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Pet Peeves


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Actually i was working across the street today, so i'd come home for water and a cigarette break and to day hello to my dog, who was barking constantly when i was working over there last time.

but it was hot day today thats for sure.

I agree, it was at least 96 degrees here and i'm not in any desert regions. We have had a "heatwave" all week. My ideal tempature is between 65 and 70, so we are way off on the barometer, lol.

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My perception of spats is, no matter what he says, he is generally courteous to others and that is a rarity on this board, lol. I find his posts to be enjoyable quite often. Some people will listen to advice, but never take it. But maybe one day, spats will surprise people (just a random thought). Maybe that is why people keep trying, even though they complain about spats so much in the process.

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Newest pet peeve is when you are on the bus or subway and someone sits down and puts their bag on the other seat next to them when someone else clearly would like to sit down. Or when someone sits on the iasle seat and then sighs when you ask to slip into the inside seat. If you are that annoyed by that then move over in the first place.

I have only taken the metro train to work a few times but I know what you mean about people hogging seats. I had a guy sitting with his legs stretched out to the seat opposite him while the train was already full. When I asked him to please move his legs (at first he was acting like he was asleep), he looks up and asks me, "isn't there another seat you can take?" And like I said, it was pretty much a full train, so I yelled at him very loudly and said, "MOVE YOUR LEGS!"

Then the guy had to spend the next hour with me angrily staring at him from three feet away.


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My perception of spats is, no matter what he says, he is generally courteous to others and that is a rarity on this board, lol.

Yeah, I noticed that to. Even when people are giving him a bunch of shit, he keeps his cool.

I find his posts to be enjoyable quite often. Some people will listen to advice, but never take it. But maybe one day, spats will surprise people (just a random thought). Maybe that is why people keep trying, even though they complain about spats so much in the process.

That's a fair point, and I guess Spats could end up surprising everyone (anythings possible) I’m not sure anybody here would want to hold their breath on that one.

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I agree, it was at least 96 degrees here and i'm not in any desert regions. We have had a "heatwave" all week. My ideal tempature is between 65 and 70, so we are way off on the barometer, lol.

Yeah, i know. it was so hot here today, when i got home my dog was laying there in the corner looking at me, like it was all my fault.

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Yeah, i know. it was so hot here today, when i got home my dog was laying there in the corner looking at me, like it was all my fault.

Ahahahah! I know that look! "Hey! You are on this earth to make my life perfect and you are failing miserably!!"

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I have only taken the metro train to work a few times but I know what you mean about people hogging seats. I had a guy sitting with his legs stretched out to the seat opposite him while the train was already full. When I asked him to please move his legs (at first he was acting like he was asleep), he looks up and asks me, "isn't there another seat you can take?" And like I said, it was pretty much a full train, so I yelled at him very loudly and said, "MOVE YOUR LEGS!"

Then the guy had to spend the next hour with me angrily staring at him from three feet away.


seat hoggers are the worst.

I also hate people who don't let you get off the train.

It happened the first day I arrived in London. I was getting off at Bayswater.

When the train stopped, instead of moving to the side, they completely block the exit.

Normally I wouldn't complain about that, but I had a backpack and suitcase with me.

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I also hate people who don't let you get off the train.

It happened the first day I arrived in London. I was getting off at Bayswater.

When the train stopped, instead of moving to the side, they completely block the exit.

Normally I wouldn't complain about that, but I had a backpack and suitcase with me.

Do like I do and just plow right into them head on. A couple of days ago I was leaving the beach and carrying a huge load of beach stuff; 3 chairs, cooler, towels and a boogie board, and this mexican family sees me coming along the path but ignores my "excuse me please" -- like I'm going to get out of their way. Yeah fat chance! I just plowed right into them knocking over kids and old ladies.

People usually get out of my way. The look in my eye pretty much tells the story.

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Ahahahah! I know that look! "Hey! You are on this earth to make my life perfect and you are failing miserably!!"

exactly. like i'm supposed to bring him to the dog run, go hiking and go out on the boat all the time. like a hell hound on my trail i tell ya. haha

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Yeah, i know. it was so hot here today, when i got home my dog was laying there in the corner looking at me, like it was all my fault.

