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I dont think this fits in this thread, but hey...today i saw borer bees with a nest, going through the dirt and then into a foundation of a garage. The borer bees dont bite, or sting btw...if you ever have them in your soffets, etc. just caulk over the holes at night time. If that doesent work, use bondo/chromolite type auto body filler. Again, dont be afraid if they fly right in your face...they wont sting/bite and their just doing their job. With the ones in the foundation, i just put some bricks in front of the hole and when i was done there were like five bees there....kicked the bricks out of the way and they were all alright.

We have TONS of those! Are they bad for your house? I never even mind them. I find them fascinating. They are SOOOO huge! It's unbeleivable they can even fly! And yeah, they'll just hover right in your face and you can sit there and be amazed and not worried they're going to sting you!

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We have TONS of those! Are they bad for your house? I never even mind them. I find them fascinating. They are SOOOO huge! It's unbeleivable they can even fly! And yeah, they'll just hover right in your face and you can sit there and be amazed and not worried they're going to sting you!

Especially when your on an extension ladder, cause their huge and little helicopters. Yeah, thats the good news, they wont sting or bite, but will buzz right in your face and stand you off. Thats why i mentioned this, cause they were actually going throught the dirt and into a wood foundation. Plus i was working at this place and sprrayed two nests in arches and yet was bottling up bees in the garage windows who coultnt get out.....its was from the beginning of the job to today, right at the end when i saw these bees going through the dirt, which i have never seen.

But, the bad news economically is that the jellyfish all over are way up...keeping folks off beaches and stuff...even the vacation areas etc.

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People who don't turn off their damn cell phones at the movies. It happened again last night. (went to see the Dark Knight again) How many years have people been told to turn them off???? :o:o And they still do not. :angry::angry:

Oh, and people who blow their damn nose at the movies. And not quietly. There is a quiet moment in the movie and all you hear is this horrible honking noise. :o

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Today I feel better than I have in a week and wanted to get outside and it's storming! :angry:

I LOVE a good storm but not TODAY please! Well better today I guess than tomorrow. Having people over for Poker tomorrow and hoping the weather is mild....it's nice to play outside...

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i'm listening to music and watching the end of -shark week on discovery chanel and just thinking about this news report on jellyfish populations exploding...the overfishing is affecting the ocean like its an aquarium. i mean, the northern settlers of nova scotia/ w the grand banks said you could walk on the water cause it was that full of fish and now nova scotia is all about american tourism. Its just incredible, when i see massive changes within my own life, with fishing and snow fall. its just very weird.

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People from Brooklyn, or worse yet New Jersey. They are rude, obnoxious, pushier than Koreans at a Blue Light Special and at times just simply act morbose in the head. Oh well on to better things and brain surgeons.

Now their's a job, drill holes in people heads or saw the cap off their skulls to shock people legally.

Edited by browsweat
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Reminds me of Bimbo The Slave from Uncle Meat. Integrity go's flying out the window with the peroxide bottle.

Ahhhh, I think she used to swallow swords for a living. Why don't you just say MEDhb? Durrr.

In private circles she's known as The Valium Princess :lol:

Edited by worm_worm
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Reminds me of Bimbo The Slave from Uncle Meat. Integrity go's flying out the window with the peroxide bottle.

Ahhhh, I think she used to swallow swords for a living. Why don't you just say MEDhb? Durrr.

In private circles she's known as The Valium Princess :lol:

Do I sense a bit of jealousy LedBaby and Tange?! See you guys are pulling your drive by act again. Here's a suggestion for your next ID's. Bonnie and Clyde.

Have a nice day!


Private circles? You guys have circle jerks? ICK!!!

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For god's sake, when will this end?!?

Never. Unfortunately some people are more dedicated to trying to start trouble than they are to "Led Zeppelin"! That's OK, I am actually a bit flattered to be a target. For some reason, I seem to have stirred stong emotions from certain people. I guess it gives their life a sense of purpose and...well....everyone should feel a sense of purpose in their lives....even if it's as pathetic as to do drive bye's in the middle of the night. I'm honored to provide a sense of purpose to some pathic, lonely, sad persons life....else...what would they have?!

Peace!! :hippy:

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Good afternoon (or what ever it may be in your part of the world) friends and foes alike

I don't post on this thread very often.

My peeve, I should be outside cutting my grass or taking care of some bills but I feel like I'm getting addicted to this site :lol:

maybe I should take some drugs they are easier to quit! B)

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Today I feel better than I have in a week and wanted to get outside and it's storming! :angry:

I LOVE a good storm but not TODAY please! Well better today I guess than tomorrow. Having people over for Poker tomorrow and hoping the weather is mild....it's nice to play outside...

I love playing poker!

People from Brooklyn, or worse yet New Jersey. They are rude, obnoxious, pushier than Koreans at a Blue Light Special and at times just simply act morbose in the head. Oh well on to better things and brain surgeons.

Now their's a job, drill holes in people heads or saw the cap off their skulls to shock people legally.

What do you have against Koreans? Of the few I've met they wree very nice.

And on top of that not everyone from Brooklyn or New Jersey is rude and obnoxious. But what is rude is the way you stereotype people like that.

For god's sake, when will this end?!?

It won't.

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Spending a good percentage of the weekend trying to get rid of some malware. Unsuccessfully, of course. <_<

Check out Spybot and Registry Clean, both freeware, they've save me many times! Frustrating...I know!! Good luck!!

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Thanks guys! I still have a few more things to try. I'm determined not to pay someone $200 to do it for me though! :blink:

Good luck on your ordeal and like I say to myself keep trying and you´ll succeed. :console:

My peeve for today and I think for the rest of the week is the intense heat in Seville (Spain ). B):wacko::beer:

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The movie stereotype of the bitchy, whiny, selfish wife/girlfriend.

I am sick and tired of this showing up in movies.

It's usually superhero movies, detective movies, or movies where the main guy is an undercover spy who has a heavy job.

Rachel Dawes (from Batman Begins and The Dark Knight) is one of these types of movie stereotype women, but recently I saw a movie with Johnny Depp called Donnie Darko (?) and... seriously... if that were my wife, I would have divorced her long before taking the case that made the movie.

How bitchy and selfish can one person be? It's his fucking job fer chrissakes! At least be grateful for that and for the money he brings home. Let him do his fucking job! Besides... did she ever once consider the idea that maybe being selfish could get his cover blown and both him and her and their family killed?

Nope. She just wants to be selfish.

Believe it or not, it pisses me off more because I know women like that in real life. I know someone who works for the FBI and has done undercover operations for them. He and his wife got a divorce because one of his operations (going undercover in a human-trafficking ring) went one year and she barely saw him. The reason, of course, was that if it got out that he had a family, it would blow his cover and not only he, but his wife and son would be dead. She knew that, too, but instead of enjoying the few times she did see him, taking the checks, and having enough patience to wait until the operation was over when he was planning on retiring and taking a desk job just to be with his family, she went and got a boyfriend and cheated on him the whole fucking time. Of course, he ended up saving her life because his cover was blown at the end... and it was her fault, BTW, namely because the "boyfriend" she was doing at the time was one of the people working in this little human-trafficking scheme.

He had custody of the son, though now the boy goes to college, and is a friend of mine. The son, of course, wants nothing to do with his Mom, but has a great relationship with his Dad, even though the Dad didn't retire because of what happened and still does work for the FBI.

I'm sorry, but that's bullshit. Utter bullshit. If I married a woman who did work for the FBI in that capacity, I would never be that fucking selfish. My only hope is that she would tell me everything she could and that she'd be careful. And I can take of myself... I'd never be a hostage. At least, not an easy one.

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