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Pet Peeves


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Pet peeve i'm gonna try not to repeat again: Ground Transportation. You pay $50 for a roundtrip to the airport (which isn't bad for a 30 mile trip each way)...but they get you there 2 hrs. early and when you want to go home you have to wait 30 minutes and the trip include dropping off people all over the place. From now on, for the same price, i'm leaving my car at the airport.

I have left my car at the airport the last 2 or 3 times. It's actually a pretty good deal.

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I have left my car at the airport the last 2 or 3 times. It's actually a pretty good deal.

I didn't realize until i called my sister to see if she could pick me up after being told they wouldn't be there to get me for 30 minutes, that it's $9 a day to leave your car. That would be the same price it cost for the shuttle service, minus the cost of gas (roughly a quarter tank of gas or a tad bit more). Still, no waiting! That's the way i'm going from now on!

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That does sound annoying. When I play golf, my goal is to get the ball through the little windmill in less than 5 shots swings... and I prefer not to play with blue balls.


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Agreed. I can't stand the 10 practice swing routine.....they're probably wasting the one good swing they had in them!

I take one practice swing on the back of the tee while waiting my turn, then step up and let the big dog eat. B)

That's the way ! Grip it and rip it. There are only so many good swings /round and I totally agree, don't waste them fanning the air. When someone asks me what my handicap is I alway's say....my swing :D

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That's the way ! Grip it and rip it. There are only so many good swings /round and I totally agree, don't waste them fanning the air. When someone asks me what my handicap is I alway's say....my swing :D

I'm like that with pool. I look at the table, step up to the ball and let it rip. However I've been playing since I was 5 and played professionally. I get people who will jerk with the cue in hand for like 5 minutes or run around the table for 20 to decide what to shoot.


I guess many sports would run along the same thing. First choice is always best and be in shape for your sport :coffee:

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And people grabbing their crotches in public.


Freedom doesn't mean everyone wants to see your pants falling off around your knees and to the point you walk like you have a corn cob up your ass, or you grabbing your cock every time you want to stress a point.

If you're gonna play with it get a room.

If you cannot dress stay at home.

There was some funny thing that happened in last night's baseball game, where the player slide into second base and as he came up standing, he did a midair major junk adjustment - like something was very noticably out of place?!?!?!. I spit out my beer, laughing so hard - because it happened to me once in softball, except I was wearing shorts!!!

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Depends on how you grew up I think. Some things are proper in public and some aren't.

Many places have laws.

I used to work with a guy who was always repositioning his stuff in front of anyone who was nearby, lol. It was actually a bit embarrasing to see him do this. With scrubs on it was very noticable, too, what was being moved. Anyway, it's unfortunate but sometimes you just gotta move stuff. For example, when you don't realize until you have already left the house that your bra is a nusiance. Sometimes you don't purposely dress uncomfortably. But those who publically readjust on purpose are another story.

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There was some funny thing that happened in last night's baseball game, where the player slide into second base and as he came up standing, he did a midair major junk adjustment - like something was very noticably out of place?!?!?!. I spit out my beer, laughing so hard - because it happened to me once in softball, except I was wearing shorts!!!

Nothing worse than having "your junk" end up outside the protective cup.

Feels sort of like having your shoes on the wrong feet.

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Nothing worse than having "your junk" end up outside the protective cup.

Feels sort of like having your shoes on the wrong feet.

That's why I could never understand the jeans Robert used to wear, WOW! Could they be very comfy? I guess he was 'supported' :o

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When one is pulling weeds out of the garden early in the day and hoses the dirt off of the sneakers and they get wet, so one puts them out to dry on the stoop and when they go to go out drinking once the sune goes down, theytrip over them and almost breaks and ankle.

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When one is pulling weeds out of the garden early in the day and hoses the dirt off of the sneakers and they get wet, so one puts them out to dry on the stoop and when they go to go out drinking once the sune goes down, theytrip over them and almost breaks and ankle.

