. I'd noticed several years ago that the door-to-door stuff had stopped and the sheets were brought in by parents (or the girl, accompanied by a parent). Nowadays, I mostly see the tables set up and some combination of girls and parents accost folks coming out of the stores. I'm quite thrilled to buy the cookies... if they aren't obnoxious about it... and around here they're usually pretty polite.

I also have no problem telling whoever is trying to get money from me or to buy a product that I've already gotten some or given some. They don't have to like it, and I'm not gonna worry about it. I already have enough things to feel guilty about... I don't need their assistance.

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Same here. I'm raising a student, not a salesperson. I can't believe all the crap they're supposed to sell nowadays. Even when they're little. Then they offer cool prizes to people who sell a certain amount and get the kids all excited. I can remember my kid bringing home those sheets and she never sold anything because I wouldn't bother people for money.

I think most of us feel that our tax dollars should cover the costs and school fund raisers probably should not be necessary. Most of us mature :D posters have already gone through that process and have already accepted that things were different for us as parents than they were for our own parents

Maybe growing up in a different era has jaded me a bit but I still think that school should not be a fund raising event. Girlscouts, Boyscouts and just about anything else in the relm of choice is a different matter and should be done in the old traditional way. I understand that there is plenty of reason to be concerned but maybe we just need to walk with our kids when they do go door to door. Be a part of the process

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I remember doing the door-to-door cookie thing as a girl. I'd noticed several years ago that the door-to-door stuff had stopped and the sheets were brought in by parents (or the girl, accompanied by a parent). Nowadays, I mostly see the tables set up and some combination of girls and parents accost folks coming out of the stores. I'm quite thrilled to buy the cookies... if they aren't obnoxious about it... and around here they're usually pretty polite.

I also have no problem telling whoever is trying to get money from me or to buy a product that I've already gotten some or given some. They don't have to like it, and I'm not gonna worry about it. I already have enough things to feel guilty about... I don't need their assistance.

I buy the cookies because I'm trying to help someone in need. Plus I like to see kids have some sort of initiative in rasing money for events and not being a "helicopter parent," and give them all the money and eating all the cookies ourselves. That's not a service, it's a disaster in the making.

As far as it BOTHERING me if I don't give money, it most definately DOES NOT. I give or I don't give and figure it's all a part of life.

I will say it again, kids aren't taught responsibility and how to take charge of things. I guess however we should keep them under daddys or mumsys wings all our lives and then when they become adults they can take care of us right?

Oh good post LOS :)

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Its one of those weird shifts in langauge that happen. It's basically the reason we no longer write English like this:

The Knight's Tale

But for to tellen yow of his array,

His hors were goode, but he was nat gay.

Of fustian he wered a gypon

Al bismotered with his habergeon,

For he was late ycome from his viage,

And wente for to doon his pilgrymage.

Logic doesn't enter into it, unfortunately.

Plus, it's so damn pervasive, I find myself adding apostrophes where they are not needed! I hate that! Soon English speakers are going to not understand what an apostrophe is unless they were born before 1995...

Ah, now, the reason we no longer write like Chaucer has to do, amongst other things, with the Great Vowel Shift. That indeed had a logic!

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I'm sure I've posted this before on this thread, but because it happened again today and nearly caused an accident - I"ll say it again. People who don't signal when they change lanes!! :mad:

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Here is another one ..

I went to the dentist today and my dentists helper was really hot. No one looks good when they are laying back with their mouth wide open so i hated the fact i was looking bad in front of a hot looking woman like her. :o I wish my dentist would get a helper who wasn't hot. Or find a way to make me look good while lying down with my mouth open.

And going to the dentist in general is a pet peeve of mine. I wish i didn't have to do it.

Another pet peeve i would like to bring up again is that fact that there was not that much promotion at all for Fathers Day unlike how Mothers Day is promoted constantly. I am only bringing it up because it was Fathers day yesterday. I even noticed that the fathers day thread has no got that many posts compared to the Mothers day one that went on for pages. Mothers day should not be made more important.

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Here is another one ..

I went to the dentist today and my dentists helper was really hot. No one looks good when they are laying back with their mouth wide open so i hated the fact i was looking bad in front of a hot looking woman like her. :o I wish my dentist would get a helper who wasn't hot. Or find a way to make me look good while lying down with my mouth open.

And going to the dentist in general is a pet peeve of mine. I wish i didn't have to do it.

Another pet peeve i would like to bring up again is that fact that there was not that much promotion at all for Fathers Day unlike how Mothers Day is promoted constantly. I am only bringing it up because it was Fathers day yesterday. I even noticed that the fathers day thread has no got that many posts compared to the Mothers day one that went on for pages. Mothers day should not be made more important.

So bro, are "YOU" a Dad? Well guess what? I am! know what I did with my son for Father's Day?

