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Pet Peeves


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Nathan, I totally agree with you. The only way to minimize the affects of the attacks is to ignore them. They are clearly designed to piss everyone off. And we, want to stand up for ourselves and our friends, however, every time we do that it gives them something to respond to. I would suggest that if it happens again....just don't respond! Act like they are not there and carry on with business...soon boredom will set in and they will stop posting nasty shit.

Now, if they could just join in a conversation without all the name calling and accusations it would really be great but from what I saw last night they kind of enjoy being 'outlaws' There seems to be bitterness and I truly feel badly for them that they feel their only retribution is to go on the attack, knowing in the end they will be banned again. What if...they were just allowed to participate in a normal manner? Does anyone think that would keep them from going on the offensive?

Just wondering...I like fun but brutality is not fun.

I agree that ignoring them would be a good thing. Sometimes it's hard though - you get ticked off at what they say and the next thing you know, you've gotten sucked in. Guilty as charged myself but I'm trying to stay away from it more. I do think that part of what they get off on is a rise from people. It's like when kids tease other kids. The more the kid shows it bothers them, the teaser continues. If the kid ignores it and carries on, the teaser moves on at some point.

The problem with some of the people who keep getting banned and come back is without trying to sound like an analyst (I'm not nor do I play one on tv) is there's clearly deeper issues going on that cause this irrational behavior. I don't think they want to just participate (again, I could be wrong). They seek out causing trouble because it gives them a thrill or something.

Just my two cents.

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Nathan, I totally agree with you. The only way to minimize the affects of the attacks is to ignore them. They are clearly designed to piss everyone off. And we, want to stand up for ourselves and our friends, however, every time we do that it gives them something to respond to. I would suggest that if it happens again....just don't respond! Act like they are not there and carry on with business...soon boredom will set in and they will stop posting nasty shit.

Actually, judging from times past, if they're ignored long enough, they just keep upping the ante until somebody responds. IMO, they'd prefer it be one or more of the folks they resent, but someone else will do if needed.

Now, if they could just join in a conversation without all the name calling and accusations it would really be great but from what I saw last night they kind of enjoy being 'outlaws' There seems to be bitterness and I truly feel badly for them that they feel their only retribution is to go on the attack, knowing in the end they will be banned again. What if...they were just allowed to participate in a normal manner? Does anyone think that would keep them from going on the offensive?

Just wondering...I like fun but brutality is not fun.

Joel used to brag that he's 'an outlaw but not a criminal'. I agree they like that. From what they were saying last night, in between the name-calling posts, they got nasty like that cuz the board had been boring the past few days.

When the board was re-done and went official, they were allowed to 'participate in a normal manner'... I think the mods didn't know who they were or their past history, etc. Yet, they poked and prodded, trying to get a rise out of folks. I don't know about Rick, but Joel had plenty of opportunity to 'start over', etc. yet he continued some level of his old behavior, despite assurances that he wouldn't.

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It means that this is the band's official forum.

Again, you are missing my point. I am aware that this is Led Zeppelin's official forum. My point is that some people here have forgotten that. If they remembered, nobody would be hostile because we would all come together on common ground, which, obviously, we are not.

Look at Rick and Joel vs. Electrophile. First off, their dislike of Electrophile is, quite frankly, unjustified. Though her and I disagree on quite a bit, I respect her and can't really understand why anybody would not respect her. She's very strong in her beliefs, but she listens to reason. That is a person to respect, in my opinion. Secondly, they consistently start shit with her and then get pissed when she defends herself.

Rick and Joel have forgotten why we are here.

Another great example is DRUNK. Not one person here really agreed with him, and yet he continued not only to spout his hate-filled, bigotted rhetoric (and you can blame me for fanning the flames, but the fact is, he was a bigot; you can read all of his posts to see that fact), but got pissed at anyone and everyone who disagreed with him. He eventually got banned because of his hate-filled accusations against Evster, accusations he made of Evster that were completely untrue.

DRUNK forgot why we are here.

