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Pet Peeves


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Men who do nothing but complain about women. Men who do nothing but whine about all the things women do that they don't like, men who do nothing but denigrate women, men who do nothing but bitch about how the things that make women different from men are the things they hate the most. Men who don't get that there are gender differences and that boys and girls will never be equal, because it's biologically impossible. Men who find it okay to make insensitive comments about women they see in the street or in other public forums, because they don't like how they look. Men who insist on things being their way and their way only, never yielding or making room for compromise. Men who think it's cute to treat women like shit in front of their friends, because their friends' opinions are more important than anything else. Men who can't think for themselves and rather take their cues from everyone else. Men who find no joy in anything other than bitching and whining about everything.

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Men who do nothing but complain about women. Men who do nothing but whine about all the things women do that they don't like, men who do nothing but denigrate women, men who do nothing but bitch about how the things that make women different from men are the things they hate the most. Men who don't get that there are gender differences and that boys and girls will never be equal, because it's biologically impossible. Men who find it okay to make insensitive comments about women they see in the street or in other public forums, because they don't like how they look. Men who insist on things being their way and their way only, never yielding or making room for compromise. Men who think it's cute to treat women like shit in front of their friends, because their friends' opinions are more important than anything else. Men who can't think for themselves and rather take their cues from everyone else. Men who find no joy in anything other than bitching and whining about everything.

Wow, you really have it in for men. Don't lump us all in together. We are not all bad. ;)

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What do you mean work for a relationship?? You can be in a relationship and not have to protect or take care of the woman. I have been in relationhips where i didn't have to do that. It's enough these days to just look after yourself.

It's clear you don't want to put forth any effort, so that pretty much rules out women who are mature, secure and confident.... :blink:

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Look Pal. Your about to argue with the wrong person. And of this you can be sure. You have to give something for a relationship to work.

I agree you have to contribute. But taking care of the girl and protecting her is over the top. Who is taking care of the guy or protecting him? Nobody.

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It's clear you don't want to put forth any effort, so that pretty much rules out women who are mature, secure and confident.... :blink:

Yes i do. If it's equal. Women who are mature, secure and confident do not need a man to take care of them and protect them.

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Don't say the word "tradition" to this clown. He thinks everything must be 100% equal between the sexes, 100% of the time. Not realizing of course, that it's not like that, it'll never be like that, and there's no use bitching about it because it won't change. Basically, he needs to enter a monastery and never leave.

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You have to take care of the girl spats. It's a time honoured tradition. I mean you may both have to work, but be there to stomp that bogeyman MAN!

Make the girl feel wanted. Security will make her feel wanted, not this skiddish nonsense.

You don't have to. Dude, it's 2008. A woman with her sh*t together does not need that.

I don't want an insecure woman who needs to be taken care of. Women can take of themselves. Nobody is looking after me or protecting me from any harm. It's not right that i should have to do that.

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You don't have to. Dude, it's 2008. A woman with her sh*t together does not need that.

I don't want an insecure woman who needs to be taken care of. Women can take of themselves. Nobody is looking after me or protecting me from any harm. It's not right that i should have to do that.

What do you think of the "woman and children first" motto?

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Don't say the word "tradition" to this clown. He thinks everything must be 100% equal between the sexes, 100% of the time. Not realizing of course, that it's not like that, it'll never be like that, and there's no use bitching about it because it won't change. Basically, he needs to enter a monastery and never leave.

I think Women who want tradition want it because it favours them.

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Yes i do. If it's equal. Women who are mature, secure and confident do not need a man to take care of them and protect them.

It's partnership ... pulling together or whatever you like to call it. Partners are equal but they do lean on one another and support each other.

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It's partnership ... pulling together or whatever you like to call it. Partners are equal but they do lean on one another and support each other.

I agree that relationships are about partnership for the most part. But that's not what we have been talking about.

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A true person would provide and protect without even being asked. But you sure as hell cannot expect a girl to gravitate towards someone who will throw her to the dogs.

I believe in fighting for what I want....it's that easy.

Dude you shouldn't be putting that responsibility on men's shoulders. it's not right or fair. And nobody is talking about throwing anyone to the dogs.

What do you mean fighting for what you want?

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How do you figure it's a "copout"?

