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Pet Peeves


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I was saddened to learn earlier today that my wife's sister's best friend passed away suddenly two days ago. Internal bleeding, had many many stomach problems and surgery. The damn hospital of all places had fired her earlier in the year for calling in sick often. I hope the bastards are happy now. It sucks. I am fed up with employers not caring for people. My wife just had a hysterectomy, and her uncaring boss's are giving her the run around. Wouldnt give her the week's vacation they had promised her. She has 2 weeks coming and has worked there for 9 yrs. She applied for the disability. They cant get by without her. She basically runs the place. I hope she never works another day there.

My sympathy to you and your wife Rick. Surgery is never a good thing. Give my best to your wife..

That you can take to the bank.

Peace bro.


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Certain "friends" who play games. I'm sick of the no-call back, brushing off crap. :rolleyes:

DZLDOC--I've seen many-a-GPS be wrong too. ;)

Yukon--that sucks. It's terrible when that kind of stuff happens at work. It's total BS.

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Certain "friends" who play games. I'm sick of the no-call back, brushing off crap. :rolleyes:

I've been through that too and while it was tempting to do so, I didn't fall into the trap of playing that game back. I'm a grown man, not a fucking 12 year old.

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Certain "friends" who play games. I'm sick of the no-call back, brushing off crap. :rolleyes:

DZLDOC--I've seen many-a-GPS be wrong too. ;)

Yukon--that sucks. It's terrible when that kind of stuff happens at work. It's total BS.

:console: I've had that too with people. I don't bother with it anymore because life is too short for that sort of nonsense.

Edited by ninelives
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I wonder if said person agrees. It's stupid, and I' done.

Really. It's like, you can be my friend or not. It hurts if you don't want to be my friend, but I guess you have already chosen what you want to do.

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As I mentioned, my BFF's daughter was christened today, and this pet peeve has to do with the later reception at their home.

I'm not religious as most of you know. Not an atheist, just not religious. More spiritual, I would say. In any event, being Catholics, the christening took place in the Church and only for my friend would I step foot in a Catholic church again. When we got to her home for the brunch/reception/let's all stuff our faces party, several members of her family came up to me and basically tried to recruit me back into the fold, even going so far as to say my "mortal soul depended on it."

Okay look. I don't begrudge your beliefs and for my very close friend I made a concession I would not make for anyone else. Why is it so hard to respect my choices and not try and make me feel as though they are wrong? I don't do that to others. My friend came over and basically told them to shove off and she felt bad, even though it wasn't her fault. I just find that shit so annoying.

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I wonder if said person agrees. It's stupid, and I' done.

Really. It's like, you can be my friend or not. It hurts if you don't want to be my friend, but I guess you have already chosen what you want to do.

Well I don't know what the situation is but as much as it does hurt to lose friends, better they just be honest about how they feel then play games and lead you on and such. I'm sorry whoever is doing this to you :(

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I'm not religious as most of you know. Not an atheist, just not religious. More spiritual, I would say. In any event, being Catholics, the christening took place in the Church and only for my friend would I step foot in a Catholic church again. When we got to her home for the brunch/reception/let's all stuff our faces party, several members of her family came up to me and basically tried to recruit me back into the fold, even going so far as to say my "mortal soul depended on it."

Okay look. I don't begrudge your beliefs and for my very close friend I made a concession I would not make for anyone else. Why is it so hard to respect my choices and not try and make me feel as though they are wrong? I don't do that to others. My friend came over and basically told them to shove off and she felt bad, even though it wasn't her fault. I just find that shit so annoying.

Maybe someone else is behind it. Either that or they should stop being pests. I would just smile at them and gently remind them to pray for me. I would consider stopping by church for Taco Sunday though.

Edited by eternal light
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As I mentioned, my BFF's daughter was christened today, and this pet peeve has to do with the later reception at their home.

I'm not religious as most of you know. Not an atheist, just not religious. More spiritual, I would say. In any event, being Catholics, the christening took place in the Church and only for my friend would I step foot in a Catholic church again. When we got to her home for the brunch/reception/let's all stuff our faces party, several members of her family came up to me and basically tried to recruit me back into the fold, even going so far as to say my "mortal soul depended on it."

