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I was at a wedding last night (Sunday), and not only was I the youngest adult there, but I was also the only single.

What does one do in that situation?

Any thoughts? What should I have done, and what should I do in the future if that happens again?

Edited by Nathan
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Any thoughts? What should I have done, and what should I do in the future if that happens again?

In the future, ask someone to go with you. Not as a "date" so the girl doesn't feel pressured by going to a wedding, but just as a friend-thing. That way you're not by yourself and you have someone your own age to talk to and such. By not making it a date, you don't have to worry about cloying relatives asking the both of you when you're next.

I learned that one the hard way.

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In the future, ask someone to go with you. Not as a "date" so the girl doesn't feel pressured by going to a wedding, but just as a friend-thing. That way you're not by yourself and you have someone your own age to talk to and such. By not making it a date, you don't have to worry about cloying relatives asking the both of you when you're next.

I learned that one the hard way.

Now I just have to find some girls who would go with me... every single one of the girls who are my friends at the moment have boyfriends. And I know at least two of those guys would put me in the hospital for asking their girls to a wedding...

Invite a friend and take advantage of the freebies.......

There were freebies-a-plenty. One plus of having a Jewish wedding. Food and gifts for everyone! And alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol (not that I got drunk or anything... :D... seriously, though... I had a jack and coke then stuck with water the rest of the evening).

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Now I just have to find some girls who would go with me... every single one of the girls who are my friends at the moment have boyfriends. And I know at least two of those guys would put me in the hospital for asking their girls to a wedding...

There were freebies-a-plenty. One plus of having a Jewish wedding. Food and gifts for everyone! And alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol (not that I got drunk or anything... :D... seriously, though... I had a jack and coke then stuck with water the rest of the evening).

Dude, there is nothing wrong with being at a wedding by yourself if you choose to go at all. (i always pass on them) If you bring a girl all she is gonna want to talk about is the wedding. But definately take advantage of the food and booze. If you do that you won't need any company.

But if you insist on wanting to take a girl there should not be a problem. For whatever reason most women love that stuff. Some girl will jump at the chance.

Edited by spats
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Spats, don't give people advice about anything that has to do with dates, girls, relationships......just don't bother. It would be like the blind leading the dead.


REALLY! What would possess him? And WHO in their right mind would listen?! :rolleyes:

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I usually listen to you. What were you going to say?


How do you know what the forum members would think about your looks? You never post your pic. How about you step up, hmm? Otherwise, stop it with the self-deprecating comments! Not that you actually will. Because you don't listen.

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Dude, there is nothing wrong with being at a wedding by yourself if you choose to go at all. (i always pass on them) If you bring a girl all she is gonna want to talk about is the wedding. But definately take advantage of the food and booze. If you do that you won't need any company.

But if you insist on wanting to take a girl there should not be a problem. For whatever reason most women love that stuff. Some girl will jump at the chance.

Eurgh. Would you stop assuming all women do what you think?

No, there isn't a single thing wrong with attending a wedding, whether single or in a relationship. I see weddings to be like parties. You all celebrate something and then you have fun. Do you pass on a party if you're single? It may not be the most ideal thing, but as long as there is someone that you know (and I'm assuming that since you've been invited there will be), you just go with it. It's your chance to shine as an adult. I think your best bet would be to do as others have said and bring a friend next time.

No, most women won't gush about weddings either, especially if they are a '+ 1'. Many will comment on how beautiful the bride looks, how lovely the cake is, how nice the church is, etc. Does not mean that they want to marry whoever asked them to accompany them. Does not mean they want a replica. Does not mean they even want to get married. It just means they are being polite (just getting all the assumptions out the way for you, Spats).

And the moment your date becomes a bottle of Heineken, then we know we've got serious problems.

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Dude, there is nothing wrong with being at a wedding by yourself if you choose to go at all. (i always pass on them) If you bring a girl all she is gonna want to talk about is the wedding. But definately take advantage of the food and booze. If you do that you won't need any company.

But if you insist on wanting to take a girl there should not be a problem. For whatever reason most women love that stuff. Some girl will jump at the chance.

It would have been one thing if there was a small group of us singles there. Then we all could've hung out, each with a bottle of Heineken as our dates :D. But I was the only one. I was sitting at a table, looking bored, while the rest of the party was dancing or otherwise spending time with their date. I finally went to the bathroom and didn't come back until closer to the end. There's kind of a lonely feeling when you're the only single there.

