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Pet Peeves


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I just noticed we must need this again.

See, I get all caught up in this board sometimes, and you sit here when no one is posting and it is dull as a bad kitchen knife, so as soon as someone posts you feel like telling them this or that.

That's when I back off the pc and take a break.

Come back, and people are still bitching but you can find a few new things. :lol:

I refuse to let some dingbat get me mad. Life is too sweet to get into it.

Though I do want to sometimes.

K, my pet peeve right now?

Petty doesn't have us on his tour. :angry:

*edited so Aqua doesn't get pissed at me for spelling.* :lol:

Have you thought about getting laid?

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Miley Cyrus. When is this insipid creature going to go away? Apparently someone hacked into her phone and stole nude photos of her. What 15 year old has nude photos of themselves on their phone? She needs to take a good look at Britney Spears and realize that if she doesn't smarten up soon, that is who she'll end up.

Is Disney even aware of the monster they keep creating or are they past the point of caring and just focused on robbing 10 year old girls of every last penny they can steal?


Just when you thought no one could be more annoying than her achy breaky heart father... "Nose Dive - a family tradition"

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Oh Spats my Dear! You are just too fun to play with!! Please, please, PLEASE make all of us ladies have something to post on 'what made your day' and post a pic of yoursefl! Maybe we can better give you some tips...ya know presentation is big :)

(going back a couple of days) Yeah spats, that's actually a good idea to post your pic here, maybe get some helpful advice. I'm also wondering if you could get your buddies to chat with us here sometime. They wouldn't have to register, just use your account. I think they could give us the "big picture" and some insight into the "real" spats. How about it?

Miley Cyrus. When is this insipid creature going to go away? Apparently someone hacked into her phone and stole nude photos of her. What 15 year old has nude photos of themselves on their phone? She needs to take a good look at Britney Spears and realize that if she doesn't smarten up soon, that is who she'll end up.

Is Disney even aware of the monster they keep creating or are they past the point of caring and just focused on robbing 10 year old girls of every last penny they can steal?

My daughter explained to me last night that Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana are actually one in the same person. I didn't know that. But what it tells me is that first she tours as HM to wring money from the 10-year-olds' parents and the next year she tours as MC to suck it from the 15-year-olds??? Does that sound right?

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I am passive agressive but i am not a "pussy" as you put it.

If you are passive-aggressive, then you are a pussy.

And i am very modern and i am into modern women.

You are modern?


Modern people are assertive and self-reflective.

Modern people have REAL interests, not just "hanging out with buddies."

Modern people don't talk about being modern.

AND, modern people know that there are ten times more bacteries in your mouth than on your sexual organs.

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Jesus Christ, Spats....

Yes, I have said things like that to guys. Not necessarily to "get sacktime", but YES. Because I'M NOT AFRAID TO TALK TO PEOPLE. And YES, I have walked up to a guy and flat-out hit on him, because I'M NOT AFRAID TO TALK TO PEOPLE. WHYYYY would I give you advice if I didn't think it was viable, or if it was not something that I would feel comfortable doing? But then again, I'm a lot bolder than yourself. Do I totally mess up sometimes, YES. Do I make an ass out of myself sometimes, YES. Am I ever hurt or embarrassed, YES. But you know what? LIFE GOES ON. YOU GET OVER IT. And even though I have embarrassed myself more times than you could ever know, guess what, Spats? I'M NOT THE ONE WHINING ABOUT HOW I HAVEN"T GOTTEN LAID IN A LONG TIME. So I must be successful at least some of the time, RIGHT?

I just had to ask if you wanted a girl, because IT REALLY DOESN'T SEEM LIKE YOU WANT A GIRL/WOMAN/CHICK/FEMALE OF SOME SORT.

You are right. You are much bolder than i am. It just does not feel right for me to be bold. It's like i am trying to be something i am not.

