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Another similar story that I had in Starbucks. I'm in a supermarket and instead of yielding to a woman approaching the checkout line, I kept on moving.. She gave me a weird look like she expected me to give in. I was already ahead of her. Why should I stop and let her go.

Maybe she gave you a weird look simply because you looked weird......?

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Who said you use those lines with only guys and who says she has? You have yet again, completely missed the point. The point is that it is not hard to make friends with someone by striking up conversation with them.

I was just asking her if she has. Doing stuff like that is easier said than done.

I personally wouldn't tell someone to do something that i didn't do it myself. It takes a lot of nerve to go up to unknown people like that.

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Well I wasn't born with a gift either, it comes from observing others and practice and not everyone laughs at the same things. Don't loose faith keep trying, someone somewhere will think you're funny sometimes. You have to fight the negative thoughts and just shake them off.

I know you are right. It's just that when the result is usually negative you start to think that way. If the results were positive you would think positive. But negative results have been the norm.

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I talk to anyone, anywhere, so what do you think? It's called being friendly. ;) Because you never know--maybe you were fated to meet that person. They could be the cousin of the best friend of the sister of the mother of YOUR FUTURE GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND. I include the boyfriend option because after talking to you for all this time, I'm really not sure what you want.

But have you done the examples you made with guys?

I think it's more fate if it comes to you as opposed to you going to it. I think it's fate when you can't avoid it. it's not fate when you go after it.

I want a GIRL. Not a dude. :o But i would like my girlfriend to have some of the qualities my guy friends have. Because then we would get along great and have stuff in common.

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Yes, absolutely your faults ! We all have em'. Christ man, give your head a shake. You say you don't like stuck up women but if you can't accept your own faults, how stuck up does that make you ? There ain't a day go by that I don't make some kind of mistake. Damn, if I couldn't laugh about those things I'd be in the looney bin

I just can't find it in myself to laugh at things i don't like about myself or that have cost me or that have caused failure.

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Nope, simply..the same town as Spats! (probably should have included the fact my coworker is a Canadian transplant)

Are you saying that all men in Toronto are passive-aggressive pussies who want to be "modern" yet they think that people's genitals are "dirty"?

I don't believe that.

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Are you saying that all men in Toronto are passive-aggressive pussies who want to be "modern" yet they think that people's genitals are "dirty"?

I don't believe that.

I think it's the humidity.

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Are you saying that all men in Toronto are passive-aggressive pussies who want to be "modern" yet they think that people's genitals are "dirty"?

I don't believe that.


Had to log in just for that one!

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I was a step ahead of her. If I were to give in, I was afraid it would have made me look weak.

Today i was going into a building and a woman was in front of me by just a few steps, heading towards the door. I figured she would open the door and then hold it as she got inside, but she opened the door and held it for me to go in first. It's amazing how nice some people can be for no reason. Maybe if you tried it you would feel good. Hearing the "thank you" and receiving a smile can make a nice gesture worthwhile. If you were to give in you would appear polite, not weak, lol.

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Really ridiculously cold rooms. Do you REALLY need to keep the thermostat on 62, boss lady????

Ditto! We went out to eat at this Mexican Restaurant one time and it was so damn cold I think I had lockjaw by

time the food arrived, I couldn't even eat. Guess I don't have enough meat on me bones! :lol:

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Are you saying that all men in Toronto are passive-aggressive pussies who want to be "modern" yet they think that people's genitals are "dirty"?

I don't believe that.

I am passive agressive but i am not a "pussy" as you put it. And i am very modern and i am into modern women.

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*I'm not trying to generalize here, but to relate a coincidence.*

We have a business development Rep at our company who is the same way, he acts horribly around women, doesn't take any of his female coworkers seriously....embarrasingly so! He also longs to get to the bar after work to hang with his friends, and can't laugh at himself...ever.

I asked him where he grew up today....

Take a wild guess. B)

What do you mean he acts horribly around women?

And what's wrong with longing to hang out with your friends?

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But have you done the examples you made with guys?

I think it's more fate if it comes to you as opposed to you going to it. I think it's fate when you can't avoid it. it's not fate when you go after it.

I want a GIRL. Not a dude. :o But i would like my girlfriend to have some of the qualities my guy friends have. Because then we would get along great and have stuff in common.

Jesus Christ, Spats....

Yes, I have said things like that to guys. Not necessarily to "get sacktime", but YES. Because I'M NOT AFRAID TO TALK TO PEOPLE. And YES, I have walked up to a guy and flat-out hit on him, because I'M NOT AFRAID TO TALK TO PEOPLE. WHYYYY would I give you advice if I didn't think it was viable, or if it was not something that I would feel comfortable doing? But then again, I'm a lot bolder than yourself. Do I totally mess up sometimes, YES. Do I make an ass out of myself sometimes, YES. Am I ever hurt or embarrassed, YES. But you know what? LIFE GOES ON. YOU GET OVER IT. And even though I have embarrassed myself more times than you could ever know, guess what, Spats? I'M NOT THE ONE WHINING ABOUT HOW I HAVEN"T GOTTEN LAID IN A LONG TIME. So I must be successful at least some of the time, RIGHT?

I just had to ask if you wanted a girl, because IT REALLY DOESN'T SEEM LIKE YOU WANT A GIRL/WOMAN/CHICK/FEMALE OF SOME SORT.

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Miley Cyrus. When is this insipid creature going to go away? Apparently someone hacked into her phone and stole nude photos of her. What 15 year old has nude photos of themselves on their phone? She needs to take a good look at Britney Spears and realize that if she doesn't smarten up soon, that is who she'll end up.

Is Disney even aware of the monster they keep creating or are they past the point of caring and just focused on robbing 10 year old girls of every last penny they can steal?

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Miley Cyrus. When is this insipid creature going to go away? Apparently someone hacked into her phone and stole nude photos of her. What 15 year old has nude photos of themselves on their phone? She needs to take a good look at Britney Spears and realize that if she doesn't smarten up soon, that is who she'll end up.

Is Disney even aware of the monster they keep creating or are they past the point of caring and just focused on robbing 10 year old girls of every last penny they can steal?

Could you please tell me what your going on about?

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