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Oh, and one more thing - I could not give TWO SHITS about "Postmodern Feminist Theory." Jesus. Of course I'm very grateful to enjoy much more freedom in my life than my grandmother or my mother had, and it burns my butt that women still make less than men, but come on. I cannot friggin' believe that part of my college tuition goes to pay the salaries of the people who teach this politically correct jargon-fest. I call BS.

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Here we go again.. another example of society catering to women...

Me and a buddy go to the Jays game last night and it turns out it was "ladies Night"!!! WTF???? Women got free baseball caps and if a guy brought a girl her would get one. They get cheaper tickets and get to sit in a special 200 level section which are great seats. And they get to meet with some of the players after the game!!!!! Again...WTF???? :o:o:o:o:o

What is the deal with this stuff? I get absolutely no deals when i go! Guys that go get no deals like this!

Not really fair. Another example of what i was talking about.

This routine is a longstanding pet peeve of mine.

Yeah, life's so unfair. I totally concur.

My pet peeve is the fact that men don't menstruate.

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Tommy's Pet Peeve # 83

I hate when people (my roomate) have more money than I do, but are too god damn lazy to go to the gas station to get smokes for themselves when they run out... instead they bum like 13 of them off you with the excuse "I'll get you back man"... NO YOU FUCKING WONT AND I SECRETLY PLOT TO KILL YOU IN MY HEAD EVERY DAY.

Thank you for your time!

Love, Tommy.

Edited to add: P.S. Steve, if you read this, you owe me 67 packs of Marlboro mediums.

Edited by docron
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All the Robert-bashing.

I actually find it amusing. I am in agreement that Robert can and should do what makes him happy!! Everyone has that right. Unfortunatley for Robert that puts him in an unenviable position of being 'The Grinch who Stole Led Zeppelin' therefore he's opened himself up to bashing. I'm sure it doesn't (and shouldn't bother HIM one iota) He's perfectly free to follow whatever path pleases him.

On the other hand, I'm not a fan of that path and I'm perfectly free to keep my money in my wallet when it comes to buying any of his music or concert tickets. But....whatever. I just hope that the J's get on with business and stop waiting for Robert to have a change of mind/heart. As many people who will go to see Robert without Jimmy, JPJ, and perhaps Jason will also go to hear Jimmy with whomever he chooses to play with.

It is unfortunate that there is a division....

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I actually find it amusing. I am in agreement that Robert can and should do what makes him happy!! Everyone has that right. Unfortunatley for Robert that puts him in an unenviable position of being 'The Grinch who Stole Led Zeppelin' therefore he's opened himself up to bashing. I'm sure it doesn't (and shouldn't bother HIM one iota) He's perfectly free to follow whatever path pleases him.

On the other hand, I'm not a fan of that path and I'm perfectly free to keep my money in my wallet when it comes to buying any of his music or concert tickets. But....whatever. I just hope that the J's get on with business and stop waiting for Robert to have a change of mind/heart. As many people who will go to see Robert without Jimmy, JPJ, and perhaps Jason will also go to hear Jimmy with whomever he chooses to play with.

It is unfortunate that there is a division....

Exactly, exactly, and what "division"?

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Exactly, exactly, and what "division"?

Just the division amongst the fans...I find that kinda sad...but that's human nature of course! If people didn't take sides there would be no wars...Wow, what a concept!

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I actually find it amusing. I am in agreement that Robert can and should do what makes him happy!! Everyone has that right. Unfortunatley for Robert that puts him in an unenviable position of being 'The Grinch who Stole Led Zeppelin' therefore he's opened himself up to bashing. I'm sure it doesn't (and shouldn't bother HIM one iota) He's perfectly free to follow whatever path pleases him.

On the other hand, I'm not a fan of that path and I'm perfectly free to keep my money in my wallet when it comes to buying any of his music or concert tickets. But....whatever. I just hope that the J's get on with business and stop waiting for Robert to have a change of mind/heart. As many people who will go to see Robert without Jimmy, JPJ, and perhaps Jason will also go to hear Jimmy with whomever he chooses to play with.

It is unfortunate that there is a division....

You are becoming quite the diplomat Med. :) Great post.

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I actually find it amusing. I am in agreement that Robert can and should do what makes him happy!! Everyone has that right. Unfortunatley for Robert that puts him in an unenviable position of being 'The Grinch who Stole Led Zeppelin' therefore he's opened himself up to bashing. I'm sure it doesn't (and shouldn't bother HIM one iota) He's perfectly free to follow whatever path pleases him.