You have been successful because you are a woman. Women can get away with embarrassing themselves, or making an ass out of themselves, etc, etc. Because the risk of getting rejected by guys is almost no existant. Most guys will not turn down a woman. It's a whole lot different ballgame for a guy. If a guy ends up embarrassing himself, making an ass out of himself, or making a mistake etc then he is done. He is not getting any. There is a lot more pressure there for guys.

I very much want a girl/woman/female etc. I thought that was obvious.

Edited by spats
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(going back a couple of days) Yeah spats, that's actually a good idea to post your pic here, maybe get some helpful advice. I'm also wondering if you could get your buddies to chat with us here sometime. They wouldn't have to register, just use your account. I think they could give us the "big picture" and some insight into the "real" spats. How about it?

My daughter explained to me last night that Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana are actually one in the same person. I didn't know that. But what it tells me is that first she tours as HM to wring money from the 10-year-olds' parents and the next year she tours as MC to suck it from the 15-year-olds??? Does that sound right?

How would posting my pic help me get some good advice? Trust me , i don't have looks that turn women's heads. It's been a handful of girlfriends ago since a female has complimented me on my looks.I think i forget what it's like. <_< Buddies have told me there is nothing wrong with my looks but at the same time they are guys. Guys don't usually notice what is good looking as far as other guys are concerned.

That would be funny if my buddies did post here. They don't know about this forum though. Why do you think their view would be different than mine? I think they would pretty much say i am too picky and i don't approach enough women.

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If you are passive-aggressive, then you are a pussy.

You are modern?


Modern people are assertive and self-reflective.

Modern people have REAL interests, not just "hanging out with buddies."

Modern people don't talk about being modern.

AND, modern people know that there are ten times more bacteries in your mouth than on your sexual organs.

I don't equate being passive agrressive with being that. And i have real interests, Going to movies, some sporting events, concerts and hanging out with buddies are REAL interests.

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Newest pet peeve is when you are on the bus or subway and someone sits down and puts their bag on the other seat next to them when someone else clearly would like to sit down. Or when someone sits on the iasle seat and then sighs when you ask to slip into the inside seat. If you are that annoyed by that then move over in the first place.

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Ditto! We went out to eat at this Mexican Restaurant one time and it was so damn cold I think I had lockjaw by

time the food arrived, I couldn't even eat. Guess I don't have enough meat on me bones! :lol:

I need it fairly chilly when I sleep because I LOOOOVE snuggling up under the covers with my pup, but having it that cold for 9 hours in a tiny little office is ridiculous.... I think the happy universal thermostat medium should be 72-74. I'd hate to think of having to sit through a meal in a freezing cold restaurant.

Current pet peeve: wonky wireless network connections... it goes in and out every 10 minutes.. very irritating.

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You have been successful because you are a woman. Women can get away with embarrassing themselves, or making an ass out of themselves, etc, etc. Because the risk of getting rejected by guys is almost no existant. Most guys will not turn down a woman. It's a whole lot different ballgame for a guy. If a guy ends up embarrassing himself, making an ass out of himself, or making a mistake etc then he is done. He is not getting any. There is a lot more pressure there for guys.

I very much want a girl/woman/female etc. I thought that was obvious.

Whether or not your statement is true in reality...whoever does the approaching is taking a chance at getting hurt or being embarrassed. Women get let down just as easily as men. Plenty of men who are approached by a woman are already taken, and will turn down an offer. If you see someone you are truly interested in, you have to get up a little courage and take a risk. Maybe one day it will pay off.

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You are right. You are much bolder than i am. It just does not feel right for me to be bold. It's like i am trying to be something i am not.

You have been successful because you are a woman. Women can get away with embarrassing themselves, or making an ass out of themselves, etc, etc. Because the risk of getting rejected by guys is almost no existant. Most guys will not turn down a woman. It's a whole lot different ballgame for a guy. If a guy ends up embarrassing himself, making an ass out of himself, or making a mistake etc then he is done. He is not getting any. There is a lot more pressure there for guys.

