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Even if he has a knife i am in deep trouble or if he is a expert in karate. Either way i lose. I just don't get this attitude that there seems to be that it's all right for a guy to risk his safety for a woman. Something wrong with that.

There's nothing wrong with that if you're in love, but...

Let's leave it, ok. I don't think you'll ever get this.

Even if i had a girl i wuldn't be taking care of her. I have never taken care of any of my girlfriends. Not my responsibility. I am a independant guy and I hook up with independant women. No one has ever taken care of me.

Spats, this has nothing to do with independence. One thing is to be independent, and another is to be lonely. I can pretty much take care of myself; nevertheless, life's suddenly much easier and more pleasurable when there's someone else who trully cares about you.

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There's nothing wrong with that if you're in love, but...

Let's leave it, ok. I don't think you'll ever get this.

Spats, this has nothing to do with independence. One thing is to be independent, and another is to be lonely. I can pretty much take care of myself; nevertheless, life's suddenly much easier and more pleasurable when there's someone else who trully cares about you.

There is nothing wrong with a guy putting his life on the line as long as he is in love? No, i guess i will never understand this thinking. You only have one life. There are no second chances. I just don't like the attitude that it is the guys' "duty" to do this stuff. And not the women's. No one is higher on the food chain.

I agree that life can be easier if someone cares about you. But there is a difference between that and taking care of someone and protecting them. It should not be one sided where the girl gets all of that but there is no one to take care of the guy or protect him.

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There's the kind of crying you do when someone dies, the kind of crying you do when you're angry, the kind of crying you do when you're happy, the kind of crying you do when you're in pain.......are you of the idea that there's only one way to cry?

I understand that. The crying from pain, angry, death are understandable. The rest are not. Grown women do that stuff too. Not just teenage girlsd. There are grown women that cry over commercials and movies.

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There is nothing wrong with a guy putting his life on the line as long as he is in love? No, i guess i will never understand this thinking.

What do you have against falling in love? What do you have against the idea of love? What about it is so hard to believe and/or understand?

You've never fallen in love spats. I have. When you're in love, you want to protect your girl and take care of her. I did. I was incredibly protective of her. I held off so as not to annoy her, of course, but if another guy even looked at her wrong, I'd put my arm around her. I have beaten more then one guy in protecting her, and, yes, I've been hurt in that process. But I didn't care, because I was in love.

That's the thing about love, spats. It makes you do things you'd never thought you would do. And don't try and tell me I was wrong to do it or I shouldn't have done it. I was in love. I did it because I wanted to. That doesn't make me any less of a man. In fact, with every single guy I know (and I know lots of guys, spats), it makes me more of a man.

Sometimes I wonder if I still lover her. If that girl decided to come back from England once she was done with her studies, I would see if she was willing to start all over again. We still talk almost all the time to this day. It's been almost three years, and we still send a letter a week to each other and talk online and on the phone all the time.

You only have one life. There are no second chances. I just don't like the attitude that it is the guys' "duty" to do this stuff. And not the women's. No one is higher on the food chain.

Look. The fact is, spats, that if a woman is confronted by a man carrying a weapon with a malicious intent, she probably will lose... unless she either aims only for his weakest of spots or is an expert in some form of karate or other protective... stylings. If you're that girl's boyfriend, it'd help if you protected her against the man with a malicious intent who's targeting her.

Let me ask you this. If you had a girlfriend, and some guy walked up with a gun and his intent was to rape your girlfriend, would you run off and let it happen, or would you protect her like the boyfriend you're supposed to be? That's not to say she couldn't take care of herself, because, if let to her own devices, maybe she could kick his ass even while he holds the gun. Hell, maybe she's so good she can take the gun from him and then shoot him. But as her boyfriend, would you assume that she could (you know if you did this, even if she could take care of him, chances are she'd break up with you immediately), or would you protect her?

And no offense, but if you really need a girl to protect you, then you're kind of a wuss. That's not to say women are weaker, but come on. Be realistic. You are (usually) taller and more muscular and, most likely, can lift more weight. That does make you the primary protector by default. God made us that way (through Evolution, everyone... yes, I believe in God and Creation, only that it was done as Evolution, not in 6 24-hour long days as some dumb-asses would like to believe), and not by accident.

