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Pet Peeves


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....That was ALLLLL about you. Could you not see that? EVERYTHING she wrote, was stuff that YOU do....

I realize that she was talking about me. That's why i put the winking face at the end. But at the same time she is wrong on quite a few of the things she mentioned about me. Maybe 1 or 2 are right but the rest isn't.

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I don't.

Are you f**king kidding me? I, a 5 feet tall girl, should protect my man? How the hell could I do that? That's like having a yorkie for a watch-dog.

Jesus spats, you're really quite deranged.

A simple rule: you asked me out, you pay. Since men are often those who take the initiative, they are also those who pay.

A dude cannot stop bullets with his teeth you know. The guy does not have much hope against another dude with a gun. The dude should not have to sacrifice his life for the girl.

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It's just that spats doesn't ever make the first move, the women has to do that. So she has top pay.

MY idea is whoever asks is whoever pays, unless it is otherwise stated.

I think no matter who asks you should both split the check. I wouldn't feel comfortable with someone paying for me if i am just getting to know them. And i sure is hell don't feel comfortable paying for someone if i am just getting to know them. With people you know really well it's fine but on early dates i don't see how anyone can feel comfortable with getting a free ride. if you both pay there are no expectations or disappointments.

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Well, girls say they don' fart so, maybe they don't shit either. :burp:They need a farting little guy. :D

I think the Queen of England has a valet do that job for her.That's what I hear anyway.

Pet Peeve : Having a dump for the Queen of England

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I think the Queen of England has a valet do that job for her.That's what I hear anyway.

Pet Peeve : Having a dump for the Queen of England


<In my best British accent>

"My good man, I do feel a poo coming on....please take care of that for me right away! And don't forget...wipe from front to back"

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A dude cannot stop bullets with his teeth you know. The guy does not have much hope against another dude with a gun. The dude should not have to sacrifice his life for the girl.

My apologies everyone! But I can't resist..I have this vision of Spats ducking and diving behind his dates skirt....


Sorry Spats!! I see your point, however.....chivalry is NOT dead...yet!

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My apologies everyone! But I can't resist..I have this vision of Spats ducking and diving behind his dates skirt....


Sorry Spats!! I see your point, however.....chivalry is NOT dead...yet!

He'd be like George Costanza at the kid's birthday party when the fire breaks out.

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I realize that she was talking about me. That's why i put the winking face at the end. But at the same time she is wrong on quite a few of the things she mentioned about me. Maybe 1 or 2 are right but the rest isn't.

Oh really? PROVE IT. Until you can prove that you are NOT like that, I will personally continue to think she is 100% right.

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You've confirmed something I've always suspected. In some cases, winners of EBAY auctions are simply competitive people who DON'T WANT TO LOSE.

That's why I use the "Buy it Now" option if they offer it. You get what you want-quickly-and you don't have to worry about someone raising the price up absurdly high.

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These are the meals men should pay for:

First date

Her birthday

every other anniversary

These are meals women should pay for:

Second date

his birthday

every other anniversary

Now in this case I'm talking about meals in nice restaurants, the kinds of meals you don't have but 3-4 times a year. If you're going to the drive-thru at McDonalds, she can chip in for her part of the meal. If she doesn't have any cash on her, or if he doesn't have any cash on him, the other person pays the whole thing. I don't consider a meal at McDonalds a major expenditure that either party should have problems paying in full, should they need to.

IMO, if they sit down at a restaurant the guy should always pay or attempt to, unless it is his birthday.

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A dude cannot stop bullets with his teeth you know. The guy does not have much hope against another dude with a gun. The dude should not have to sacrifice his life for the girl.

Jeez, your a pussy and a cheapskate. No wonder you aren't getting any.

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A dude cannot stop bullets with his teeth you know. The guy does not have much hope against another dude with a gun. The dude should not have to sacrifice his life for the girl.

Yeah, that's a pretty drastic way to get out of paying the tab.

Fortunately, with everything in your world being equal 50/50, she doesn't have to try to protect you either, so if the gun is aimed at you... tough shit, m'boy.

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