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Pet Peeves


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Ah, but there's a problem. By being selfish, you're denying someone else a spot to park. In a perfect world, we would all park the correct distance apart as to not touch doors. Then again, I think those who make the lines between spaces could give a few more inches on each side as to accomodate those huge Hummers, Escalades and other gas guzzling SUV's that are so wide. Or maybe we should all buy Smart cars and double dip the oil companies and solve the parking dilemna. Okay, now I'm being funny. And I get your point as I have bought new vehicles myself. My current car I had for two weeks and someone scratched the crap out the rear bumper in a parking lot. But that's why I pay for insurance. Also, i've known people who have parked their cars diagonally between two spots only to find their cars keyed.

I don´t go to this extreme though :unsure: and I´ve got a little Kia Picanto, so I don´t take up too much space. I think the key is bigger spaces and little more consideration. I´ve got insurance too but if they don´t leave a note my insurance doesn´t cover it. Spain is full of people who bump, hit or scratch your car and they don´t give a dam.

There´s a saying here: "Justos por pecadores" which means the just pay for the sinners.

But anyway it´s only a car and there´s so many other problems that are bigger in life. ;)

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Oh my my, what a leaf you've turned LedBaby. Returning from banned status to a real brown nose. Watch how deep you bury that nose, one can suffocate from such things you know.

You ask..you shall receive:

  • The Emperor? We all know it's not you so I wouldn't worry my pretty head about it if I were you.
  • A terrorist nation is one where the power is not distributed through checks and balances and is ruled not by the people
  • Hermit was one of the most thought provoking posters on this board whether you agreed with his opinions or not. He has style and flair, unlike some rambling posters.
  • What is a Medhb? Look it up on Google, I'm not here to be your researcher.
  • Cotton swab - something you'll need a box of to get the brown off your nose

That said, I have nothing personal against you so take my reply in the same jest that you posed the questions with....


Sorry you are such an angry person whoever you are. I think they have professional persons who can deal with whichever hallucination you have running about in your head on an hour by hour basis.

1. I have no desire to waste my time in Google.

2. I never said I was worried, simply asking a question.

3. Thank you for telling us all about your terrorist plot.

5. Green with envy are we? Don't you have a mangy mutt speaking with you telepathically about his devise, horrendous plan to hurt you?

6. I take it all in jest, because I'm not intrigued by your outlandish remarks which you believe are funny....

You are thorough, so at least you have that going for you :lol:


Speed Racer

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Sorry you are such an angry person whoever you are. I think they have professional persons who can deal with whichever hallucination you have running about in your head on an hour by hour basis.

1. I have no desire to waste my time in Google.

2. I never said I was worried, simply asking a question.

3. Thank you for telling us all about your terrorist plot.

5. Green with envy are we? Don't you have a mangy mutt speaking with you telepathically about his devise, horrendous plan to hurt you?

6. I take it all in jest, because I'm not intrigued by your outlandish remarks which you believe are funny....

You are thorough, so at least you have that going for you :lol:


Speed Racer

My, My....seems I've pushed a button...the seemingly nice Speedracer is quickly reverting back to LedBaby....


True colors....that's a song isn't it?!

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Do you know the reason? Maybe they just noticed he snuck back in with a "_" after his name and rebanned him. :shrugs: I'm new around here, but from what I've seen Sam seems like a straight shooter and a decent admin.

Sam does a good and fair job

Hermit hardly "snuck" back in... sigining up under the same name, with the same sig pics is not sneaking. He noticed as most of us have that there's not much preventing people from coming back on here after a banishment. True, most people stay away from using a character variation of the same name, but most are allowed to stay if they keep their nose clean. If you are here under your original screen name, you will most likely be afforded a warning that you're pushing the envelope...if you're here as a known banned member, there will be no warning.

In this case Herm didn't really do that, but he did question the integrity of one poster on this site who just doesn't allow that type of mortal treatment.

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6. I take it all in jest, because I'm not intrigued by your outlandish remarks which you believe are funny....

You're not intrigued yet...you just can't refrain from replying...hmmm....interesting.

Oh, I forgot to thank you for the compliment...OUTLANDISH!! Brilliant! Love it! Thank you!

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You're not intrigued yet...you just can't refrain from replying...hmmm....interesting.

Oh, I forgot to thank you for the compliment...OUTLANDISH!! Brilliant! Love it! Thank you!

Awww, your welcome MED No worries, had a long day but all is well. I hope your ok and on the "shmoozing." It's all rather subjective. I don't know you from ADAM ANT.

Dog is cute though.....

I have to run anyhoo, so get out your little astrophysicist charts...along with BONZO and come back to Earth from Venus :console:


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Awww, your welcome MED No worries, had a long day but all is well. I hope your ok and on the "shmoozing." It's all rather subjective. I don't know you from ADAM ANT.

Dog is cute though.....

I have to run anyhoo, so get out your little astrophysicist charts...along with BONZO and come back to Earth from Venus :console:


Thanks SpeedRacer, I was rather insulted by the mangy mutt comment. I mean, making unkind comments about a poor defenseless puppy, so all is better now.

Nah, think I'll stay on Venus, waaaay more interesting here! Thanks for the kind invitation to Earth though... :)

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I've had it with Yahoo's ongoing "connection refused" or something about a "multi-hop cycle". I actually need to do some research for work. Fucking get your shit together already!!!

Yeah, Yahoo mail was HORRIBLE yesterday. I filled out an issue form and they mailed back to me saying they were aware they had issues and were working on it. I was just getting prompted for my password anytime I did ANYTHING in my mail and then after I put my password in it didn't process the request. It's been better today though....Good luck with that!

