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No you don't and you don't even realize it. I don't want women to have everything equal with me spats. I don't want women leading the charge to fight for our country. I don't want to see women paying for mens meals on dates. I don't want to see a woman standing in front of a man when a robber has them at gunpoint. Those are things that have always been the duty of the men and we accept because we can. The whole Alpha Male mentality thing wasn't created on accident bud.

You say you give men more credit that "that". In retrospect all your doing is fighting to make our wallets a little heavier is it not? Think about it. I respect a man who stands up for his girl. I do not respect a man that has a woman fight his battles, which to you would be ok because they're "equal" so why not?

Then you must think that women's lives are more important than mens lives.

Why should a freaking man stand between a robber with a gun and a woman? Why should he risk his life and she not risk hers???? Dude this stuff is not right at all.

And don't even get me started on how women should not have to pay for dinner on a date. Dude. :rolleyes:

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I feel sorry for women that find Sex and the city entertaining. And i wouldn't date a woman who like that show. It has no substance at all, and i have no problem with a guy teaching kids to dance.

You continue to be the only one here that doesn't realize that YOU DON'T REALLY LIKE GIRLS.

Edited by Hickory Man
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You wouldn't date a woman who watched a TV show you didn't like? I'm a Democrat, I wouldn't NOT date someone who watched Fox News. Do you even understand how completely stupid you sound when you say shit like that?

TV shows are not a reason to cross someone off a date list. And I'm being completely serious.

I watched SATC, I watched Will and Grace......I do not watch any of that other shit. I have no use for MTV/VH1 reality shows or any thing else of that ilk.

If i did not have respect for a woman's tastes in things i would not date her. Because i could not respect her.

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Then you must think that women's lives are more important than mens lives.

Why should a freaking man stand between a robber with a gun and a woman? Why should he risk his life and she not risk hers???? Dude this stuff is not right at all.

Where did I say that? It's not about worth, it's about honor. It would be the honourable thing for the man to do. Men are protectors, it's what we do.

And don't even get me started on how women should not have to pay for dinner on a date. Dude. :rolleyes:

I won't get you started because you still wouldn't have anywhere to go with your argument. You have nothing to say on the subject except men are better and thus we shouldn't have to pay.

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You continue to be the only one here that doesn't realize that YOU DON'T REALLY LIKE GIRLS.

I don't like ALL girls. Just the women that i like or am attracted to. Do the women here like ALL men? No. No difference.

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Where did I say that? It's not about worth, it's about honor. It would be the honourable thing for the man to do. Men are protectors, it's what we do.

I won't get you started because you still wouldn't have anywhere to go with your argument. You have nothing to say on the subject except men are better and thus we shouldn't have to pay.

That's what you are saying. You are saying that he should put his life on the line for the woman but it should not be expected of her. She is more important him. That's what it comes down too. And women are not more important than men. No one is more important than anyone.

I do have an argument. The guy being the one to pay is again making her on a higher level than him. Dude you think women are better than men. Everything you are saying points at that. I am not saying men are better than women at all. I don't believe in gender roles.

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Of course they shouldn't pay for dinner on a date. They already know THEY are dessert.

No, the women are not the dessert. Most of the time the dude gets nothing in return but a smile and handshake. He took care of her and she got a free meal. Nothing else. That's why they should share the bill. Then they leave the meal on equal footing.

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Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?

And you support that because it favors you.

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I don't like ALL girls. Just the women that i like or am attracted to. Do the women here like ALL men? No. No difference.

Your mega-list of hangups about the female gender insures that you won't have many to spread your "like" around too often. :rolleyes:

You set your priorities, and personal rules, requirements, etc. up to make sure that very,and I mean very few women will actually qualify (in your eyes) to be with you.

That's avoidance. B)

Quit playing around and figure out who you really are...the waiting is really boring for the rest of us.

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Your mega-list of hangups about the female gender insures that you won't have many to spread your "like" around too often. :rolleyes:

You set your priorities, and personal rules, requirements, etc. up to make sure that very,and I mean very few women will actually qualify (in your eyes) to be with you.

That's avoidance. B)

Quit playing around and figure out who you really are...the waiting is really boring for the rest of us.

Cripes, you could have whittled the spats thread down to one page with this post alone. :D

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That's what you are saying. You are saying that he should put his life on the line for the woman but it should not be expected of her. She is more important him. That's what it comes down too. And women are not more important than men. No one is more important than anyone.

No spats, this is still not about worth. She is not "more important", rather the man is expected to simply do so since he is (almost every time) the stronger of the two. He can defend them whereas the woman probably will not be able to do so.

I do have an argument. The guy being the one to pay is again making her on a higher level than him. Dude you think women are better than men. Everything you are saying points at that. I am not saying men are better than women at all. I don't believe in gender roles.

Thats simply wrong spats, I don't think women are better than men :rolleyes:

I simply accept that we are different. Men are stronger of the two and in most cases dominant. We take care of the women, they take care of the kids. You refuse to accept this. You think men are better than women.

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If a guy pays for my meal, he gets something in return. My gratitude and thanks for a nice evening. It's not like I put my napkin down on the table, say "thanks a mil" and then split.

But do you think the guy should pay for the meal?

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And you support that because it favors you.

Not all of them do. I would like to see a man cry once in a while, when it's not connected to him getting smashed in the balls with something. I would like to see more men do housework/cooking/child-rearing instead of always leaving it up to the woman.

On the flip-side, I'd like to see more women fix their own cars, do their own minor household repairs and watch a game of football without asking what inning the game is in.

So you'd be wrong. Like usual.

You're going to make him cry.

If the mere mention of oral sex makes him cry, then he's gay.

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Your mega-list of hangups about the female gender insures that you won't have many to spread your "like" around too often. :rolleyes:

You set your priorities, and personal rules, requirements, etc. up to make sure that very,and I mean very few women will actually qualify (in your eyes) to be with you.

That's avoidance. B)

Quit playing around and figure out who you really are...the waiting is really boring for the rest of us.

Why would i want to avoid having a girlfriend. Ask any of my friends. I want one.

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But do you think the guy should pay for the meal?

These are the meals men should pay for:

First date

Her birthday

every other anniversary

These are meals women should pay for:

Second date

his birthday

every other anniversary

Now in this case I'm talking about meals in nice restaurants, the kinds of meals you don't have but 3-4 times a year. If you're going to the drive-thru at McDonalds, she can chip in for her part of the meal. If she doesn't have any cash on her, or if he doesn't have any cash on him, the other person pays the whole thing. I don't consider a meal at McDonalds a major expenditure that either party should have problems paying in full, should they need to.

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I've paid for many meals and gotten many things in return.

Get a clue.

Or a hooker, dumb ass.

Well i know from experience and know many men that got nothing in return but the check. Women are not the dessert. I am not saying the woman owes him anything. But the man should not have to be the one that pays. It is not a rule.

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These are the meals men should pay for:

First date

Her birthday

every other anniversary

These are meals women should pay for:

Second date

his birthday

every other anniversary

Now in this case I'm talking about meals in nice restaurants, the kinds of meals you don't have but 3-4 times a year. If you're going to the drive-thru at McDonalds, she can chip in for her part of the meal. If she doesn't have any cash on her, or if he doesn't have any cash on him, the other person pays the whole thing. I don't consider a meal at McDonalds a major expenditure that either party should have problems paying in full, should they need to.

Why do you think the guy should pay for the first date?

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Why would i want to avoid having a girlfriend.

Fear that your buddies would drop you if they knew that you would rather be hanging with them than hanging with a woman most likely....maybe a few of them are open minded enough to understand though. ;)

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