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A dirt-poor, uneducated, unemployed person emigrating from a third-world country hoping for an opportunity for a better life in a foreign country may not have the luxury (in time or resources) of learning a new language before setting out on such a courageous and frightening journey.

And upon arriving in a foreign country, that same dirt-poor, uneducated, unemployed, courageous and frightened immigrant may not have the luxury (in time or resources) of learning a new language before going out and seeking a job.

..just saying. :whistling:

I guess he better cross "Fry Cook" off the list of potential employment opportunities eh'? ;)

Greeter fella at Walmart perhaps? Much better odds on the linguistic angle. B)

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Yet for those "rocket scientists" that make it through -- they arrive here just to fuck up my meal.

That last part was for Hermit :D

¡Tres cervezas para los científicos del cohete!

¡..for un trabajo.. "bien hecha"! :beer:

[translation for Delberto':

Three beers for the rocket scientists!

..for a job.. "well done"! :beer: ]


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No one is saying that these people shouldn't learn English. I wouldn't move to Sweden and speak Italian. I think what some people are saying is that English is the hardest language to learn, if you have absolutely no grasp of it at all. Not every person you come across that doesn't speak it well if at all is deliberately not learning it.

I assure you that it is not.

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I’ll probably get some flak from some of the dog loving people on this forum. But when I’m out jogging or walking, it irritates me when dog owners let their pets run up to me, or chase after me. It happened to me again today while I was out walking in a wooded area(with the owners walking about 10-15 feet behind), despite there being a sign posted to keep dogs on a leash.

I know it's not a major problem, but all the same. I feel like I'm entitled to be ticked off about it.

I'm with you on that one, I hate it when people's damn dogs approach me. I like to hike in the foothills where I live and there are always dogs on the trail not on a leash. And most of them are dogs owned by people on horseback. You would think that horse owners should know better. Especially since most horse owners would have a shit fit if someone else's dog ran up to them while they are in the saddle.

So now I carry a metal baseball bat when I hike. When a dog comes running up at me I raise the bat like I am going to smack the animal with it. Sometimes the owners seem upset by this, but I tell them I have no problem with protecting myself from their animals. PUT THE DAMN ANIMAL ON A LEASH! ( And what they don't know is that I also am carrying a gun... just in case.)

Which leads me to me next gripe --- FUCKING DOG BEACHES. I hate fucking dog beaches (areas of the beach where dogs are allowed to run around off the leash). Usually 50 dogs running around, barking, shiting and sometimes fighting each other. A regular nightmare of pain in the ass PEOPLE and their pain in the ass animals.

I wish they could change those 'dog beaches' to HUNTINIG BEACHES -- so I could bring my shotgun and have some fun too.

Okay, final dog pet peeve:

How about those people who feel the need to have their dog with them everywhere they go. These are the ones (with a the dog on a leash) who sit down next to you at a sidewalk cafe with their animal two feet from your leg; panting and slobbering all over the place. Then they ask for a bowl of water for the damn dog like the waiter has nothing better to do than fucking take care of THEIR DOG. I don't know about the rest of you, but I really don't like eating my meal near animals with their fur and dog farts floating all around the place. What, these people don't have back yards? Can't find a park to take their dog too! Ain't no fucking 'DOG BEACHES' nearby! They need to bring their smelly animal to MY LUNCH BREAK. Fucking weirdos!


Wait, this made me think of another dog owner peeve. How about those airhead women with their little toy poodles and other genetic midget freak lap dogs in a fucking purse everywhere they go. I see them in the fucking grocery store, the post office and sometimes even smuggled into restaurants. WHAT THEY JUST HAVE TO BRING THE DOG EVERYWHERE? I'm sure they are aware that there are health code laws about bringing animals (other than guide dogs) into grocery stores and restaurants. BUT NO! These self absorbed fucking trophy wives don't give a shit about anyone else and their right not to be subjected to their neurotic animal fetish.

One time I was with my kid in the doctor's office and some cunt comes in with one of those sick looking little hairless Mexican dogs in her purse. She sits down in the waiting room and then takes the dog out of her purse and starts petting it in her lap. So I see this happen but rather than confront her, I went up to the receptionist and told her that there was a woman in here with an animal in her purse. So the receptionist looks out and sees this and then summoned the woman over to the window to talk to her about the dog. Which only leads to the woman going into the whole pleading and bargaining bullshit -- "please let me keep the dog in my purse, it's just a little dog!" But at least the receptionist sticks to her guns and tells the woman that there is no way a dog can be inside the waiting room, and besides someone (that would be me) had already complained.

So now lucky for me, the woman turns around and wants to know who told on her, and I'm all too happy to let her know that "IT WAS I WHO COMPLAINED LADY." Well needless to say, she's not happy about the situation, and despite the fact that it is her who totally in the wrong. And then she wants to know why I have a problem with her little doggy -- and that it's not fair because she can't just leave the dog in the car...


