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Pet Peeves


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When you try to apologize and you can't.

I don't know if you can see this but Eternal Light, but I'm sorry for stepping on toes. I have tried many times to pm you with an apology but it appears that you have blocked me from doing so. That's okay, I messed up with my behavior and I am in the wrong and I know it.

lzfan715, I wish more of our fellow members were like you. :kiss:

Not with reference to anything in particular--I don't know what you're referring to there--but just your whole approach to the forum. You're a sweetie. :)

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Don't feel bad EL, kiss-ups are way too sickening.

I made clear that my comments to lzfan715 had nothing to do with EL and that I knew nothing of that topic, I just found it refreshing to see someone try to smooth the waters rather than cause trouble like so many other people have been doing lately.

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Care to explain?

(Knowing them doesn't mean particularly wanting to hang out with them--it means knowing from the moment they surface that they mean trouble. And thus preferring to be rid of them.)

What´s so confusing about it? I was just adding to your point. Maybe it was badly worded. I´ve been sick of all the accusations regarding cliques ever since they started.

Take me as an example. I´ve known a certain person (who´s known for having been banned tens of times) since I joined the old board in 2004, and I was even friends with him for quite a long time...until some incident which I´m not going to mention here. Now, if he appeared again and I spotted him, he would start accusing me of belonging to some clique, and others who do not know shit about anything he´s done would join him. That´s just a hypothetical example, but it´s been happening ever since this board was opened, and to a certain extent even before.

(Knowing them doesn't mean particularly wanting to hang out with them--it means knowing from the moment they surface that they mean trouble. And thus preferring to be rid of them.)

Well, that is exactly what I meant. My apologies again if any confusion arose.

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Websites whose main occupation is aggravating, threatening and banning people.

We're all here because Sam allows us to be. This is his house. If he wants to kick someone out, that's his right. If you don't like that, then you find some place else that doesn't ban people for breaking rules or spamming or whatever the infractions are.

If you personally don't like it here, I don't know what to tell you.

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What´s so confusing about it? I was just adding to your point. Maybe it was badly worded. I´ve been sick of all the accusations regarding cliques ever since they started.

Take me as an example. I´ve known a certain person (who´s known for having been banned tens of times) since I joined the old board in 2004, and I was even friends with him for quite a long time...until some incident which I´m not going to mention here. Now, if he appeared again and I spotted him, he would start accusing me of belonging to some clique, and others who do not know shit about anything he´s done would join him. That´s just a hypothetical example, but it´s been happening ever since this board was opened, and to a certain extent even before.

Well, that is exactly what I meant. My apologies again if any confusion arose.

OK, then we agree--I just asked because I literally wasn't sure what you meant, tone being difficult to decipher on the internet.

We think as one on this subject. :toast:

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When you express your opinion and when someone doesn't agree they still want to make you out to be the bad guy. Also they complain that you repeat yourself over and over and yet they do the same thing. :rolleyes:

Edited by Melanie_72
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When you express your opinion and when someone doesn't agree they still want to make you out to be the bad guy. Also they complain that you repeat yourself over and over and yet they do the same thing. :rolleyes:

...I was trying to recollect my thoughts to say this...you came up wiith words :thanku:

On this note, here is my situation under Pet Peeve: I learned overtime to value the following statement from someone older and wiser

"If you point a finger at someone, four are pointing at you".

This has cut-down my stress material considerably (I speak from practical experience :D )

...On that note, if anyone here does not like anything, (Including about myself) I am willing to take any constructive criticism for the better....Peace :D

...and I think internet is a barrier no matter how expert one is, opinions/thinking/personality of someone is at great risk for being interpreted otherwise, especially when reciever has already conceived imagery of the poster.... (I think this very sad)

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...I was trying to recollect my thoughts to say this...you came up wiith words :thanku:

On this note, here is my situation under Pet Peeve: I learned overtime to value the following statement from someone older and wiser

"If you point a finger at someone, four are pointing at you".

This has cut-down my stress material considerably (I speak from practical experience :D )

...On that note, if anyone here does not like anything, (Including about myself) I am willing to take any constructive criticism for the better....Peace :D

...and I think internet is a barrier no matter how expert one is, opinions/thinking/personality of someone is at great risk for being interpreted otherwise, especially when reciever has already conceived imagery of the poster.... (I think this very sad)

Thanks PlanetPage, that is some great advice! :D

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