And BTW... the last few girls I've taken to weddings, beyond being polite, did not gush about them at all. Not that they weren't great weddings we went to. Good food, good services, beautiful decorations... they were fun. But she and I spent more time with each other, dancing, laughing, and having a good time. And I met on of my girlfriends at a wedding.

I just want to know what to do when you have no one to invite, get to a wedding, and find out that not only are you the youngest adult, but you're the only single. How do you pass the time and not look like creepy dude no one invited but who showed up anyways?

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Private schools have the right to decide the attire of its students. Since they don't receive federal funding by way of public tax dollars, and all their money (or at least a large amount of it) comes from private donations, grants and trusts......they can have you dress however they please, since you're paying for the privilege of attending the school. I went to private school K-12 and I had to wear a uniform, and couldn't have tattoos or piercings that were visible, or crazy hair styles/colors and I got over it. So did everyone else. You pay $5,000 a year to go to school, you do what THEY want or you go to the public school around the corner. You can be individual at home, at the mall, with your friends, on the corner, wherever else.

I guess MY pet peeve is students complaining about private schools' rules, knowing full well they have the right to decide the dress code. That just burns my ass. I don't know how much your parents are setting out for you to get an education, but considering they love you enough not to throw you into the pit of hell that is our public school system, you should be grateful they're forking that cash over.

You didn't even understand what I was trying to say did you?

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I just want to know what to do when you have no one to invite, get to a wedding, and find out that not only are you the youngest adult, but you're the only single. How do you pass the time and not look like creepy dude no one invited but who showed up anyways?

you accept the fact that you are that creepy dude and fulfill that honor by hiding in a stall in the women's bathroom...

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I just want to know what to do when you have no one to invite, get to a wedding, and find out that not only are you the youngest adult, but you're the only single. How do you pass the time and not look like creepy dude no one invited but who showed up anyways?

Have a few drinks, put in some requests to the band / DJ for songs that you can groove to, and invite the many women who's partners refuse to dance to dance with you. If you're going to be conspicous, you might as well do it in a fun way?

Edited by jimmie ray
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I just want to know what to do when you have no one to invite, get to a wedding, and find out that not only are you the youngest adult, but you're the only single. How do you pass the time and not look like creepy dude no one invited but who showed up anyways?

Well, you could either charm the elderly ladies, or hide out in the kitchen with the caterers :) Or maybe volunteer to man the guest book ...

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Urgh, weddings. I hate weddings. My stomach clenches up at the thought of having one myself. I'm so going to elope. I have to be the maid of honor in my friend's wedding next year... Not really looking forward to that. My one consolation is that everybody will be staring at her and not at me, but I'd feel even better if I could hide behind the flower stand or something. And oh god, I have to get a date, too. I guess that means I have a year to suddenly stop being the anti-social recluse (that's redundant, isn't it?) that I've been my whole life and start having wildly interesting and marvelously charming conversations with total strangers (preferably male, lol), so I can drag them to the wedding with me. Egad.

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Urgh, weddings. I hate weddings. My stomach clenches up at the thought of having one myself. I'm so going to elope. I have to be the maid of honor in my friend's wedding next year... Not really looking forward to that. My one consolation is that everybody will be staring at her and not at me, but I'd feel even better if I could hide behind the flower stand or something. And oh god, I have to get a date, too. I guess that means I have a year to suddenly stop being the anti-social recluse (that's redundant, isn't it?) that I've been my whole life and start having wildly interesting and marvelously charming conversations with total strangers (preferably male, lol), so I can drag them to the wedding with me. Egad.

Nah, you don't need a date. My best friend got married in April, and I was a bridesmaid at that & I didn't take a date. She hired this band that I am friends with to play her wedding dance, and the drummer-who I am friends with-came out and danced a couple songs with me during one of the set breaks, lol! It was funny. The rest of the night I just danced with other of my friends that were there, too.

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Urgh, weddings. I hate weddings. My stomach clenches up at the thought of having one myself. I'm so going to elope. I have to be the maid of honor in my friend's wedding next year... Not really looking forward to that. My one consolation is that everybody will be staring at her and not at me, but I'd feel even better if I could hide behind the flower stand or something. And oh god, I have to get a date, too. I guess that means I have a year to suddenly stop being the anti-social recluse (that's redundant, isn't it?) that I've been my whole life and start having wildly interesting and marvelously charming conversations with total strangers (preferably male, lol), so I can drag them to the wedding with me. Egad.

MY friends say I have this problems. I"m not really that boring or anything, I just don't talk a lot in front of people I don't know.

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