Nothing!, didn't even get to talk to him and haven't seen or heard from him in over a week. Thanx to some M... oh never mind me I just get excited sometimes.

Carry on.

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Today's Pet Peeve... Vegetarians and Vegans.

To those vegans and vegetarians on this board, I mean no offense. Y'all don't annoy me.

So, I was at the store checking out steak for a london broil when a vegan pops up behind me and asks me why I contribute to the killing of animals. Needless to say, after a stupid argument, I grabbed my steak and walked off, leaving the vegan yelling after me calling me a murderer...

Now, I could go on a tirade, but Carlos Mencia says it much better then I could (despite the fact that he probably lifted this from somebody else):


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Another pet peeve i would like to bring up again is that fact that there was not that much promotion at all for Fathers Day unlike how Mothers Day is promoted constantly. I am only bringing it up because it was Fathers day yesterday. I even noticed that the fathers day thread has no got that many posts compared to the Mothers day one that went on for pages. Mothers day should not be made more important.

Well, my dear, more people have mothers than have fathers. In fact, 31% of all births annually in the U.S. are to unwed mothers. Look it up if you don't believe me. To me, that indicates a problem with the male population, in that perhaps they aren't stepping up to be the fathers...I don't believe it is all the women's fault. And if they don't want to push their kids to celebrate someone who is little more than a sperm donor, why should they have to?

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When I was in grade school, I sold candy bars, pizzas, pastries......you name it. If our sports teams wanted something new, and our budget didn't cover it.....well, we had to become entrepreneurial and get the money ourselves. Which no one had a problem with. Maybe it's because it was a private school....I don't know.

I know those pizzas were good! When we went to Outdoor Ed in 1994, those pizzas funded the whole trip.

I went to public school.

I remember selling candy bars, pizzas, Marie Calendar's pies, lollipops, bagels, etc... for things for school.

The things we sold for school after elementary school were so I could earn money my family couldn't afford to fork out for me to do things for school--like going to Washington, D.C. for a journalism competition; or Vancouver, B.C. with my orchestra class to see a world-renouned cellist (who my teacher knew) perform. Those types of trips were NOT in the budget for my family, so I was quite grateful to be able to do those things. (In high school, we sold these things mostly to fellow teeenaged-high school students at lunch and break time.)

I didn't go door-to-door much, but I remember the schools telling me NOT to do door-to-door.

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Ah, now, the reason we no longer write like Chaucer has to do, amongst other things, with the Great Vowel Shift. That indeed had a logic!

Ah...the Great Vowel Shift.

The reason why our Germanic roots are so hard to detect now...



(I'm taking an elective class this fall semester: Psycholinguistics! Can't wait!!!!)


and spats, I didn't really post in the father's day thread because I no longer have a father. I'd rather spend my time thanking the parent that I still have who is both my mother and my father.

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My current pet peeve is the price of petrol and diesel in the UK. It's absolutely criminal. I filled up my car yesterday (it wasn't even empty, I had about a quarter of a tank already) and I just stood there, watching the numbers in disbelief. £55, it cost me ($108).

I felt like crying! :boohoo:

I feel your pain, and please no one go on about how good we Yanks have it. I just paid $60 to fill a twelve gallon tank. Point is, my account is now drained. I know we here in America are used to cheap gas, but now it's crushing us. I understand the whole "it's about time they get a taste of what we feel" attitude, but there's a difference between a "taste" and losing your home. Yes, we grew up in an economy that said "Drive, drive...", but now we cannot function. Is that justice? So we've been sucking the tit. Does anyone deserve to be totally fucked by a system that requires the impossible? No one's offering me an attainable alternative. Gimme a fucking electric car and I'll drive it! Develope a proper transit system and I'll ride it. But don't bitch at me because of the system. I didn't design it. I just grew up in it. :beer:

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I feel your pain, and please no one go on about how good we Yanks have it. I just paid $60 to fill a twelve gallon tank. Point is, my account is now drained. I know we here in America are used to cheap gas, but now it's crushing us. I understand the whole "it's about time they get a taste of what we feel" attitude, but there's a difference between a "taste" and losing your home. Yes, we grew up in an economy that said "Drive, drive...", but now we cannot function. Is that justice? So we've been sucking the tit. Does anyone deserve to be totally fucked by a system that requires the impossible? No one's offering me an attainable alternative. Gimme a fucking electric car and I'll drive it! Develope a proper transit system and I'll ride it. But don't bitch at me because of the system. I didn't design it. I just grew up in it. :beer:

Cheers to that, Ev!


Especially those of us who live in the West, who have nothing but silly "jokes" of a public transit system.

Not to mention that at least around here, companies are not only making a killing off of us in gas prices (Exxon reported record breaking profits AGAIN this quarter), but grocers and other people in the service/goods industry are taking advantage of this.