By the looks of your post, seems at least you had fun tonight. Saturday night is such a good time to get drunk. bleck.

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And people grabbing their crotches in public.


Freedom doesn't mean everyone wants to see your pants falling off around your knees and to the point you walk like you have a corn cob up your ass, or you grabbing your cock every time you want to stress a point.

If you're gonna play with it get a room.

If you cannot dress stay at home.

Very down to earth statement Speed! I feel the same. I just don't understand some fashion statements and gestures!

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I agree with the comment about the Pants falling down .I was at a somewhat expensive resturaunt in Lafayette Louisiana two weeks ago and this Kid about 17 or so kept walking past My table with His whole Ass exposed I mean He had on underwear but They were about all He had on and I am eating Steak and Lobster whats up with that. His Girlfriend was also wearing some verry low cut Pants Hiphuggers and Her booty was showing but I did not let Her wardrobe interfere with Dinner but His did.So Guys keep Your pant pulled up.Girls You dont have to.

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I agree with the comment about the Pants falling down .I was at a somewhat expensive resturaunt in Lafayette Louisiana two weeks ago and this Kid about 17 or so kept walking past My table with His whole Ass exposed I mean He had on underwear but They were about all He had on and I am eating Steak and Lobster whats up with that. His Girlfriend was also wearing some verry low cut Pants Hiphuggers and Her booty was showing but I did not let Her wardrobe interfere with Dinner but His did.So Guys keep Your pant pulled up.Girls You dont have to.

I say lets leave the cracks to the plumbers!

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Very down to earth statement Speed! I feel the same. I just don't understand some fashion statements and gestures!

Flint, Michigan is the first place in the US to just have made this a fineable offense. Lot's of gang issues there. They have 2 degrees of offense - underwear showing or crack showing. Under the realm of indecent exposure.

I have to say, I don't get it either, from what I've read this 'fashion statement' started with rappers and it was a 'look' that was derived from being in prison where you had no belt so your pants would be falling down. Apparently the people who started this 'look' thought it was 'cool' to have done time in jail. Then it started getting picked up by the masses and exagerated. These guys look like freaky caricatures to me....long torsos and short legs cuz the way the silouette looks.

Funny thing, my girlfriend told me the other day she was buying swim trunks for her SEVEN year old and he insisted he needed the bigger size..."But Mom! I don't like them up here, they're more comfortable down HERE!" Hmmmmm....

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Rude parents at sporting events :blink:

Oh man! That is a big prob these days with the 'umbrella' parents! Don't they realize they are not teaching their children well? Team sports are supposed to foster teamwork, healthy competition, an acceptance of limitations and sportsmanship.

BTW....my coworkers son's team little league baseball team played Friday for the State Championship! I have to see if I can find online how they did. The team all had a former team members intitials embrodiored on their caps and were dedicating their wins to him...he has luekemia and can no longer play. They're a lucky team because the coaches are fair and foster good will. But not all coaches are like that..and the good coaches have to put up with the parents saying "My little Jimmy this and that, blah blah blah"

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peeve: when you work OT and come home and decide to take a one hour nap but don't wake up until 2:00am the next morning <_<

Yeah, and then what do you do?! Take a couple sleeping pills and post on the LZ board till you can sleep again :)

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Oh man! That is a big prob these days with the 'umbrella' parents! Don't they realize they are not teaching their children well? Team sports are supposed to foster teamwork, healthy competition, an acceptance of limitations and sportsmanship.

BTW....my coworkers son's team little league baseball team played Friday for the State Championship! I have to see if I can find online how they did. The team all had a former team members intitials embrodiored on their caps and were dedicating their wins to him...he has luekemia and can no longer play. They're a lucky team because the coaches are fair and foster good will. But not all coaches are like that..and the good coaches have to put up with the parents saying "My little Jimmy this and that, blah blah blah"

Aw, I hope that team won, and that the boy will be ok :(

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