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"stupid people"

Not sure whether they're just stupid. I guess they're only desperate. Like people running through railroad tunnuls at night in order to get to Austria.... Just saying. "Prohibited" is linguistically very close to "prohibido" so I bet they could understand it very well even in English.

So why do they keep trying it? It's probably just worth it, Einstien.

You know, I understand this is a very serious problem, and I can hope I can see both sides of it. However, reading all the posts here, I'm still wondering why you haven's established English as the official language yet....

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Going off the top of my head, I know these people learned French, Spanish and Italian, as they were all people I met in college and knew them from my foreign language sectors.

Spanish and italian ARE easier to learn than English. They are very easy to learn in general. French....well, it's not so irregular but the grammar is more difficult. It really depend on what your native tongue it. My former roommate, who way Mexican, told me that it had been much easier for her to learn French, simply because it's more similar to Spanish than English is (she did speak perfect English though).

Nevertheless, English is by no means the hardest language to learn.

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I'm with you on that one, I hate it when people's damn dogs approach me.

I'm the opposite...it's 2008 after all! You people have antiquated views on this stuff. I like it when the dog does the approaching, no silly game playing with that type of dog. That kind of dog won't expect me to buy the Alpo, or hold the doggy door open for it either! If the dog stays at home while I'm out sniffing my buddies butts, it better not be yowling for me to come home early either....I've had too many nights ruined by my buddies trotting off at the first yip from their over-protective mates.

Rend rant.

Twisted love and slobber- Spots

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I'm the opposite...it's 2008 after all! You people have antiquated views on this stuff. I like it when the dog does the approaching, no silly game playing with that type of dog. That kind of dog won't expect me to buy the Alpo, or hold the doggy door open for it either! If the dog stays at home while I'm out sniffing my buddies butts, it better not be yowling for me to come home early either....I've had too many nights ruined by my buddies trotting off at the first yip from their over-protective mates.

Rend rant.

Twisted love and slobber- Spots

ROFL! Good one.

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I'm the opposite...it's 2008 after all! You people have antiquated views on this stuff. I like it when the dog does the approaching, no silly game playing with that type of dog. That kind of dog won't expect me to buy the Alpo, or hold the doggy door open for it either! If the dog stays at home while I'm out sniffing my buddies butts, it better not be yowling for me to come home early either....I've had too many nights ruined by my buddies trotting off at the first yip from their over-protective mates.

Rend rant.

Twisted love and slobber- Spots


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I'm the opposite...it's 2008 after all! You people have antiquated views on this stuff. I like it when the dog does the approaching, no silly game playing with that type of dog. That kind of dog won't expect me to buy the Alpo, or hold the doggy door open for it either! If the dog stays at home while I'm out sniffing my buddies butts, it better not be yowling for me to come home early either....I've had too many nights ruined by my buddies trotting off at the first yip from their over-protective mates.

Rend rant.

Twisted love and slobber- Spots

:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

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I know women like that...and they are not in relationships either...cuz, well, I think it's obvious. They're easy! And desperate....And guys might like easy for a night but not in the long run...

Maybe I could hook you up with my desperate friend...she's really nice and not bad looking! A career woman who owns her own home, independent, blah blah blah...

Just because a woman approachs guys does not make her easy or desperate. :o

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Right?! If you just open your eyes people are ALL OVER the place! I don't know if I know anyone who married someone they hooked up with at a bar or pub....it's like lonely hearts night....

Well i have no interest in getting married. I just want a girlfriend to have fun with.

There are not a lot of good places to REALISTICALLY hook up with someone. Grocery stores are not realistic places. Just saying that before someone suggests trying to hook up with a girl in the checkout line where i shop for food. most people don't like being approached my random strangers on the street. Not in Toronto anyways. It's a pretty snobbish city. Hell i would feel uncomfortable if some woman approached me in place like a store or something. You would think she was weird or something.

Lately i have been going to harbourfront. I like the atmosphere down there. Unfortunately most of the prettiest women there have boyfriends.

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Here we go..Spot's chasin his tail again :whistling:

I don't buy for a second that before she had a boyfriend that she was out approaching men every weekend. Not for a second. Women just can't indentify with the rejection factor that men do on the dating scene. So they think it's no big deal.

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Well i have no interest in getting married. I just want a girlfriend to have fun with.

There are not a lot of good places to REALISTICALLY hook up with someone. Grocery stores are not realistic places. Just saying that before someone suggests trying to hook up with a girl in the checkout line where i shop for food. most people don't like being approached my random strangers on the street. Not in Toronto anyways. It's a pretty snobbish city. Hell i would feel uncomfortable if some woman approached me in place like a store or something. You would think she was weird or something.

Lately i have been going to harbourfront. I like the atmosphere down there. Unfortunately most of the prettiest women there have boyfriends.

Two Choices:

1. Hooker (you don't like oral)

2. Mistress (yer too cheap)

I think you're stuck with the only remaining option.....Self gratification :rolleyes:

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