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Pet Peeves


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My pet peeve is that there is a "Other Bands / Music" thread on this site. You would think people would sign up here to talk about Led Zeppelin but apparently not. This is analogous to the New York Mets site having a forum discussing the New York Yankees.. It's provocative and I don't see the point. If I wanted to talk about the Yardbirds I would sign up with the Yardbirds official site, which I have done and I do, because I consider it rude talking about different bands on some other band's own homepage.

As others have mentioned, this site has a Zep forum (called the Main Forum, btw) with several sub-forums within it to discuss a variety of different aspects of Zep and the people who in the band. There's also a General Forum with a few sub-forums to discuss other topics, some of them music-related, others not.

It seems to me that if someone only wants to discuss Zep-related stuff, stick to the Main Zep Forum. If someone wants to discuss other things, then the General Forum is available.

The forum is only one part of the entire website. It isn't as if people are discussing other bands on the homepage of hte site. The general forum is a subset of a subset.

I used to visit the old site before it even had a message board. At some point after the message board had been a part of the site for a couple years, Sam asked the people who posted on the board what kind of things would they like to see when the board was upgraded. A general forum was one of the things mentioned and Sam obliged.

I don't find it provocative or rude to discuss things other than Zep on the general forum. I think it would be rude to start a thread on the Iraq War or Sex Toys or My Favorite Girl Bands in someplace like the Zep Master Forum, but elsewhere in the non-zep section... no, I don't consider it to be rude or provocative. I do like coming to a place and discussing a variety of things with people who share a love of Zep's music. We do have a common ground, but that common ground isn't all that we have. The message board, including the general forum existed BEFORE it became the official site, and I think if the band or the website folks had a problem with Zep fans discussing non-Zep things in a portion of the message board... well, I don't think it would've been created again. It could've been left off the website... but it wasn't.

Funny I could have sworn this site is called "Led Zeppelin: Official Forum" last time I checked. I've been a fan for a long time now and I still find new things to discuss about the band.

"And a lot of us like a lot of the same bands." So? I like other bands but I think it's only courteous to the website owners to discuss them on website more appropriate to those artists.

The message board, including the general forum existed BEFORE it became the official site, and I think if the band or the website folks had a problem with Zep fans discussing non-Zep things in a portion of the message board... well, I don't think it would've been created again. It could've been left off the re-vamped, official website... but it wasn't. It was deliberately put there, so I don't see how discussing non-Zep stuff in the non-Zep part of the Official Website's Official Forum is discourteous.

All this leads me to one of my pet peeves. Sometimes it doesn't bother me much, but sometimes it does get on my nerves... I get annoyed when folks swoop into a thread just to diss the topic. If one wants to discuss why one feels a certain way about a topic that's fine, but I wouldn't go to a Zep thread upstairs in the Zep Forums just to say Zep sucks or whatever. I try to keep non-Zep stuff down here in the "basement", as do most folks, so it bugs me when someone bitches about the existence of the "basement".

This is a Pet Peeves thread, and if that is your pet peeve, you certainly have the right to voice yours ... as do I to voice mine.

FWIW, I sometimes edit something shortly after I post it... poor wording, forgot something, better way to make my point, etc... I think that's also true of other folks, so it isn't necessarily a deception, or "a lie" or whatever. OTOH, I've known of a few who would do it to try to make someone else look foolish or whatever, but usually it's a pretty benign thing here.

Ta da, an example...

Edited to add the following observation... from what you've posted in this thread, it would seem that your discussion of Elton John, Coco, etc. would be inappropriate (or rude, discourteous, etc.) as soon as you got past the possible reference to Page's costumes. If it's a Zep site and should be All Zep & Only Zep, then that Creem interview is a no-no. That is the impression I get from your posts here. Fortunately, I disagree with that viewpoint, because I've generally enjoyed your posts upstairs, and I'd hate to see some of that muzzled.

Edited by Lake of Shadows
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Looks like you are incapable of reading. My post had nothing to do with criticising Sam. My post had everything to do with discussions that had nothing to do with Led Zeppelin. Since you sir have been putting words into my mouth and also lieing by changing your own posts, your credibility in this discussion is zip.

Well, technically, it did. People can and do discuss other things than just Led Zeppelin because there already are places designated for that purpose. It's very simple.

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New pet peeve: when people ride those reclining bicycles on curvy dangerous country roads, and traffic grinds to a halt as 1) people gawk and 2) try to get around them on blind curves :blink:

Thats kinda funny, the ones with orange flags sort of bring more attention. They are kind of hard to see cause their so low to the ground.

Actually, lately i've noticed more folks on bicycles in the main car lanes. I know it could be a gasoline issue, but its just not a common thing in this area to see a person on a bike making a left turn through a traffic light.

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Another weird pet peeve that I've developed recently.

When people say "I see." during IM chats. To me, it seems that they are saying it so you'll just think that they are taking what you say into mind, when they aren't. I think of it as a "yeah...uh huh....oh! really? that's something...uh huh...no no...mhmm, yep" sorta thing. Kinda pisses me off.

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My pet peeve: Myself :angry: I've been excelling at the art of deleting lately. First it was a link on a post I made. Then, I accidently deleted a picture on Photobucket, thus wiping out my siggy on here.

I know that I've been rushing around, trying to get stuff done and not focusing. Even the fun stuff, like playing with photos just feels like work.

This leads to my second pet peeve.

Having to depend on someone else to do maintenance at my house!

No hot water for a week while I waited for my new hot water heater to be installed. I was going crazy after the first couple of days. Cold showers, dirty dishes, mounds of dirty clothes, if I had the money, I would have moved into a hotel. <_<

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parliament cigarettes with the recessed filters...you gotta remember to blow any tobacco bits out of them, or you can inhale them and choke. been buying the three pack/2packs of parliament,marlboro medium and camel lights lately. the buy 2 get one free, or 2packs at reduced price.

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I hate the shard of glass stuck in my foot! :angry: I can't get it out!

you gotta get that out. i was seeing a girl who dropped three wine glasses in a row one night. mad at me i guess and what point she was making, i will never know. but i had the same thing, get a needle, tweezers and flashlight and just get it over with. theres no way you can walk around with it. i had a piece in my foot for a day until i realized what it was.

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I think I will suffer with it. I'm in the process of moving all of my stuff out, and have no idea where my tweezers are. I'm afraid I will just push it in further if I try to dig it out with a pin. Hospitals cost money. Political dissidence does not pay well.

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YOu will push it in farthre by walking on it. You really should go buy tweezers or go to the hospital. Tweezers are really cheap, they are like $2 or something. That'd probably save you a lot of hassle and money in the long run.

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