Hot there? Tried Seville (Spain ) in summer? Absolute scorcher of months. My dog doesn´t even move. :beer::burp::wub:

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Hot there? Tried Seville (Spain ) in summer? Absolute scorcher of months. My dog doesn´t even move. :beer::burp::wub:

yeah hot weather is bad for dogs. i dont bring my dog to the dog run in the summer,cause all the dogs are just lethargic and sitting in the shade. i've seen on the news over the yrs, of people running with their dogs in central park and their dogs dying because of it.

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well yes and no, depends on the situation. For instance people on this board compliment each other often and most of us are strangers. I have complimented men, women and children in public that were strangers before but in the context that we were all involved in the same situation.

Like small talk standing in line at a ball game or concert within reason ofcourse, but just out of the blue on the street for no apparent reason yeah that's creepy.

I've encountered freaks like that a couple times in my life, once as a child and once as an adult and both times I don't believe they were gay I believe they were perverts.

We as adults have to shield our children until they can comprehend that fine line.

This is an excellent post.

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I consider myself modern but i think that assertiveness is often related to a person's disposition or personality, not a learned behavior.

Boldness is related to a person's disposition or personalily. The same with shyness, aggressiveness, etc. Assertiveness is usually a controlled, learned behaviour. There are very few people who are assertive by nature, it's pretty much affected by your personal growth.

I'm not sure why you say being assertive and self-reflective are modern. Modern just means pertaining to the present time. Some people are just too passive to be assertive, but that doesn't mean they aren't modern. I consider myself modern, but i don't have many real interests, lol. I would love to have more time to hang out with my buddies.

And I really don't understand why you're not sure...

I say that simply because it's desirable these days. People who can reflect on (and eventually alter) the way they behave among others are generallymore successful in solving problems and conflicts with other people. That doesn't mean changing yourself, that means giving yourself new opprtunities. It's definitely much better and certainly more "modern" that trying to blame society for your personal problems.

I've never considered myself "modern", or anything else. Such labels mean very little to me. I also have my demons. What matters is that I know about that and I try to do someting about that. I'm shy, self-destructive, moody, pensive and rather uncertain, but there were times when I overcame my fears and it was worth it.

Spats wants a girl who has "her shit together," and criticizes those who don't fit the criteria of his. Yet he obviously has his own issues and weaknesses, and is unvilling to change anything. That's so ironic...and hypocritical.

As for "bacteria" which is the singular and plural spelling,

Yeah, sorry, I forgot. Thanks.

Do you correct everyone here on the borads who writes "you're" instead of "your" and vice versa?

....they are everywhere. If you are going to have sex, you can't worry too much about where they lie, lol.

Yes, I know.

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Rain and a slow computer. That has been my today so far. <_<

Slow computer + rainy day = sux!

Mine right now is that I keep hearing the attic door banging and I'm actually going to have to get out of bed to close it <_<

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Include them all..

Hermit, Del....and those given a week of 'timeout'.

They did re-ban Magic Sam after his brief appearance though. There are others, we all know it.

For the record I was banned on the old board because of angry comments I directed to a person who had posted a photo making fun of a mentally retarded child, and who refused to apologize for that photo. It got heated and I was banned for good. Although I take responsibility for the many over the top heated arguements that I had at that time too.

When the new board came online I signed up again like many people. I have since tried to keep the personal rancor at a minimum... although I still engage is some spirited debates -- I think prople pretty much know where my politics are coming from and expect that from me. And I do at least believe that I contribute to many other topics other than politics too. Even people who disagree with me have come to like me in many ways.

In any event, I am here on this forum with the permission and consent of the administration. If that were not the case I would not be coming back.

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^ I just don't believe you really pushed an old lady over.

My peeve today is commercials! :angry: You can't escape them. Even on the net, you have to sit through some crap before you can see a video. <_< I get so angry I switch to the Channel One all with movies and NO commercials. And if it's a video I really want to see on the web, I just file my nails until the crappola is over.


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^ I just don't believe you really pushed an old lady over.

My peeve today is commercials! :angry: You can't escape them. Even on the net, you have to sit through some crap before you can see a video. <_< I get so angry I switch to the Channel One all with movies and NO commercials. And if it's a video I really want to see on the web, I just file my nails until the crappola is over.


I don't believe it either :)

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