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Urgh, weddings. I hate weddings. My stomach clenches up at the thought of having one myself. I'm so going to elope. I have to be the maid of honor in my friend's wedding next year... Not really looking forward to that. My one consolation is that everybody will be staring at her and not at me, but I'd feel even better if I could hide behind the flower stand or something. And oh god, I have to get a date, too. I guess that means I have a year to suddenly stop being the anti-social recluse (that's redundant, isn't it?) that I've been my whole life and start having wildly interesting and marvelously charming conversations with total strangers (preferably male, lol), so I can drag them to the wedding with me. Egad.

I agree, weddings suck. I avoid them at all costs. But you don't have to go get a date. There is nothing wrong with going on your own. Don't let your female friends tell you differently. Don't follow the herd. Go on your own. I have had girlfriends want to me to come to weddings before and the same with some of my friends and we have just said. Go ahead on your own and have fun. And they acted like there was something wrong with that. As if the other women will make fun of them or something. There is nothign wrong with going to a wedding on you own. It does not make you look bad.

Edited by spats
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Eurgh. Would you stop assuming all women do what you think?

No, there isn't a single thing wrong with attending a wedding, whether single or in a relationship. I see weddings to be like parties. You all celebrate something and then you have fun. Do you pass on a party if you're single? It may not be the most ideal thing, but as long as there is someone that you know (and I'm assuming that since you've been invited there will be), you just go with it. It's your chance to shine as an adult. I think your best bet would be to do as others have said and bring a friend next time.

No, most women won't gush about weddings either, especially if they are a '+ 1'. Many will comment on how beautiful the bride looks, how lovely the cake is, how nice the church is, etc. Does not mean that they want to marry whoever asked them to accompany them. Does not mean they want a replica. Does not mean they even want to get married. It just means they are being polite (just getting all the assumptions out the way for you, Spats).

And the moment your date becomes a bottle of Heineken, then we know we've got serious problems.

i would not equate parties with weddings at all. Parties are usually fun. How many guys do you know that enjoy going to weddings. Weddings are mainly a female thing. I don't know many women that don't love weddings and get emotional at them. And just some of the things that go along with weddings and the receptions are just iffy. People getting up and doing ridiculous dances, those rumba lines, ugh.

Not all women love weddings but i would say most. I don't think i am generalizing

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Weddings are mainly a female thing.

Not all women love weddings but i would say most. I don't think i am generalizing

I would say you are.

Weddings are not a "female thing," weddings are weddings. Two people are getting married and their family and friends are there to see it. Period.

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Based on a Google search of Wedding Magazines, at least here in North America, Id say spats is on cue. I dont see the word GROOM mentioned once in the description of these TOP picks after clicking search.

If the woman wasnt so much into it, men wouldnt be either for the most part. Its just the way it is.

I see brides, brides gowns, wedding hairstyles, bridal dress, modern bride and other womanly descriptions like flowers, invitations and decorations. Men just arent into this. My search was not sex based so there was no bias. Oh I forgot, shopping too! :rolleyes:



Theyre a womanly thing.

Modern weddings are an extension of the CINDERELLA story, not CINDERFELLA.


Edited by pickenpieces
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I would say you are.

Weddings are not a "female thing," weddings are weddings. Two people are getting married and their family and friends are there to see it. Period.

If you refer to pickenpieces post below yours, i agree with him. Men may want to get married, but all the wedding glitz is the woman's thing. If a man is easy going enough to join in, that's a rarity. It's mostly the woman, her sisters/mom/mom in law to be/and friends making all the preparations. Girls are the ones who fantasize about their "wedding day" from childhood, not boys. The man will usually show up for the end product, but the woman is the one who usually puts the hard work into making the day happen. I know, it's hard to say Spats is right about anything that has to do with romance...:)

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Just noticed it not too long ago.

Going into a store that has all the tills behind one counter, and there's three or four visible employees back there and only one till running. The other employees just standing there bullshitting while a group of people wait in line for some d-bag to check his fist full of lottery tickets.

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I get it, I wouldn't wanna work for 'em. But why shouldn't I shop there? Let me show y'all somethin':

I want a Kodak EasyShare M1033 Black 10 MP Digital Camera with Digital Image Stabilization and 3x Optical Zoom.

Circuit City: $199.99

WalMart: $179.84

If I go buy the camera at WalMart, I got an extra $20.15 to spare! That may not seem like much, but that's some food, or gas, or a couple posters, or a CD, or a movie... So tell me why Circuit City is the better choice when WalMart's got the cheaper price?

Edited by Nathan
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I get it, I wouldn't wanna work for 'em. But why shouldn't I shop there? Let me show y'all somethin':

I want a Kodak EasyShare M1033 Black 10 MP Digital Camera with Digital Image Stabilization and 3x Optical Zoom.