Edited by Nathan
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Thanks Nathan. What goads me is the blanket condemnation by a certain few of anyone who makes a contradictory remark who happens to be friends with the core of the old site. The so-called clique. It gets prefaced with some garbage like, "I know you're one of them and have the mods in your pocket, so I guess I'll be banned soon for disagreeing with you old mighty posters with your 10s of 1000s of posts". The typical bait.

Or maybe I just disagree with someone's opinion. The Bat signal didn't go off. Dozens of PMs weren't immediately sent. Morse code wasn't beeping in remote localities. Emails weren't blanketed. Nobody cried "I've been contradicted! Back me up!".

It doesn't happen. Yet if I opine that Robert isn't being selfish for not reuniting, because that's my opinion, I get "Oh, I suppose all of your friends will be jumping in to stand by you".

That shit is so tired. "Oooohh I'm one of THEM!". One of who? Bah.

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Again, you are missing my point. I am aware that this is Led Zeppelin's official forum. My point is that some people here have forgotten that. If they remembered, nobody would be hostile because we would all come together on common ground, which, obviously, we are not.

Look at Rick and Joel vs. Electrophile. First off, their dislike of Electrophile is, quite frankly, unjustified. Though her and I disagree on quite a bit, I respect her and can't really understand why anybody would not respect her. She's very strong in her beliefs, but she listens to reason. That is a person to respect, in my opinion. Secondly, they consistently start shit with her and then get pissed when she defends herself.

Rick and Joel have forgotten why we are here.

Joel was never here for the right reason.

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Thanks Nathan. What goads me is the blanket condemnation by a certain few of anyone who makes a contradictory remark who happens to be friends with the core of the old site. The so-called clique. It gets prefaced with some garbage like, "I know you're one of them and have the mods in your pocket, so I guess I'll be banned soon for disagreeing with you old mighty posters with your 10s of 1000s of posts". The typical bait.

Or maybe I just disagree with someone's opinion. The Bat signal didn't go off. Dozens of PMs weren't immediately sent. Morse code wasn't beeping in remote localities. Emails weren't blanketed. Nobody cried "I've been contradicted! Back me up!".

It doesn't happen. Yet if I opine that Robert isn't being selfish for not reuniting, because that's my opinion, I get "Oh, I suppose all of your friends will be jumping in to stand by you".

That shit is so tired. "Oooohh I'm one of THEM!". One of who? Bah.

Just reminded me of one of my fave Floyde songs:

Us, and them

And after all we're only ordinary men.

Me, and you.

God only knows it's not what we would choose to do.

Forward he cried from the rear

and the front rank died.

And the general sat and the lines on the map

moved from side to side.

Black and blue

And who knows which is which and who is who.

Up and down.

But in the end it's only round and round.

Haven't you heard it's a battle of words

The poster bearer cried.

Listen son, said the man with the gun

There's room for you inside.

"I mean, they're not gunna kill ya, so if you give 'em a quick short,

sharp, shock, they won't do it again. Dig it? I mean he get off

lightly, 'cos I would've given him a thrashing - I only hit him once!

It was only a difference of opinion, but really...I mean good manners

don't cost nothing do they, eh?"

Down and out

It can't be helped but there's a lot of it about.

With, without.

And who'll deny it's what the fighting's all about?

Out of the way, it's a busy day

I've got things on my mind.

For the want of the price of tea and a slice

The old man died.

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What's wrong with baseball hats? I wear one a lot when I'm outside working because it keeps the sun off my face. I also wear them to baseball games, because well.....they're baseball hats.

I just can't stand them. It's so weird, I have to admit.

What can ya do Ricky?



If this is bad, then I guess Generation Z is the last and most screwed.

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When a rogue racoon decides to investigate the inside of my garage and tears the place apart by crawling across my vehicle, scratching it, licking the windows, pulling all of my gardening tools off the wall onto it and as an act of definance, takes a big crap on the floor, trying to get out.

If he didn't get the clue last night to leave by the open service door, I have to live-trap the little bastard and drive to the river bottoms to let him go. I don't have a great love for wild critters that could easily tear a hunk of flesh out of me.

