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Pet Peeves


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they said we'd be receivin a free nights stay certificate in the mail.....

not much huh? awwww welll....

any room in that there basement? Sounds like great fun!! I'll even bring ya some brownies....

Of course there is! There's always room for friends in the basement!

Just don't go all crazy on us!


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Whenever it happens to me and i end up coming face to face with someone on the steps it's usually a woman. I guess because they expect the guy to be a "gentlemen" and move first. One woman actually said sarcastically "what a gentlemen you are" when i wasn't the one to move first.

Years ago I went to a movie alone. I was on line to order something at the concession stand. I hesitated a second or two before ordering and the pig behind me barged ahead and ordered. I said something to her and it was seconded by another man close by.

I hear you loud and clear. I have other similar stories where women just think you are at their beck and call to serve them and cater to them. It sucks, but sometimes that's what you have to do to get laid.

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Basically, what it all boils down to is treating others the way you would like to be treated. Whether you are a guy or gal, it doesn't matter. Being nice to others encourages them to be nice to you. Try it if you don't believe me.

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Some of us have known men who catered to and otherwise pretty well spoiled us, and so we make our choices accordingly.

Any guy that spoils his girlfriend is just asking to be taken for granted.

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Years ago I went to a movie alone. I was on line to order something at the concession stand. I hesitated a second or two before ordering and the pig behind me barged ahead and ordered. I said something to her and it was seconded by another man close by.

I hear you loud and clear. I have other similar stories where women just think you are at their beck and call to serve them and cater to them. It sucks, but sometimes that's what you have to do to get laid.

I have had the same experiences.

Getting laid is great but it's not much fun if you compromised you're self respect in order to get it. I don't want sex unless i did what i wanted to do in order to get it. otherwise it is damn near impossible to enjoy it and you would not feel good about yourself afterwards.

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Basically, what it all boils down to is treating others the way you would like to be treated. Whether you are a guy or gal, it doesn't matter. Being nice to others encourages them to be nice to you. Try it if you don't believe me.

I agree. If people treat me good then i will treat them good.

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My latest pet peeve is this..

Here in Toronto there is a group called the Jonas Brothers performing. Down at their hotel there are hundreds of girls camped out ...singing, crying, shouting ,etc, all day and all night for the latest lame boy band to make it big. What is it with people that worship other people to this extent? It is beyond lame. And it seems to be a female thing. Especially with these no talent boy bands. You rarely see teenage boys doing this stuff. What causes this?

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All you do is complain about women. They're always doing one thing or another that just pisses you off. And now you're going after little girls? WTF is the matter with you?

This is thinly-veiled misogyny creeping out.

Do i respond to any of you're posts??? No. Let's just stay away from each other.

If it was guys down there doing that i would be knocking them even more.That behavior is beyond ridiculous.

Edited by spats
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You just did. Ha. And you do all the time. Get your facts straight.

I barely say two words to you unless you take a shot at me and most of the time i try and ignore that. Let's just stay away from each other.

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I think this has already been posted but todays peeve:

People who SLAM on their brakes and THEN but their blinker on...or don't even USE blinkers! Blinkers are good things...they announe your intentions to your fellow drivers....keeps your ass outta trouble and is courteous at the same time.

All Hail Blinkers!! :D

Edited by Medhb
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I have to go spend time with my lovely family who love(to cause problems for)me so very much. Ahhh, HOME! I can't get out of it this time, because my friends know I'm coming back and are expecting me....GRRRRRR.

Oh well, at least my new John 5 CD came in the mail today. I got it really quick, too. I couldn't find it in the store, so I went online to his website and ordered it, and I thought what the hell, I'll get the autographed one. So it turned out to be even better than if I HAD found it in the store. Score!!!

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I have to go spend time with my lovely family who love(to cause problems for)me so very much. Ahhh, HOME! I can't get out of it this time, because my friends know I'm coming back and are expecting me....GRRRRRR.

Oh well, at least my new John 5 CD came in the mail today. I got it really quick, too. I couldn't find it in the store, so I went online to his website and ordered it, and I thought what the hell, I'll get the autographed one. So it turned out to be even better than if I HAD found it in the store. Score!!!

It's been nice to know you. Where do we send flowers?

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I have had the same experiences.

Getting laid is great but it's not much fun if you compromised you're self respect in order to get it. I don't want sex unless i did what i wanted to do in order to get it. otherwise it is damn near impossible to enjoy it and you would not feel good about yourself afterwards.

True story....this morning I was heading into Starbucks. As I opened the door to go in some pig was coming out (and there were two more following). I could have waited a couple of seconds and yielded, but I was in a hurry, so I just plowed on through thinking of Spats the entire time. The lead pig gave me a weird look. I coulda cared less. She was kinda cute, but I felt she needed a lesson.

Edited by JethroTull
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Basically, what it all boils down to is treating others the way you would like to be treated. Whether you are a guy or gal, it doesn't matter. Being nice to others encourages them to be nice to you. Try it if you don't believe me.

Sorry, but I'm not gonna try it. Because I'll never know if my "being nice" caused them to be nice to somebody else. My theory is once a pig, always a pig. Male or female.

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True story....this morning I was heading into Starbucks. As I opened the door to go in some pig was coming out (and there were two more following). I could have waited a couple of seconds and yielded, but I was in a hurry, so I just plowed on through thinking of Spats the entire time. The lead pig gave me a weird look. I coulda cared less.

What you did is called a "spatula."I've done the same numerous times over the years.Sometimes you just do what you gotta do.

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True story....this morning I was heading into Starbucks. As I opened the door to go in some pig was coming out (and there were two more following). I could have waited a couple of seconds and yielded, but I was in a hurry, so I just plowed on through thinking of Spats the entire time. The lead pig gave me a weird look. I coulda cared less. She was kinda cute, but I felt she needed a lesson.

Once an asshole, always an asshole...man am I glad being an asshole doesnt make me feel as good as it does you. Or for that matter most of the world.

You want respect, you earn it.

Edited by ledbaby
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Once an asshole, always an asshole...man am I glad being an asshole doesnt make me feel as good as it does you. Or for that matter most of the world.

You want respect, you earn it.

She could have just as easily yielded to me. She was probably 1/2 my age and should learn to respect her elders.

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