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Yeah, Yahoo mail was HORRIBLE yesterday. I filled out an issue form and they mailed back to me saying they were aware they had issues and were working on it. I was just getting prompted for my password anytime I did ANYTHING in my mail and then after I put my password in it didn't process the request. It's been better today though....Good luck with that!

Thanks, Medhb, yeah it wouldn't be so aggravating if it were a once in a blue moon type of thing. Shit happens with computers (ghosts in machines ;) ) and you take it, but then it just keeps happening...over and over...and then you write letters to Yahoo 'help' and spew on forums. I got the same generic response as you, 'we know there's a problem, we're working on it' blahblah. It actually feels better to write here than it does to them. Problem's not solved, but at least the feedback's better :D

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Today's Pet Peeve:

Self-rightous vegetarians.

I got a ration last night for putting a piece of pepperoni pizza in the box with the left over "veggie" pizza! We happened to sit with the vegtable heads at one end of the table and the ominivors at the other, and one of them said "the good end of the table and the bad end of the table". It was all I could do to not say something like "the pretentous end of the table...", the self-rightous end of the table... the bizaar diet end of the table... etc."

P.S. A recent study shows male vegetarians have a slightly higher rate of heart attacks compared to omnivorous males!

It's strange how sensitive this subject is, too. The first forum I joined was mainly disrupted by one member's frequent postings about animal abuse and health issues with eating meat, with gross pictures and insults to various religions. Ironically, the only companion this person had was a police trained attack dog - which he insisted it was not a hypocrisy to feed other slaughtered animals' meat. My little bit of research into this reveals that humans are designed to digest meat as a food source, and that the brain functions best when receiving certain proteins naturally provided by this.

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It's strange how sensitive this subject is, too. The first forum I joined was mainly disrupted by one member's frequent postings about animal abuse and health issues with eating meat, with gross pictures and insults to various religions. Ironically, the only companion this person had was a police trained attack dog - which he insisted it was not a hypocrisy to feed other slaughtered animals' meat. My little bit of research in to this reveals that humans are designed to digest meat as a food source, and that the brain functions best when receiving certain proteins naturally provided by this.

I think many people are overly sensitive to this issue (meat versus curd). Do you have any idea what the last one rhymes with?

They are looking for a soap box to stand on which is often political. I have a budhist pal who is a vegetarian. Nice person, just a bit peculiar. We do need irons, B12 and other things from meat. They can be supplemented instead of meat.

BUT....and this is a big BUT.

I do not think humans are hear to please a vegetarian, or to not eat meat. Look at history and you will see at many points in time it was hunt, get out of the way or be Trampled Under Foot and eaten.


Edit: sp

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I don't eat meat but am far from a vegetarian because I eat dairy and eggs. It's an individual choice. There are lots of reasons to go vegetarian from a economical standpoint and from a humane standpoint. I stopped eating meat because personally it was bothers me what the animals go through. On the other hand, I still eat eggs and I don't think the chickens that lay them are all that happy with their cirucumstances.

But to get on a soapbox about it is not cool. Everyone makes their own choices, it bothers me not one iota when someone I'm dining with orders meat and I don't want to inconvenience them because of my personal choices. So if we're sharing apps, like proscuttio and mozz or something, I'll just eat the cheese.

Honestly, I rarely miss meat. But if I do find myself one day craving it...you can bet it will be a nice big juicy steak from the butcher and not the supermarket!

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The real vegans fertilize their gardens with their own poop. Care for a freshly made salad, anyone?

Laura Lee wasn't a "Vegan." I don't eat nearly as much meat as I used to. Plus every time someone wants to do fast food.

I just decline. I'm not so strapped for time that I must run people over instead of sit down to socialise with a proper meal :thumbsup:

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People that constantly try to push their political beliefs on you. :angry:

People that smack their food (chew with their mouth open). :wtf:

People who follow you too closely from behind (on the interstate) when you're driving above the speed limit.

The same people that when they finally get in front of you, slow down and then talk on their cell phones or some other foolish activity. :mad:

People need to be respectful of others. :)

R B)

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People that constantly try to push their political beliefs on you. :angry:

People need to be respectful of others. :)

R B)

Yeah, clearly if someone doesn't want to discuss it their boundries should be respected. I have a guy at work that will stop by my desk EVERY day to point out the errors in my beliefs...oddly enough he is a neo nazi....Yeah, I want to hear THAT crap! I'll listen to a republican but can't tolerate this guy.

That's why I like discussing politics here...you know that anyone who is posting on the politics board is there by choice, not because they have your cornered at the coffee machine!

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Yeah, clearly if someone doesn't want to discuss it their boundries should be respected. I have a guy at work that will stop by my desk EVERY day to point out the errors in my beliefs...oddly enough he is a neo nazi....Yeah, I want to hear THAT crap! I'll listen to a republican but can't tolerate this guy.

That's why I like discussing politics here...you know that anyone who is posting on the politics board is there by choice, not because they have your cornered at the coffee machine!

I nice cup of cool water for a good hair rinse may do him good :)

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Todays Peeve:

I'm fasting for tests and still have 2 hours till my Dr. appt! My stomach is digesting itself!!

I hope your psychiatric testing works out for the best medhb.

Good luck. No wonder your such a cranky C

:hysterical: Perhaps the persons doing the tests will play hide the sausage with you. That outta help with the OCD too, at least for a bit...

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