Circuit City: $199.99

WalMart: $179.84

If I go buy the camera at WalMart, I got an extra $20.15 to spare! That may not seem like much, but that's some food, or gas, or a couple posters, or a CD, or a movie... So tell me why Circuit City is the better choice when WalMart's got the cheaper price?

You are probably young enough that there's always been a Wal Mart and a Costco and Home Depot etc. When I was growing up, we had wonderful local merchants, and regional chain stores. That's now pretty much all gone except maybe the grocery stores and certain chain restaurants; they've been squeezed out by WM. Who, last time I was paying attention, was still hiring staff at less than full time in order to avoid paying benefits.

Sadly I have to watch my pennies too, so I do shop there and try not to think about it. But I miss the old days. :(

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Someone in the house is boiling...

wait for it...

calf brains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggh fucking hell @#%$@#%@%

Do you have any idea what that smells like? I'm writing this with one hand while the other holds the shirt over my nose. It hardly works.

Off to light every scented candle in my room

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Yuck, that would get me too :( .

no way...no how...no mad cow!!!

It's compounded by the fact that I don't even eat meat. I don't mind the odour of regular fried meat, but this stuff, boiled brains, it was just soooo baaaad smelling. My whole family is filled with vocarious carnivores, isn't that hilarious??!

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Just noticed it not too long ago.

Going into a store that has all the tills behind one counter, and there's three or four visible employees back there and only one till running. The other employees just standing there bullshitting while a group of people wait in line for some d-bag to check his fist full of lottery tickets.

Every time I go to stationary store, there's some old sea hag clogging up the line, explaining to the clerk the logic behind her lottery picks. "And I always play 4-12-3, since that's my eight granddaughter's birth date. Wait, I'll show you her picture - I just have to dump out my purse. Now what's this thing, I don't remember putting this in here, what do you think this is?"

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If I may...

I'm sick and tired of people bashing Dave Grohl. So he loves Led Zeppelin. So he dreams of hanging out with them and playing with them, and will shout it off the top of a mountain if asked (and I've only ever heard him talk about it when specifically asked about it by a reporter/interviewer). To me it just reeks of jealousy.

You know what? If I were a celebrity like David Grohl and in the same position, I would be the exact same way. And guess what? So would each and every one you. Don't deny it.

I would think we'd be proud to have any celebrity be such a big fan.

Actually, I'm just sick and tired of Zep fans bashing any celebrity who calls themselves a Led Zeppelin fan. Another great example of this is Avril Lavigne. Remember not too long before or after O2 she was pictured wearing that Zeppelin shirt? There were a lot of fans saying she wasn't an actual fan, but following the masses. Guess what? I've met her... twice. The first time we met, we spent an hour talking about Led Zeppelin. She loves them. She has all their albums. Yes, okay, her favorite album is IV, but her favorite song is Battle of Evermore.

It's jealousy, pure and simple. We here aren't celebrities, and as such don't have the connections they do... they could hook up with any member of Zep whenever they wanted to. I think we're jealous of that, so we turn around and bash them for being fans.

Like I said... if I were in Grohl's shoes, I'd be the exact same way, and so would all of you.

Don't deny it, because you're only denying the truth. Period.

Edited by Nathan
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If I may...

I'm sick and tired of people bashing Dave Grohl. So he loves Led Zeppelin. So he dreams of hanging out with them and playing with them, and will shout it off the top of a mountain if asked (and I've only ever heard him talk about it when specifically asked about it by a reporter/interviewer). To me it just reeks of jealousy.

You know what? If I were a celebrity like David Grohl and in the same position, I would be the exact same way. And guess what? So would each and every one you. Don't deny it.

I would think we'd be proud to have any celebrity be such a big fan.

Actually, I'm just sick and tired of Zep fans bashing any celebrity who calls themselves a Led Zeppelin fan. Another great example of this is Avril Lavigne. Remember not too long before or after O2 she was pictured wearing that Zeppelin shirt? There were a lot of fans saying she wasn't an actual fan, but following the masses. Guess what? I've met her... twice. The first time we met, we spent an hour talking about Led Zeppelin. She loves them. She has all their albums. Yes, okay, her favorite album is IV, but her favorite song is Battle of Evermore.

It's jealousy, pure and simple. We here aren't celebrities, and as such don't have the connections they do... they could hook up with any member of Zep whenever they wanted to. I think we're jealous of that, so we turn around and bash them for being fans.

Like I said... if I were in Grohl's shoes, I'd be the exact same way, and so would all of you.

Don't deny it, because you're only denying the truth. Period.

I'm with ya on that Nathan...celebrities are fans just like us :) Cept THEY can get tix to the O2 and we can't :angry:

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