I very much want a girl/woman/female etc. I thought that was obvious.

How exactly do you know this, are you a woman?? No, you are not. Don't act like you know. Let's use you for example. Ok, you are sitting at a club/harborfront/wherever with your buddies. And some woman decides to come over and talk to you. Say the woman is merely average looking, but nice. You know damn well you'd reject her. Ok, so later on, another woman hits on you. Say the woman is somewhat cute, but not a model. She MIGHT have a chance, as long as she made all the moves, while you sit there and show absolutely no interest whatsoever. If it's that hard to land a spats-and by your own admission you're merely average-can you imagine how hard it might be to get any other guy? It's not as easy as you might think to snag a boyfriend, especially because lots of guys are only interested in trying to get in your pants, and don't really care about you at all.

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Too freaking hot today. Is it normal to sweat more when you get older...cause when i was a kid, i'd run around all day, be out on the boat and very active and never was sweating and drinking water? wtf, and not sunblock either.

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Too freaking hot today. Is it normal to sweat more when you get older...cause when i was a kid, i'd run around all day, be out on the boat and very active and never was sweating and drinking water? wtf, and not sunblock either.

Is it summertime where you live, lol. I'm joking.

It is too hot. When the steering wheel is too hot, it's too damn hot.

My pet peeve: The airlines making threats to the pilots about being "fired" if they don't fly with less fuel. Larry King Live did a story on this two nights ago. They are being told not to "top off", but the law says pilots are permitted to put as much fuel in their plane as they want to. God i hope they continue to protect the safety of their passengers (and their own lives). Just one of the many problems this country is seeing with the impending recession.

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If you are passive-aggressive, then you are a pussy.

best one today....

AND, modern people know that there are ten times more bacteries in your mouth than on your sexual organs.

depends on where you put your mouth....

.....or your sexual organs.

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If you are passive-aggressive, then you are a pussy.

You are modern?


Modern people are assertive and self-reflective.

Modern people have REAL interests, not just "hanging out with buddies."

Modern people don't talk about being modern.

AND, modern people know that there are ten times more bacteries in your mouth than on your sexual organs.

I consider myself modern but i think that assertiveness is often related to a person's disposition or personality, not a learned behavior. I'm not sure why you say being assertive and self-reflective are modern. Modern just means pertaining to the present time. Some people are just too passive to be assertive, but that doesn't mean they aren't modern. I consider myself modern, but i don't have many real interests, lol. I would love to have more time to hang out with my buddies.

As for "bacteria" which is the singular and plural spelling, they are everywhere. If you are going to have sex, you can't worry too much about where they lie, lol. or you can practice safe sex and skip the kissing, too... :) and cut down on your exposure a little bit, maybe.

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What do you mean he acts horribly around women?

And what's wrong with longing to hang out with your friends?

He treats them with indifference, or unabashed disdain.

There's nothing wrong with longing to hang out with your friends.....mixture of males and females works for me though.

Hanging out with only guys?

No thanks cowboy. ;)

Hickory man no likey room full of swords only....

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Is it summertime where you live, lol. I'm joking.

It is too hot. When the steering wheel is too hot, it's too damn hot.

My pet peeve: The airlines making threats to the pilots about being "fired" if they don't fly with less fuel. Larry King Live did a story on this two nights ago. They are being told not to "top off", but the law says pilots are permitted to put as much fuel in their plane as they want to. God i hope they continue to protect the safety of their passengers (and their own lives). Just one of the many problems this country is seeing with the impending recession.

Actually i was working across the street today, so i'd come home for water and a cigarette break and to day hello to my dog, who was barking constantly when i was working over there last time.

but it was hot day today thats for sure.

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Not really a pet peeve(since I couldn't care less) but I find it somewhat amusing the way everybody keeps responding to Spats when it's clear he doesn't listen to a damn thing anyone says to him. :whistling:

He listens...he just doesn't comprehend.

While you do have a point, Spats is kind of like this.....Do not push the red button


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