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A dude cannot stop bullets with his teeth you know. The guy does not have much hope against another dude with a gun. The dude should not have to sacrifice his life for the girl.

What would you do then? Use the girl as a shield?

Jeeeeesus. Spats, the gun was just an example. Stop sounding like an egotistic pussy. The robber could have a knife, too. Or he could be good at kung fu. You didn't get the main point...

I am not taking care of any woman. It's not right that the man is expected to do that and yet there is no one to protect him from anything.

...which is that men are not expected to do that. Many of them do that willingly, or feel it's their natural duty.If you're not one of them, good; but do you really have to continue bitching and moaning about that? If you really feel the need to vent your frustration, consult your psychiatrist. Discussing your opinion on women in every other thread is really a bit too much.

If I could protect my boyfriend the same way he can protect me, I would do that without hesitation. But that would be quite pointless and counterproductive, because he's much stronger than me. There are, however, other things I can and will do for him. Why? Because I do care about him.

*shock* :o

We all know you are not taking care of any woman, because you have no woman to take care of in the first place.

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If spats and I were on a date (hellllllo fantasy world) and some guy came up to us and stuck a gun out, demanding our money and jewelry or else he'd shoot, I'd just push him forward and say "him first, he stuck me with the tab at dinner."

Ha Ha, poor old Spats. Last of the big time spenders

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IMO, if they sit down at a restaurant the guy should always pay or attempt to, unless it is his birthday.

I think women do pay, when they want to. If they are using some twit (no names mentioned), of course they will take him for everything they can and give nothing in return. You have to know how to differentiate between being used and some one who is serious. I am not saying all women do this, some have self respect, but you that do it, know it.

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If spats and I were on a date (hellllllo fantasy world) and some guy came up to us and stuck a gun out, demanding our money and jewelry or else he'd shoot, I'd just push him forward and say "him first, he stuck me with the tab at dinner."

I would beat you to it and say the exact same thing. :D

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What would you do then? Use the girl as a shield?

Jeeeeesus. Spats, the gun was just an example. Stop sounding like an egotistic pussy. The robber could have a knife, too. Or he could be good at kung fu. You didn't get the main point...

...which is that men are not expected to do that. Many of them do that willingly, or feel it's their natural duty.If you're not one of them, good; but do you really have to continue bitching and moaning about that? If you really feel the need to vent your frustration, consult your psychiatrist. Discussing your opinion on women in every other thread is really a bit too much.

If I could protect my boyfriend the same way he can protect me, I would do that without hesitation. But that would be quite pointless and counterproductive, because he's much stronger than me. There are, however, other things I can and will do for him. Why? Because I do care about him.

*shock* :o

We all know you are not taking care of any woman, because you have no woman to take care of in the first place.

Even if he has a knife i am in deep trouble or if he is a expert in karate. Either way i lose. I just don't get this attitude that there seems to be that it's all right for a guy to risk his safety for a woman. Something wrong with that.

Even if i had a girl i wuldn't be taking care of her. I have never taken care of any of my girlfriends. Not my responsibility. I am a independant guy and I hook up with independant women. No one has ever taken care of me.

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I think women do pay, when they want to. If they are using some twit (no names mentioned), of course they will take him for everything they can and give nothing in return. You have to know how to differentiate between being used and some one who is serious. I am not saying all women do this, some have self respect, but you that do it, know it.

Like flirting, it's hard to tell if the woman is playing with you or if she is serious so it's better to just play it safe than end up sorry.

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Oh really? PROVE IT. Until you can prove that you are NOT like that, I will personally continue to think she is 100% right.

This is what she said...

"Men who do nothing but complain about women. Men who do nothing but whine about all the things women do that they don't like, men who do nothing but denigrate women, men who do nothing but bitch about how the things that make women different from men are the things they hate the most. Men who don't get that there are gender differences and that boys and girls will never be equal, because it's biologically impossible. Men who find it okay to make insensitive comments about women they see in the street or in other public forums, because they don't like how they look. Men who insist on things being their way and their way only, never yielding or making room for compromise. Men who think it's cute to treat women like shit in front of their friends, because their friends' opinions are more important than anything else. Men who can't think for themselves and rather take their cues from everyone else. Men who find no joy in anything other than bitching and whining about everything."