I agree that life can be easier if someone cares about you. But there is a difference between that and taking care of someone and protecting them. It should not be one sided where the girl gets all of that but there is no one to take care of the guy or protect him.

Wrong. The difference is actually the difference between taking care of a lover and taking care of a child or senior. Taking care of a loved one means doing things with them, protecting them, occasionally taking them on dates and/or cooking for them so they'll do the same and more for you at another time (you should know that a good date almost always ends in a bedroom the morning after... and I mean that in a good way). Then there's the other "taking care of" that you seem to think we're talking about, and that's taking care of a child or senior... doing everything for them. I won't do everything for my girlfriend, but I will take care of her. There is a major, major difference. That is something you need to learn.

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If I was out with my boyfriend, and a man grabbed me with the intent of raping me and my boyfriend didn't do jack shit to try and stop him, the minute I am physically able, I will kick that motherfucker's ass SO hard. Like, he'll be puking shoe leather, that's how far up his ass my foot is going.

I cannot begin to fathom how angry I would be if my boyfriend allowed something like that to happen, simply because he's of the notion that it's not his job to protect me and that my life is not more valuable than his. The level of angry I would be has not been invented yet. If someone tried to hurt my boyfriend, you better believe I would do everything within my power to try and help him.

Edited by Electrophile
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If I was out with my boyfriend, and a man grabbed me with the intent of raping me and my boyfriend didn't do jack shit to try and stop him, the minute I am physically able, I will kick that motherfucker's ass SO hard. Like, he'll be puking shoe leather, that's how far up his ass my foot is going.

I cannot begin to fathom how angry I would be if my boyfriend allowed something like that to happen, simply because he's of the notion that it's not his job to protect me and that my life is not more valuable than his. The level of angry I would be has not been invented yet. If someone tried to hurt my boyfriend, you better believe I would do everything within my power to try and help him.

Thank you. This is exactly the point I'm trying to get across.

But of course, spats won't get it.

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There is nothing wrong with a guy putting his life on the line as long as he is in love? No, i guess i will never understand this thinking. You only have one life. There are no second chances. I just don't like the attitude that it is the guys' "duty" to do this stuff. And not the women's. No one is higher on the food chain.

I agree that life can be easier if someone cares about you. But there is a difference between that and taking care of someone and protecting them. It should not be one sided where the girl gets all of that but there is no one to take care of the guy or protect him.

I'm sorry Spats, I don't know you too good and I don't usually get on someone for being ignorant but, I have read a lot of your comments and I think you are a pussy! Haven't you ever heard of a man and his castle? What would you do if someone broke into your house, hide under the bed? My God, there are roles in life and if you don't like what you were dealt, then get a sex change. From what I understand, and the way you talk, you don't have a chance in hell to use what you got, if you have one, anyway!

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Spats, this is a serious question. I don't know if you have a sister or not, but for the sake of argument, let's say you do. And your sister is out with her boyfriend and someone jumps out of the bushes, grabs her, holds a knife to her throat and drags her back into the bushes and rapes her. Now let's say her boyfriend was of your mindset, that it's not his job to protect her or defend her and he just stands there and lets it happen.

How pissed would you when your sister told you what happened? This is your sister, your blood. Someone brutally attacked her, and her boyfriend was just like you. Tell me how angry you'd be.

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There is nothing wrong with a guy putting his life on the line as long as he is in love? No, i guess i will never understand this thinking. You only have one life. There are no second chances. I just don't like the attitude that it is the guys' "duty" to do this stuff. And not the women's. No one is higher on the food chain.

I agree that life can be easier if someone cares about you. But there is a difference between that and taking care of someone and protecting them. It should not be one sided where the girl gets all of that but there is no one to take care of the guy or protect him.

The reason why most guys don't have a problem protecting their girlfriend or wife is because WOMEN ARE PHYSICALLY WEAKER THAN MEN. It's just the way people are designed. Sure, there are a few women out there that are as strong as a guy, but these women are typically your bodybuilder types. Most women are not, as women's bodies are built with a higher fat percentage and lower muscle percentage than men's bodies. That's why women have breasts and hips and butts, and men do not.