Okay look. I don't begrudge your beliefs and for my very close friend I made a concession I would not make for anyone else. Why is it so hard to respect my choices and not try and make me feel as though they are wrong? I don't do that to others. My friend came over and basically told them to shove off and she felt bad, even though it wasn't her fault. I just find that shit so annoying.

Quite annoying indeed.

I get a lot of missionaries at my door--Mormon and Jehovah's Witnesses. While I don't think any less of anyone for being either of those religions, I don't agree with major facets of them, so I am simply NOT INTERESTED.

It's irritating when someone tries to convince you to do or believe something they think is right--even when it's something as small as whether you recycle.

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Here's a doozy involving the phone company.

Last weekend my friend Judy came up to me and asked me when I had changed my phone number (I hadn't) and I didn't know what she was talking about until she said that someone else must have my number now. Of course the usual question was did she dial the right number? She had and some other people tried my number and sure enough someone else answered and I was stumped.

So when I got home my phone seemed to be ok and I went ahead and called my number and some dude answers and I asked how the hell he got my phone number? All he said was that it was his sister's cell phone. I told him I've had the number for about 5 years and I then reasoned that the phone company must have screwed up and that was the case. But that's not the end of it.

Just because my friend Judy had called them a couple times to clarify that it was my number they now had these fuckin' low lifes all of a sudden turned totally nasty on her. They got her number from caller I.D. and they began to leave threatening messages to her and I mean the nastiest shit you'd ever want to hear and also a couple of physical threats. When I heard these messages my blood was boiling and I literally wanted to kill this bastard. But Judy told me to just forget about it as she's the non-confrontational type and I reluctantly kept my cool for her although I was steaming inside to get that prick. But the sonsabitches also put her name onto a Craig's list personal and all these other loser fucks were now calling her. Can you see my frustration at not being able to knock this chump's head off?

Anyway, I stayed cool and called Qwest and the girl was real nice and the bottom line is we both had to get new numbers no charge and I got a month free but Judy didn't which I don't understand?? Hell, she should have gotten a couple months free after all that. So I'm going to try to get them to help her out too. I'd also like to kick the shit out of the jackass that caused the whole mess.

Isn't technology wonderful?


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Quite annoying indeed.

I get a lot of missionaries at my door--Mormon and Jehovah's Witnesses. While I don't think any less of anyone for being either of those religions, I don't agree with major facets of them, so I am simply NOT INTERESTED.

It's irritating when someone tries to convince you to do or believe something they think is right--even when it's something as small as whether you recycle.

The songs remains the same (always)

You can believe me.

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As I mentioned, my BFF's daughter was christened today, and this pet peeve has to do with the later reception at their home.

I'm not religious as most of you know. Not an atheist, just not religious. More spiritual, I would say. In any event, being Catholics, the christening took place in the Church and only for my friend would I step foot in a Catholic church again. When we got to her home for the brunch/reception/let's all stuff our faces party, several members of her family came up to me and basically tried to recruit me back into the fold, even going so far as to say my "mortal soul depended on it."

Okay look. I don't begrudge your beliefs and for my very close friend I made a concession I would not make for anyone else. Why is it so hard to respect my choices and not try and make me feel as though they are wrong? I don't do that to others. My friend came over and basically told them to shove off and she felt bad, even though it wasn't her fault. I just find that shit so annoying.

Not exactly the same, but I was once told that I was 'forgiven by God' for trivializing something before I actually experienced it. Okay, so it was burglary, and I only trivialized it in the sense that I didn't really appreciate just how fucked up it can make you when you know someone's been rooting around your house without your consent. I didn't need to ask for forgiveness, nor did I appreciate that remark. It happened to me 5 years ago, and I'm still paying for it now. I don't want people imposing their belief on me, especially when I'm perfectly happy coping with things my way. I felt like she was guilt-tripping me for being 17 and not experiencing burglaries.

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I've been through that too and while it was tempting to do so, I didn't fall into the trap of playing that game back. I'm a grown man, not a fucking 12 year old.

I hear that!!!

I hear the train a comin'; it's rollin' 'round the bend,

And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when.

I'm stuck at Folsom Prison and time keeps draggin' on.

But that train keeps rollin' on down to San Antone.

When I was just a baby, my mama told me, "Son,

Always be a good boy; don't ever play with guns."

But I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.

When I hear that whistle blowin' I hang my head and cry.

I bet there's rich folk eatin' in a fancy dining car.