1. I don't denigrate women

2. I don't insist on every single thing being my way without compromise.

3. I don't make insensitive comments about women i see in the street or public forums. And definatley not to their face. I make think them but that's it. And Elizabeth has nerve saying this considering she has knocked Britney and Paris's looks.

4. I have never treated a woman i have been out with like crap in front of my friends. But my friends opinions are very important to me and more important then some girl's. I have known my friends for years as opposed to a girl i know for a short time.

5. I can think for myself and i don't take cues from everyone else. My friends tell me to do certain things all the time and i don't do them.

6. I find joy in quite a few things. Going to the movies, hanging out with my buddies, going to eat good food.

How's that Bonnie?

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No you wouldn't. You're full of crap.

No you are right. i wouldn't do that. I am too nice to do that. (I would be thinking it though because you would have stuck me with the bill. :D ) But i wouldn't be playing the hero either. I am not risking my life for anybody. No one would risk their life for me so i am not going to do it for anybody either.

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This is what she said...

"Men who do nothing but complain about women. Men who do nothing but whine about all the things women do that they don't like, men who do nothing but denigrate women, men who do nothing but bitch about how the things that make women different from men are the things they hate the most. Men who don't get that there are gender differences and that boys and girls will never be equal, because it's biologically impossible. Men who find it okay to make insensitive comments about women they see in the street or in other public forums, because they don't like how they look. Men who insist on things being their way and their way only, never yielding or making room for compromise. Men who think it's cute to treat women like shit in front of their friends, because their friends' opinions are more important than anything else. Men who can't think for themselves and rather take their cues from everyone else. Men who find no joy in anything other than bitching and whining about everything."

1. I don't denigrate women

2. I don't insist on every single thing being my way without compromise.

3. I don't make insensitive comments about women i see in the street or public forums. And definatley not to their face. I make think them but that's it. And Elizabeth has nerve saying this considering she has knocked Britney and Paris's looks.

4. I have never treated a woman i have been out with like crap in front of my friends. But my friends opinions are very important to me and more important then some girl's. I have known my friends for years as opposed to a girl i know for a short time.

5. I can think for myself and i don't take cues from everyone else. My friends tell me to do certain things all the time and i don't do them.

6. I find joy in quite a few things. Going to the movies, hanging out with my buddies, going to eat good food.

How's that Bonnie?

1. Every pet peeve you've had in this thread has been about women. And everything women do pisses you off, and everything they say, and the way they act.....that's denigrating them.

2. Like hell you don't. Liar.

3. "Public forums" doesn't mean message boards. It means "public areas".

4. Yes you have. You've said so here before how you've been out with a girl, she's done something that pisses you off (like basically anything except breathing) and your buddies were around and you acted like a stereotypical macho pigheaded prick in front of them so they'd think better of you for it.

5. No you don't. Your buddies would tell you to wipe your ass with your t-shirt and you'd do it.

6. Good for you.

Still not proof I was wrong. Do you even comprehend how infuriating it is to read post after post from you about how women suck at this and how we shouldn't do this and how dare we do that and men shouldn't be forced to do this that or the other by a woman.....all the fucking time? You can't find one good thing about women......everything they do pisses you off. Even teenage girls piss you off! TEENAGE GIRLS! 13 year old girls going apeshit for the Jonas Brothers piss you off!

It's people like you that are going to put in my grave before 40.

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1. Every pet peeve you've had in this thread has been about women. And everything women do pisses you off, and everything they say, and the way they act.....that's denigrating them.

2. Like hell you don't. Liar.

3. "Public forums" doesn't mean message boards. It means "public areas".