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^ :blink: spats needs a shrink.

would he protect his mother....hmmmm....????

Pet peeve of the day:

Stores that let icky car lquids stay in the lot and the grease gets so hot in the summer it looks sick, mixed with melted ice cream drips and anti feeze drips and cigarette butts, arrrggghhhh...

Or people who spill oil all over while they top off. I once broke my toe slipping on that crap.

jerks. <_<:angry:

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Certain words/phrases are pet peeves of mine...



"Jeez, tell us how you really feel!"

Been There, Done That

There's more, they'll come to me...

I landed on this page by mistake, and just realized I did one of my own pet peeves :o I actually said "beetle bug"... doh! Please just make sure I don't ever say "ink pen"! For some reason that drives me nuts. Apologies in advance if anyone uses that phrase :unsure:

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I cry during sad movies. Hell, I tear up watching those Pedigree commercials with the dogs that need adopting. I'm just emotional. That doesn't mean something's wrong with me. If you think there is, something's wrong with YOU.

If that's the way you are fine. It would drive me up the wall if had a girlfriend like that.

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What do you have against falling in love? What do you have against the idea of love? What about it is so hard to believe and/or understand?

You've never fallen in love spats. I have. When you're in love, you want to protect your girl and take care of her. I did. I was incredibly protective of her. I held off so as not to annoy her, of course, but if another guy even looked at her wrong, I'd put my arm around her. I have beaten more then one guy in protecting her, and, yes, I've been hurt in that process. But I didn't care, because I was in love.

That's the thing about love, spats. It makes you do things you'd never thought you would do. And don't try and tell me I was wrong to do it or I shouldn't have done it. I was in love. I did it because I wanted to. That doesn't make me any less of a man. In fact, with every single guy I know (and I know lots of guys, spats), it makes me more of a man.

Sometimes I wonder if I still lover her. If that girl decided to come back from England once she was done with her studies, I would see if she was willing to start all over again. We still talk almost all the time to this day. It's been almost three years, and we still send a letter a week to each other and talk online and on the phone all the time.

Look. The fact is, spats, that if a woman is confronted by a man carrying a weapon with a malicious intent, she probably will lose... unless she either aims only for his weakest of spots or is an expert in some form of karate or other protective... stylings. If you're that girl's boyfriend, it'd help if you protected her against the man with a malicious intent who's targeting her.

Let me ask you this. If you had a girlfriend, and some guy walked up with a gun and his intent was to rape your girlfriend, would you run off and let it happen, or would you protect her like the boyfriend you're supposed to be? That's not to say she couldn't take care of herself, because, if let to her own devices, maybe she could kick his ass even while he holds the gun. Hell, maybe she's so good she can take the gun from him and then shoot him. But as her boyfriend, would you assume that she could (you know if you did this, even if she could take care of him, chances are she'd break up with you immediately), or would you protect her?

And no offense, but if you really need a girl to protect you, then you're kind of a wuss. That's not to say women are weaker, but come on. Be realistic. You are (usually) taller and more muscular and, most likely, can lift more weight. That does make you the primary protector by default. God made us that way (through Evolution, everyone... yes, I believe in God and Creation, only that it was done as Evolution, not in 6 24-hour long days as some dumb-asses would like to believe), and not by accident.

Wrong. The difference is actually the difference between taking care of a lover and taking care of a child or senior. Taking care of a loved one means doing things with them, protecting them, occasionally taking them on dates and/or cooking for them so they'll do the same and more for you at another time (you should know that a good date almost always ends in a bedroom the morning after... and I mean that in a good way). Then there's the other "taking care of" that you seem to think we're talking about, and that's taking care of a child or senior... doing everything for them. I won't do everything for my girlfriend, but I will take care of her. There is a major, major difference. That is something you need to learn.

I have been in love but i don't want to die either. :D She probably wouldn't be able to do anything against him but neither would i. I wouldn't be able to beat a guy with a knife or gun. And i don't want to be shot or stabbed trying to be a "man".