On the other hand, I'm not a fan of that path and I'm perfectly free to keep my money in my wallet when it comes to buying any of his music or concert tickets. But....whatever. I just hope that the J's get on with business and stop waiting for Robert to have a change of mind/heart. As many people who will go to see Robert without Jimmy, JPJ, and perhaps Jason will also go to hear Jimmy with whomever he chooses to play with.

It is unfortunate that there is a division....

I don't think Plant has "opened himself up" to anything. If Page, Jones or Jason had made previous commitments they had the obligation to fulfill following the 02 gig they would all be in the same position. Plant is only following through with it. I'm sure the others would do the exact same thing so I fail to see how Plant has "opened himself up to bashing".

Why should anyone be "waiting" on Plant to do anything or have a "change of mind/heart"? As far as I know there were only plans for the surviving members of Led Zeppelin to perform a one off gig in memory of Ahmet Ertegun at the 02 Arena and that time has passed. There were no plans for an album or tour to follow that so Plant isn't holding up anything.

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I DO want to see them again. And yes its Plant holding it up. And Jimmy is the brains behind Led Zeppelin. And Plant and Krauss came near me and I would spend a dime to see that. That aint what I call Rock n Roll. No Page, no care for me. Page is the defining force behind Led Zeppeliin. He is the genious, the true musician. The greatest guitarist to ever walk this earth. I love Plant, dont get me wrong. He is the best singer of all time in my book too. But he is the one holding up a Led Zeppelin reunion tour and was the closest to Bonzo. But its been a long long time. Hell, how many loved ones have many of you on this site lost since Sept 25 1980? If he can tour with Allison, he can tour with Jimmy.

That's because it's not rock and roll, nor was it ever billed as rock and roll. Have you heard the record they did?

Maybe he doesn't want to tour with Jimmy. Did you think of that or are you one of the selfish fans who think that the 4 of them need to cater to your whims, rather than their own. If Robert Plant doesn't want to go on the road with any of the members of LZ, that's his choice. Not ours. That may be hard to accept, but try.

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You are becoming quite the diplomat Med. :) Great post.

Thanks Mr.Z....you may be in the minority though with your kind thoughts. Some people here just need to battle for the sake of battling....it's so sad.... :blink:

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Personally, it makes no difference to me if they tour or not. I've just read so many posts "defending" Plant and he's obviously the kink in the machinery of the would be Led Zeppelin dysfunction.

How is that? Raising Sand and the tour that followed were in the works long before there were ever plans for the surviving members of Led Zeppelin to reunite at the 02 in memory of Ahmet. There are no current plans for Led Zeppelin to record or tour so what is it that Plant is standing in the way of? I'm sure if any of the other members of the band had made commitments they were entitled to fulfill they would be in the exact same position as Plant is now.

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No I will not accept it. Not when you are the greatest band of all time and your mortal time on this earth is so limited. I wont accept it! You can. I wont!! I want Led Zeppelin. Who the hell is Allison Krauss? I hate country. Have enough of them around me to push the shit down my throat. Hate it. It sucks.

Just how much "country" have you heard? Obviously not very much if you are so quick to categorize Alison Krauss as strictly "country". She's a far cry from most of the crap that passes for "country" these days.

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So you're basically ranting about someone you don't have a clue about, whose music you've never heard and have misclassified and someone who Robert Plant obviously thinks highly enough of to not only work with, but tour with.

Supreme intelligence there, Sparky.

Let's break this down. The surviving members of Led Zeppelin are grown-ass men. They can do what they want, they do not act on our cues. They are all doing their own things now, the Ahmet Ertegun tribute concert was a one-time thing. They are not required, expected or forced to get back together and tour. They are old men now. The rigors of touring in a huge rock show for as long as their selfish fans would demand of them, might be too much. Have any other member of the band stepped forward and said "I'd tour, but that selfish Robert Plant keeps holding up the show"? No? I didn't think so.

They are not touring. I would bet decent money that December was the last time they'll ever perform together again. Rather than whining about how they're not satisfying you, be thankful they did that much, listen to the bootlegs and enjoy yourself. Life's too short to be pissy that rock band isn't doing exactly what you want them to do.

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