4. Yes you have. You've said so here before how you've been out with a girl, she's done something that pisses you off (like basically anything except breathing) and your buddies were around and you acted like a stereotypical macho pigheaded prick in front of them so they'd think better of you for it.

5. No you don't. Your buddies would tell you to wipe your ass with your t-shirt and you'd do it.

6. Good for you.

Still not proof I was wrong. Do you even comprehend how infuriating it is to read post after post from you about how women suck at this and how we shouldn't do this and how dare we do that and men shouldn't be forced to do this that or the other by a woman.....all the fucking time? You can't find one good thing about women......everything they do pisses you off. Even teenage girls piss you off! TEENAGE GIRLS! 13 year old girls going apeshit for the Jonas Brothers piss you off!

It's people like you that are going to put in my grave before 40.

1. Not true. Go back and look at my pet peeves. Talking at the movies, budding in line, messy or loud eaters, standing on the wrong side of the escalator, etc.

2. I have compromised on stuff. Not every single thing. But quite a bit.

3. And in public areas i don't insult women.

4. I don't recall that at all. I just would not go out with them again.

5. I go against what my buddies tell me to do all the time. They tell me to approach as many women as possible, they told me to try speed dating, they told me to go back to the bowling alley , they told me to hook up with the girl from New years, they told me to stay and chat with the girl at harbourfront. I went against all of that.

Elizabeth, i don't dislike everything about women at all. If that was the case i would never have girlfriends or want one. And as far as those teenage girls out for the Jonas Brothers they would have annoyed you too. It was really lame. Crying over a boy band? :o

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And as far as those teenage girls out for the Jonas Brothers they would have annoyed you too. It was really lame. Crying over a boy band? :o

No they wouldn't have, because THEY'RE TEENAGE GIRLS AND TEENAGE GIRLS DO THAT. If they were 40 year old women, THAT would have annoyed me. Because they're too old to be creaming their panties over 16 year old boys. But a 14 year old girl? Jesus Christ, I WAS ONE ONCE, YOU KNOW.

My God, you are thicker than London fog.

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No they wouldn't have, because THEY'RE TEENAGE GIRLS AND TEENAGE GIRLS DO THAT. If they were 40 year old women, THAT would have annoyed me. Because they're too old to be creaming their panties over 16 year old boys. But a 14 year old girl? Jesus Christ, I WAS ONE ONCE, YOU KNOW.

My God, you are thicker than London fog.

I just think it's stupid. Can't help that. It just looks bad. How can one say anything positive about it. We are talking crying. :o I can see if a family member dies or a pet dies. But a dumb boy band full of pretty boys?

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There's the kind of crying you do when someone dies, the kind of crying you do when you're angry, the kind of crying you do when you're happy, the kind of crying you do when you're in pain.......are you of the idea that there's only one way to cry?

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Those nasty June bugs that bang against the window screens and fly at you when you walk out the door. Ewwwww...

Yep; ewww is right! We were just at an outdoor party right under the lights. Everyone was getting bugs in their hair, down their shirts...yuck!!

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Silly directions on packages! I'm dogsitting and my friend has her dogs on a raw diet, so they eat some kind of venison patty that has all kinds of scary warnings about raw food bacteria. Fine. But did I really need them to tell me this:

When collecting your pet's waste products from the garden or litter box, use caution as waste materials may contain bacteria.

Ummmm, I think all dog shit contains bacteria...could be wrong, but..... :rolleyes:

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Health and safety rules are stopping people taking even considerd risks with their lives. Corporate liability stops employers allowing people to take considerd risks in the workplace. Everything has to be risk assessesd these days. All because of fear of litigation.

Stupid people do stupid things and then sue someone for not protecting them or for negligence when it was their own stupid fault in the first place.

eg someone isn't looking where they are going and walks into a street sign. response = sue the town council and the sign gets moved at great expense.

- again someone walks into a tree that has been there for tens of years. response =sue the council and they chop down the tree.

And there are thousands of examples around

Its crazy. :blink:

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