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Another similar story that I had in Starbucks. I'm in a supermarket and instead of yielding to a woman approaching the checkout line, I kept on moving.. She gave me a weird look like she expected me to give in. I was already ahead of her. Why should I stop and let her go.

I'm sorry, is this the movie Being John Malkovich? How can you possibly know what's insider her mind unless you are her?

If I see someone approaching the checkout line, I yield to them....it's just common courtesy in my eyes. I don't care what gender they are, how old they are or anything else completely irrelevant like that.

If Jethro was also in line or going in line to check out at that same check-out counter, then I agree with him. If not, then I agree with you, Electrophile.

Which is it, Jethro? Were you already in line or getting into that line before her?

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If Jethro was also in line or going in line to check out at that same check-out counter, then I agree with him. If not, then I agree with you, Electrophile.

Which is it, Jethro? Were you already in line or getting into that line before her?

I was a step ahead of her. If I were to give in, I was afraid it would have made me look weak.

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Here's how you start a conversation with a random stranger:

At a bus stop--

You: "Excuse me, but do you know what time it is? I didn't miss the bus, did I?"

In the checkout lane at the store--

You: "Wow, this checkout is sure going slow, huh?"

At the bar--

You: "So what do you think of the band tonight, are they worth sticking around for?"

In the ticket line at the movies--

You: "So what movie are you going to see? Really, me too! I've heard from the reviews it was supposed to be good."

and so on.

The main gist of it, is that if you truly want to talk to someone it's not that hard to find a way. Seriously.

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I was a step ahead of her. If I were to give in, I was afraid it would have made me look weak.

Oh dear God, you're not one of those annoying alpha males are you? Do you really and honestly believe that if you let the woman ahead of you, people would have perceived you to be weak?

You give far too much of a shit about what random nobodies think about you in a GROCERY STORE.

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I was a step ahead of her. If I were to give in, I was afraid it would have made me look weak.

That does NOT answer my question. This was my question:

Were you already in line or were you getting into that same line and was already ahead of her? Either way... were you in some way in or going into that line?

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I love a good fool! I play a pretty good fool too! Laughter is the best medicine :D

If you can't laugh at yourself then you've got a problem. Spats, I might not walk into a pole but I certainly would not discount the benefits of having a sense of humour when it comes to meeting women. A great ice breaker. I'll bet that you appreciate a woman who has one

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Another similar story that I had in Starbucks. I'm in a supermarket and instead of yielding to a woman approaching the checkout line, I kept on moving.. She gave me a weird look like she expected me to give in. I was already ahead of her. Why should I stop and let her go.

No, you did the right thing. You don't let her go first just because she is a woman. There is another example the "ladies first" line that has been used for years. More catering. And it's worse if she gave a look like she expected you too. If they give you a look like that, go ahead of them just to prove a point.

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I was a step ahead of her. If I were to give in, I was afraid it would have made me look weak.

I agree with what you did but not why you did it. I wouldn't let her ahead just to prove a point. Not that it would make me look weak.

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Here's how you start a conversation with a random stranger:

At a bus stop--

You: "Excuse me, but do you know what time it is? I didn't miss the bus, did I?"

In the checkout lane at the store--

You: "Wow, this checkout is sure going slow, huh?"

At the bar--

You: "So what do you think of the band tonight, are they worth sticking around for?"

In the ticket line at the movies--

You: "So what movie are you going to see? Really, me too! I've heard from the reviews it was supposed to be good."

and so on.

The main gist of it, is that if you truly want to talk to someone it's not that hard to find a way. Seriously.

have you used all of these lines on guys at all those places??

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If you can't laugh at yourself then you've got a problem. Spats, I might not walk into a pole but I certainly would not discount the benefits of having a sense of humour when it comes to meeting women. A great ice breaker. I'll bet that you appreciate a woman who has one

No, i can't really laugh at myself. At what? my faults?

I am sure a sense of humor helps. I don't doubt it. But i am not that funny when it comes to women. I can make my buddies laugh but not women.

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No, i can't really laugh at myself. At what? my faults?

I am sure a sense of humor helps. I don't doubt it. But i am not that funny when it comes to women. I can make my buddies laugh but not women.