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Thanks Nathan. What goads me is the blanket condemnation by a certain few of anyone who makes a contradictory remark who happens to be friends with the core of the old site. The so-called clique. It gets prefaced with some garbage like, "I know you're one of them and have the mods in your pocket, so I guess I'll be banned soon for disagreeing with you old mighty posters with your 10s of 1000s of posts". The typical bait.

Or maybe I just disagree with someone's opinion. The Bat signal didn't go off. Dozens of PMs weren't immediately sent. Morse code wasn't beeping in remote localities. Emails weren't blanketed. Nobody cried "I've been contradicted! Back me up!".

It doesn't happen. Yet if I opine that Robert isn't being selfish for not reuniting, because that's my opinion, I get "Oh, I suppose all of your friends will be jumping in to stand by you".

That shit is so tired. "Oooohh I'm one of THEM!". One of who? Bah.

Sadly Ev. It seems like there have been too many lines drawn in the sand. We all, at one time or another, make the mistake of not fully understanding why there are any lines at all. Human nature makes people jump to conclusion

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When a rogue racoon decides to investigate the inside of my garage and tears the place apart by crawling across my vehicle, scratching it, licking the windows, pulling all of my gardening tools off the wall onto it and as an act of definance, takes a big crap on the floor, trying to get out.

If he didn't get the clue last night to leave by the open service door, I have to live-trap the little bastard and drive to the river bottoms to let him go. I don't have a great love for wild critters that could easily tear a hunk of flesh out of me.

One time my dad had trapped a big racoon up in the attic. This section of attic space was only accessable through a ceiling trap door in a small boiler room. He was handing the racoon in the trap down to me on top of a ladder, so the racoon is like right in my face, to get the trap out of the ceiling trap door and i'm sort of just waiting for it to freak out and just pictured me dropping the trap and the thing opening and getting out in this small space. My father was laughing hysterically, i was laughing hysterically and scared. I was like, let me go up there and hand the trap down to you. Anyway, you had to be there...all went well and the racoon was released in a park, no wooded areas anywhere close by around here.

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Sadly Ev. It seems like there have been too many lines drawn in the sand. We all, at one time or another, make the mistake of not fully understanding why there are any lines at all. Human nature makes people jump to conclusion

Indeed it does my friend. Indeed it does. For me the sad thing is I haven't drawn any lines in the sand. I haven't even looked for a good stick with which to do so. Whenever I post here, I either get "Hey Ev, where ya been buddy?", or I get outright attacked. I just wanna talk about Zeppelin when I log in here. I don't come here to fight with people. Know what I mean? Why take the abuse? Why should there be such abuse, except by people who have an agenda deeper than talking about Zeppelin? Then why are those people here at all? It's a Zeppelin forum!

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Indeed it does my friend. Indeed it does. For me the sad thing is I haven't drawn any lines in the sand. I haven't even looked for a good stick with which to do so. Whenever I post here, I either get "Hey Ev, where ya been buddy?", or I get outright attacked. I just wanna talk about Zeppelin when I log in here. I don't come here to fight with people. Know what I mean? Why take the abuse? Why should there be such abuse, except by people who have an agenda deeper than talking about Zeppelin? Then why are those people here at all? It's a Zeppelin forum!

Hey Ev, where ya been buddy?

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Indeed it does my friend. Indeed it does. For me the sad thing is I haven't drawn any lines in the sand. I haven't even looked for a good stick with which to do so. Whenever I post here, I either get "Hey Ev, where ya been buddy?", or I get outright attacked. I just wanna talk about Zeppelin when I log in here. I don't come here to fight with people. Know what I mean? Why take the abuse? Why should there be such abuse, except by people who have an agenda deeper than talking about Zeppelin? Then why are those people here at all? It's a Zeppelin forum!

Totally agree. Nice to see you :)

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Oh you know you cheeky bastard! :D

Fighting talk eh.. I wondered when the hostilities would start. :lol:

I'll see you in the pub to sort this 'little issue' out.

thinks to himself 'if Ev's been up all night I may get the upperhand - at last' :P

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