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Pet Peeves


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I went to the dentist this afternoon and was told that I had 3 cavities. I had one filled just four months ago, and I had two others prior to that. I don't understand why...I brush twice a day, floss, use fluoride rinse, the whole nine yards...yet I still get them. What the hell? The strange thing is, I ate a lot of sweets as a kid, and I never had cavities. Now I've cut back on the sugar and yet I get them. I want to blame genetics but no one else in my family has had that many cavities in their lifetime.

It's not fair, dammit. :angry:

Be careful that your dentist isn't a scam artist. The more "cavities" he discovers, the more revenue he's bringing in.

Something like this happened to me, except I was too young, and although I knew something was wrong, I didn't question it.

Other than that, avoid acidic foods. Believ eit or not, carbohydrates are worse for your teeth than sugar. Sugar is washed away with saliva (which is a very protective substance). What gets you is having hard to remove carb deposits stuck in your teeth.

Be sure to consume a calcium supplement, along with vitamin D3, and magnesium. If you use pills, make sure they aren't too hard, as they have a difficult time being broken down. Your teeth will naturally remineralize if given what they need.

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I like a few of her songs. But I think she's waayy too theatrical with her voice. All those super contrived vocal runs drive me nuts! It makes me sad more than anything because she could have an AMAZING sound if only she could be more natural, and quit with all the vocal acrobatics.

Oh I absolutely agree here - that bloody Maiah Carey syndrome. SO many artists would be so much better without it.

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The Bloody Mariah Carey syndrome.

When Mariah was brand-new, I loved her...then her music got worse and worse as I grew smarter. :D

I think she has the potential to sound great if she'd lose the histrionics but I can't get past all that :blink:

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Years ago, after Hurricane Ophelia hit the NC coast my family had to make the decision to part with our family home there which my Dad purchased way back in the 70s. For many years we never had any problems with hurricanes but once Bertha and Fran hit in the summer of '96 it seemed relentless. Hurricane Ophelia was the straw that broke the camel's back. In any event, once we made the decision to part with our home I wanted to keep the phone number. Somehow it inadvertently ended up getting assigned to another family member that lived in the area because of a mistake Time-Warner made. The number was a Sprint number but since it was Time-Warner that made the mistake, it was Time-Warner I had to deal with. Needless to say it was one of those situations where you ask for help and are continually re-routed until you end up talking to the same person you originally had contact with. I swore I wouldn't give up but after weeks of dealing with their incompetence I found it best just to give in and be assigned a new phone number.

All I can say is UGH!!!


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Redrum, that's the worst Qwest story I've ever heard!

I HATE Qwest, which is why I now have cable internet and no home phone. They do stupid crap like that all the time, but once again, your story is the worst I've ever heard!

Are we having fun yet? :lol:

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When Mariah was brand-new, I loved her...then her music got worse and worse as I grew smarter. :D

I'm the same way! I love her early albums...I pretty much grew up listening to them. But I thought all her albums after Daydreams were mediocre at best. Remember that Glitter movie? :blink:

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I'm the same way! I love her early albums...I pretty much grew up listening to them. But I thought all her albums after Daydreams were mediocre at best.

I love Mariah. I've got all of her albums, all her CD singles, all her DVDs. In fact the first CD I ever purchased with my own money for my own CD player was her MTV Unplugged CD waaaaaaaaaaaay back in 1992. Good God I'm old. LOL

Anyway, my peeve is power outages. We had a line of really, REALLY nasty storms roll through and Duke Energy said our power would be back by 7 o'clock. It just came back on about 20 minutes ago. I was afraid I'd miss my hockey game; luckily I've got 30 minutes to spare.

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Geez. I had Mariah Carey, Emotions, Unplugged, and Music Box.

I never made it to Glitter or the Glitter movie. LOL

I think I realized what I was doing to myself.

Elizabeth--mine weren't even on CD. Mine were tapes--except for Music Box, that is. ;)

Are we having fun yet? :lol:

In 2004, I moved into my very own apartment. It was a brand-new place, never-been lived in, etc. Well, when I moved into that place, I also got a nice surprise: a HUGE phone bill from Qwest. Apparently, they activated a new phone line without my permission. When I got the bill, I pulled out an old phone, (I didn't have a land line at all because I lived alone and had cable internet and a cell phone), and I plugged it in. Though I was being charged a gazillion dollars a month for phone service, the phone wasn't even working! I had to take it to the attorney general's office to get it cleared up. They ended up refunding me money they charged me that I had paid for, etc. THEN a few months ago (well past the 5-year debt statute), I got a BILL for it again! WTF?

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Don't often post here but after the last couple of months I'd have to say that my biggest pet peeve has got to be ... people who perpetrate lies about others. Even worse, when people you thought you knew, believe them. Sad really. Oh well, life goes on

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My printer died. Kaput. Right in the middle of a page. This of course after I just bought new black and colour ink cartridges. Like it couldn't happen before??? Murphy and his laws blow...

Oh well, on to a good all-in-one. Open to suggestions if anyone's got a printer/brand they swear by...thanks, P

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Don't often post here but after the last couple of months I'd have to say that my biggest pet peeve has got to be ... people who perpetrate lies about others. Even worse, when people you thought you knew, believe them. Sad really. Oh well, life goes on

:console: I don't understand that sort of behavior at all :(

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In 2004, I moved into my very own apartment. It was a brand-new place, never-been lived in, etc. Well, when I moved into that place, I also got a nice surprise: a HUGE phone bill from Qwest. Apparently, they activated a new phone line without my permission. When I got the bill, I pulled out an old phone, (I didn't have a land line at all because I lived alone and had cable internet and a cell phone), and I plugged it in. Though I was being charged a gazillion dollars a month for phone service, the phone wasn't even working! I had to take it to the attorney general's office to get it cleared up. They ended up refunding me money they charged me that I had paid for, etc. THEN a few months ago (well past the 5-year debt statute), I got a BILL for it again! WTF?