They're prob'ly drinkin' coffee and smokin' big cigars,

But I know I had it comin', I know I can't be free,

But those people keep a movin', and that's what tortures me.

Well, if they freed me from this prison, if that railroad train was mine,

I bet I'd move on over a little farther down the line,

Far from Folsom Prison, that's where I want to stay,

And I'd let that lonesome whistle blow my blues away

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Here's a doozy involving the phone company.

Last weekend my friend Judy came up to me and asked me when I had changed my phone number (I hadn't) and I didn't know what she was talking about until she said that someone else must have my number now. Of course the usual question was did she dial the right number? She had and some other people tried my number and sure enough someone else answered and I was stumped.

So when I got home my phone seemed to be ok and I went ahead and called my number and some dude answers and I asked how the hell he got my phone number? All he said was that it was his sister's cell phone. I told him I've had the number for about 5 years and I then reasoned that the phone company must have screwed up and that was the case. But that's not the end of it.

Just because my friend Judy had called them a couple times to clarify that it was my number they now had these fuckin' low lifes all of a sudden turned totally nasty on her. They got her number from caller I.D. and they began to leave threatening messages to her and I mean the nastiest shit you'd ever want to hear and also a couple of physical threats. When I heard these messages my blood was boiling and I literally wanted to kill this bastard. But Judy told me to just forget about it as she's the non-confrontational type and I reluctantly kept my cool for her although I was steaming inside to get that prick. But the sonsabitches also put her name onto a Craig's list personal and all these other loser fucks were now calling her. Can you see my frustration at not being able to knock this chump's head off?

Anyway, I stayed cool and called Qwest and the girl was real nice and the bottom line is we both had to get new numbers no charge and I got a month free but Judy didn't which I don't understand?? Hell, she should have gotten a couple months free after all that. So I'm going to try to get them to help her out too. I'd also like to kick the shit out of the jackass that caused the whole mess.

Isn't technology wonderful?


Years ago, after Hurricane Ophelia hit the NC coast my family had to make the decision to part with our family home there which my Dad purchased way back in the 70s. For many years we never had any problems with hurricanes but once Bertha and Fran hit in the summer of '96 it seemed relentless. Hurricane Ophelia was the straw that broke the camel's back. In any event, once we made the decision to part with our home I wanted to keep the phone number. Somehow it inadvertently ended up getting assigned to another family member that lived in the area because of a mistake Time-Warner made. The number was a Sprint number but since it was Time-Warner that made the mistake, it was Time-Warner I had to deal with. Needless to say it was one of those situations where you ask for help and are continually re-routed until you end up talking to the same person you originally had contact with. I swore I wouldn't give up but after weeks of dealing with their incompetence I found it best just to give in and be assigned a new phone number.

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Redrum, that's the worst Qwest story I've ever heard!

I HATE Qwest, which is why I now have cable internet and no home phone. They do stupid crap like that all the time, but once again, your story is the worst I've ever heard!

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Newspapers which have headlines like

Weather Forecast's Say Will Will Get Alot Of Sun!

Front Page Headline Asheville Citizen Times ;)

I called and they claimed to know nothing of what I was talking about on how it needed work chuckles. Maybe I should have done an interview.

Presumptive people. People who presume things because of their past experiences with other people instead of wiping the board clean and starting fresh. This is a bit confusing in any type of dialogue as you never know what's coming at you. It would be easier to explain the dialogue or ask questions I think.


Edited by Mary Hartman
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Presumptive people. People who presume things because of their past experiences with other people instead of wiping the board clean and starting fresh. This is a bit confusing in any type of dialogue as you never know what's coming at you. It would be easier to explain the dialogue or ask questions I think.


Sounds like good advice. Maybe you should take it. For example, when "you" start a relationship with someone new, don't accuse them of things because of someone in your past.

Pet peeves: a lingering cold... rain, rain that won't go away...and losing the tv remote, again.

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Sounds like good advice. Maybe you should take it. For example, when "you" start a relationship with someone new, don't accuse them of things because of someone in your past.

Pet peeves: a lingering cold... rain, rain that won't go away...and losing the tv remote, again.

I believe you just repeated what I said. If you want to argue your looking in the wrong direction.

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I usually find it makes dialogues less confusing if you assume that people will behave the way they have in the past, rather than suddenly adopting some totally different personality. :huh:

Well see, now you have to go injecting logic and reason into the situation......

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