You're in trouble muh man, the way to a woman's heart is between her ears!

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You're in trouble muh man, the way to a woman's heart is between her ears!

It takes more than that. You have to factor in her ego as well and don't forget that women care about looks just as much as men do.

A person is either funny or they are not. I can't help it if i can't make a woman laugh. You either have that gift or you don't. I don't know any women that can make me laugh either. it goes both ways.

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have you used all of these lines on guys at all those places?

Who said you use those lines with only guys and who says she has? You have yet again, completely missed the point. The point is that it is not hard to make friends with someone by striking up conversation with them.

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No, i can't really laugh at myself. At what? my faults?

I am sure a sense of humor helps. I don't doubt it. But i am not that funny when it comes to women. I can make my buddies laugh but not women.

*I'm not trying to generalize here, but to relate a coincidence.*

We have a business development Rep at our company who is the same way, he acts horribly around women, doesn't take any of his female coworkers seriously....embarrasingly so! He also longs to get to the bar after work to hang with his friends, and can't laugh at himself...ever.

I asked him where he grew up today....

Take a wild guess. B)

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It takes more than that. You have to factor in her ego as well and don't forget that women care about looks just as much as men do.

A person is either funny or they are not. I can't help it if i can't make a woman laugh. You either have that gift or you don't. I don't know any women that can make me laugh either. it goes both ways.

Well I wasn't born with a gift either, it comes from observing others and practice and not everyone laughs at the same things. Don't loose faith keep trying, someone somewhere will think you're funny sometimes. You have to fight the negative thoughts and just shake them off.

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*I'm not trying to generalize here, but to relate a coincidence.*

We have a business development Rep at our company who is the same way, he acts horribly around women, doesn't take any of his female coworkers seriously....embarrasingly so! He also longs to get to the bar after work to hang with his friends, and can't laugh at himself...ever.

I asked him where he grew up today....

Take a wild guess. B)

Please say a town with "spats" in the name.

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I agree with what you did but not why you did it. I wouldn't let her ahead just to prove a point. Not that it would make me look weak.


Spats...I think yer getting yer chain yanked...only you would take this seriously!!

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My latest Pet Peeve: Katy Perry's "I Kissed A Girl", that insipid faux-lesbian glam rock song about trying to get her boyfriend's attention is the 1,000th #1 single on the Hot 100 in the rock era.

That's song #1000. God, most music today SUCKS.

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have you used all of these lines on guys at all those places??

I talk to anyone, anywhere, so what do you think? It's called being friendly. ;) Because you never know--maybe you were fated to meet that person. They could be the cousin of the best friend of the sister of the mother of YOUR FUTURE GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND. I include the boyfriend option because after talking to you for all this time, I'm really not sure what you want.

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No, i can't really laugh at myself. At what? my faults?

I am sure a sense of humor helps. I don't doubt it. But i am not that funny when it comes to women. I can make my buddies laugh but not women.

Yes, absolutely your faults ! We all have em'. Christ man, give your head a shake. You say you don't like stuck up women but if you can't accept your own faults, how stuck up does that make you ? There ain't a day go by that I don't make some kind of mistake. Damn, if I couldn't laugh about those things I'd be in the looney bin

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I was a step ahead of her. If I were to give in, I was afraid it would have made me look weak.

Wrong call my man. It just would have been considered a nice jesture. Man or woman

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Another similar story that I had in Starbucks. I'm in a supermarket and instead of yielding to a woman approaching the checkout line, I kept on moving.. She gave me a weird look like she expected me to give in. I was already ahead of her. Why should I stop and let her go.

I know you have been berated about your "behavior" already. This just happened to me tonight. I was walking towards the entrance door of the parking garage and a man (probably in his late 40's or early 50's) was way ahead of me. He held the door open, standing behind it and smiled as i said thank you and he kindly said your welcome. So when we came to the next door to take the stairs (because after the incident with the cockroach in the elevator with me, i walk) i held the door for him. He said to me "i'm really a nice guy, i'm not following, and i laughed and told him why i won't get on the elevator. He couldn't find which floor he parked on but he didn't follow me out, at least. Point is, some people go out of their way to be friendly. You sound like you do the opposite, lol.

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