Take me and my girlfriend, ok? We both enjoy baseball and going to see a movie. We're the same. We both have guranteed rights by the Amendment, so politically we are the same as well. However, being the girl that she is, she enjoys bull shit like "Sex and the City" and ballet crap. I enjoy watching UFC and playing video games, neither of which she likes. My likes are up there with the majority of men while her likes and dislieks are right there with the majority of women. We have the same rights, but we are different. I don't really like seeing a woman (sorry to all women about to bitch me out for this) on ESPN telling me about the latest news in a football trade situation, nor do I really enjoy seeing a guy teaching dance to a group of 4-year olds. Call me old-school, but I think it's a little abnormal. Thats what I mean by equal but different.

If we were the same, we'd have nothing to argue about

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I mean I am through talking to you. Your a pussy.

That clear enough?

I am not that at all.. Dude , if you want to stick with a 50's mentality on this then go ahead. But i give men more credit than that. I don't think men should have all of that pressure on them.

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How do you figure it's a "copout"?

Take me and my girlfriend, ok? We both enjoy baseball and going to see a movie. We're the same. We both have guranteed rights by the Amendment, so politically we are the same as well. However, being the girl that she is, she enjoys bull shit like "Sex and the City" and ballet crap. I enjoy watching UFC and playing video games, neither of which she likes. My likes are up there with the majority of men while her likes and dislieks are right there with the majority of women. We have the same rights, but we are different. I don't really like seeing a woman (sorry to all women about to bitch me out for this) on ESPN telling me about the latest news in a football trade situation, nor do I really enjoy seeing a guy teaching dance to a group of 4-year olds. Call me old-school, but I think it's a little abnormal. Thats what I mean by equal but different.

If we were the same, we'd have nothing to argue about

I realize that sometimes men and women enjoy watching different things on tv, etc. And I feel sorry for women that find Sex and the city entertaining. And i wouldn't date a woman who like that show. It has no substance at all. But i am not talking about liking small stuff like that. I am talking about bigger things.

I have no problem with women sportscasters. The only female sports reporter in Toronto is probaby the best one here and i have no problem with a guy teaching kids to dance.

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I am not that at all.. Dude , if you want to stick with a 50's mentality on this then go ahead. But i give men more credit than that. I don't think men should have all of that pressure on them.

No you don't and you don't even realize it. I don't want women to have everything equal with me spats. I don't want women leading the charge to fight for our country. I don't want to see women paying for mens meals on dates. I don't want to see a woman standing in front of a man when a robber has them at gunpoint. Those are things that have always been the duty of the men and we accept because we can. The whole Alpha Male mentality thing wasn't created on accident bud.

You say you give men more credit that "that". In retrospect all your doing is fighting to make our wallets a little heavier is it not? Think about it. I respect a man who stands up for his girl. I do not respect a man that has a woman fight his battles, which to you would be ok because they're "equal" so why not?

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I realize that sometimes men and women enjoy watching different things on tv, etc. And I feel sorry for women that find Sex and the city entertaining. And i wouldn't date a woman who like that show. It has no substance at all. But i am not talking about liking small stuff like that. I am talking about bigger things.
Don't get out much do ya spats? I don't know a woman that doesn't enjoy girly stuff like that (i.e. Tila Tequila, the Real World, Falvor of Love, Sex and the City, The Hills, Grey's Anatomy, Will and Grace). You won't find a girl that doesn't like those things and that's why your in the single position right now bud

But i am not talking about liking small stuff like that. I am talking about bigger things
spats, I don't think you yourself have any clue what the "big things" are. Give me a hint, come on. Name something thats way bigger than likes and dislikes in movies, television, sports, reading, political ideals, etc.
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You wouldn't date a woman who watched a TV show you didn't like? I'm a Democrat, I wouldn't NOT date someone who watched Fox News. Do you even understand how completely stupid you sound when you say shit like that?

TV shows are not a reason to cross someone off a date list. And I'm being completely serious.

Don't get out much do ya spats? I don't know a woman that doesn't enjoy girly stuff like that (i.e. Tila Tequila, the Real World, Falvor of Love, Sex and the City, The Hills, Grey's Anatomy, Will and Grace).

I watched SATC, I watched Will and Grace......I do not watch any of that other shit. I have no use for MTV/VH1 reality shows or any thing else of that ilk.

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