I have NEVER had to pay more than $5 for a freakin' decent loaf of wheat bread! FIVE DOLLARS! Milk is about $4-$4.50! Oh yeah, and even though my cost of living has DOUBLED almost in the past six months, my income hasn't. Even though I'm working, I'm still struggling to keep up. I have run into people at the grocery store I work at who can no longer afford to shop at my grocery store because the store I work for is gouging the hell out of our customers because "cost of living has gone up." Funny how our competitors have been able to keep the price gouging to a minimum while still providing their employees a cost of living increase (ours was $0.24 an hour, while I know others got more than $1.00 an hour).

A whole chicken fryer cost about $3.00 six months ago. It now costs about $7.00.

My favorite bread was $2.50 six months ago. It's now $5.50.

Stupid oil.

I'd also buy an electric car--even if it meant I had to keep my gasoline-only Accord for long trips. Electricity's gone up in Idaho, but it's still cheaper than gas. :rolleyes:

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What's psycholinguistics about? Is that like how language affects your perception of the world? I should take a linguistics class one of these days...I love all these stuff when you guys get talking about it!

Okay, new pet peeve. This is going to sound so very un-PC, but well, that's pretty much the point. I hate when all these rich WASP b!tches who sit around in their McMansions in their gated communities start little "activist" groups because they're bored and tell people that they need to "just get over" racism. Oh, right, I'll just take 23 years of preconceived ideas that society has instilled in me about people who are different from me and just erase them from my memory in the blink of an eye, sure deal!

I mean, I try as hard as I can to keep an open mind about people because I know we're all just humans with superficial differences, but it is not easy, especially when you're living in close contact with a different culture, and all those little differences start adding up into something rather more frustrating than they should be. I really like learning about different cultures (half of my major is French, after all), but sometimes you just want a little of what you would consider normalcy in your life, you know? (And actually, that makes me have more sympathy for immigrants and minority groups...Anglo-American culture must drive them batty sometimes.) But anyway, what do these soccer moms know about dealing with other cultures? Other than the token minority kid at their kid's private school, when do they ever come into contact with people who aren't just trophy wife clones of themselves? Yeah, they can "get over it" because they've never had to face it. More intelligent dialog on race and less ignoring the roots of the problem, please.

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Psycholinguistics:sycholinguistics or psychology of language is the study of the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, and understand language...

(according to wiki... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psycholinguistics...sorry Aqua!)

I'm totally excited. I've been told by friends of mine that it's an awesome class. I have been thinking about adding on a linguistics emphasis in addition to my English Ed emphasis. (My university offers four emphasis areas: English Ed, Writing, Literature and Linguistics.)

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Good points by both of ya! B)

Our transit system sucks, they're doing a light rail system here which I suppose will help people get into the city but we don't work there. Filling up a Yukon right now is a painful transaction, but we chose the damn thing. <_<

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^a girl I work with just traded her Subaru Forrester in for an Expedition! I asked her, "WTF is wrong with you?!"

Her response? "Mandy, I just live a mile and a half down the road! It's not like I drive 100 miles a week!" LOL


edited for spelling errors

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Whoa, that does sound interesting! Complicated, but very interesting! I looked at the Wiki article a little, and the area that studies how children learn language seems like it would be especially interesting, considering that some of the research might be applied to help people learn foreign languages. Sounds like fun - good luck next fall! :)

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^a girl I work with just traded her Subaru Forrester in for an Expedition! I asked her, "WTF is wrong with you?!"

Her response? "Mandy, I just live a mile and a half down the road! It's not like I drive 100 miles a week!" LOL


edited for spelling errors

Well you know my situation, if there was another way to transport this many people at once I'd be all over it.

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Whoa, that does sound interesting! Complicated, but very interesting! I looked at the Wiki article a little, and the area that studies how children learn language seems like it would be especially interesting, considering that some of the research might be applied to help people learn foreign languages. Sounds like fun - good luck next fall! :)

Yes, I heard it was interesting for English teachers to hear and learn about because we teach kids how to learn language--even if it IS their first language most of the time.

Well you know my situation, if there was another way to transport this many people at once I'd be all over it.


Well, in case you guys don't know this guy's situation, he's got ten kids and three wives. He's one of THOSE guys... :lol:

He just refuses to suck it up and buy a short bus...

:hysterical: :hysterical:

edited to poke more fun at Hickory Man...

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Well, in case you guys don't know this guy's situation, he's got ten kids and three wives. He's one of THOSE guys... :lol:

He just refuses to suck it up and buy a short bus...

:hysterical: :hysterical:

edited to poke more fun at Hickory Man...

OK.... I kid you not, one of my friends at work e-mailed the same thing this morning.

Are you in the pool biz?

When you said you were a fan of pumps, I thought you meant shoes! :P

Or something else.... :shifty:

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