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The fact that Mothers Day is rammed down people's throats but Fathers Day is a after thought. They promote Mothers Day way more than Fathers Day. Not really fair. And the constant promotion is just plain annoying. <_<

Maybe because mothers are the ones who give birth to the children. :) Moms are also predominately (now realize, i'm not saying this is in every case) the ones who nurture the children. If that's not enough for you, how about the fact that there are way more "dead beat dads" in the world than dead beat moms. Men can "forget" they have a child and move on like it's nothing. One that note, my father is fantastic, but mom will always be more special to me.

I think in addition to Father's day we should have a DEAD BEAT DAD Day! Oh yeah, dead beat dads are a definite pet peeve!

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Okay, so we can all agree WalMart is owned and run by greedy, inhuman assholes.

But I think we're all forgetting the gist of jimmie ray's point. Please, let me highlight it.

And repeat it:

"But not one news article questioning just what the fuck is wrong with people, that this would happen over getting a good deal on a stupid TV set?"

So WalMart sucks, but none of you are disgusted with the people who ran into the store for a deal on a freakin' TV?

I think this story is less about WalMart and more about the idiocy of some human beings, namely those dumb-asses who went flooding into the store for a fucking deal. That is, quite frankly, sad and pathetic. They should be the ones being sued, not WalMart, because WalMart didn't ask thousands of people to go trampling over security and a pregnant woman for a goddamn TV set.

Thanks for getting my point, Nathan. I know there are worldwide issues with how we humans treat each other, but least that's partially rationalized with survival needs, supporting your country, and not having personal contact or understanding with those you oppose. How do you justify stomping your neighbors to death, over this? I'm sick of people blaming stores, security, or employers for acting like animals. I don't know if the men or women disappoint me more - I think it's part of being a man to act in these matters, but usually people will listen more when a woman speaks up. All I see about this incident is "victims" speaking up about compensation for the trauma they created upon themselves...

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I refuse to shop a Walmart. It's ran by a bunch of fascist retro hippies.

Fascist, yes. Retro hippies? Erm... I doubt that.

Yes, I have defended shopping at WalMart (I like saving money, okay? I'm Jewish. Us Jews are always looking for a deal. :D). Doesn't mean I like the fucks who run it.

The fact that Mothers Day is rammed down people's throats but Fathers Day is a after thought. They promote Mothers Day way more than Fathers Day. Not really fair. And the constant promotion is just plain annoying. <_<

Wait a minute... so what about all those commercials for Dad's Day BBQs, Dad and Baseball, Hallmark Father's Day cards, Home Depot and Lowe's Father's Day deals, WalMart Father's Day deals, grocery store ads for the perfect steak to BBQ on Father's Day, etc, etc, etc that start right after Mother's Day? Are those just my imagination?

Actually, I've counted the amount of Mother's Day commercials and the amount of Father's Day commercials before, and I usually see more Father's Day commercials, making Father's Day more advertised (at least where I live).

Now a more legit argument would be that Christmas is more advertised and "rammed down our throats" then Hannukkah, but I just don't care about that because I'm glad Hannukkah hasn't been so fucking commercialized.

Thanks for getting my point, Nathan. I know there are worldwide issues with how we humans treat each other, but least that's partially rationalized with survival needs, supporting your country, and not having personal contact or understanding with those you oppose. How do you justify stomping your neighbors to death, over this? I'm sick of people blaming stores, security, or employers for acting like animals. I don't know if the men or women disappoint me more - I think it's part of being a man to act in these matters, but usually people will listen more when a woman speaks up. All I see about this incident is "victims" speaking up about compensation for the trauma they created upon themselves...

No problem. And I agree completely. This particular issue is not WalMart's fault, so I think we need to stop blaming WalMart for this one.

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The fact that Mothers Day is rammed down people's throats but Fathers Day is a after thought. They promote Mothers Day way more than Fathers Day. Not really fair. And the constant promotion is just plain annoying. <_<

Is not rammed down my throat. I think your best bet is to man up and let the women and children go first my friend.

Trust me on this one, 1000 hungry mothers can chew you up and spit you out. When you can have a baby, and feel that bond only mothers and their babies share. Then and only then can you make judgment on how they don't deserve a Mothers Day. As far as I care Fathers Day is cool for another BBQ.

Let the girls and kids go first Spats ;)

Edited by Mary Hartman
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Women who wear clothes that don't fit. Now, I'm a tad fluffy so there's certain clothes I just can't wear. I'd look ridiculous and I don't like looking ridiculous. No, I can't wear belly shirts and hip huggers (well I do, but my stomach is covered) but I like to look cute anyway.

What I can't stand is larger women who dress like they're size 4s. YOU'RE NOT. It looks incredibly horrible and worse, it looks like you're delusional. You can dress your size and still be cute and hot and all that jazz.

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This man is a "fascist retro hippie"?

That appears to be Henry Fonda, buuut I will tell you I do not have my specs on. I am all for the NRA and everything which IMO is a totally different thing apart from big money greed to eat up the small business's and rob from the poor to give to the super wealthy.

That is Hank Fonda right?

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The fact that Mothers Day is rammed down people's throats but Fathers Day is a after thought. They promote Mothers Day way more than Fathers Day. Not really fair. And the constant promotion is just plain annoying. <_<

Just stop it. You're not funny anymore. <_<

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That incarnation of Joel was banned. Unfortunately, he'll be back until he grows up and gets tired of playing this stupid, childish game.

Good. I can't stand that creepy bugger.

Women who wear clothes that don't fit. Now, I'm a tad fluffy so there's certain clothes I just can't wear. I'd look ridiculous and I don't like looking ridiculous. No, I can't wear belly shirts and hip huggers (well I do, but my stomach is covered) but I like to look cute anyway.

What I can't stand is larger women who dress like they're size 4s. YOU'RE NOT. It looks incredibly horrible and worse, it looks like you're delusional. You can dress your size and still be cute and hot and all that jazz.

I hate that too. I'm not a tiny person by any means. I know what it's like to have clothes constantly not fit, but that is no excuse. If I can find cute clothes that fit I'm sure everyone else can too.

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Women who wear clothes that don't fit. Now, I'm a tad fluffy so there's certain clothes I just can't wear. I'd look ridiculous and I don't like looking ridiculous. No, I can't wear belly shirts and hip huggers (well I do, but my stomach is covered) but I like to look cute anyway.

What I can't stand is larger women who dress like they're size 4s. YOU'RE NOT. It looks incredibly horrible and worse, it looks like you're delusional. You can dress your size and still be cute and hot and all that jazz.

I was saying this a a few weeks ago. When me and some buddies have been out trying to meet women we see this all the time. Women who stuff themselves into clothes that are too small for them. Their bra straps look like they are going to snap at any moment and take off our heads. They need to accept how much they weigh and dress accordingly. Not only does it look bad, it makes them look like they are in denial or trying to hide their actual weight. Some poor guy is really going to be disappointed when she takes her clothes off because he will getting something he didn't order if you know what i mean. :rolleyes:

I even saw a woman downtown with a top that showed off her midsection and she had a pot belly. And she wasn't pregnant!! Maybe she feels so confident in herself that she does not care how it looks but it looked bad! :o

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