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Doctors and PE teachers.

we had to run 25 pacers in PE. The teacher forced it, and you run to a cd. You don't get a break, and the first time you missed you get a B, twice C, third D and forth F. Afterwards, my throat swelled up, my lungs tightened and I quit breathing. It happened that night when I was at home. My parents had to take me to the ER, and the doctor that I was wasn't great. He said I had a cold air spasm. Which makes so much sense because I was in a house when it happened that the heat was up to 70. Then he wasn't going to write me a note for PE. He didn't write a note so I could take an inhaler to school because he said I wouldn't need it. Then the next day it happened again, and I was at school. So while I wasn't breathing the school had to contact a bunch of people to find someone who could get me to get me home for my inhaler. The PE teacher is also the PE coach and thinks he is God. I heard him say yesterday, "Those kids are like slaves, and I run them hard." He also told a larger kid that if it made it any easier he'd line twinkies up for the kid to chase. Not everyone can run the same speed, and that much. It isn't fair.

That Dr. is stupid, find another one. The PE teacher sucks, write a letter to the Board of Education! If you have asthma then you should keep your inhaler with you at all times. You also need your limitations respected. This teacher sounds like he is a danger to the students.

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Correct me if I am out of line here, but I have noticed something...It seems like there is pretty good connection between you and tangerine.

Am I right, tangerine?

I personally think you guys should give each other a call**Being totally serious here**I think there might be something to explore there. I bet anything my dear Spatsikins that if you just gave her your number via PM, I bet she would call you. Do it for me, will you? Pleeaaaaasssseee? :D

Awww Bonnie, i agree with you to some extent. My problem with your suggestion is that i am way too old for Spats! When i talk to him i feel like a much older sister (i'm not quite old enough to be his mom) :)

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Correct me if I am out of line here, but I have noticed something...It seems like there is pretty good connection between you and tangerine.

Am I right, tangerine?

I personally think you guys should give each other a call**Being totally serious here**I think there might be something to explore there. I bet anything my dear Spatsikins that if you just gave her your number via PM, I bet she would call you. Do it for me, will you? Pleeaaaaasssseee? :D

oh god...think i just threw up a little...

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What's the big deal? Granted, i have never been in a relationship with a guy with the insecurity issues Spats has, but like Bonnie, i have a soft spot for him. Kind of like i do for puppies and kittens maybe?

soft spot??? :blink: ... for a big pile of indecisive ooze??? :'(

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soft spot??? :blink: ... for a big pile of indecisive ooze??? :'(

I enjoy reading this thread and i don't get bugged by all that. He is the one missing out by being the way he is. It doesn't effect my social/love life :) so i don't get worked up over it. But i am the kind of woman he is looking for (at least in the respect that i will make the first move, if i want someone). I'm not the "one" for him though, lol.

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Rude drivers!! I am off work today for the Dr. Martin Luther King holiday and a little snow fell last night. I went out earlier to the store and ended up on a snow covered road on my way back home. I was taking my time since there were a few slick spots and then out of nowhere here comes someone in a minivan dead on my tail and had the nerve to beep at me to get out of the way!! Some of the roads are still slick and people need to take their time. :angry:

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What's the big deal? Granted, i have never been in a relationship with a guy with the insecurity issues Spats has, but like Bonnie, i have a soft spot for him. Kind of like i do for puppies and kittens maybe?

I think of it more like the same type of feeling you have for a three-legged one-eared dog, or perhaps an orphaned baby condor.

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^ :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

I hate the feeling I get when I think I should go out and do something but don't because I'm content being f-ing lazy.

I need to go to CostCo, but don't wanna. I promised my sister I'd come over to visit today, but I don't want to drive all the way out to their house, (they live in a different town).


My sister said if I don't come out to visit, she's going to tell her daughter that she only has 2 aunts--not three.


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nope...you project a desire to be dominated and crushed...

What?? :blink::blink:

If you had a experienced what i have experienced you would know where i am coming from. But you are a female and do not go through what guys who have approached women have gone through.

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Spats, you seem to think you are the ONLY person in the world to have been rejected. Everyone has been rejected at some point, it's time to move on with your life.

I realize other guys have been rejected although i don't know if they have been as much as me. But i am responding to her because she is a female and females don't know a lot about rejection from men.

Have you ever asked a guy out and got rejected?

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I realize other guys have been rejected although i don't know if they have been as much as me. But i am responding to her because she is a female and females don't know a lot about rejection from men.

Have you ever asked a guy out and got rejected?

That is the most ridiculous statement I've ever heard. We ALL have been rejected - women and men. To say you've been rejected more is feeling sorry for yourself. And further to that, to say women don't know a lot about rejection from men? Good grief :blink:

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