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If I was out with my boyfriend, and a man grabbed me with the intent of raping me and my boyfriend didn't do jack shit to try and stop him, the minute I am physically able, I will kick that motherfucker's ass SO hard. Like, he'll be puking shoe leather, that's how far up his ass my foot is going.

I cannot begin to fathom how angry I would be if my boyfriend allowed something like that to happen, simply because he's of the notion that it's not his job to protect me and that my life is not more valuable than his. The level of angry I would be has not been invented yet. If someone tried to hurt my boyfriend, you better believe I would do everything within my power to try and help him.

I wouldn't just let it happen but i wouldn't be risking my life either.

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I'm sorry Spats, I don't know you too good and I don't usually get on someone for being ignorant but, I have read a lot of your comments and I think you are a pussy! Haven't you ever heard of a man and his castle? What would you do if someone broke into your house, hide under the bed? My God, there are roles in life and if you don't like what you were dealt, then get a sex change. From what I understand, and the way you talk, you don't have a chance in hell to use what you got, if you have one, anyway!

I would go in a safe place in the house and call the police. A person who is unharmed does not have much of chance against someone who is. Hell i haven't been in a fight since i was a kid.

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So you would just let the girl get raped? Because more often than not, rapists have weapons. So if you see the guy is armed, you aren't going to do anything to help this girl? Because you would be risking your life going up against someone who is armed.

Boy, that's great to know about you.

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Spats, this is a serious question. I don't know if you have a sister or not, but for the sake of argument, let's say you do. And your sister is out with her boyfriend and someone jumps out of the bushes, grabs her, holds a knife to her throat and drags her back into the bushes and rapes her. Now let's say her boyfriend was of your mindset, that it's not his job to protect her or defend her and he just stands there and lets it happen.

How pissed would you when your sister told you what happened? This is your sister, your blood. Someone brutally attacked her, and her boyfriend was just like you. Tell me how angry you'd be.

Thankfully i am an only child and didn't have to put up with siblings like my friends have. :o But if that did happen i would want to him to help out if he could but i would feel freaking horrible if something bad happened to him or worse. Then what? You would have to live with that forever.

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I would go in a safe place in the house and call the police. A person who is unharmed does not have much of chance against someone who is. Hell i haven't been in a fight since i was a kid.

Just making sure, children are never entrusted to your care, right? :unsure:

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Answer the question. You didn't say shit about what happened to your sister. You said you'd feel bad if something happened to HIM. He's not the person who was brutally raped while her boyfriend stood there with his thumbs up his ass.

I don't care if you are an only child or not. I'm asking you to delve into the hypothetical and answer the damn question.

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So you would just let the girl get raped? Because more often than not, rapists have weapons. So if you see the guy is armed, you aren't going to do anything to help this girl? Because you would be risking your life going up against someone who is armed.

Boy, that's great to know about you.

I would call police and get help or make a lot of noise to alert people in the area.

Do you think an unarmed person would be able to survive against someone with a knife or gun?It would likely end really badly for me if i went against a guy with a knife or a gun. Don't ya think?

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Just so we're clear here, if you're out with your girlfriend (haha) and some guy grabs her, AND IS ARMED, and clearly has intent to do her wrong.......you would do nothing to help, because you wouldn't want to risk your life for her, and going up against someone who is armed would be doing just that.

You would let something happen to her, because you wouldn't want to "risk your life" for someone you supposedly care about.

You know, the more we learn about you, the less I wish we knew.

I would call police and get help or make a lot of noise to alert people in the area.

What if there is no one in the area? You know, what if this doesn't happen in broad fucking daylight? What are you going to do? Piss your pants and run away screaming?

I'm dead serious when I say this; you make me ill.

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Answer the question. You didn't say shit about what happened to your sister. You said you'd feel bad if something happened to HIM. He's not the person who was brutally raped while her boyfriend stood there with his thumbs up his ass.

I don't care if you are an only child or not. I'm asking you to delve into the hypothetical and answer the damn question.

I would feel horrible about what happened to her too.

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