Good God almighty! What am I still doing with them???????????????????????????????????????????????


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I think Christina has some good songs and some not so good songs. I have "Stripped" and I like about half of it. I would like to see her do less over produced material IMO.

You should get "Back to Basics" also. I love how she had the old jazzy style sound on that CD. I didn't find it to be that overly commercial. I love "Stripped" too. :D I also love Mariah Carey, but I do agree with you all that at times, they can "over-sing" and neither of them have to because they naturally have the chops.

Pet peeve: It irks me when people procrastinate!! I know sometimes it is hard to make certain decisions, but, I'm like "Just do it already and stop talking about it". I guess it is easier said than done for some people though.

Edited by Melanie_72
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my mother gave us an Epson color 600 and it cost $300. Now I learn it isnt compatable with Windows XP. Have to buy a printer. <_<

WOW I just checked quickly and they go from Win98 right to Vista, bypassing an XP driver! What a rip-off, Yukon!

I've been doing some research today and if you're getting an inkjet, make sure you check the prices and compatibility of inks. Many (if not all) Canon printers, for example, have a chip which makes the printer work ONLY if Canon ink is used. You may want to invest in a laser printer - a bit more up front, but in the long run, you're likely saving money on the $$$ spent on ink. Good luck with your printer hunt.

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Thanks. I may look into either Brother or HP? Not sure.

Not sure about HP, it's been getting bad reviews from what I've read. Actually, I just got wind that Kodak is tempting buyers who are fed up with ridiculous ink prices:


If i didn't need a multi-purpose one and just needed it for printing, I'd get a colour laser. But the all-in-one laser printers are waaaay too pricey. So this Kodak offer is a good alternative for inkjets. Figures it's not available in Canada...:(

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Is it a crime to be a Moderate in the USA these days?

I don't go liberal, and I don't go conservative. I make up my mind on my own after I've heard the issue. There are things I liked and didn't like about Bush, and things I like and don't like about Obama.

I think the perfect President would be an Agnostic Moderate. Agnostic simply because (s)he admits that there's no evidence supporting a higher being, but also no evidence to the contrary (and also because no matter how much you want to deny, a President's religion has a huge impact on how the run the country... I think it'd be best if our president wasn't beholden to any doctrine, including Atheism). Moderate because (s)he's right in the middle and is in the best position to be truly bi-partisan, beholden neither to the left or the right, and will most likely find the best compromises for both.

And yet the way I'm treated by people leaning both ways makes me feel like a criminal just because I'm not 100% for or against Obama. It's pathetic.

What happened to America? What happened to us? Why are so divided and so fucked up that we can't even agree to disagree, anymore? The last person I told my beliefs to called me an idiot, stupid, and uneducated. "If you had any brains at all," he said, "you would support Obama one hundred percent, and criticize nothing he does because he can do no wrong. But you obviously don't understand."


When I'm just now beginning to lose faith in even Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, I know something's severely wrong.

I fear for my country, but not for the same reasons Glenn Beck does.

Edited by Nathan
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When I'm just now beginning to lose faith in even Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, I know something's severely wrong.

Dude, these guys are entertainment, why do you have faith in them to begin with??

Glenn Beck will bend whichever way gets him ratings.

Anyways my pet peeve... this isn't gonna be pretty.

To the motherfucker who is hacking into ALL of my account online, and you know who you are...

If you EVER hack into my stuff again I SWEAR I will go to your hick-ass country town and have your hard-up psycho-stalking-ass arrested. I haven't been on this site since last year but every message I received THIS year have been read, and my last log-in time was an HOUR ago. Keep your desperate fucking hands outta my shit or I'll be sure to have you locked up like I SHOULD HAVE when you were down the road. Get a fucking life and deal with being alone. You're fucking PATHETIC to have to keep hacking into my stuff like that. You think I'm kidding just try measshole! I SWEAR you're a loser psycho! LEAVE ME BE!!!

What else do I have to do to this idiot to get my point across??

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I am fuming. I have to vent.

My 17 year old son has just returned home from a shopping trip with friends. He got his probationary driver's licence about a month ago and is required to display 'P' plates on the front and back windows of his car. Unbeknown to him, the back 'P' plate had fallen down and he was pulled over by the police.

My son got out of the car and walked toward the policeman with his hand outstretched to shake it. The policeman looked down at his hand and unpleasantly said, 'no thanks'. He gave him a $100 fine for not displaying his back 'p'.

These are good kids who were out buying Mother's Day gifts! How do you bring your children up to obey and respect the law and the police when there are wankers like this around.

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he was pulled over by the police.

My son got out of the car a walked toward the policeman with his hand outstretched to shake it. The policeman looked down at his hand and unpleasantly said, 'no thanks'. He gave him a $100 fine for not displaying his back 'p'.

These are good kids who were out buying Mother's Day gifts! How do you bring your children up to obey and respect the law and the police when there are wankers like this around.

I found this out the hard way, that you cannot get out of your car when pulled over - unless the cop tells you to. He pulled out his gun, screamed at me to get back in the car, and claimed this was a rule everyone knows. I would think they'd prefer people to be out in the open, where their hands could be seen?

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